Hive and PySpark effiency - many jobs or one job? - apache-spark

I have a question on the inner workings of Spark.
If I define a dataframe from a Hive table e.g. df1 = spark_session.table('db.table'); is that table read just once?
What I mean is, if I created 4 or 5 new dataframes from df1 and output them all to separate files, is that more efficient than running them all as different spark files?
Is this more efficient than the below diagram? Does it result in less load on Hive because we read the data once, or is that now how it works?
Than this:

If I define a dataframe from a Hive table e.g. df1 = spark_session.table('db.table'); is that table read just once?
You need to cache() the df1 = spark_session.table('db.table').cache() then spark will read the table once and caches the data when action is performed.
If you output df1 to 4 or 5 different files also spark only read the data from hive table once as we already cached the data.
Is this more efficient than the below diagram? Does it result in less load on Hive because we read the data once, or is that now how it works?
Yes in your first diagram we are keeping less load on hive as we are reading data once.
In your second diagram if we write separate spark jobs for each file that means we are reading hive table in each job.


Spark Out of memory exception in executors

My functionality is reading hive 10 table in spark and join based on some keys creating a
Dataset = joining all tables.
then applying some business logic on top of the dataset to create another output of dataset
Dataset = apply buisness logic on Daaset
then store in output Dataset in another hive table . this is completely working
we split the functionality into two by reading the 10 hive table apply the join and store the intermediate Dataset in one hive table .
the read one hive table Dataset in apply business logic and store the outout of Datasetin final hive table which leads the out of memory exception in excutors at exit code 143 in yarn
Spark configuaration are all same in both process.
would this scenario make a difference in memory of spark.
tried increasing executors memory but no use
Try increasing both spark.driver.memory, spark.executor.memory

Spark - Stream kafka to file that changes every day?

I have a kafka stream I will be processing in spark. I want to write the output of this stream to a file. However, I want to partition these files by day, so everyday it will start writing to a new file. Can something like this be done? I want this to be left running and when a new day occurs, it will switch to write to a new file.
val streamInputDf = spark.readStream.format("kafka")
.option("kafka.bootstrapservers", "XXXX")
.option("subscribe", "XXXX")
val streamSelectDf =
.option("path", "xxx")
Adding partition from spark can be done with partitionBy provided in
DataFrameWriter for non-streamed or with DataStreamWriter for
streamed data.
Below are the signatures :
public DataFrameWriter partitionBy(scala.collection.Seq
DataStreamWriter partitionBy(scala.collection.Seq colNames)
Partitions the output by the given columns on the file system.
DataStreamWriter partitionBy(String... colNames) Partitions the
output by the given columns on the file system.
Description :
partitionBy public DataStreamWriter partitionBy(String... colNames)
Partitions the output by the given columns on the file system. If
specified, the output is laid out on the file system similar to Hive's
partitioning scheme. As an example, when we partition a dataset by
year and then month, the directory layout would look like:
- year=2016/month=01/
- year=2016/month=02/
Partitioning is one of the most widely used techniques to optimize
physical data layout. It provides a coarse-grained index for skipping
unnecessary data reads when queries have predicates on the partitioned
columns. In order for partitioning to work well, the number of
distinct values in each column should typically be less than tens of
Parameters: colNames - (undocumented) Returns: (undocumented) Since:
so if you want to partition data by year and month spark will save the data to folder like:
Option 1 (Direct write):
You have mentioned parquet - you can use saving as a parquet format with:
df.write.partitionBy('year', 'month','day').format("parquet").save(path)
Option 2 (insert in to hive using same partitionBy ):
You can also insert into hive table like:
df.write.partitionBy('year', 'month', 'day').insertInto(String tableName)
Getting all hive partitions:
Spark sql is based on hive query language so you can use SHOW PARTITIONS
To get list of partitions in the specific table.
sparkSession.sql("SHOW PARTITIONS partitionedHiveParquetTable")
Conclusion :
I would suggest option 2 ... since Advantage is later you can query data based on partition (aka query on raw data to know what you have received) and underlying file can be parquet or orc.
Note :
Just make sure you have .enableHiveSupport() when you are creating session with SparkSessionBuilder and also make sure whether you have hive-conf.xml etc. configured properly.
Based on this answer spark should be able to write to a folder based on the year, month and day, which seems to be exactly what you are looking for. Have not tried it in spark streaming, but hopefully this example gets you on the right track:
df.write.partitionBy("year", "month", "day").format("parquet").save(outPath)
If not, you might be able to put in a variable filepath based on current_date()

Does Spark know the partitioning key of a DataFrame?

I want to know if Spark knows the partitioning key of the parquet file and uses this information to avoid shuffles.
Running Spark 2.0.1 running local SparkSession. I have a csv dataset that I am saving as parquet file on my disk like so:
val df0 = spark
.option("header", true)
.option("delimiter", ";")
.option("inferSchema", false)
val df = df0.repartition(partitionExprs = col("numerocarte"), numPartitions = 42)
.option("inferSchema", false)
I am creating 42 partitions by column numerocarte. This should group multiple numerocarte to same partition. I don't want to do partitionBy("numerocarte") at the write time because I don't want one partition per card. It would be millions of them.
After that in another script I read this SomeFile.parquet parquet file and do some operations on it. In particular I am running a window function on it where the partitioning is done on the same column that the parquet file was repartitioned by.
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val df2 =
.option("header", true)
.option("inferSchema", false)
val w = Window.partitionBy(col("numerocarte"))
After read I can see that the repartition worked as expected and DataFrame df2 has 42 partitions and in each of them are different cards.
Does Spark know that the dataframe df2 is partitioned by column numerocarte?
If it knows, then there will be no shuffle in the window function. True?
If it does not know, It will do a shuffle in the window function. True?
If it does not know, how do I tell Spark the data is already partitioned by the right column?
How can I check a partitioning key of DataFrame? Is there a command for this? I know how to check number of partitions but how to see partitioning key?
When I print number of partitions in a file after each step, I have 42 partitions after read and 200 partitions after withColumn which suggests that Spark repartitioned my DataFrame.
If I have two different tables repartitioned with the same column, would the join use that information?
Does Spark know that the dataframe df2 is partitioned by column numerocarte?
It does not.
If it does not know, how do I tell Spark the data is already partitioned by the right column?
You don't. Just because you save data which has been shuffled, it does not mean, that it will be loaded with the same splits.
How can I check a partitioning key of DataFrame?
There is no partitioning key once you loaded data, but you can check queryExecution for Partitioner.
In practice:
If you want to support efficient pushdowns on the key, use partitionBy method of DataFrameWriter.
If you want a limited support for join optimizations use bucketBy with metastore and persistent tables.
See How to define partitioning of DataFrame? for detailed examples.
I am answering my own question for future reference what worked.
Following suggestion of #user8371915, bucketBy works!
I am saving my DataFrame df:
.bucketBy(250, "userid")
Then when I need to load this table:
val df2 = spark.sql("SELECT * FROM myNewTable")
val w = Window.partitionBy("userid")
val df3 = df2.withColumn("newColumnName", sum(col("someColumn")).over(w)
I confirm that when I do window functions on df2 partitioned by userid there is no shuffle! Thanks #user8371915!
Some things I learned while investigating it
myNewTable looks like a normal parquet file but it is not. You could read it normally with"parquet").load("path/to/myNewTable") but the DataFrame created this way will not keep the original partitioning! You must use spark.sql select to get correctly partitioned DataFrame.
You can look inside the table with spark.sql("describe formatted myNewTable").collect.foreach(println). This will tell you what columns were used for bucketing and how many buckets there are.
Window functions and joins that take advantage of partitioning often require also sort. You can sort data in your buckets at the write time using .sortBy() and the sort will be also preserved in the hive table. df.write.bucketBy(250, "userid").sortBy("somColumnName").saveAsTable("myNewTable")
When working in local mode the table myNewTable is saved to a spark-warehouse folder in my local Scala SBT project. When saving in cluster mode with mesos via spark-submit, it is saved to hive warehouse. For me it was located in /user/hive/warehouse.
When doing spark-submit you need to add to your SparkSession two options: .config("hive.metastore.uris", "thrift://addres-to-your-master:9083") and .enableHiveSupport(). Otherwise the hive tables you created will not be visible.
If you want to save your table to specific database, do spark.sql("USE your database") before bucketing.
Update 05-02-2018
I encountered some problems with spark bucketing and creation of Hive tables. Please refer to question, replies and comments in Why is Spark saveAsTable with bucketBy creating thousands of files?

Optimized hive data aggregation using hive

I have a hive table (80 million records) with the followig schema (event_id ,country,unit_id,date) and i need to export this data to a text file as with the following requirments:
1-Rows are aggregated(combined) by event_id.
2-Aggregated rows must be sorted according to date.
For example rows with same event_id must be combined as a list of lists, ordered according to date.
What is the best performance wise solution to make this job using spark ?
Note: This is expected to be a batch job.
Performance-wise, I think the best solution is to write a spark program (scala or python) to read in the underlying files to the hive table, do your transformations, and then write the output as a file.
I've found that it's much quicker to just read the files in spark rather than querying hive through spark and pulling the result into a dataframe.

How do I increase the number of partitions when I read in a hive table in Spark

So, I am trying to read in a hive table in Spark with hiveContext.
The job basically reads data from two tables into two Dataframes which are subsequently converted to RDD's. I, then, join them based on a common key.
However, this join is failing due to a MetadataFetchFailException (What are the likely causes of org.apache.spark.shuffle.MetadataFetchFailedException: Missing an output location for shuffle?).
I want to avoid that by spreading my data over to other nodes.
Currently, even though I have 800 executors, most data is being read into 10 nodes, each of which is using > 50% of its memory.
The question, is, how do I spread the data over to more partitions during the read operation? I do not want to repartition later on.
val tableDF="tableName")
.select("colId1", "colId2")
.flatMap(sqlRow =>{
Array((colId1, colId2))
