Dialogflow Show welcome text without user action - node.js

I am trying to show welcome text when user initiates the chat i.e. without any action from user. How to achieve this?
I tried NPM dialog flow or #google-cloud/dialogflow to detect intent to trigger the intent using node.js. It is sending the query and showing the fullfillment text in console but not on updating the UI like when user interact with bot.

If you're using Actions on Google, then your welcome Intent will be called when your Action is first invoked. The user wouldn't say anything besides "talk to action name".
Using the Actions on Google test emulator, this is provided as a button.
If you're using the Dialogflow tester on the right side of Dialogflow, you need to enter one of the invocation phrases for the Welcome Intent, but these phrases aren't typically used as part of the Action itself.


How can I manage suicidal intents using actions-on-google npm package

My setup:
I'm using actions-on-google to create a custom action for google assistant, every intent is a fallback in dialogflow that is then redirected to my server where I check the intent with a custom nlp engine and then respond to it, using the actions-on-google package.
The issue:
But when an intent is suicidal, for example: "I want to kill myself", google stop the action and give a response instead of letting my custom action handle it. Is there a way to avoid this?, it also happens with certain words like "Save" in that case google stop the action and ask me if I want to save an event or whatnot.
Can I override this behavior?
You're running into a "feature" that Google calls "no-match yielding". In some cases, if you're using a Fallback Intent in Dialogflow, and the Google Assistant itself can handle the question - it will do so.
To avoid this you can use regular Intents that match the #sys.any System Entity.
However, if all you're doing for everything is sending it to your NLU, then you don't need to be using Dialogflow at all. You can just use the Actions on Google v2 to send all TEXT Intents to your NLU for processing.

Is it possible to bot to prompt user for input, with user input? [duplicate]

I am creating a chatbot in dialogflow, and I want it to prompt the user for input as soon as it load. E.g
"Hi, how may I help?"
I am able to get it to response once a user says hi, but not without that input. Any ideas?
Check out Dialogflow Events
Events allow you to invoke intents based on something that has happened instead of what a user communicates.
More specifically Welcome Event, you can start typing "Welcome" in the Events section of an intent
Common events like WELCOME events may be auto-completed to help you pick the right event.

Triggering next intent without user input in Dialogflow

I'm building my first chatbot using Dialogflow. During my chat sessions, I would like to move on from one intent to another, without having user input in between. This can be seen in this image on Imgur.
The layout of the chat so far can be seen here.
I'm supposed to move from showing the video or article directly to "allright has your car..." without any user input, but I don't seem to be able to. How do I solve this?
I've tried using in and output contexts, but that didn't seem to work.
Thanks in advance!
Events can be triggered through Dialogflow fulfillment or the
detect intent API. These events can be handled in your Dialogflow agent or in fulfillment.
Check documentation here: Dialogflow Events
This means you will need to programmatically do this

It's possible to create one-shoot app with Actions on Google?

I am completely new to the "Actions on Google" world, but following some tutorials (like this) i have already achieved good results.
My test
With Google Assistant and/or Google Home mini send my commands to a personal nodejs online server.
To do this:
i have created a new project on https://console.actions.google.com/
selected conversational option
selected create action / custom intent option
from Dialogflow i have personalized the Default Welcome Intent and created a new Intent with the Fulfillment option set to Enable webhook call for this intent
And obviously, from Dialogflow > Fulfillment, i have enabled the Webhook option (with the url of my nodejs app), and not the Inline editor.
This procedure works, when my app recognizes my custom intent, the answer is sent to my nodejs app online.
My problem
The procedure works, but i always have to do 2 steps before i can perform my action:
1) Hey Google, talk with "nameofmyapp"
2) Say the command
My goal
Execute my command directly without always having to do this 2 steps.
Absolutely! Google calls this "deep linking". With this, you'll be able to do something like
Hey Google, ask nameof myapp to command
See the documentation for details, but in short you'll
Make sure you have an Intent for the command in Dialogflow, with several possible phrases that can be used to trigger it.
These phrases should be what you'd say under "command" in the example above - you'd omit the "to" part.
Go to the Integrations section in Dialogflow, under the Google Assistant integration.
In the Implicit invocation section, select the Intent that you'd like to allow as a deep-linked Intent.
If the command takes action and then should quit, make sure either you have set this in Dialogflow or your fulfillment calls app.close();

Redirect user to the Default Welcome Intent when he says "cancel" or "exit"

I'm developing a Dialogflow application for Google Assitant. In that, if I say "Cancel" it directly calls the exit_conversation intent where I've specified actions_intent_CANCEL event. So it displays the output specified in that intent and bot exit the conversation.
Instead of exiting the Bot I need to open Default Welcome Intent. Is there any way to do that?
P.S. I'm using Python fulfillment as a backend for this bot.
In short - no, you can't do that.
You're essentially asking that, when the user tries to quit, you don't want to let them quit. From Google's and your users' point of view - that is a pretty unacceptable option.
The CANCEL event handler is fairly limited with what it can do - Google will terminate the conversation, even if you don't specify that the microphone should be closed, but you're given the opportunity to say a final message and offer a link to elsewhere.
