Triggering next intent without user input in Dialogflow - dialogflow-es

I'm building my first chatbot using Dialogflow. During my chat sessions, I would like to move on from one intent to another, without having user input in between. This can be seen in this image on Imgur.
The layout of the chat so far can be seen here.
I'm supposed to move from showing the video or article directly to "allright has your car..." without any user input, but I don't seem to be able to. How do I solve this?
I've tried using in and output contexts, but that didn't seem to work.
Thanks in advance!

Events can be triggered through Dialogflow fulfillment or the
detect intent API. These events can be handled in your Dialogflow agent or in fulfillment.
Check documentation here: Dialogflow Events
This means you will need to programmatically do this


How to encounter reply when user attaches a document/image to a chatbot(Build with dialogflow and kommunicate)?

I have tried many different methods but it is not working properly.Please any one can help me how to send a reply when user uploads any attachments in a chatbot.
To be able to achieve your objective, it is important to understand what dialogflow events are: Events allow you to invoke intents based on something that has happened instead of what a user communicates. Dialogflow supports events from several platforms (like Google Assistant, Slack, and more) based on actions users take on those platforms.
When a user attaches a file or shares location, Kommunicate sends a custom event KOMMUNICATE_MEDIA_EVENT to your bot along with the attached file information. To have an upload intent respond to the KOMMUNICATE_MEDIA_EVENT, follow these steps to create this custom event in your dialogflow bot:
How to add an event to an intent
Go to the Events section of the intent.
Type the name of the event you'd like your intent to respond to (KOMMUNICATE_MEDIA_EVENT).
Press enter.
Click SAVE.
Also remember to add your response that the bot will deliver to a user when they upload a document.
I hope this helps?

Dialogflow: following up on quick reply directly to webhook

I am building a simple quiz bot with Dialogflow.
When I detect a "start of quiz", I am able to send a Quick Reply with 3 proposals, thanks to the fulfilment on the Question intent.
However, when the user clicks on one of the proposed answers, I need to have that response back to my backend so I can check the result and finally give a score, for example.
Basically, the "response-check" intent should be automatic right after the quick reply and Dialogflow should not try to understand that response.
Is there any way to easily achieve this?
Using "events" you can directly trigger an intent. Or if you are only using Dialogflow console for training, better to have an output context say "check-answer" as an input context to your answer checking intent and use the same "check-answer" as output context to all your questions intent.

Images can be received as input in Dialogflow Chatbot?

i have a Use Case where i need to receive image as input from user in dialogflow chatbot. This images is require to send in webhook request to rest end point as fulfillment.
I couldn't find anything which resembles to my requirement and also not sure whether it is supported in dialogflow or not.
Thanks in advance!
Dialogflow cannot take an image as input and map it to an intent directly. However, what you can do is process that image and send some text to dialogflow which will trigger specific intent and then proceed to perform the desired action.
You need to have a bridge between your user agent and Dialogflow, which will handle all the text/image request. It will do all the pre-processing and then call Dialogflow.
In this way, you need to send message to the messenger user using it's API's and call dialogflow using API/SDK as well.
Hope it helps.

How to clear the session between two consecutive intents?

We are using bot trees master which uses bot graph dialog for loading graph based dialogs dynamically. We have created a scenario to load multiple intents(whose intents scores are nearly matching). Now the problem I am facing is when I request for single intent , I am getting the bot response and able to enter into next intent but when I request for multiple intents bot is giving the response and when I request for another intent , bot is giving the same response of multiple intents. When bot is entering into multiple intent handler it is not clearing the session and not coming out of that handler. I have tried using session.endConversation().
To understand about bot graph dialog:
Can somebody help on this. Thank you
the builder.IntentDialog() used in this project is no longer considered a best practice. Additionally, further support is not expected. Instead, you will want to use bot.Dialog() to create your dialog flows with a .triggerAction(). The trigger matches on phrases which you can set a score to. Unfortunately, it means you will need to recreate the bot-trees project to fit this new model.
You can find information on managing conversations here, including creating triggers.
If you need a more robust system, you can integrate LUIS into your project. Information regarding recognizing intents with LUIS can be found here.

Custom Links with Messenger Bot via Microsoft Botframework

Clicking will take you to a bot and continue the conversation, if there was no conversation it'll begin it's 'firstRun' sequence.
Is it possible to create links that will execute a specific dialog and pass in data? It should ignore previous dialog state/stack and start a new stack with the specified data as argument to that dialog.
This is not possible. The url is used to identify the user/bot in messenger. The bot doesn't see the url so it can't read from it.
I would suggest taking a different approach. You could let the user pass in the code instead of adding it to the url.
There is a new functionality in Messenger platform that allows you to send specific messages to a bot:
I haven't tested it yet, but it may help you.
