Is it possible to bot to prompt user for input, with user input? [duplicate] - dialogflow-es

I am creating a chatbot in dialogflow, and I want it to prompt the user for input as soon as it load. E.g
"Hi, how may I help?"
I am able to get it to response once a user says hi, but not without that input. Any ideas?

Check out Dialogflow Events
Events allow you to invoke intents based on something that has happened instead of what a user communicates.
More specifically Welcome Event, you can start typing "Welcome" in the Events section of an intent
Common events like WELCOME events may be auto-completed to help you pick the right event.


Dialogflow Show welcome text without user action

I am trying to show welcome text when user initiates the chat i.e. without any action from user. How to achieve this?
I tried NPM dialog flow or #google-cloud/dialogflow to detect intent to trigger the intent using node.js. It is sending the query and showing the fullfillment text in console but not on updating the UI like when user interact with bot.
If you're using Actions on Google, then your welcome Intent will be called when your Action is first invoked. The user wouldn't say anything besides "talk to action name".
Using the Actions on Google test emulator, this is provided as a button.
If you're using the Dialogflow tester on the right side of Dialogflow, you need to enter one of the invocation phrases for the Welcome Intent, but these phrases aren't typically used as part of the Action itself.

Redirect user to the Default Welcome Intent when he says "cancel" or "exit"

I'm developing a Dialogflow application for Google Assitant. In that, if I say "Cancel" it directly calls the exit_conversation intent where I've specified actions_intent_CANCEL event. So it displays the output specified in that intent and bot exit the conversation.
Instead of exiting the Bot I need to open Default Welcome Intent. Is there any way to do that?
P.S. I'm using Python fulfillment as a backend for this bot.
In short - no, you can't do that.
You're essentially asking that, when the user tries to quit, you don't want to let them quit. From Google's and your users' point of view - that is a pretty unacceptable option.
The CANCEL event handler is fairly limited with what it can do - Google will terminate the conversation, even if you don't specify that the microphone should be closed, but you're given the opportunity to say a final message and offer a link to elsewhere.

Manage Timeout with actionon Google and DialogFlow

I'm tryng to create a Chat Bot using DialogFlow with webHooks and Actions on Google.
I need to manage a timeout i.e when the end user did not use the Chat Bot for a configured amount of time, i need to exit from conversation without user interaction, same result as described here but without any input.
I cannot find info about this automatic triggered action any hint?
Is this possible?
The conversation-exits you are referring is for exiting the Conversation when the user says Cancel, Exit, Stop etc.
To handle No User Interaction, you could do the following:
Create a new Intent and set event = "actions_intent_NO_INPUT"
In the webhook, if this intent is triggered, set the rePrompt count flag and ask for user input.
If the count reaches 2-3 (as desired), end the conversation by using conv.close()
Check out the following page on RePrompts and No Inputs and Best Practices.

Can I show the quick replies everytime the user opens his messenger chat?

I want to show the quick replies in messenger bot every time they open the conversation. Is it possible?
I think you can invoke an event to get your task done. event are used to invoke intents by an event name instead of a user query. you can define the event name in the intent and call to trigger that event from your back-end implementation. please check this for more information.
also if you are creating a custom UI(won't work in your case) for the chat basically you can hard code whatever the reply you want as the first message. then it will appear always when the user open the conversation.

How to show a greeting message when BOT starts / dialogflow in App

I am creating a BOT in Dialogflow on Android.
I want to show a greeting message every time user launches the app.
How to achieve this ?
You just need to mention in the default welcome intent or add an event for that particular intent. If you're using Dialogflow with kommunicate then to show different welcome messages on different pages of your website. Please refer to this doc for info.
You can create a welcome event and when user first time opens the chatbot you have to send just event name in parameter there is no need for the query parameter.
There is provision to do so in The event is a feature that allows you to invoke intents by an event name instead of a user query. You just need to define event names for intents. Then, you can trigger these intents by sending a /query request containing an event parameter. Please read the document here:
