Is it possible to save data from user inputs in Spotfire? I mean, could I ask an user to provide an evaluation of a given report? Or could I save some other information like webbrowser, OS etc. in any way in the server?
You can use python script to append data to data table in spotfire.
Using copy and paste create a table in spotfire (with no values just headers) say two columns Rank and Comment. Then create a two document properties one for each column.
Add a button to run a append script to take your two document properties and append to your data table.
the python script would look like :
from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import AddRowsSettings
from System.IO import StreamWriter, MemoryStream, SeekOrigin
from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import DataType, DataTableSaveSettings
from Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Import import TextFileDataSource, TextDataReaderSettings
x = Document.Properties['Rank']
y =Document.Properties['Comment']
#Create some data with columns that match an existing table to which new rows need to be added.
textData = "Rank,Comment,\r\n"+x+","+y+"\r\n"
#Using a Memory Stream as a placeholder to write the columns to which can then be used to make a data source
stream = MemoryStream()
writer = StreamWriter(stream)
stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin)
#Settings to tell the system the data types being imported.Here it is defined as a comma separated list of column index and their data types
readerSettings = TextDataReaderSettings()
readerSettings.Separator = ","
readerSettings.SetDataType(0, DataType.String)
readerSettings.SetDataType(1, DataType.String)
textDataSource = TextFileDataSource(stream,readerSettings)
#Use settings here to automatically have the system match column names between the data table and the memory data source created above.
settings = AddRowsSettings(Document.ActiveDataTableReference,textDataSource)
#Add the rows from the datasource.
I'm trying to auto-populate a tkinter table with the names of folders in a directory and details about their properties
grpdata_name = listdir(r"PATH")
grpdata_path = r"PATH\{}".format(grpdata_name[0])
grpdata_groupcount = -1
for x in grpdata_name :
grpdata_groupcount = grpdata_groupcount +1
grpdata_groupcurrent = 'grpdata_name{}{}{}'.format('[',grpdata_groupcount,']')
values=('ID',grpdata_groupcurrent,'TIME CREATED','TIME MODIFIED','DEVICES'))
My current method is to change the selected element in a string. This creates a working cycle through each part of the string ( grpdata_name[0] , grpdata_name[1] etc)
I can't figure out how to use the contents of grpdata_groupcurrent as a variable, rather than a string.
This method isn't very efficient overall, so please let me know if there is a better way to do this.
I have a database from which data is coming into a QTableWidget. The table in the database has the following Columns,
ID (Primary key, auto-increment value)
The QTableWidget has the following columns (that I have added)
ID (this column, I have hidden. and it contains the value of "ID" column from the Database Table)
Sr # (Represents the Row Number of the table)
Name (Contains "name" from the database table)
Location (Contains "Location from the database table)
Actions (Contains a Delete Button for that Row)
By hidden, I mean to say that I have made this column hidden using the folliwng command,
self.ui.table.setColumnHidden(0, True);
This is how I am populating my QTableWidget and creating a Delete Function,
def get_data(self):
mycursor = self.DB.cursor()
Subquery = "select id, name, location "
Subquery += " from tbl_person"
numcols = len(mycursor.fetchall()[0])
numrows = len(mycursor.fetchall())
tablerow = 0
for row in mycursor.fetchall():
layout = QHBoxLayout()
layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
delete_button = QPushButton("Delete Data")
# delete_button.setStyleSheet(delete_push_button) -> Only for styling
self.ui.table.setItem(tablerow, 0, PySide2.QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(str(row[0])))
self.ui.table.setItem(tablerow, 1, PySide2.QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(str(tablerow+1)))
self.ui.table.setItem(tablerow, 2, PySide2.QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(str(row[1])))
self.ui.table.setItem(tablerow, 3, PySide2.QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(str(row[2])))
self.ui.table.setCellWidget(tablerow, 4, delete_button)
tablerow += 1
self.ui.table.setColumnHidden(0, True)
def executeDeleteFunction(self):
self.person_id = self.ui.table.selectionModel().selectedIndexes()[0]
self.person_id = self.person_id.row()
mycursor = self.DB.cursor()
sql = "delete from tbl_person where id = %s"
val = (id, )
mycursor.execute(sql, val)
print("Deletion Successful")
On the Deletion Function, what this code does is basically gets the value of the **Sr # ** Column from the QTableWidget and deletes the data according to that, i.e. it is getting me the value from the visible first column and not the actual first column. But, I want the data from the "ID" column of the QTableWidget which is hidden
I tried to look up on how to get the value from the first hidden column on the QTableWidget and ended up with this link: How to get data from hidden 'id' column in QtableWidget
This apparently solves my issue but I can not seem to make it work for my code. I don't want to retrieve values of multiple Rows but only of one row so how do I do this (as I am only deleting one row. But in the question mentioned, I believe that it is getting data from multiple rows due to that for each loop)?
Moreover, I tried to find help regarding the functionality of sibling function (which is provided in the answer of above question) however I could not find any good resource on this function (i.e. how to use this, or some practical example and etc.)
I tried the following with Sibling function to obtain the value of first hidden column of the Selected Row but it did not work,
self.value = self.table.selectedItems()[0]
self.value = sibling(self.value.row(), 0)
There are some conceptual problems with the given code.
First of all, the QtSql module should be preferred instead of artificially creating a model. For basic tables, QSqlTableModel is fine enough, while for custom queries, QSqlQueryModel is a good choice.
Now the problem is that UI-based selection is always based on visible items: if you select a row in a view that has hidden columns, you will not get the hidden indexes that belong to those columns.
In order to get the indexes (as in QModelIndex) of hidden columns on a table widget, the only way is the same for a table view: you need to access the model and get the index for the row, or you get the actual model index and then get the sibling (which is conceptually the same, as the underlying function does):
item = self.table.selectedItems()[0]
index = self.table.indexForItem(index)
firstRowIndex = index.sibling(index.row(), 0)
sqlIndex = # might be a string
Note that you can also use siblingAtColumn():
firstRowIndex = index.siblingAtColumn(0)
That's because when you create QTableWidget items, you're actually creating a new model, and the row for that model doesn't reflect the actual "row" of that index in the source model; items in the second row will return 1 for row(), even if their actual row is different, and that's because that item has been added as second to the table widget, since it's the second item in the query.
So, the solution is that you either get the incremental row value for the first column index sibling, or you use one of the predefined Sql models.
For simple models, the latter solution is fine enough, but if you need more complex models, the first is certainly more accurate and reliable.
NIFTY option chain for expiry: 01-Oct-2020
The image above sums up the problem I am facing. The json file fetched has NO data at 13050 strike on the CE side. I am ok with not having data but I want to still see that strike in strike column with a blank row or 0 values for it on the respective side. JSON file has data for ALL the expiry dates possible.
JSON data file if needed:
The sample code (which won't work for you guys goes something like this:)
r = session.get(url, headers = url_headers).json()
with open('oidata.json', 'w') as files:
files.write(json.dumps(r, indent = 4, sort_keys= True ))# writing data in json file jsut for for reference
expiry_dates = r['records']['expiryDates']
# storing ONLY the data for given expiry
#Assume that we have at least one of the values for user or default expiry
if user_expiry in expiry_dates:
print('Using user Expiry: ', user_expiry)
ce_values = [items['CE'] for items in r['records']['data'] if 'CE' in items and user_expiry in items['CE']['expiryDate']]
pe_values = [items['PE'] for items in r['records']['data'] if 'PE' in items and user_expiry in items['PE']['expiryDate']]
print('Using Default Expiry: ', default_expiry)
ce_values = [items['CE'] for items in r['records']['data'] if 'CE' in items and default_expiry in items['CE']['expiryDate']]
pe_values = [items['PE'] for items in r['records']['data'] if 'PE' in items and default_expiry in items['PE']['expiryDate']]
So, how do I add the blank row for missing data and align my strikes for both CE and PE, so that I can only have 1 STRIKE column???
Assuming that you make ce_values and pe_values into two dataframes, you can merge the two dataframe on strikePrice as follows
df=ce.merge(pe,on='strikePrice', how='outer', suffixes=["_ce","_pe"])
This will align both the dataframe on 'strikePrice' with an empty row where a ce or pe value is missing.
Let me know if this is what you are expecting.
I want to write multiple unstructured grids in one .vtu file.
I tried below. MakeHexagonalPrism() and MakeHexahedron() return vtkSmartPointer type.
The result is there was only one unstructured grid in the output file.
vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter> writer =
I also tried below. The type of cellArray1 and cellArray2 is vtkSmartPointer. The result is there was only one type of unstructured grid in the output file.
vtkSmartPointer<vtkUnstructuredGrid> unstructuredGrid =
unstructuredGrid->SetCells(VTK_TETRA, cellArray1);
unstructuredGrid->SetCells(VTK_WEDGE, cellArray2);
I do not know how to write multiple unstructured grids in one .vtu file.
I'd be grateful for any hints.
Quoting from the documentation for vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter available here
One unstructured grid input can be written into one file in any number
of streamed pieces (if supported by the rest of the pipeline).
So I think it is not possible to write multiple unstructured grid datasets to one file using this writer class.
Do you want multiple types of cells inside the same unstructured grid (which can be written to a single .vtu file) rather than multiple unstructured grids in the same .vtu file? If yes, you must first combine the two cell arrays into a single cell array and also create a int array which contains type of each cell in the total cell array. For example,
// Create a Type vector to store cell types
std::vector<int> types;
// Create a new cell array composed of cellArray1 and cellArray2
vtkSmartPointer<vtkCellArray> allCells =
// Traverse cellArray1 and add it's cells to allCells
vtkSmartPointer<vtkIdList> nextCell =
while( cellArray1->GetNextCell( nextCell ) ){
allCells->InsertNextCell( nextCell );
types.push_back( VTK_TETRA );
// Traverse cellArray2 and add it's cells to allCells
while( cellArray2->GetNextCell( nextCell ) ){
allCells->InsertNextCell( nextCell );
types.push_back( VTK_WEDGE );
//Finally, set allCells to unstructuredGrid
unstructuredGrid->SetCells( &(types[0]), allCells );
Now when you write this unstructured grid to a .vtu file, I think you should have both wedge type and tetra type of cells in one file.
As described by the documentation, the vtkUnstructuredGrid class is very versatile.
dataset represents arbitrary combinations of all possible cell types
You could use the vtkAppendFilter in order to append different data sets into one then write the output as a vtkUnstructuredGrid result in a .vtu file.
// create the append filter
vtkSmartPointer<vtkAppendFilter> append =
// add each data set
// write the result
vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter> writer =
EDIT: I added the missing Update() function call as suggested by Amit Singh
As of #Gruillaume Faveiler's suggestion, using "vtkAppendFilter", the attributes would be filtered under the rule that: only those attribute existing in all inserted unstructuredGrid can be kept in the saved data (e.g., ug1 and ug2 are two appended unstructuredGrid, attribute "hight" exists in the pointData of both ug1 and ug2, then "hight" will be still in append->GetOutPut() which is also an unstructuredGrid, otherwise not)
In most cases when you have some attributes not in common for all inserted unstructuredGrid (in paraview, they call them "partial" attributes), which will be erased by vtkAppendFilter.
Better way for these cases is to use vtkMultiBlockDataSet in companion with vtkXMLMultiBlockDataWriter. One vtu file will be there for each UnstructedGrid, and a vtm file (containing no data) will be created to collect all vtu files into a structure. borrowing the example from #Guillaume Favelier, there will be:
vtkSmartPointer<vtkMultiBlockDataSet> multiBlockDataSet = vtkSmartPointer<vtkMultiBlockDataSet>::New();
// add each data set
vtkSmartPointer<vtkUnstructuredGrid> ug1 = MakeHexagonalPrism();
vtkSmartPointer<vtkUnstructuredGrid> ug2 = MakeHexahedron();
multiBlockDataSet->SetBlock(0, ug1);
multiBlockDataSet->SetBlock(1, ug2);
// write the result
vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLMultiBlockDataWriter> writer = vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLMultiBlockDataWriter>::New();
I'm trying to make a table of values inside hubot and he pass it's values to but i just know a way: robot.brain.get("blablabla").
This will get a string from redis-brain and i need some kind of table.
How I'll use it:
At first call of this function, hubot will load the full database to the memory, then, if there's
robot.catchAll (msg) ->
if not quiet
text = msg.message.text
if not loaded_brain
ector_brain = robot.brain.get('ector_brain') #need to be some type of table - In mysql should be like a select
ector.addEntry ector_brain
loaded_brain = true
ector.addEntry text
ector_brain = ector_brain+text #this line should insert the value of text inside ector_brain table. -- In mysql shoud be like an insert into
ector.linkNodesToLastSentence previousResponseNodes
response = ector.generateResponse()
previousResponseNodes = response.nodes
msg.reply response.sentence
So, how do I create a table in redis from hubot?
robot.brain.get and robot.brain.set operates with JSON objects, not only strings. Just place an object with your data structure of choice in the brain and get it back when necessary.