I'm using the Catel demo and trying to single step through the Catel code in it. According to this, I should be able to do so, but it doesn't work for me. As instructed, I've selected the option to Enable source server support.
If I try to single step code such as the following, it steps through the constructor for PersonViewModel, which is in the demo, but not through the Catel code.
var personViewModel = typeFactory.CreateInstanceWithParametersAndAutoCompletion<PersonViewModel>(person);
I updated the Catel.Core and Catel.MVVM to v5.12.4 to the latest version and likewise associated packages. I'm using .NET Framework 4.8.
What am I missing?
It looks like you have enabled Source Link support, which is correct. Other things that might cause this not to work are:
Make sure just my code is disabled (it's enabled in your settings, Catel code isn't your code for a debugger instance)
Make sure that, under the symbols tab, you have selected a directory
I've been trying to use the Atto plugin template (https://github.com/justinhunt/moodle-atto_newtemplate) to try and create my own Atto plugin. I've made the changes outlined in the README, and got shifter to run via npm. It appears to generate the build folder that matches the other plugins.
I'm able to see the plugin in configuration, and it's showing up in the Atto Toolbar Settings, but, when I pop open a text editor, I don't get an icon, and the console logs moodle-editor_atto-editor: Plugin 'testplugin' could not be found - skipping initialisation
I've found a few references in the docs that shifter is no longer used, and grunt is the new way to go, but I can't find any actual docs on this, and no gruntfile seems to exist anywhere.
Has anyone come across this before? What am I missing?
You will need to run shifter on your YUI code for it to work - the usual way of doing that, for Moodle 2.9 and above is to use grunt - see https://docs.moodle.org/dev/Grunt for more details.
Not sure if this was ever resolved. The template is really helpful and it also comes with lib, db, and version PHP scripts. The string that you use as the plugin name has to be consistent throughout these scripts, as well as in your JS file. By default, it is set to atto_NEWTEMPLATE. Did you perhaps change this string to atto_testplugin in one place but not in all the others?
I am having issue with value picker of extension library. When i use java file exitlib/pickers/SimplePicker.java system shows following errors.
i) SampleDataUtil cannot be resolved
ii) The import exitlib.SampleDataUtil cannot be resolved
I have gone through a thread on internet that in application properties advanced tab i have to check following 2 options
but these options are not available to me. Can anybody guide me where I am having issue in implementing extension library.
Thanks in advance
It sounds like things are possibly not installed correctly....
Try tell http osgi ss com.ibm.xsp.extlibx on the server console to see if it is resolved.
If not, the installation hasn't worked correctly on the server.
Another option is you haven't installed in designer?
The below is a good reference for installing on both server and client
All, I am trying to using third party NodeJS SDK in Titanium Studio. However, I consistently encounter dependency issues, such as util.js, utils.js, ms.js, events.js etc. I tried to add the missing module manually, but it looks like it will become un-tractable as there are so many dependencies.
My questions are :
1. Is that possible to use NodeJS based SDK in Titanium Studio .
2. If so, what is the right approach to include the dependencies.
Thanks a lot!
Titanium can't get Coffee scripts to work natively (assuming you want to deploy the TitaniumWrapper.coffee). A possible solution you may want to try is hooking a plugin http://billdawson.com/titanium_coffee_script/ in order to pre-compile Coffee scripts.
You can also try to embed everything using a Tiwebview that wraps HTML to load mojio-js.js but you would still need to observe events mojio client (like replacing keys, login an user and create a few model instances).
Hope you find the info useful and can serve for further research.
I am experimenting with ServiceStack's JSON engine. I grabbed the MonoTouch binary build, v2.20. Works fine from simulator, but from the iOS device (iPad2, iOS5) I get an exception thrown by the type initializer for JsonWriter (and not much other than that). I am using MonoTouch 5, MonoDevelop 2.8.1, and targeting iOS 5. I have disabled library linking because I am getting an error when enabled.
I created a sample and uploaded to https://github.com/t9mike/ServiceStack-JSON1.
I'm trying to determine whether the issue is my compilation options, Service Stack, or MonoTouch. Thanks in advance.
A quick partial answer that might help:
I have disabled library linking because I am getting an error when enabled.
The current (5.0) managed linker can eliminate some unused (from a static analysis point of view) code from your application. This generally occurs when using Link all option, i.e. where user code gets processed by the linker.
One alternative is using the Link SDK assemblies only that won't touch the user code (only the code shipped with MonoTouch itself will be processed by the linker).
Another alternative is adding [Preserve] attributes on your code to ensure the serializer requirements are still met after the linker has processed your code. More information about the linker and [Preserve] attributes can be found here.
The next (5.2) release of MonoTouch will include a bit more sophisticated step in the linker to ensure the basic XML serialization and DataContract requirements are not broken. Not sure if this will solve this specific case (ServiceStack JSON) but I'll have a look into it.
As for the rest of your question I'll try to build this myself and duplicate your issue.
I ended up grabbing the ServiceStack.Text sources from GitHub, version 3.0.3. I created a new MonoTouch library project. I had to tweak ServiceStack.Text/JsConfig.cs slightly to conditionalize away the System.Drawing.Color bits. I'll send a patch and MT csproj to the authors.
After using this new assembly, my sample MT app ran fine on the device. I have updated my sample at https://github.com/t9mike/ServiceStack-JSON1 with the new ServiceStack.Text dll.
I have been trying to get Moq (or rather Castle.Core) to create proxies for my internal types.
The following (when added to my project under test), allows things to work:
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("DynamicProxyGenAssembly2")]
However this (more secure version) does not:
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("DynamicProxyGenAssembly2, PublicKey=002400000480000094000000060200000024000052534131000400000100010077f5e87030dadccce6902c6adab7a987bd69cb5819991531f560785eacfc89b6fcddf6bb2a00743a7194e454c0273447fc6eec36474ba8e5a3823147d214298e4f9a631b1afee1a51ffeae4672d498f14b000e3d321453cdd8ac064de7e1cf4d222b7e81f54d4fd46725370d702a05b48738cc29d09228f1aa722ae1a9ca02fb")]
Note: the public key here differs to that documented here, I re-checked the public key of the Castle.Core.dll that ships with the current Nuget version of Moq.
Do I still have the wrong key?
I have noticed the full Moq download from the official site (rather than Nuget) contains a NET40-RequiresCastle folder with a smaller dll, which implies that the Castle.Core code has been included in the default Moq.dll I guess.
I was looking at the Castle.Core.dll they provide for Silverlight and assuming they'd have used the same version throughout?
I know this is old, but for anyone who stumbles across this, I was having a versioning issue with Pex and Moq at one point, and wound up finding the most direct and useful approach to be the Strong Name Tool. That is, I found opened a Visual Studio command prompt and used "sn -Tp ThirdPartyAssembly.dll" to query it for the key directly. This proved a lot more efficient than perusing the internet looking for different, documented public keys to try out.