Docusign: IP addresses for DocuSign REST API service - docusignapi

I'm looking for the range of IP addresses for the Docusign REST API service. I manage an app that uses the REST API and in the past few days we have gotten responses from IPs that were not in the ranges that we got from docusign when this was implemented a few years ago.
I couldn't easily find this on the docusign site, although I found a few outdated links.
Is there a good resource for this information or is there an updated methodology for security that we should implement?

The information is in the bottom of this page -
I'm sorry you found an outdated page.
I rather not write IP addresses here as they can change, better to check the link above.


Watermark Removal from Docusign "Copyview" Watermark

Question??? My company is using docusign for esignatures and we have run into a situation were we need to have the signed copies of the documents without the copy view watermark on them. To remove them we have turned to a site called eoriginal which will clean up the docs and remove the cope view watermark, however we are continuing to have numerous issues with this service. So I am attempting to find an alternative solution, any feedback or suggestions are much appreciated.
Not knowing what your issues are, I'm not sure I can help, but have you looked at our dev center article about how to export authoritative copy using the DocuSign eSignature SOAP API? It covers this topic in details and explains that you can do this given the following prerequisits:
You must use the SOAP API
Your account must have access to the
Authoritative Copy feature. Contact DocuSign Customer Support and ask
that your API user be granted permission to export Authoritative
If you want to select which envelopes will record an
Authoritative Copy, add "authoritativeCopy": "true" to the envelope
definition in your API call.
If you want all envelopes to use
Authoritative Copy, ask DocuSign Customer Support to set the "Auto
Authoritative Copy:" to Enabled on your account.
Finally, it's important to note this is a one-time action, and once it is done - you can never do it again (for a given envelope).

Can't find Docusign Connector function anywhere

I can't find the Docusign Connector thing anywhere; what little info I could find in writing seemed to state it could be found under Admin, but not where. Please don't refer me to a video unless it's only about what I'm asking; it's an accessibility issue for me.
I'm trying to get a google doc signed by someone; apparently I either need to set up the Connector thing or convert to a pdf? I'm very confused by the videos in lieu of an actual how-to with links and words and stuff.
You need DocuSign for Google Drive.
That would enable you to sign a Google Doc directly.
DocuSign has an off the shelf product for using DocuSign from Google Office apps.
DocuSign also has the Connect feature which provides webhook notifications to your API program when various events occur with your DocuSign envelopes. For example, you can ask to have your software program notified when envelopes are completed (completely signed and finalized). To use DocuSign Connect, goto the eSignature Administration tool and look for Connect in the Integrations section of the righthand navigation column.
Some DocuSign account plans don't include the Connect feature, so it isn't always there. Talk to DocuSign sales if need be. Remember that the Connect webhook system is for developers.

How to post on Instagram via E-Mail?

I'm just wondering if there is some service out there, where I can send an e-mail to with an image attached and that service posts this image to my Instagram account?
If you check out the API endpoints you can see that they are quite limited. Facebook made changes to Instagram's API last summer which did away with lots of features; having an endpoint for posting may have been one of them. Either way, it is no longer around, and seeing as Facebook does not want to encourage using their services outside of their own sites and apps, it is unlikely you'd be able to find the service you are looking for.

BlueSnap omnipay integration

Did anyone used or know where can I find Bluesnap omnipay gateway?
I'm working on OctoberCMS site using JIRI shop plugin.
Last integration made possible to use omnipay gateways, but bluesnap (i'm about to use) is missing. Wondering if anyone already made it.
On this page is the canonical list of integrations for Omnipay:
There are approximately 100 integrations there but sadly Bluesnap is not one of them. If you contribute the gateway code then we can list it on the Omnipay page.
According to the API docs on the Bluesnap website it is a REST API that takes either SXML blobs as input. It should not be too hard to code such a gateway based on one of the existing REST gateways, e.g. Stripe, the only complexity being the generation of the HTML.
I've just created an Omnipay driver for BlueSnap. At this time, it's mostly intended for the BlueSnap Hosted Checkout product, but you could expand it for the rest of the API:

Count sent emails per day in a google managed domain

I have a requirement where I have to count all sent email by users belonging to a domain that they manage with google. All email is of course managed with gmail.
Although this task initialy seemed trivial, there doesn't seem to be a way to do this directly, meaning through some API call.
Any ideas?
As far as I know the Gmail API doesn't offer access to the total of send items.
Tthe g4j project (written in Java) reverse engineered Gmail's protocol in order to access an account using HTTP calls. However, the solution is fragile since it could be easily broken whenever Gmail decides to change its HTTP protocol.
Screenshot of a Java application build on top of g4j:
It's not easy but there is a way to access a gmail account.
