Call NetSuite native calculate shipping button by script? - netsuite

I am Using User event aftersubmit on Sales order to add/update line item. As soon as line item updated shipping cost should recalculate. I am using real time shipping method and cost.
Now If I change item manually, I need to click ‘calculate’ button under Shipping tab, which calculate and update shipping cost. But when I add/update line item using user event, it became ZERO.
Is there any way to calculate shipping cost by script? Is there any way to run functionality of native ‘calculate’ shipping cost button by script?

For your case i.e User event, we need a dynamic record to do this, so load a dynamic Sales Order record, using id from the Standard record in User Event context:-
var drSalesOrder = record.load({type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER, id: salesOrderId, isDynamic: true});
Then doing the following operations in this order(will calculate and set the shipping cost on the order):-
drSalesOrder.setValue({fieldId: 'shipcarrier', value: 'nonups'});
drSalesOrder.setValue({fieldId: 'shipmethod', value: SHIP_ITEMS.FedEx_Ground}); // your shipmethod id here
drSalesOrder.setValue({fieldId: 'shippingcostoverridden', value: true});{ignoreMandatoryFields: true, enableSourcing: true});

Not natively. We do the calculation by overriding the page element on pageInit, and adding other operations before running the native NS API call.

I know this question is old but on my case I cant get these answers to work (although its the same what is in SuiteAnswer), and I was stuck for some hours trying to retrigger the computation of shipping cost.
What I did is to call the calculateRates() Netsuite's function on saveRecord function in client script. I am lucky the client does not require this in the server. Although its not the correct way but its more okay than not working :)
const saveRecord = (context) => { Shipping.calculateRates(); return true; }
Hope this helps. Thank you!


WooCommerce Subscriptions: how to determine the last correctly paid order for a given subscription

Is there any already-programmed method to get the last correctly-paid order for a given subscription?
$subscription->get_last_order() will return the last associated order, no matter if that order involved a correct-payment or not.
$subscription->get_related_orders() will return the whole list of orders, and the list can include pending-payment or failed orders.
I think if you wrap / trigger $subscription->get_last_order() with the woocommerce_subscription_payment_complete action ( you would essentially achieve that objective. That hook fires both for initial subscription orders and renewal orders and will ensure the $last_order is paid for. Something like this:
add_action( 'woocommerce_subscription_payment_complete', 'set_last_order' );
function set_last_order( $subscription ) {
$last_order = $subscription->get_last_order( 'all', 'any' );
// If you want to be able to reference that $last_order at any time
// then you could just save/update that order ID to post meta so
// that you can grab it any time outside of the action.
I know that seems a little clunky, but it's the best way I can think of. The only other option that comes to mind would be to loop through $subscription->get_related_orders() checking is_paid() from high IDs to low IDs and grabbing the first one from there.

How to use the function transaction.retrieve() to get receipt data?

I am developing a transaction workflow capsule, and I use the function transaction.retrieve() to get order data from the platform. But it returns only part of the order data.
MyReceipt is a structure stored the order informations, it is defined like this:
structure (MyReceipt) {
description (order info)
// properties
features { activity}
And it is built as a output concept of Commit Action, like this
action (CommitRequest) {
type (Commit)
description ()
collect {
// MyRequest
output (MyReceipt)
I try to get data like this
It is supposed to return all the MyReceipt Data. But it return only part of the Receipt data.Is it right to get all the orders? Or is there other ways to get all the receipt data?
And I have found the sample code use it just like this to get the last Receipt data
transaction.retrieve("bixby.MyCapsule.MyReceipt", "ALL", 1)
but it doesn't explain what these two parameter "ALL" and 1 represent for. And I want to get more details about the usage of this function.
Could you plz tell me how to use the function transaction.retrieve() or other function to get all the Receipt historical data, and How can I check out the transaction data for someone when I try to find the cause of the issue.
Copy the answer from dogethis. (Thanks, man! You do the hard work, I took credit)
We have the DOC ready online here
Basically, ALL is the default to get all state of transaction data, and 1 means only one record. The API page was not there before, so thanks for let us know.
I think it's the 1 cause you not get all record, but it does has a limit 20...
Have fun with Bixby!

Is there an automated method for forcing an open/save in Netsuite

Is there an automated method for forcing an open/save on a Netsuite sales order. This will trigger an update on the value available to ship.
There are lots of options to do this assuming you already have the script and logic for updating the whatever you want to update.
You can have a scheduled script that will run and simply load your order and submit it or have a user event script deployed on a transaction related to the order or items in the order.
SuiteScript 1.0
var record = nlapiLoadRecord('salesorder', idSo);
var idRecord = nlapiSubmitRecord(record)
SuiteScript 2.0
var objRecord = record.load({
type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
id: idSo });
var recordId =;
With the codes above you can simply add your logic and you are good to go.

Netsuite bug when creating customerdeposit record

Im trying to create a customer deposit record in Netsuite using suitescript 1.0.
The original code I had in place which had been working perfectly up until the 2016.2 release broke it.
The update broke it, in that it would override the value submitted in the payment field and instantly make it the full amount of the sales order from the sales order ID. Which is not what we need it to do.
Original Code
function createDeposit(request,response)
var record = nlapiCreateRecord('customerdeposit');
record.setFieldValue('memo','this is a test');
deposit = nlapiSubmitRecord(record,true,false);
After a reply on the Netsuite user group prompted me to use the {recordmode:'dynamic'} attributes I am getting a strange error..
Test Replacement Function which doesnt work
function createDeposit(request,response)
var record = nlapiCreateRecord('customerdeposit',{recordmode:'dynamic'});
record.setFieldValue('memo','this is a test');
deposit = nlapiSubmitRecord(record,true,false);
The error message Im getting now is
Invalid salesorder reference key 1260 for customer .
The thing I dont get is how it is now considered NULL, when the value is hardcoded into this test script after I apply the {recordmode:'dynamic'} value.
Ive tried a wide variety of things, but as I dont have Netsuite support, its proving to be something I simply cant figure out.
Any hints, suggestions would be greatly appreciated as Ive been on this for several days
When you use dynamic the order you set fields makes a difference. So when you set the sales order prior to setting the customer you are actually getting the error message "Invalid salesorder reference key 1260 for customer blank"
What I do is create the customer deposit like:
var depRec = nlapiCreateRecord('customerdeposit', {entity:soRec.getFieldValue('entity'), salesorder:soId});
also setting the undeposited funds flag seems to be required (but not always for some reason) so since you are supplying an account id also do this:
depRec.setFieldValue('undepfunds', 'F');

Updating the Shipping Carrier on a Netsuite Customer Record

Just as a test to see if it worked on one record I created the following mass update script and it doesn't seem to be updating the record I am telling it to but I get no errors. What am I doing wrong?
function shipCarrier(rec_type) {
var recid=11952;
var cust=nlapiLoadRecord(rec_type, recid);
When I change your code to use cust.setFieldText() rather than cust.setFieldValue(), it works for me as a mass update script.
setFieldValue() is looking for the integer ID of the UPS item rather than the text.
