How to get a value from inside Anko's async? (KotlIn) - android-studio

I have a function which uses Anko's async in order to call Google's Distance API and get the distance from one location to another. unfortunately i don't know how to get the data from inside the async and pass it to another function. the code looks something like this
fun getDistance(location1:LatLng,location2:LatLng){
val result = URL(url).readtext()
//distance value
I'd like to also mention im really new to kotlin or android development in general, please be kind.

There are a number of ways to tackle this; pass an object to the function with your array in it that gets rearranged in your function, or go with something like:
fun getDistance(location1 : LatLng, location2 : LatLng, f: (Long) -> Unit){
doAsync{ // Anko is deprecated as I have been made aware
val result = URL(url).readtext()
val distance : Long = // parse result
and call that with
getDistance(loc1, loc2) { toast("The found distance was $it") }
This is by no means the only way to go; you could update a larger-scoped variable, call a listener, put your lat-longs in a class with updating functions that are called, or a bunch of other ways that I am too lazy to think about :)


the right way to return a Single from a CompletionStage

I'm playing around with reactive flows using RxJava2, Micronaut and Cassandra. I'm new to rxjava and not sure what is the correct way to return a of List Person in the best async manner?
data is coming from a Cassandra Dao interface
public interface PersonDAO {
#Query("SELECT * FROM cass_drop.person;")
CompletionStage<MappedAsyncPagingIterable<Person>> getAll();
that gets injected into a micronaut controller
return Single.just(personDAO.getAll().toCompletableFuture().get().currentPage())
.map(people -> HttpResponse.ok(people));
return Single.just(HttpResponse.ok())
.map(it -> it.body(personDAO.getAll().toCompletableFuture().get().currentPage()));
OR switch to RxJava3
return Single.fromCompletionStage(personDAO.getAll())
.map(page -> HttpResponse.ok(page.currentPage()))
.onErrorReturn(throwable -> HttpResponse.ok(Collections.emptyList()));
Not a pro of RxJava nor Cassandra :
In your first and second example, you are blocking the thread executing the CompletionStage with get, even if you are doing it in the IO thread, I would not recommand doing so.
You are also using a Single wich can emit, only one value, or an error. Since you want to return a List, I would sugest to go for at least an Observable.
Third point, the result from Cassandra is paginated, I don't know if it's intentionnaly but you list only the first page, and miss the others.
I would try a solution like the one below, I kept using the IO thread (the operation may be costly in IO) and I iterate over the pages Cassandra fetch :
/* the main method of your controller */
public Observable<Person> listPersons() {
return next(personDAO.getAll()).subscribeOn(;
private Observable<Person> next(CompletionStage<MappedAsyncPagingIterable<Person>> pageStage) {
return Single.fromFuture(pageStage.toCompletableFuture())
.flatMapObservable(personsPage -> {
var o = Observable.fromIterable(personsPage.currentPage());
if (!personsPage.hasMorePages()) {
return o;
return o.concatWith(next(personsPage.fetchNextPage()));
If you ever plan to use reactor instead of RxJava, then you can give cassandra-java-driver-reactive-mapper a try.
The syntax is fairly simple and works in compile-time only.

Kotlin : How to Class().fooA().fooB()

I am currently taking my code skill to the more advanced level in order to achieved "easier maintain code", I got this problem
val attachView = Custom()
Those code, as you can see I repeatedly calling attachView over and over again. it works fine, but I want it to be more compact by eliminating calling attachView multiple time. My final aim is just like this
is there any method that I must to know in order to build something like that ?
No external method will give you such semantics:
It can be achieved by changing the internals of Customer class. So that the setRoot() and setAdded() will return this. Like fun setRoot(root: Root): Custom, etc.
With Kotlin you can use several functions to avoid adding attachView. before methods call. Like
with(Custom()) {
Custom().apply {
val attachView = Custom().apply {
If you really want a one-liner you can do this
val attachView = Custom().apply { setRoot(root); setAdded(add); build() }

Dart: How do I convert an array of objects to an array of hashmaps?

I want to convert my objects to hashmaps so I can use the Flutter method channels to send data to Android.
I've thought of iterating through and mapping them one by one, but there's got to be a more elegant way to do this...
class Something {
Something(this.what, this.the, this.fiddle);
final String what;
final int the;
final bool fiddle;
Somewhere else
List<Something> listOStuff = List<Something>.generate(10, (int index){
return Something(index.toString(), index, false,);
List<Map<String, dynamic>> parseToMaps(List<Something> listOStuff){
List<Map<String, dynamic>> results;
// do something crazy to get listOStuff into Map of primitive values for each object
// preferably a built in method of some sort... otherwise, i guess i'll just iterate...
// maybe even an imported package if such thing exists
return results;
List<Map<String, dynamic>> listOMaps = parseToMaps(listOStuff);
Something like this in Java
You can use the map and return the object that you want:
List<Map<String, dynamic>> listOMaps = listOStuff
.map((something) => {
"what": something.what,
"the": something.the,
"fiddle": something.fiddle,
I'm not sure what exactly you're looking for, but there is a way to have custom objects encoded without having to specify it directly when you call the method.
What you have to do is implement a MethodCodec and/or MessageCodec that defines how your object is encoded and decoded. The easiest way is probably to subclass StandardMethodCodec and/or StandardMessageCodec (it might be enough to override StandardMessageCodec and pass it to StandardMessageCodec).
If you implement read & write correctly for your object, then all you have to do is pass the list of objects directly to your method call and flutter will handle the encoding.
Note that there are corresponding classes on the Android & iOS sides of things that you could use to have the data decoded directly to objects, and in fact you might have to implement them to get things to work depending on how you do it.

dart method calling context

I used the below to see how dart calls methods passed in to other methods to see what context the passed in method would/can be called under.
void main() {
var one = new IDable(1);
var two = new IDable(2);
print('one ${caller(one.getMyId)}'); //one 1
print('two ${caller(two.getMyId)}'); //two 2
print('one ${callerJustForThree(one.getMyId)}'); //NoSuchMethod Exception
class IDable{
int id;
int getMyId(){
return id;
return fn();
var three = new IDable(3);
So how does caller manager to call its argument fn without a context i.e. one.fn(), and why does callerJustForThree fail to call a passed in fn on an object which has that function defined for it?
In Dart there is a difference between an instance-method, declared as part of a class, and other functions (like closures and static functions).
Instance methods are the only ones (except for constructors) that can access this. Conceptually they are part of the class description and not the object. That is, when you do a method call Dart first extracts the class-type of o. Then it searches for foo in the class description (recursively going through the super classes, if necessary). Finally it applies the found method with this set to o.
In addition to being able to invoke methods on objects ( it is also possible to get a bound closure: (without the parenthesis for the invocation). However, and this is crucial, this form is just syntactic sugar for (<args>) =><args>). That is, this just creates a fresh closure that captures o and redirects calls to it to the instance method.
This whole setup has several important consequences:
You can tear off instance methods and get a bound closure. The result of is automatically bound to o. No need to bind it yourself (but also no way to bind it to a different instance). This is way, in your example, one.getMyId works. You are actually getting the following closure: () => one.getMyId() instead.
It is not possible to add or remove methods to objects. You would need to change the class description and this is something that is (intentionally) not supported.
var f =; implies that you get a fresh closure all the time. This means that you cannot use this bound closure as a key in a hashtable. For example, register( followed by unregister( will most likely not work, because each will be different. You can easily see this by trying print( ==
You cannot transfer methods from one object to another. However you try to access instance methods, they will always be bound.
Looking at your examples:
print('one ${caller(one.getMyId)}'); //one 1
print('two ${caller(two.getMyId)}'); //two 2
print('one ${callerJustForThree(one.getMyId)}'); //NoSuchMethod Exception
These lines are equivalent to:
print('one ${caller(() => one.getMyId())}');
print('two ${caller(() => two.getMyId())}');
print('one ${callerJustForThree(() => one.getMyId())}';
Inside callerJustForThree:
var three = new IDable(3);
The given argument fn is completely ignored. When doing three.fn() in the last line Dart will find the class description of three (which is IDable) and then search for fn in it. Since it doesn't find one it will call the noSuchMethod fallback. The fn argument is ignored.
If you want to call an instance member depending on some argument you could rewrite the last example as follows:
main() {
callerJustForThree((o) => o.getMyId());
var three = new IDable(3);
I'll try to explain, which is not necessarily a strength of mine. If something I wrote isn't understandable, feel free to give me a shout.
Think of methods as normal objects, like every other variable, too.
When you call caller(one.getMyId), you aren't really passing a reference to the method of the class definition - you pass the method "object" specific for instance one.
In callerJustForThree, you pass the same method "object" of instance one. But you don't call it. Instead of calling the object fn in the scope if your method, you are calling the object fn of the instance three, which doesn't exist, because you didn't define it in the class.
Consider this code, using normal variables:
void main() {
var one = new IDable(1);
var two = new IDable(2);
class IDable{
int id;
var three = new IDable(3);
print(; // This works
print(param); // This works, too
print(three.param); // But why should this work?
It's exactly the same concept. Think of your callbacks as normal variables, and everything makes sense. At least I hope so, if I explained it good enough.

Get parameter values from method at run time

I have the current method example:
public void MethodName(string param1,int param2)
object[] obj = new object[] { (object) param1, (object) param2 };
//Code to that uses this array to invoke dynamic methods
Is there a dynamic way (I am guessing using reflection) that will get the current executing method parameter values and place them in a object array? I have read that you can get parameter information using MethodBase and MethodInfo but those only have information about the parameter and not the value it self which is what I need.
So for example if I pass "test" and 1 as method parameters without coding for the specific parameters can I get a object array with two indexes { "test", 1 }?
I would really like to not have to use a third party API, but if it has source code for that API then I will accept that as an answer as long as its not a huge API and there is no simple way to do it without this API.
I am sure there must be a way, maybe using the stack, who knows. You guys are the experts and that is why I come here.
Thank you in advance, I can't wait to see how this is done.
It may not be clear so here some extra information. This code example is just that, an example to show what I want. It would be to bloated and big to show the actual code where it is needed but the question is how to get the array without manually creating one. I need to some how get the values and place them in a array without coding the specific parameters.
Using reflection you can extract the parameters name and metadata but not the actual values :
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Program p = new Program();
p.testMethod("abcd", 1);
public void testMethod(string a, int b)
System.Diagnostics.StackTrace st = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace();
StackFrame sf = st.GetFrame(0);
ParameterInfo[] pis = sf.GetMethod().GetParameters();
foreach (ParameterInfo pi in pis)
