Getting "Cannot find ffprobe error " when attempting to run nodejs script - node.js

I am attempting to use an npm package for splitting audio (, however I am not able to run a single test since I get the following error on my callback:
Error: Cannot find ffprobe, I have read a bit and it seems that this is directly related to the npm package fluent_ffmpeg, which is actually a dependency of the first package I mentioned.
The problem on some other questions/forums is that people do not have properly installed ffmpeg on their environment. In my case however, I have made sure that my PATH is updated with the ffmpeg directory (C:\FFmpeg\bin for me), and I am able to open a command prompt and run both
ffmpeg -version
ffprobe -version
I would much appreciate if anyone else has struggled with this previously and could provide me with some more guidance. Thanks


Rhizovision Image- Trying to find missing .dll files that prohibit my program from starting up

I am trying to run my Rhizovision Imager software, but when I hit the app to execute, I am prompted with the errors that says I am missing .dll files. I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem? For example, an error pops up that I am missing "gcbase_md_vc120_v3_0_v5_0.dll"
I found this occurs if you have a different version of Pylon installed. Download and install the following "pylon_5_Runtime_5.0.12.11830". If you also wish to install the Pylon Viewer, download and install that first, then re-install the 5_Runtime above. Hope that helps!

How can I install siege using cgywin?

I am studying nodejs and mysql connection and I got an error in runnning the make command.
Here's my reference for my tutorial:
I already installed cgywin and here's what i did
I go to the extracted latest siege file
I run this command ./configure
Then make
But when I try to run the make I got this error:
JLC-Mark#JLC-Mark-PC /cygdrive/c/wamp/www/siege-3.1.2
$ make
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
What can I do with this error?
Thats all I hope you can help me.
And one more thing can you suggest a good reference for real time updates using node and mysql?
You have to install the actual siege utility, which is a C program that is not on npm. Depending on your platform, the program may already be available via your package manager.

setup ffmpeg on ubuntu and node.js

I am new to ubuntu and I am struggling in setting up ffmpeg installation on the ubuntu server. I have install the ffmpeg on ubuntu and also I can see it by issuing a command ffmpeg -v. I have done the development in node.js in windows and specify the path of ffmpeg. Below is the path of window in node.js:
but now I have to specify the path for ffmpeg for ubuntu in my node.js code.
it says Uncaught Error: spawn ENOTDIR
Even though I have tried with this path:
then it says An error happened: ffmpeg exited with code 1
Also I have run this command "whereis ffmpeg" and it says "/usr/bin/ffmpeg"
Any help is very much appreciated
This one is correct:
It is returning error code 1, which means that it is executing the ffmpeg but ffmpeg is not successfully running to completion. Try running it on the command line to see if there are any obvious problems. If that doesn't work, you'll have to dig in with some more logging and/or debugging.

Error: spawn EACCESS node-webkit ffmpeg with fluent-ffmpeg

I'm doing a nodewebkit app and trying to bundle ffmpeg inside so the user doesn't have to have ffmpeg installed on their system.
EACCESS has to do with rights running the code. I tried a chmod -R ug+rw ffmpegFolder to no avail.
I downloaded the osx binaries from here: I'm assuming these are compiled but I could be wrong?
I am bundling the extracted ffmpeg folder into the root of my .nw, which, extracted looks like this:
This part has to do with fluent-ffmpeg.
It has this method called setFfmpegPath(path) which tells fluent-ffmpeg to use a FFMPEG you provide.
I get the fs.realpath to ffmpeg-2.5.4 and use that.Using ./ffmpeg-2.5.4 or /ffmpeg-2.5.4 or ffmpeg-2.5.4 just gives a spawn ENOENT error which I've read, means not found.
If I remove setFfmepgPath from my fluent-ffmpeg command it works fine using my system ffmpeg.
I feel I'm on the right track with the spawn EACCESS error. How to make it play nice though?

phantom-jasmine can not find specs

I am trying to use phantom-jasmine. I have installed phantomjs (1.9.1) on my systems ( Mountain Lion and Ubuntu) and phantom-jasmine using npm.
The problem is when I try to run phantom-jasmine examples/TestRunner.html from their example I am getting 0 specs, 0 failures although it should be 3 specs, 1 failures in the output.
If I open the TestRunner.html from a browser it is behaving as expected but phantom-jasmine cant seem to find the specs.
Another thing is when I provide the absolute path (phantom-jasmine /home/me/phantom-jasmine/examples/TestRunner.html to the TestRunner.html this happens
Not entirely sure why, but I got the examples running by omitting TestRunner.html from the call. Like this:
phantom-jasmine examples
It seems that the branch/version you get when installing using npm does not match what is described at
Looking at the installed helped me.
I had the same problem. In the meantime, I ended up switching to a new set of scripts to run jasmine tests with phantomjs from the command line. See SenchaProSvcs/UnitTestDemo.
I faced the same issue with phantom-jasmine. In order to get this to work I relied on file from the phantom-jasmine repo. I copied this file (and the console-runner.js) in my repo and invoked the testRunner via phantomjs by running the following command in my terminal:
phantomjs lib/jasmine/ testRunner.html
The output I got here was consistent with the output I got when I ran the testRunner.html directly in the browser.
Hope this helps.
