Azure Function Webhook Templates - azure

I'm starting to research and learn Azure Functions. Specifically I need to learn about webooks.
This video uses a template;
I have seen this in other tutorials/post on setting up an Azure Function to handle a Github webhooks.
When I create a new function I do not have any of these templates show up. I'm assuming they may need to be uploaded but I have searched and not found any information of where they may be located and how to import them.
Are these still available to use?

I believe that video is quite old. You can find the latest documentation which contains quite a few quickstarts and tutorials to get you started.
Also, while you can create functions from the portal, most of the development can be done locally which is usually preferred by most. Depending on your preference, you could develop using
Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio
CLI (along with any editor of your choice :D)
Also, there are a couple of supported languages from which you can choose from to develop for.


Can't Switch to Azure Function Classic Experience

Recently i have discovered that ability to change to Classic Experience of Azure Function portal is not there right now. I have used some functions that has been created in old Power Shell module and since that i had to create it with Experimental Language.
Is there any others experiencing same issue as mine. Please help me on this.
Are you attempting to create a new function or view old ones? I'm in a similar position, and found an older work around for calling PnP from site script via .NET. MS docs still reference the method you are talking about, though.
Found some additional documentation here!
Last date edited was 07/04/2020.
The new portal experience of Azure functions became general this year.
You can check out this YouTube video published my Microsoft about the "How to" of this experience:
If you don't want this view, you can Switch to classic experience.

PProPanel JSX - Basic guide to get started?

I know you can extend Adobe Premiere Pro with some simple JavaScript. The problem with that link (which I got to through the official Adobe website), is that all of sample code links are outdated (they point to the wrong location of the file, to lines that aren't correct anymore).
The second paragraph instructs you to install a bunch of things, none of which seem like things you "install", and they mention ExtendScript, which I don't understand whether is already installed with my Premiere or not (it's not available on Creative Cloud, and also the links I found on Adobe's website for it are, again, dead). I keep searching online and finding dead links to tutorials that no longer exist. Really, dead links everywhere.
I'm an experienced developer with good JS background, I just want know what I need, some simple examples of basic usage to get me started and maybe working links to some cheat-sheet I can use when I'm looking for available functions.
Extendscript is the name of the old API for automating Premiere and other Adobe apps. It's built-in and can basically do anything that you can do with the GUI, and it's javascript-based.
There is an IDE for Extendscript, the Extendscript Toolkit (ESTK) which has a debugger and allows you to inspect data etc. It's perplexingly hard to find on the Adobe website; I found it by a duckduckgo search here, I installed it through the creative cloud desktop manager, though I'm not sure how you do that with the current version.
As far as documentation goes, you're right, it's dead link city. There is a Javascript Tools Guide included with the Extendscript Toolkit, on windows it's in C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit CC\SDK\. That covers creating UI elements, but doesn't explain Premiere's object model. AFAIK there is no official documentation for this, you have to use the ESTK data browser to look for yourself.
The CEP extensions are a new development and allow for easier integration with the host. I think you already have all the documentation there is for it. I'd advise that you pester Adobe to make it easier for developers like yourself to create tools for their users.
Here is for anyone else who gets here from a Google search: You can also go to this link to download the ESTK:

Azure Mobile services : using shared libraries in Custom API

Azure Mobile services (node.js backend) : I remember vaguely sometime back I had read somewhere that the shared libraries cannot be used in Custom API, however I don't remember where exactly I read that. Tried googling, searching here in SO, but didn't find anything. Now that I started coding my Custom API, I need to know this for sure, whether what I remember vaguely is really true or not; if someone has any idea about this, I'll much appreciate if you can confirm.
many thanks.
Yes you can create shared scripts and use them from your mobile service custom API scripts.
See this link for enabling source control and getting a local copy so you can create and push your scripts:
Then take a look at this link for more on using some of the "native" node modules or helper functions:

Difference between and

What is the exact difference between and
I was trying to create a custom gui based tool for perforce and I started developing it using Much later I came to know about the existence of Now I am confused with their difference and the purpose.
Also I have a doubt on which option to choose for the development.
Is there something else other than these two?
P4API.NET is the supported API for .NET applications, so I'd go with that. You can see a list of the officially released APIs for the various languages here.

What is a good text editor for the cloud?

Hi everyone I am looking to do more work based in the cloud, so I have more flexibility and can use virtually any computer to do my work on. So, my question to you is what is a good text editor for the cloud?
I currently do my development on a mac using text mate. Is there anything remotely similar that anyone would recommend?
If you need to edit text files in a cloud service like DropBox, I've recently discovered Draft
It combines a clear interface focused on writing, MarkDown support for formatting and connections to Dropbox , Google Drive, Evernote and Box. Any change on the document is automatically saved back to the service it originated from. I wrote about it here
Mozilla has developed a unique app called skywriter that seems to do the trick.
I have since found the following.
Code Anywhere -
Atom Write -
Koding -
All provide good solutions Code Anywhere is my favorite thus far.
I realize this is an older post, but I wanted to chime in here:
As CarterMan mentioned, there is which is really good. You can get private vms now and will shortly be able to access them via ssh and host private domains. Couple with their editor and community features, is a pretty cool project.
Second to that would be Cloud9 IDE. You can edit in the cloud and use the command line, though you will need to upgrade to get all the premium features. One of the cool things about this project is you can fork the repo and host it on your own machine if you like, the process took me about 5 minutes to get up and running.
Previously I noticed that both these projects had disconnect issues in the past but more recently they've both seemed to become more stable.
