Difference between P4.net and P4api.net - perforce

What is the exact difference between p4.net and p4api.net?
I was trying to create a custom gui based tool for perforce and I started developing it using p4api.net. Much later I came to know about the existence of p4.net. Now I am confused with their difference and the purpose.
Also I have a doubt on which option to choose for the development.
Is there something else other than these two?

P4API.NET is the supported API for .NET applications, so I'd go with that. You can see a list of the officially released APIs for the various languages here.


Azure Function Webhook Templates

I'm starting to research and learn Azure Functions. Specifically I need to learn about webooks.
This video uses a template; https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/resources/videos/create-a-web-hook-or-api-azure-function/
I have seen this in other tutorials/post on setting up an Azure Function to handle a Github webhooks.
When I create a new function I do not have any of these templates show up. I'm assuming they may need to be uploaded but I have searched and not found any information of where they may be located and how to import them.
Are these still available to use?
I believe that video is quite old. You can find the latest documentation which contains quite a few quickstarts and tutorials to get you started.
Also, while you can create functions from the portal, most of the development can be done locally which is usually preferred by most. Depending on your preference, you could develop using
Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio
CLI (along with any editor of your choice :D)
Also, there are a couple of supported languages from which you can choose from to develop for.

Question about commercial use of generated JHipster apps

I'd like to get some business apps up and running quickly with the use of JHipster, which seems like a solid approach; assuming it is allowed. Is the commercial use of a generated JHipster application allowed and if so, what are the proper steps to take in in order to not infringe upon any terms and conditions of open source?
I apologize if this has been asked previously.
I really just need to know how I can go about using an instance of a generated application for something other than an open-source project.
There are many closed source applications originally generated by JHipster. The generated project is fully yours.

NoSQL databases that officially support MonoTouch

I am having trouble finding a NoSQL databases that officially support MonoTouch via a local DB on the device. If their are, could someone provide a list of them here.
According to http://nosql-database.org/ there's siaqodb. Note that others might support MonoTouch without being mentioned in that site.
Edit: a few more clicks shows that HSS Database (from the same list) also supports MonoTouch.
You might also want to look at which ones support iOS (e.g. with Objective C) and see if bindings are available (or write your own).
Take a look on Couchbase Lite xamarin's component
RavenDB supports an embedded mode, and can run on Mono using the "Munin" storage engine option.
Although, there has been talk in the user group lately about dropping Munin, and it's not usually recommended for production, so it may not be a viable option.
I've not heard of someone using it with MonoTouch specifically, but there are some running it on Mono. If you try it, please update comments here with your findings. Thanks.
A bit late, but still relevant:
I'm the author of MarcelloDB, and I just released version 0.3.0 on nuget.
MarcelloDB is a document DB, built specifically for mobile apps (light-weight, low memory usage) and supports Xamarin Android and iOS as well as the windows platform.
I still have some features I want to add before reaching v1, but the file format and existing api are allready quite stable.

Is there a Cross Platform Library for the Xamarin Stack to track usage with Google Analytics?

I want to track usage for my Cross Platform Apps developed with the Xamarin Tools (MonoTouch, MonoDroid, Windows Phone) with Google Analytics. While there is a MonoTouch binding around, it seems I need to create the MonoDroid binding myself (see this hint). I've not jet investigated WP.
Because some of my tracking takes place in the shared code between platforms --- and for general ease of use, I am looking for a common library to be utilized in all three projects. Is there something like this around? If not, is there some hidden problematic why such a library can not easily be created?
I know this is an older thread, but I thought that I would add that there is now a component for Google Analytics: http://components.xamarin.com/view/googleanalytics.
You should be able to make the Google Analytics requests yourself, using Google's API in C#.
This would work on all three platforms, but I have not found an open source project for this. There are several code examples, online however, here is a link.
I found a native C# implementation which generates the tracking requests by itself instead of wrapping the platform specific tracking libraries from Google into a common API: https://github.com/maartenba/GoogleAnalyticsTracker
Unfortunately the code does not accumulate tracking requests to dispatch them in intervals, but for my purposes it's sufficient.
There is also another implementation where tracking methods and request dispatching are separated (but not carried out automatically): http://www.diaryofaninja.com/projects/details/ga-dot-net

What are the pros and cons of developing a SharePoint component versus a standalone app?

A client wants us to develop a Picture Library system for them. The requirements are pretty typical - need to add pictures, tag them with metadata, store different sized versions and so on.
The client is keen on it being developed as a component which plugs into their existing SharePoint system. However, my feeling is that we would be better served building a standalone app - that way we don't have to shoehorn it into a SharePoint page and muck about integrating with SharePoint's APIs.
I am trying to look at this objectively and would welcome any arguments either way that people have.
Using an existing framework like Sharepoint imposes a lot of constraints on the design which makes the software architecture more uniform.
It does require some work on the part of the developer, because the developer does have to understand the API architecture and API's, etc.
However, developing a standalone application is the way that business's software architecture becomes a mix of 200 applications, using 20 different languages/architectures/platforms, half of which were developed by people no longer there - in short, a mess.
Sharepoint is documented, and will be supported probably long after you leave the company. Can you guarantee support for the application that you develop for as long as Microsoft will support Sharepoint?
You should do a cost/benefit analysis of integrating with SharePoint. You have listed some cons for integrating with SharePoint. Here are some pros.
Widely adopted platform.
Existing functionality to store/retreive/update images to data store.
Existing functionality to tag images.
Existing functionality to group several images together and treat as one virtual document (if using SharePoint 2010).
Keep in mind that you can integrate any custom ASP.NET page/application in Sharepoint so you can approach development like a standalone app. Your client wishes might include synchronization with Sharepoint's own picture library functionality and in that case you'll have to work with it's API.
It seems with SharePoint you are already done because it can more or less do what you describe already. What requirements do you have that cannot be met by OOB SharePoint?
I've used picture libraries for something similar before. While they have their quirks you do get a lot 'for free' like a UI, bulk uploading, metadata and 2 alternate sizes rendered.. My biggest gripe is they don't support the datagrid view so I cannot edit list metadata en masse like you can with other list types.
