Cannot open an excel file for which I clicked view > hide on mac. All the other files open just fine - excel

I cannot open my excel file, for which I clicked view > checked "hide" when I had the file open previously.
As soon i did that, the file stopped displaying. Every time I click the file, Excel software starts running, so I don't think there is anything wrong with the software itself, just a problem with this specific file. All the other excel files would open when I click them, except this one.
I am using a macboook pro.
Could anyone please help me how to undo the action I did? Thank you.

The view-hide literally hides the file from being seen when opened and I didn't know that....


Excel code shows modules but with hidden code

i just recieved an e-mail with a virus embeded in xlsm format. So how i'm curious i wanted to check the code. Enabled everything of security on Excel to avoid events starting and other stuffs after opening the contamined file.
Kaspersky flagged the file instantly so i had to disable it.
So i opened the file, and excel showed me a prompt that i had to need disable some security features for the macro run normally. Well, i just ignored it and i went to the vba area to check the code and i found some modules, but every was empty.
Someone can explain me how is it possibile and if there's a way for me check the code?
Thank you.

How to get files in Mac equivalent of XLSTART folder to be opened "invisibly"

I have a Utilities file which contains a number of macros which I use a lot. My old Excel loads this file on launch, but does not show the window. This is exactly the desired behaviour.
However I recently updated my Excel (16.56 on Big Sur) and now, when Excel launches, the window shows.
Is there any way to make it be invisible? I've tried deleting all the worksheets but Excel won't let me. Googling is throwing up scads of completely useless hits and nothing here seems to be relevent, either.
OK, so after much more Googling, I found the answer. Menu item Window -> Hide. Then quit Excel, answering Yes to save the file. On relaunch it opens invisibly.

Corrupt VBA Project Module Not Found Error

I have a workbook that was saved yesterday afternoon, and was working perfectly. I have opened it this morning, and none of the modules in the VBE are 'found'. Visually I can see them all sitting there.
When trying to open any of these modules to edit the code, the windows are greyed out, as below.
When I try exporting the code modules, I get the 'Module Not Found' errror.
Does anyone know a) why this has happened, and b) how can I fix this?
I thought initially it was the instance of my Excel, so have restarted the PC.
Any help is appreciated!
I managed to find a workaround to this problem, so sharing the solution in the event that someone else comes across a similar problem.
It seems that the VBA Project got corrupt somehow. Below, find some suggestions and workarounds in trying to solve something similar in the future.
This is what worked for me. Convert the .xlsm file to a .xls file. You can do this by changing the file extension when renaming the file.
You can also try to convert to .zip file type, and then convert back to .xlsm. Note: convert COPIES of your original, just in case.
Other suggestions (as Chris Nelisen suggested) are:
Export your VBA modules regularly
Save different versions as you are building
My workaround, works perfectly:
Open Excel in safe mode (pressing and holding Ctrl while you start
the program, or by using the /safe switch (excel.exe /safe) when you
start the program from the command line)
Open corrupted workbook (from safe mode, File->Open-> navigate)
Do not enable macro if asked
Make sure macro is present (Alt+F11) - not necessary
Save as new workbook
Close safe mode excel
Open saved workbook as usual
This is a well-described issue, and it exactly matches what I have just experienced (even including the fact that I haven't been versioning recently).
My file has an xlsb suffix. Resaving with a different suffix did not work for me on the same PC, but I emailed the file to another PC, opened it, saved as xlsm, sent it back to the original machine and it now works fine again. I can even re-save with my preferred xlsb suffix and it still works.
I've also run this script to make a backup of my modules:
Sub ExportVbaModules()
'Acknowledgements to Andy Pope [ozgrid thread 60787]
Dim objMyProj As VBProject 'if error, go to VBA editor - tools - References - Microsoft Visual Basic-Extensibility5.3
Dim objVBComp As VBComponent
Set objMyProj = Application.ActiveWorkbook.VBProject
For Each objVBComp In objMyProj.VBComponents
If objVBComp.Type = vbext_ct_StdModule And objVBComp.Name <> "" Then
objVBComp.Export "C:\Users\MyName\VbaBackups\" & objVBComp.Name & ".txt"
End If
End Sub
The And objVBComp.Name <> "" stops it from erroring when it encounters a corrupted module but turned out not to be necessary as the 'fixed' file contained no corrupted modules.
Since that export routine is so fast (40 modules / 100kb saved in <1s) I will be assigning it to a button on the ribbon with a better naming convention for the files it creates.
I copied my .xslm file from my PC to my OneDrive account.
I open the file on my iPad OneDrive account and then export to Excel for iOS. The file opens and says links and macros are disabled. I then save a copy of the file back to the OneDrive account. I go back to my PC and open the file from OneDrive. I re-establish the links.
The macros are from a backup. This is an issue if you aren't backing up your macros.
Do you have this file on OneDrive?
If yes, I was facing that issue, and resolved restoring the last save. If you open OneDrive site (, find the file, and select Version History. Download the penultimate.
When this happens on 64 bit Excel, I simply open the exact same file in 32 bit Excel and the macros re-appear.
When this happens on 32 bit Excel, I simply open the exact file in 64 bit Excel and the macros re-appear.
Try to open the excel file in repair mode and save as the file one more time.
Open and Repair
I tried everything suggested and nothing worked. I could only see the module when I opened my VB editor. It was not available through the view macros ribbon shortcut. I was unable to export the module or copy it to a new workbook.
What finally worked for me was emailing it to myself, downloading it through my 365 outlook account via a web browser, and then the code was there.

Excel 2010 - ActiveX controls

I've been having this problem for two or three weeks now.
Any file I create with ActiveX controls that must run a code for example clicking on a button, will work fine on my computer, but on any other computers will not work.
If you save the file, from other computer, it will show a Unexpecter error 32809 and after you close the file and reopen it, the controls will work.
Note that this happens for every file I save from my computer. Even if I get a working macro, I open it and save it with no changes, on other computers will not work.
I deleted many times *.exd files as a suggest from Internet, but still no good.
Can anyone help me with this problem, please ?
Thank you
Do a wildcard search for exd files (search for *.exd) and make sure you are not searching for exe!. Delete all the exd files returned from the search. That will do it.

prevent changing the read only status of an excel document

I know you can make an excel and other office files read only by going into right click properties in windows and clicking read only.
However is there anyway to prevent someone from downloading the file and simply right clicking and un checking the read only box?
This is a very important file and I don't want someone to be able to uncheck the read only box on an excel document!
