Problem deploying a Bitbucket repo to Azure Storage - azure

I've been trying to deploy my web app on Bitbucket to Azure Storage using Bitbucket Pipelines. I'm having issues with the SOURCE option. I need to copy the entire source code in the current repository, but SOURCE option seems to require a directory name.
My pipeline script is something like this:
- pipe: microsoft/azure-storage-deploy:2.0.0
SOURCE: './*'
How can I deploy everything in current repository?

The problem is fixed now.
There is a constant $BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR which holds current repository.
You can find more pre-defined constants here:


Azure devops - How to use same yml for multiple git repos

I use github for hosting my projects and have multiple projects in github. And I use Azure devops for CICD alone. I have a single project in Azure devops, where I create individual pipeline corresponding to each project in my github repo. All these github projects would need to use the same azure-pipeline.yml for build. So instead of keeping the same yml file in each project, is there a way I can keep this yml centrally. So that in future, if at all a change is required, I need not do it for all individual projects, instead, update the main yml template.
A single yml file where I have all the code is even possible for my usecase? Any help is much appreciated
Have you considered using templates? Essentially you have would end up with a single template containing the main build steps that is reusable and individual yaml for each pipeline that can pass parameters to the template for any differences you have between them (such as different triggers or variable values). This way you can update all pipelines by making changes to the template
Template documentation
According to your description, you may setup a repo contains all the YAML files for pipelines. Kindly also be advised that we can also keep the templates in other repositories, if we have defined the repository resources in the core YAML pipeline. Kindly refer to the sample Core and template YAML files below.
#Core YAML in Azure Repos
trigger: none
  vmImage: ubuntu-latest
  - repository: GitHub_REPO_1
    type: github
    name: GitHubAccountName/GitHubRepo1
    endpoint: GitHubServiceConnectionName
  - repository: GitHub_REPO_2
    type: github
    name: GitHubAccountName/GitHubRepo2
    endpoint: GitHubServiceConnectionName
  - checkout: none
  # - checkout: GitHub_REPO_1
  - template: GHREPO1.yml#GitHub_REPO_1
  # - checkout: GitHub_REPO_2
  - template: GHREPO2.yml#GitHub_REPO_2
#Template YAML from GitHub Repo
- script: echo "This YAML template is from GitHubRepo1"
  displayName: 'Template From GitHubRepo1'
By the way, we could also checkout the code from one or multiple repository resource(s) and trigger the pipeline by the commits from the repository resources. Please refer to the following documents for more information.
Define YAML resources for Azure Pipelines - Azure Pipelines | Microsoft Docs
Check out multiple repositories in your pipeline - Azure Pipelines | Microsoft Docs

how to use existing github yml files for Azure devops pipelines

I want to create Azure DevOps pipelines, but instead of writing new yaml files, use prepared ones that are in a github repository.
I have connected GitHub to my Azure DevOps account, but I Can't see an option to use yaml files in that repository.
I only have an option to create a new pipeline yaml, and then set it in the repo folder structure.
If I try and set it on the location of the yaml file I want to use, which is already in the repo, I get - of course, an error stating there's a file there.
My work around is to set a new yaml file with a different name, copy the content from the existing file and then delete that one and rename the new file to the name of the file I copied from.
Surely there must be a better, easier, more logical and short way.
I would appreciate any help.
Under project settings you should link your Github account.
Then you can go and create a new pipeline and select the Github location
after this step, your available github repositories will appear and you can select your existing .YML file.
Existing pipeline:

Deploy only modified ARM templates when redeploying the infrastructure

I use Azure DevOps with which I execute an Azure Pipeline bash script that deploys my ARM templates stored on Github.
Github repo structure:
- arm_templates_folder
- storageacocunt.json
- eventhub.json
How is it possible to only deploy templates that has been modified on Github since the last deployment?
For example, eventhub.json changed, than Event Hubs gets redeployed, but the storageaccount.json will be skipped.
You can combine the following command
git diff --name-only HEAD HEAD~1
with your deployment script.
But... Why do you want to detect what has been modified? Do you want to optimize deployment time? If yes, then combine all templates into one and let Azure Resource Manager deploy them in parallel while maintaining defined dependencies.

ARM template link to refactor template values

Summary: We have Below mentioned release pipelines
1. Release1 -This pipeline will create resources like Application insights, App service plan, Key vault. (ARM files -azuredeploy.json and azuredeployparameters.json)
2. Release2 Pipeline: This pipeline will create resources like App service/Function App using Release1 components like Application insights, App service plan, Key vault. (ARM files -azuredeploy.json and azuredeployparameters.json)
We have multiple micro services In Release2 pipelines,
Environments like Dev, QA, Test .
Each environment has separate resource group.
azuredeployparameters.json all values are same for all services except webapp name.
Issue:If we want change or update any value in all azuredeployparameters.json files in all Release2 pipeline services, We are updating manually.
Kindly suggest the solution on below:
Can we link all our release2 azuredeployparameters.json files to one centralized azuredeployparameters.json file.
If we modify centralized azuredeployparameters.json file, it should update all azuredeployparameters.json files in all release 2 services.
You can put your azuredeployparameters.json in your central/main repo. And if you use release pipelines for instance, you should create build for your central repo and publish azuredeployparameters.json as artifact. You can later use this artifacts in any release pipeline you want. So you can get it Release1 and Release2.
If you use build pipelines also to deploy, you can use multiple repos and get source code (in release 1) from your central repo and repo dedicated to this release. In the same way you have this file available.
If you want to customize file a bit in Relese pipeline you can tokenize you azuredeployparameters.json file and replace those tokens in release. Here you have extension for this.

Deploy to Azure from CircleCI

I'm using CircleCI for the first time and having trouble publishing to Azure.
The docs don't have an example for Azure, they have an example for AWS and a note for Azure saying "To deploy to Azure, use a similar job to the above example that uses an appropriate command."
If anybody has an example YAML file that would be great, if not a nudge in the right direction would be handy. So far I think I've worked out the following.
I need a config that will install the Azure CLI
I need to put my Azure deployment credentials in an environment variable and
I need to run a deploy command in the YAML file to zip up all the right files and deploy to my Azure app service.
I have no idea if the above is correct, or how to do it, but that's my understanding right now.
I've also posted this on the CircleCi forum.
EDIT: Just to add a little more info, the AWS version of the config file used the following command:
- run:
name: Deploy to S3
command: aws s3 sync jekyll/_site/docs s3://circle-production-static-site/docs/ --delete
So I guess I'm looking for the Azure equivalent.
The easiest way is that on the azure management console you setup as deployment from source control and you can follow this two links
if you want to do the copy of the files from ci to the iis server or azure you will need ssh access the keys etc.. and In the Dependencies section of circle.yml you can have a line such as this:
branch: master
- scp -r circle-pushing/* username#my-server:/path-to-put-files-on-server/
“circle-pushing” is your repo name, which is whatever it’s called in GitHub or Bitbucket, and the rest is the hostname and filepath of the server you want to upload files to.
and probably this could help you understand it better
