Sustainsys.Saml2 OWIN access_denied and logging -

When /Saml2/Acs from the middleware redirects to ExternalLoginCallback I'm getting an error=access_denied as part of the url. From searches I've done, I need to enable logging and I'll be able to find the reason. The problem is I cannot figure out how to enable logging to a file so that I'm able to read it.
The Troubleshooting page says to connect an ILoggerAdapater to my SPOptions.Logger, but that if I'm using OWIN middleware it is done automatically and I can see the output in the OWIN/Katana logging - Is this log in a file somewhere/can I make it show up in a file so that I'm able to see it?

The Owin Middleware by defaults wires up a ILoggerAdapter that writes to the Owin/Katana logging system. To get that output to a file, you need to configure Katana logging. There's an SO post describing what to do: How do I use Owin Katana Logger
Another option is to replace the existing ILoggerAdapter with your own write-to-file logic.


When making an API call to a Node.js REST API, how can I view which portion of the code it uses?

I have a REST API that was built with Node.js and Express.js. When making an API call, how can I view which portion of the code it uses? (without me having to infer it myself by reading the code)
Reddit user BehindTheMath pointed me to the following two options: logging and breakpoints.
Console logging can work, but you'd need to add logging all over the app. Another option is to debug the app, and put breakpoints and see where it stops.

Azure function logging doesn't appear to be working

I'm able to successfully call my functions and make them do what I want them to do. The problem is that it doesn't look like the logs are being saved anywhere and I don't see how I can view them. Which I'll want to do in the event of an error. As a test I have my working function just doing a log.Info as soon as it's called. When testing locally it prints the message to the console. I believe I've enabled everything correctly but let me explain what I've done in case I didn't.
In my app service, under Monitoring -> Diagnostic Logs, I have enabled everything. Application Logging (filesystem) verbose, Application Logging (Blob) verbose (with the storage location set), detailed error messages and failed request tracing turned on.
In my function, I'm using the TraceWriter object that's passed to my run method (I started from a template).
Please note that functions are set to require authentication. If I click on the "Monitor" tab nothing appears. It just says "Loading..." forever and there's no information. Perhaps this is because of the authentication?
I used the Azure Storage Explorer to browse to my blob. The "log" blob exists, and I do see a set of nested directories that lead up to now. However it just contains a 354 byte file that contains a few lines of some random info. This file never seems to update or get larger.
I used FTP to try and browse to where the logs might be, but there's no directory on there that contains any log files.
I also went to KUDU for my function app ({myfunctionapp} While I do see that my function was called successfully, I don't see anything from the call to log.Info anywhere.
I tried using a different logger, and as a test did: System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceError("test error");
I also don't see this message appearing anywhere.
Am I missing something as far as set up goes? Is the problem the fact that I require authentication? If it's the latter, is there still a way to view logs? I definitely have to have auth enabled. Thanks. And if it helps, below are links to what my settings and the monitor tab look like.
Authentication should not cause any problems with logging and Log.Info should work out of the box, no setup required.
I highly recommend that you enable AlwaysOn for your dedicated function app. The long loading of the Monitor tab could be because your site is in a 'cold' state, where it takes longer to start up.
If you go to {myfunctionapp} and navigate to LogFiles/Application/Functions do you see any expected logs there? Also, when you run a function from the portal do you see logs in the log window?
Same thing happened to me if I had Fiddler open....close Fiddler and all is good.

How to proper log every exception using OWIN

my question should be quite simple, but unfortunately I had no luck in solving it.
Basically, I have some Web API controllers hosted by OWIN and deployed on Azure.
I really need to track down exceptions that occur in each middleware (for example OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider or SignalR Persistent Connections), but I definitely don't have a clue on how to achieve it.
I tried Elmah, but it doesn't seem to work properly with OWIN due to lacking HttpContext.
I tried using log4net, but I'm only able to log exceptions thrown by Web API Controllers using a custom ExceptionFilterAttribute.. others are ignored.
I tried to define a custom LoggerFactory and to assign it in Startup, using app.SetLoggerFactory(new MyLoggerFactory()),
but exception thrown by other middlewares are not logged.
I tried to get at least a meaningful error message sent to the client, but despite <customErrors mode="Off"/> and <deployment retail="false"/>, Azure refuses to return anything but {"message":"an error has occurred"}.. I tried both Azure Web Sites and Azure Cloud Services.
I saw some cloud alternatives that should work with OWIN, like or, but I don't need their cloud features and it is definitely not worth paying hundreds $ per year just to log some exceptions.
What should be the best way to log any possible exception thrown by my application?
Thanks for your help
have you take a look at this link ?
Because you can't catch all the exceptions using an exceptionFilter, they propose to use a IExceptionLogger and IExceptionHandler to allow global error handling in Web Api 2.
After that, if it's not fit your need, you can construct an OwinMiddleWare that you will place in first position (before the Authenticate stage), this middleware could :
create a requestId in the header of the response
analyse the response code, before sending response, and if it's not a IsSuccessStatusCode, you could log the exception message to a DB and replace the content of the response to send a simple error message to the client using the requestId (to allow you to find the related exception in your db)
hope this help

log4net - per user logging

Please help me with this query in using log4net.
I am using log4net in mhy we application. I am facing issues in configuring log4net to log errors at user level.
That is, If user X logs in, I like to create file name X and all error for user X should be written in X.log. Siilarly if Y user logs in the log file should be in name of Y.log and the most important point to note is, they could log in concurrently.
I tried the luck by creating log files whose name would be framed dynamically as soon as the user logs in. But issue here, if they are not using the application at the same time, the log files are creeated with correct name and writing as expected, but if both users have active sessions, log file is created only for user who FIRST logged in and error of second user has been recorded in log file that is created for FIRST user.
Please help me in this.
There has to be a better solution from this one, but you can change log4net configuration from code and even decide which config file to load - so you can do it in code, which is not as nice as editing an XML file.
so what you need to do, which is highly not recommended, is to create log4net configuration each time you call the logger static class, and do what needed based on the calling user.
again.. it doesn't feel right !
(and it will probably perform poorly).
another BETTER solution is to log everything to database (log4net supports it), with a user column, and then produce the logs from db....

Handling WCF Proxy null return issue

I have a WCF Client Proxy connected to a third party webservice.
The proxy works fine with nearly everything except on function.
This function works just fine with a ASMX proxy.
I have added service trace logging and can see the response from the service coming back.
Only the proxy returns null.
So now I know for sure that the proxy is at fault.
Where to from here?
I found the issue. WCF is less forgiving than an ASMX proxy.
The service WSDL specifies that the returned object was called "data", and the actual xml passed back was called "result"
So that was a great goose chase! I think i wasted 4 hours on this problem!
You can try to use Trace Viewer to analyse WCF communications in more detail and find out more detail when errors are encountered.
Within the app.config (Client) and web.config (Server), you can add blocks. To enable tracing, simply add dignostics blocks and trace files will be generated in the specified location when the app is run. This should enable you to dig a little deeper with the problem.
Trace viewer can be found:
("C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\bin\SvcTraceViewer.exe")
Info on trace viewer usage:
Also, what type of method is it? does it return complex types or simple types?
Ah, sorry about the mis-read, didn't realise you had no control of server side. I'd try to update the service reference/proxy (you've probably already done that) and check if anything has changed.
WCF doesn't make tracking down issues very easy i'm afraid. Is it possible to provide the method signatures for a call that works and one that doesn't so we can see what data types are being passed about?
