quickfix messege out of window - vim

When i run the make cmd inside the vim using :Make it shows the quickfix windows where erros are shwon if their is. What my problem is as i saw, the error messeges are not crop or wraped inside the visible window instead to view or read the full msg i have to mvoe to right side of the window using L cmd. How can i view this error messages without moving right side instead of wraping it inside the window width? Here first screen shot represents the normal output of make cmd and the second screen shot shows same msg but after i moved at right side of the error msg.


My web page moves back and forth automatically while open magnifier with 200%

I have a web page, when I click one button(by both using mouse click or using keyboard with tab and press), it will show some items, normally, it works perfect.
However, if I
1> open windows magnifier with 200%,
2> use keyboard with tab and press
to trigger the button,
the items still shows correctly,
but the whole page moves back and forth in horizon automatically until I move mmouse or press any key.
I got the root cause:
As I input the follow code
{ console.log('focused: ', document.activeElement)
in console to monitor the focused element,
it shows the focus are switch between two elements,
however, I try to set the two element with tabindex = 0 or -1,
and all the 4 combinations,
but it doesn't work.
Are you using "docked", "full screen", or "lens" view for the magnifier?
I'm guessing "full screen" because in that mode, as you tab through a page, the magnifier will try to keep the keyboard focus within view. You might have an issue where your focus is moving between two elements that both can't be displayed in the magnifier at the same time. Usually it will just move the magnifier to the element that has focus.
I'd suggest trying "Docked" and "Lens" view first to see if you still have an issue.

Neutralino.window.setDraggableRegion is malfunctioning on windows

What happens is that I initiate the window drag instruction with Neutralino.window.setDraggableRegion, it works but there is a very big problem in rendering.
I am on a windows system. Here is a video of the problem:
Video of the problem
As you specified, the window is dragging but the mouse doesn't move with the point you click on, instead the mouse is at a different position.
I Looked at how draggable region function works under the hood, and it's handled by the JavaScript Client File, by setting the window position to the amount of mouse has moved on x and y.
since the mouse pointer doesn't move instead the window moves relative to the position from where you started clicking.
I will raise this issue, and soon a fix for this will be out!
Issue has been raised

detect when window size changed

I am making a web browser with gtk-rs. I am trying to do a check for fullscreen. I can get the screen size and compare that to the window size, if they are the same it is in fullscreen and I can hide the unnecessary widgets. Though this works, I can only get it to work when I bind it some key event (so when I press a key it will check if the window and screen sizes are the same again). I want to be able to get this to work by simply noticing the window size has changed.

Vim and NERDTree and Tmux split view causing rendering errors

See attached image
I was using my setup with Vim and NERDTree and Tmux, where I would open directories or files in a vertical split. Problem is, any file/directory on the right-most panel would wrap on the left side of the page, causing this very weird diagonal rendering bug that I can't get rid of (see attached image). Is this a bug? or can this be resolved using the .tmux.conf? (ignore the white boxes, i just censored confidential stuff).
(EDIT): I think this might have something to do with my editor. I'm using ConEmu, and this problem doesn't seem to get reproduced on other terminal emulators.

How can I add to the terminal's scrollback using ncurses?

I'm writing an app using ncurses which displays the status of tests running on multiple machines. It displays several progress bars at the bottom of the screen, and a failure log above them. However, the log may easily be longer than the rest of the terminal.
I'd like to have excess log roll off the top in such a way that if the user scrolls their terminal up they'll see the rest of the log. This is what happens when you scroll through a file using less; it replaces the current view with the next page, but the text you've passed ends up in the terminal's scrollback.
How can I get ncurses to do that?
Turns out this is easy. I just put a window at the top of the screen, made it scrollable (scrollok), and addstr'd text to it until it scrolled. The text scrolled right off into the scrollback without trouble.
