How to Mimic nRF Connect (for Android) Actions to Pygatt Script? - python-3.x

I'm using nRF Connect for Android to test a BLE peripheral. The peripheral is a BSX Insight residual muscle oxygen monitor whose software application is no longer functional or supported by the manufacturer. Thus, my only option to use my device (BSX) is to write my own control software. I've written a Python 3.7 script that I run within a tkinter routine on my 64-bit Win 10 laptop. Also, I'm using the Pygatt library and a BLED112 BT dongle.
I can connect to the peripheral, read and write values just fine to characteristics, but I'm sure that the "conversion" from the process used in nRF Connect and to my script is incomplete and inefficient. So the first thing I'd like to confirm is that the correct respective functions from Pygatt are used. Once I'm using the correct functions from Pygatt, then I can compare respective outputs for the two data (characteristic values) streams that I want to capture and store.
The basic process in nRF Connect:
1. scan
2. select/connect the BSX Insight
3. expose the service and characteristics of interest
4. enable CCCDs
5. write the "start data" values (04-02)
These are the process command results from the nRF Connect log file. Starting with number four:
D 09:04:54.491 gatt.setCharacteristicNotification(00002a37-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, true) 11
D 09:04:54.496 gatt.setCharacteristicNotification(2e4ee00b-d9f0-5490-ff4b-d17374c433ef, true) 20x
D 09:04:54.499 gatt.setCharacteristicNotification(2e4ee00d-d9f0-5490-ff4b-d17374c433ef, true) 25x
D 09:04:54.516 gatt.setCharacteristicNotification(2e4ee00e-d9f0-5490-ff4b-d17374c433ef, true) 32x
D 09:04:54.519 gatt.setCharacteristicNotification(00002a63-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, true) 36
D 09:04:54.523 gatt.setCharacteristicNotification(00002a53-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, true) 40
The above resulted from using the nRF command "Enable CCCDs." Basically every characteristic that could be enabled was enabled which is fine. The 'x' are the three that I need enabled. The others are extra. Note, I've annotated the respective handles for these UUIDs on the end of the line.
V 09:05:39.211 Writing command to characteristic 2e4ee00a-d9f0-5490-ff4b-d17374c433ef
D 09:05:39.211 gatt.writeCharacteristic(2e4ee00a-d9f0-5490-ff4b-d17374c433ef, value=0x0402)
I 09:05:39.214 Data written to 2e4ee00a-d9f0-5490-ff4b-d17374c433ef, value: (0x) 04-02
A 09:05:39.214 "(0x) 04-02" sent
Number five is where I write 0402 to the UUID above. This action sends the data/value streams from:
2e4ee00d-d9f0-5490-ff4b-d17374c433ef, with a descriptor handle 26
2e4ee00e-d9f0-5490-ff4b-d17374c433ef, with a descriptor handle 33
Once I've done the basic steps above in nRF Connect, the two characteristic value streams become active, and I can immediately see the converted values in my Garmin Edge 810 head unit.
So attempting to duplicate the same process within my tkinter snippet:
# this function fires from the 'On' button click event
def powerON():
powerON_buttonevent = 1
print(f"\tpowerON_buttonevent OK {powerON_buttonevent}")
# Connect to the BSX Insight
adapter = pygatt.BGAPIBackend() # serial_port='COM3'
device = adapter.connect('0C:EF:AF:81:0B:76', address_type=pygatt.BLEAddressType.public)
print(f"\tConnected: {device}")
print(f"BSX Insight connection failure")
# adapter.stop()
# Enable only these CCCDs
device.char_write_handle(21, bytearray([0x01, 0x00]), wait_for_response=True)
device.char_write_handle(26, bytearray([0x01, 0x00]), wait_for_response=True)
device.char_write_handle(33, bytearray([0x01, 0x00]), wait_for_response=True)
print(f"\te00b DESC: {device.char_read_long_handle(21)}") # notifiy e00b
print(f"\te00d DESC: {device.char_read_long_handle(26)}") # notify e00d SmO2
print(f"\te00e DESC: {device.char_read_long_handle(33)}") # notify e00e tHb
# Here's where I tested functions from Pygatt...
# print(f"\t{device.get_handle('UUID_here')}") # function works
# print(f"\tvalue_handle/characteristic_config_handle: {device._notification_handles('UUID_here')}") # function works
# print(f"{device.char_read('UUID_here')}")
# print(f"{device.char_read_long_handle(handle_here)}") # function works
print(f"CCCD write value failure")
# adapter.stop()
# Enable the data streams
device.char_write('2e4ee00a-d9f0-5490-ff4b-d17374c433ef', bytearray([0x04, 0x02]), wait_for_response=True) # function works
print(f"\te00a Power ON: {device.char_read('2e4ee00e-d9f0-5490-ff4b-d17374c433ef')}")
print(f"e00a Power ON write failure")
# adapter.stop()
# Subscribe to SmO2 and tHb UUIDs
def data_handler(handle, value):
Indication and notification come asynchronously, we use this function to
handle them either one at the time as they come.
:param handle:
:param value:
if handle == 25:
print(f"\tSmO2: {value} Handle: {handle}")
elif handle == 32:
print(f"\ttHb: {value} Handle: {handle}")
print(f"\tvalue: {value}, handle: {handle}")
device.subscribe("2e4ee00d-d9f0-5490-ff4b-d17374c433ef", callback=data_handler, indication=False, wait_for_response=True)
device.subscribe("2e4ee00e-d9f0-5490-ff4b-d17374c433ef", callback=data_handler, indication=False, wait_for_response=True)
print(f"\tSuccess 2e4ee00d: {device.char_read('2e4ee00d-d9f0-5490-ff4b-d17374c433ef')}")
print(f"\tSuccess 2e4ee00e: {device.char_read('2e4ee00e-d9f0-5490-ff4b-d17374c433ef')}")
# this statement causes a run-on continuity when enabled
# while True:
# sleep(1)
print("e00d/e00e subscribe failure")
# pass
Problem: in the output window of my Atom editor, the two data streams start as expected. For example:
I 09:05:39.983 Notification received from 2e4ee00d-d9f0-5490-ff4b-d17374c433ef, value: (0x) 00- 00-00-00-C0-FF-00-00-C0-FF-84-65-B4-3B-9E-AB-83-3C-FF-03
I 09:05:39.984 Notification received from 2e4ee00e-d9f0-5490-ff4b-d17374c433ef, value: (0x) 1C-00-00-FF-03-FF-0F-63-00-00-00-00-00-00-16-32-00-00-00-00
I'll see about seven to ten lines of data before the "stream" stops. There'll be a gap of about 20 seconds, and then a big dump of values. This is different from the output from nRF Connect, which is immediate and continous.
I have the logs from nRF Connect and Python...but I'm not sure which log entry points to the cause of the stop. Might this issue be related to the Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters? The nRF Connect property read shows:
ConnectionInterval = 50ms~100ms
SlaveLatency = 1
SuperTimeoutMonitor = 200
The Python log entry shows this:
INFO:pygatt.backends.bgapi.bgapi:Connection status: handle=0x0, flags=5, address=0xb'760b81afef0c', connection interval=75.000000ms, timeout=1000, latency=0 intervals, bonding=0xff
Thoughts anyone? (And truly, thanks in advance.)

I've answered my questions. I now have to solve the new problem of why my tKinter dialog is "not responding" as a separate issue.
Thanks All
Edit 3/31/2020: I re-wrote the script using pyQt and now have a functional app.


question about combining def function() and PWM duty_ns() in micropython

as a Micro python beginner, I combined few codes found on different forums in order to achieve a higher resolution for ESC signal control. The code will generate from a MIN 1000000 nanoseconds to a MAX 2000000 nanoseconds' pulse but I could only do 100 in increments. My code is kind of messy. Sorry if that hurts your eyes. My question is, does it represent an actual 100ns of resolution? and what's the trick to make it in increments of 1.(Not sure whether is even necessary, but I still hope someone can share some wisdom.)
from machine import Pin, PWM, ADC
from time import sleep
class setPin(PWM):
def __init__(self, pin: Pin):
def duty(self,d):
pot = ADC(0)
esc = setPin(Pin(7))
esc.duty(MIN) # arming ESC at 1000 us.
def map(x, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max):
return int((x - in_min)*(out_max - out_min)/(in_max - in_min) + out_min)
while True:
pot_val = pot.read_u16()
pulse_ns = map(pot_val, 256, 65535, 10000, 20000)
if pot_val<300: # makes ESC more stable at startup.
if pot_val>65300: # gives less tolerance when reaching MAX.
esc.duty(pulse_ns) # generates 1000000ns to 2000000ns of pulse.
try to change
esc.freq(500) => esc.freq(250)
print (map(3600,256,65535,10000,20000)*100)

Confusion About Implementing LeafSystem With Vector Output Port Correctly

I'm a student teaching myself Drake, specifically pydrake with Dr. Russ Tedrake's excellent Underactuated Robotics course. I am trying to write a combined energy shaping and lqr controller for keeping a cartpole system balanced upright. I based the diagram on the cartpole example found in Chapter 3 of Underactuated Robotics [], and the SwingUpAndBalanceController on Chapter 2: [].
I have found that due to my use of the cart_pole.sdf model I have to create an abstract input port due receive FramePoseVector from the cart_pole.get_output_port(0). From there I know that I have to create a control signal output of type BasicVector to feed into a Saturation block before feeding into the cartpole's actuation port.
The problem I'm encountering right now is that I'm not sure how to get the system's current state data in the DeclareVectorOutputPort's callback function. I was under the assumption I would use the LeafContext parameter in the callback function, OutputControlSignal, obtaining the BasicVector continuous state vector. However, this resulting vector, x_bar is always NaN. Out of desperation (and testing to make sure the rest of my program worked) I set x_bar to the controller's initialization cart_pole_context and have found that the simulation runs with a control signal of 0.0 (as expected). I can also set output to 100 and the cartpole simulation just flies off into endless space (as expected).
TL;DR: What is the proper way to obtain the continuous state vector in a custom controller extending LeafSystem with a DeclareVectorOutputPort?
Thank you for any help! I really appreciate it :) I've been teaching myself so it's been a little arduous haha.
# Combined Energy Shaping (SwingUp) and LQR (Balance) Controller
# with a simple state machine
class SwingUpAndBalanceController(LeafSystem):
def __init__(self, cart_pole, cart_pole_context, input_i, ouput_i, Q, R, x_star):
self.DeclareAbstractInputPort("state_input", AbstractValue.Make(FramePoseVector()))
self.DeclareVectorOutputPort("control_signal", BasicVector(1),
(self.K, self.S) = BalancingLQRCtrlr(cart_pole, cart_pole_context,
input_i, ouput_i, Q, R, x_star).get_LQR_matrices()
(self.A, self.B, self.C, self.D) = BalancingLQRCtrlr(cart_pole, cart_pole_context,
input_i, ouput_i,
Q, R, x_star).get_lin_matrices()
self.energy_shaping = EnergyShapingCtrlr(cart_pole, x_star)
self.energy_shaping_context = self.energy_shaping.CreateDefaultContext()
self.cart_pole_context = cart_pole_context
def OutputControlSignal(self, context, output):
#xbar = copy(self.cart_pole_context.get_continuous_state_vector())
xbar = copy(context.get_continuous_state_vector())
xbar_ = np.array([xbar[0], xbar[1], xbar[2], xbar[3]])
xbar_[1] = wrap_to(xbar_[1], 0, 2.0*np.pi) - np.pi
# If x'Sx <= 2, then use LQR ctrlr. Cost-to-go J_star = x^T * S * x
threshold = np.array([2.0])
if ( < 2.0):
#output[:] = # u = -Kx
output_val = self.energy_shaping.get_output_port(0).Eval(self.energy_shaping_context)
Here are two things that might help:
If you want to get the state of the cart-pole from MultibodyPlant, you probably want to be connecting to the continuous_state output port, which gives you a normal vector instead of the abstract-type FramePoseVector. In that case, your call to get_input_port().Eval(context) should work just fine.
If you do really want to read the FramePoseVector, then you have to evaluate the input port slightly differently. You can find an example of that here.

My Pressure Sensor Wont Output the Full Range of Values, Using a Raspberry Pi 3 and Python3

I have devised a circuit in which I am getting a pressure reading from a Dwyer 616kd-11-v Transducer with a Range of 0-500Pa, I am powering this with a 5v Power Supply and it shares a common ground to the Raspberry Pi. My ADC converter is a 16 Bit ADS1115 By Texas Instruments. I have connected the transducer and I am getting a reading which is similar to that I am getting on another External Airflow Pressure meter.
The problem is as soon as the Pressure reaches 324Pa or more the Reading in my Python Shell freezes at 324 and does not change until the value has dropped below 324Pa. The Transducer has a range of upto 500Pa meaning it should be able to read upto this value?
I will attach the code I use for this below and will include my basic circuit connections.
Full Code:
import time
import board
import busio
from adafruit_ads1x15.single_ended import ADS1115
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
Transducer = 17
i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL,board.SDA)
adc = ADS1115(i2c)
while True:
r0 = adc[0].value
r1 = adc[1].value
ADC_Value = r0*0.01525878906
input_value = GPIO.input(Transducer)
print("GPIO17: ", (input_value))
print("AIO: ", (r0))
print("AI1: ", (r1))
print("Pressure: ",(ADC_Value),"Pa")
the Vdd of the ADC converter has a 0.1uF capacitor with one end to GND and other end to Vdd.
From the datasheet ( it looks like the supply voltage should be 16-36V DC.
I think this will give you a 0-10V output under your current set-up. If you want a 0-5V output, you should connect the output pins 3 and 4 together. You need to make sure you can measure this voltage range on the ADS1115. The default range is only +-4.096V, so you will need to set the gain to its lower settings to read up to +5V.

Connect to Vehicle Using Telemetry on Linux

I am having problems with connection to vehicle. First, I could not connect to the vehicle even with USB (I used "/dev/ttyUSB0" connection string and got an error). Later I got it working with connection string '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-3D_Robotics_PX4_FMU_v2.x_0-if00' and was able to send commands and receive response. Now I want to test it with the telemetry block connected to laptop USB. I tried the same way - with connection string "/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_CP2102_USB_to_UART_Bridge_Controller_0001-if00-port0", but it gives timeout message.
USB connection test output:
>>> PreArm: Check FS_THR_VALUE
>>> PreArm: Throttle below Failsafe
>>> APM:Copter V3.5.4 (284349c3)
>>> PX4: 0384802e NuttX: 1bcae90b
>>> Frame: QUAD
>>> PX4v3 0035003B 3136510A 34313630
Autopilot Firmware version: APM:Copter-3.5.4
Autopilot capabilities (supports ftp): False
Global Location: LocationGlobal:lat=40.3985757,lon=49.8104986,alt=38.7
Global Location (relative altitude): LocationGlobalRelative:lat=40.3985757,lon=49.8104986,alt=38.7
Local Location: LocationLocal:north=None,east=None,down=None
Attitude: Attitude:pitch=-0.013171303086,yaw=0.0626983344555,roll=-0.0145587390289
Velocity: [-0.01, -0.01, 0.03]
GPS: GPSInfo:fix=3,num_sat=5
Groundspeed: 0.0168827120215
Airspeed: 0.263999998569
Gimbal status: Gimbal: pitch=None, roll=None, yaw=None
Battery: Battery:voltage=0.0,current=None,level=None
EKF OK?: False
Last Heartbeat: 0.967473479002
Rangefinder: Rangefinder: distance=None, voltage=None
Rangefinder distance: None
Rangefinder voltage: None
Heading: 3
Is Armable?: False
System status: STANDBY
Armed: False
I am opening a connection like this:
vehicle = connect('/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_CP2102_USB_to_UART_Bridge_Controller_0001-if00-port0', wait_ready=True)
This results in the following traceback:
>>> Link timeout, no heartbeat in last 5 seconds
>>> No heartbeat in 30 seconds, aborting.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 6, in <module>
vehicle = connect('/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_CP2102_USB_to_UART_Bridge_Controller_0001-if00-port0', wait_ready=True)
File "/home/seyid/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dronekit/", line 2845, in connect
vehicle.initialize(rate=rate, heartbeat_timeout=heartbeat_timeout)
File "/home/seyid/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dronekit/", line 2117, in initialize
raise APIException('Timeout in initializing connection.')
dronekit.APIException: Timeout in initializing connection.
Telemetry block is working when using MavProxy.
What is the problem here? Thank you
There are a couple of problems that can cause dronekit to fail with a connection timeout:
Ensure you have the pyserial module installed.
Specify the baud rate for your connection explicitly, as in:
vehicle = connect('/dev/ttyUSB0',
If connections with mavproxy to the same serial port work on your system it is likely that the second one is the culprit.

RaspBerry pi B rev2 - Issue while sampling a LM335 (temp. sensor) thru a MCP3208 ADC via SPI in Python 3

I tried to interface a RaspBerry pi with a LM335 temperature sensor this week-end. I'm using a MCP 3208 micro controller (channel 0) to interface the sensor. My goal is to collect samples data in SPI mode with python 3 scripts (classes).
I've checked the wiring and everything seems OK for me, I'but I'am a beginner, not really aware of Electronic concepts.
On the software side , I've installed quick2wire that claims to be python 3 compatible. In fact I want to lead the micro-controller with Python 3 API's (not thru shell calls)
Raspberry pi REV2 model B with Rasbian-wheezy / Quick2wire installed. /dev/spix.y devices are listed.
MCP3208 ADC : 12 bits ADC / SPI. I'm using CS0 from the GPIO. The sensor is connected to channel 0 (B). see datasheet.
LM335 : temperature sensor. Outputs 10mV / °K. Min 5muA / Max 5 mA. It's connected to the MCP3208 channel #0 (A). see datasheet
220 ohms resistor (C). set up regarding LM335 outputs and desired temperature range coverage with my own calculations : May be a problem ...
Schematics extract
The LM335 (zener diode like) is connected as :
Components are wired as shown bellow. Note that the yellow link is connected behind the cobbler kit on the CS0 SPI channel.
I use the bellow script to query the CS0/Channel 0 GPIO interface. Unfortunately, I've not found usefull informations on the quick2wire-python-api API's. I've just copy/paste an example found as it was written in the same goal. I'm not sure if it really works :
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from quick2wire.spi import *
import sys, time
channel = int(sys.argv[1])
channel = 0
MCP3208 = SPIDevice(channel, 0)
while True:
response = MCP3208.transaction(writing_bytes(0x41, 0x13), reading(1))
print ("output = %i" % ord(response[0]))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
The script outputs :
output = 0
output = 0
output = 0
output = 0
output = 0
The result is the same with the channel 1 ( with argv = 1)
As the MCP3208 Din (probe output) receives voltage (see bellow) quick2wire should read at 18°C (rawghly my home inside temperature today)
3,3 V / 2^12 = 805 muA as I understand as "digital step"
18°C + 273°C = 291 => 2,91 V on the micro controller Din pin
and then return 2 910 / 0.805 = 3 615
Am I wrong ?
I've no oscilloscope, the only measures I can read are :
Voltage is 2.529 V at B checkpoint and 0,5 V (+/-5%) on the other MCP3208 channels
Note : the adjust pin is not used on the LM335 so results way not be accurate but voltage is here !
Seems to be a problem on the quick2wire side I think. But which ?
The quick2wire.spi.SPIDevice class lakes of détails on the transfers parameter in terms of structure, content and output response format.
def transaction(self, *transfers):
Perform an SPI I/O transaction.
*transfers -- SPI transfer requests created by one of the reading,
writing, writing_bytes, duplex or duplex_bytes
Returns: a list of byte sequences, one for each read or duplex
operation performed.
transfer_count = len(transfers)
ioctl_arg = (spi_ioc_transfer*transfer_count)()
# populate array from transfers
for i, transfer in enumerate(transfers):
ioctl_arg[i] = transfers[i].to_spi_ioc_transfer()
ioctl(self.fd, SPI_IOC_MESSAGE(transfer_count), addressof(ioctl_arg))
return [transfer.to_read_bytes() for t in transfers if t.has_read_buf]
Another question :
how to set SPI configuration values like mode, clock speed, bits per word, LSB ... and so on.
Thanks in advance for your help.
I know you probably intend to learn how to use the ADC, an so this isn't really an answer to your question (I will use your very rich post for sure - thanks), but I'm aware of temperature sensors that already pack data in GPIO serial line, that are best suited for the raspberry.
You really have to read this awesome tutorial, if you haven't already.
