Cucumber - what's the difference between these two givens? - cucumber

New to this whole BDD world, and I'm already experiencing weird behavior.
So in the three "Given" statements below, they all refer to the ints in the table, right? So I thought when mapping (see second pic), I just replace all the "<...>" tags with "{int}", but that's not the case. , , , stay the same and are not replaced by {int}, but is replaced by {int}.
Is this normal? If so, what's the rule?

In your step definition, where you specify which text should be matched by your step, you need to specify which Cucumber expression should be matched.
Change the first two step definitions to:
#Given("An X is added at row {int}, {int})
#Given("An O is added at row {int}, {int})
(Sidenote on asking questions: next time please copy your feature file and code into your question. That makes it easier to answer using your snippets.)

Your step definition for gherkin steps Given An X .... and Given An O.... does not meet the required criteria to accept the int parameter. In step definition when a integer value is expected to be received as parameter you must use {int} or (\d+). Which means your step definition for first two given statement would be as follow
#Given("^An X is added at row {int}, {int}$")
#Given("^An O is added at row {int}, {int}$")


Using flex to identify variable name without repeating characters

I'm not fully sure how to word my question, so sorry for the rough title.
I am trying to create a pattern that can identify variable names with the following restraints:
Must begin with a letter
First letter may be followed by any combination of letters, numbers, and hyphens
First letter may be followed with nothing
The variable name must not be entirely X's ([xX]+ is a seperate identifier in this grammar)
So for example, these would all be valid:
But the following would not be valid:
I am able to meet the first three requirements with my current identifier, but I am really struggling to change it so that it doesn't pick up variables that are entirely the letter X.
Here is what I have so far: [a-z][a-z0-9\-]* {return (NAME);}
Can anyone suggest a way of editing this to avoid variables that are made up of just the letter X?
The easiest way to handle that sort of requirement is to have one pattern which matches the exceptional string and another pattern, which comes afterwards in the file, which matches all the strings:
[xX]+ { /* matches all-x tokens */ }
[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]-]* { /* handle identifiers */ }
This works because lex (and almost all lex derivatives) select the first match if two patterns match the same longest token.
Of course, you need to know what you want to do with the exceptional symbol. If you just want to accept it as some token type, there's no problem; you just do that. If, on the other hand, the intention was to break it into subtokens, perhaps individual letters, then you'll have to use yyless(), and you might want to switch to a new lexing state in order to avoid repeatedly matching the same long sequence of Xs. But maybe that doesn't matter in your case.
See the flex manual for more details and examples.

Generating Solution Candidates For Matching People in Clingo/ASP

I have a list of people and I want to pair them all then do some filtering based on preferences. When I generate my candidate solutions, how do I avoid creating candidate solutions that re-pair a people.
For example:
person(a;b;c;d) .
{match(X, Y): person(Y)}1 :- person(X) .
This generates candidate solutions that include match(a,b) match(c,b) ...
I would like ONLY candidate solutions that do not rematch anyone like: match(a,b) match(c,d) ...
My goal is to not have to filter rematches out via additional constraints. Also, not everyone needs to be matched. Thanks!
{match(A,B) : person(A), person(B), A < B}.
:- person(A), 1 < {match(A,B); match(B,A)}.
You exclude solutions that have more than 1 match for a single person.
It is not possible to simply choose a correct set of atoms without additional constraints. As match(a,b) and match(b,c) can occur in different answer sets, both variables need to be created. Only a constraint can rule out that both do not occur in the same answer set.
Also note that your generator rule
{match(X, Y): person(Y)}1 :- person(X) .
already is a shortcut writing for
{match(X, Y): person(Y)} :- person(X).
:- person(X), 2 {match(X, Y): person(Y)}.
And therefore you are already using a constraint whenever your generator choice rule has non-trivial bounds.
PS: Check the different versions using --stats=2 for constraint count and --text for a rough approximation of what kind of constraints are generated.
I'd go for Max Ostrowskis answer.
One of the difficulties is to handle the order of the attributes for the match predicate: this is a tuple, there is a difference if your value shows up on first or second position. Adding a rule to make the predicate commutative should do the trick since you don't need to distinguish for a value to be on first or second position. This method does not use a constraint (on first sight), but it duplicates the generated values so the output differs from your desired solution. Also it adds a line to the code.
{match(X,Y): person(Y), X!=Y}1 :- person(X).
match(Y,X) :- match(X,Y).
#show match/2.
Answer: 1
Answer: 2
match(c,a) match(a,c)
Answer: 3
match(b,a) match(a,b)
Answer: 4
match(c,d) match(d,c)
Answer: 5
match(b,a) match(a,b) match(c,d) match(d,c)
Answer: 6
match(b,d) match(d,b)
Answer: 7
match(c,a) match(a,c) match(b,d) match(d,b)
Answer: 8
match(b,c) match(c,b)
Answer: 9
match(d,a) match(a,d)
Answer: 10
match(d,a) match(a,d) match(b,c) match(c,b)

How to use negative expression in Cucumber Java

In Cucumber you can write Then expressions and their step definitions to verify the results. The problem is I don't want to write 2 different step definitions for checking the outcome. One example would be like this:
Then the transaction is successful
Then the transaction is not successful
How can I get around this?
I've found out that in Ruby you could consolidate step definitions by using capturing optional groups as described [here]. That is:
Then /^I should( not)? see the following columns: "([^"]*)"$/ do |negate, columns|
within('table thead tr') do
columns.split(', ').each do |column|
negate ? page.should_not(have_content(column)) : page.should(have_content(column))
But I don't know whether this is possible in Java or not. And even if it is what type of variable should I be capturing?
Why not write two step definitions. Each one is simpler, on topic, doesn't require a regex. If you delegate the work the step definitions do to a helper method you can remove almost all of the code duplication as well
Then I should see the following columns |cols|
Then I should not see the following columns |cols|
Now you have super simple crystal clear step definitions and you can write your method/ methods however you want.
Step definition duplication is irrelevant if all your step definitions just make a single call to a helper method. You can be as DRY as you like with your helper methods and still keep your scenarios super simple and remove the need to use regex's and complex logic in your step defs.
In Java, I would create one method with capture groups (is|is not), and derive a boolean from that which I would compare to the value. On the other hand, this adds logic to your test implementation so there is something to be said for #diabolist's solution of having 2 distinct step definitions.

MATLAB selecting items considering the end of their name

I have to extract the onset times for a fMRI experiment. I have a nested output called "ResOut", which contains different matrices. One of these is called "cond", and I need the 4th element of it [1,2,3,4]. But I need to know its onset time just when the items in "pict" matrix (inside ResOut file) have a name that ends with "*v.JPG".
Here's the part of the code that I wrote (but it's not working):
for i=1:length(ResOut);
if ResOut(i).cond(4)==1 && ResOut(i).pict== endsWith(*"v.JPG")
What's wrong? Can you halp me to fix it out?
Thank you in advance,
It's generally helpful to start with unfamiliar functions by reading their documentation to understand what inputs they are expecting. Per the documentation for endsWith, it expects two inputs: the input text and the pattern to match. In your example, you are only passing it one (incorrectly formatted) string input, so it's going to error out.
To fix this, call the function properly. For example:
filepath = ["./Some Path/mazeltov.jpg"; "~/Some Path/myfile.jpg"];
test = endsWith(filepath, 'v.jpg')
test =
2×1 logical array
Or, more specifically to your code snippet:
endsWith(ResOut(i).pict, 'v.JPG')
Note that there is an optional third input, 'IgnoreCase', which you can pass as a boolean true/false to control whether or not the matching ignores case.

prolog recursive searching with contraints

I have a house with rooms that are defined with connections for when you can go from one room to another eg.
write('player goes from '),write(X),write(' to '),write(Y),nl,
Im trying to figure out how make it so the player can only get from one room to another when they have a specific item, such as you can only be in the kitchen when items = gloves.
tried defining canbein with:
canbein(kitchen):- item(sword).
canbein(sidehall):- item(hat).
but that doesnt work!
Have defined my items as such, not sure if this is right either:
Basically, have i declared my item values correctly?
How can i use the specific item value to make canget x to y false?
Thank you!
Well, I see a few problems with your code. Firstly, you call canbein with two arguments (from canget predicate). However, canbein is defined as single-argument predicate. Therefore, the call always fails as no canbein/2 predicate exists.
I suggest the following modification:
canbein(kitchen, sword).
canbein(sidehall, hat).
Than, the item definition is not required. Let's think about what happens during the unification of
canget(X,Y,Item) :- connection(X,Y,Item), canbein(Y,Item).
Let's assume the following setting X=sidehall, Y=kitchen, Item==sword. This predicate should be OK. Assuming the conection predicate is OK, prolog tries to find canbein(Y, Item) i.e. canbein(kitchen, sword) and it succeeds.
On the contrary, if the Item is different the unification fails, hence it works as expected.
The second problem is the item predicate. By your definition, it expects 4 arguments. That's nonsense, of course. You should declare it like
However, I don't think this predicate is necessary at all. Just to be clear, try to call item(X) and obtain all results (the four declared). Try it with the prior definition - what should you even ask for?
I hope it helps :)
