Not able to install cygwin - cygwin

Not able to install cygwin.
I am trying to install cygwin 32 bit setup in my 64-bit OS, as we need to support 32 bit OS also. While I am trying to install after selecting all packages, setup.exe is getting crashed showing setup.exe has stopped working.
I have disabled anti virus as well.
This is my error log:
2020/01/02 12:17:09 io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/setup.rc) failed 2 No such file or directory
2020/01/02 12:17:09 Ending cygwin install


Can install PyQt5-sip for one Venv but not for another one! (Pycharm/Win10)

I have a severe compability issue with a Pycharm PyQt5 project that I cannot solve:
Problem Description:
I ran into a compability problem when I try to install PyQt5 site packages in my Pycharm editor.
The strange thing is that I could install PyQt5 and used it before in another Pycharm Project about 2 months earlier.
Both projects have two different virtual environments, both created by Pycharm when creating a new environment.
Screenshot of installed packages of the old, working venv:
Screenshot of installed packages of the new, broken venv:
What I tried to narrow down the error:
I checked if PyQt5 is still installed in my Python:
Requirement already satisfied: PyQt5-sip<13,>=12.8 in c:\users\mauser\appdata\local\programs\python\python38-32\lib\site-packages (from PyQt5) (12.8.1)
The Error Log shows that PyCharm fails to install PyQt5-sip into the new virtual environment
Next, I updated both, globally, and locally (in the new project venv), pip and setuptools
The error log then told me that it needs Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or higher, so I installed the newest version of VC building tools and also included the version that actually says version 14.00.
Then I installed / upgraded PEP517 since the end of the error log states:
ERROR: Failed building wheel for PyQt5-sip
ERROR: Could not build wheels for PyQt5-sip which use PEP 517 and cannot be installed directly
It seems that when pip is trying to build PyQt5-sip inside the virtual environment, that somehow the VC+ buildtools fail?
"basetsd.h": No such file or directory
error: command 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.28.29910\bin\HostX86\x86\cl.exe' failed with exit status 2
Finally, I made a new project and tried to install PyQt5 in this fresh virtual environment. It failed with the same error: PyQt5-sip cannot be built Anymore!
Why did it work last time, when I installed, and used PyQt5 without any problems?
Why can I install just fine: PyQt5, sip, and Qt designer on my machine globally but suddenly not locally anymore?
Qt designer still works, pip tells me that PyQt5 is correctly installed globally!
There was a recent Windows 10 patch - was this the reason? Did I maybe not install the correct VC+ 14.00 distribution?
Can I simply copy the PyQt5 folder from the old venv without breaking anything to bypass this problem? (Did not dare to try this out yet)
The answer to this is:
A Win10 update corrupted some parts of the Visual C++ 14.00 package on my system.
So hopefully this may help some others.
I deleted every VC++ package I had previously installed and (once more) installed the essential VC++ buildtools 2019, build 16.9.5..
Optional Features chosen:
Core Tools and Test Package
MSVC 142
MSVC 140
C++ CMake Tools
Win10 SDK
It seems that you need to include the SDK package as well to make it work!
After having reinstalled cleanly these packages above, PyQt5 and namely PyQt5-sip are able to be built again!

E: Unable to locate package ea-utils | Ubuntu 18.04

I am following this tutorial. I already have .fastq files. I want to install ea-utils.
My setup is Ubuntu 18.04 bionic, via Oracle VM Virtual Box.
In terminal, I entered the command:
>>>sudo apt install ea-utils
E: Unable to locate package ea-utils
First, I installed latest Ubuntu updates via. Software Updater.
>>>sudo apt-get update
E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.
Still throwing an error:
>>>sudo apt-get install ea-utils
Second command said: E: Unable to locate package ea-utils.
You cannot install it using Git-Bash. Git-Bash is not a Linux environment (apt-get is a Linux utility that can be used in a Linux environment). Git-Bash is a subset of the MSYS (or MSYS2, not sure) collection of open source tools compiled for Windows
What you can try is
build your own version of ea-utils for Windows. build guide - I will elaborate if required
check if there are any precompiled binaries for it
Expanding on building/compiling your own binaries of programs
Normally a program is written in a programming language (e.g C/C++, Java) that humans can read. These are plain text files.
That is compiled into something computers can read
This compiled file is executable on the platform which it is compiled for - ends in .exe for Windows
This executable file is distributed as a 'precompiled binary' that is copied into (usually) C:\Program Files by the installation procedure
But things change in the world of open source software
You are given the original files of code written in a programming language
You use a compiler combined with other libraries to compile it into an executable file
MinGW is a collection of tools, including the C/C++ compiler for Windows
GSL is a library that provides some other code that ea-utils depends on for the compilation of the binaries
General instructions for building
(Sorry I cannot test these. I do not use Windows any more)
Install MinGW - accepting the defaults should work fine
Install GSL - try the link that says Setup (again, accept defaults)
Unzip the file you downloaded earlier from ea-utils' GitHub
Open command prompt
cd into the unzipped folder
(based on instructions on their wiki) make
make test
Since your updated question is based on using Ubuntu 18.04 in a VM and you there is still an error, I suggest trying
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ea-utils
Commonly, software in the Linux word is distributed as "packages" - e.g ea-utils. The first command contacts Ubuntu's repositories (they serve the packages) and generates a list of all the available packages.
That should fix the error of ea-utils not being found.
Following the constant errors being thrown,
Download the .deb file 64-bit version or 32-bit version according to the virtual machine you are running. Open it inside the virtual machine, and follow the onscreen instructions.

sdkman on cygwin can't install

I'm setting up a new machine and installing sdkman on Cygwin to install Java. I had this exact setup working on my previous machine, also Win 10.
Installed Cygwin, and required for sdkman, installed zip and unzip packages. Now I'm getting the following error:
$ sdk i java 11.0.3-zulu
Downloading: java 11.0.3-zulu
In progress...
Warning: Failed to create the file
Warning: /home/whyph/.sdkman/tmp/D2txrZkztdcZKSIltTtxclUhHkzF9yIf.bin: No such
Warning: file or directory
curl: (23) Failed writing body (0 != 14095)
mv: cannot stat '/home/whyph/.sdkman/tmp/D2txrZkztdcZKSIltTtxclUhHkzF9yIf.bin': No such file or directory
Tried disabling Windows firewall and running Cygwin as administrator, neither changed the error. Worked out of the box on my last machine, but can't figure out what might be different.
I discovered the problem - wrong curl. Turns out, Windows 10 now comes with curl and it's on your path. I assumed it was one of the base packages of Cygwin, but it is not, and the Windows version is not compatible with SDKMAN, even though it worked to install it. Fix:
Remove SDKMAN per Uninstallation section
Close Cygwin shells
Rerun Cygwin setup and insure the curl, zip, unzip, and tar packages
are installed (check installation instructions in case more
dependencies are added since this writing)
Install SDKMAN per instructions
Recently I had the very same problem, and the reason was very simple... I forgot to install cURL on my Cygwin. Hope it helps!
I had the same problem recently and I manage to make it work somehow.
In the sdkman source file, I modified the .sdkman/src/ line 150.
I replaced the "--output" of the line below by a classic redirection ">".
After I just restarted cygwin and the command finally worked.
__sdkman_secure_curl_download "${download_url}" --output "${binary_input}"
Hope that helps !

Node.js installation error

I tried to install node.js on a Windows 8 machine, but I got the following error:
The cabinet file '' required for this installation
is corrupt and cannot be used. This could indicate a network error, an
error reading from the the CD-ROM, or a problem with this package.
I downloaded the installation file from the node.js website at
How I can solve this problem.
My system specifications are OS : Windows8 32bit, RAM : 4GB, CPU :
Intel Pentium P6200, 2.13Gz, Dual Core
I was experiencing the same error message trying to install on Windows 7.
I was able to fix this issue and successfully install by:
changing the directory for installation.
Instead of installing within my "Program Files (X86)" folder, I installed into my "Program Files" folder
My suggestion is to try installing to a different directory as this solved the problem for me.
For anyone stumbling here, my problem (on win 7) was I accidentally downloaded the 32-bit version by mistake. Getting the 64-bit version was the solution.
Actually above none of answers ara not worked for me. I'm using windows 8.1 x64 . So i'm trying install nodejs.msi. Actually i can not install it. So i have used Chocolatey package manager. This is the command that i used for install nodejs. choco install nodejs.install Thats all it worked :)

Aptana Studio 3.3.0 crashes on start - Arch Linux

here's my system specs;
Arch Linux x86_64,
Kernel: 3.6.10-1-ARCH,
Gnome 3.6.2,
xf86-video-nouveau 1.0.4-1,
jdk7-openjdk 7.u9_2.3.3-1,
jre7-openjdk 7.u9_2.3.3-1,
jre7-openjdk-headless 7.u9_2.3.3-1,
lib32-libjpeg-turbo 1.2.1-1, libjpeg-turbo 1.2.1-1, libjpeg6-turbo 1.2.1-1
libpng12 1.2.50-2,
net-tools 1.60.20120804git-2,
unzip 6.0-6.
Ok, so there's the list of requirements that are installed, version numbers as well. Upon launch, the loading/splash screen won't even show, and then nothing... it just dies out. I attempted to launch it "aptana -v" and no output in the shell. I have looked for any error logs in ~/ , but nothing is there.
Other steps I've done is to delete any configuration folders/files for eclipse and aptana-secure in ~/. Also did a clean uninstall of just Aptana (not the dependencies), reinstall. Same result.
Any suggestions?
It appears that there is a mix up in the downloads. 32-bit and 64-bit got switched. If you are on 32-bit download 64-bit and vice versa. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.
See issues below:
Aptana 64 bit version crashes on startup on 64bit Linux OS with 64bit Oracle 7 java
Linux Installer contains x64 bit version of the project
