Azure search unable to find location & highlighting of text in the PDF file - azure

I am working on Azure search with 2 PDF files which contains images and text, I am able to execute the search results properly, However i am unable to highlight the text which is in image.
In a short i am not able to minimize my search to extract only the searched content.
I am using post man to get the results
When i call
I gives me whole JSON with many text without exact highlighter
NOTE: i have enables OCR also in the indexer

Try setting the highlight=[string] parameter in your request.
See the Search Documents documentation for details.
If that doesn't help, can you explain more about your expected results?


How to export TFS Shelveset comments to text or excel

Can we export code review comments in a TFS Shelveset to an excel or any Text file.
I have attached this image. The comment in Red circle needs to be exported to excel or any Text file.
Reason- For audit purpose, need to track review comments being given to developer. Right now we have to manually enter these comments inside an excel code review sheet.
Please advise.
You could write a PowerShell script that queries the REST API see to get a particular shelveset, I would do a List first then a Get Shelveset change and try and get the full changes including the comments then you can save that to a txt file for you auditors. I haven't tried it so I don't know if comments are returned but I think so.
There is no built-in or documentary way to get the comments on the Shelvesets tab, but if you try to capture the network log, you would see you can get the comments using the following API:
Get http://TFS2018:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection/_apis/discussion/threads?artifactUri=vstfs%3A%2F%2F%2FVersionControl%2FShelveset%2F{CodeReviewName}%252526shelvesetOwner%25253D{ownername}

is it possible to find which page and/or line number a given text was found using full text search and filestream?

I just started using the filestream and full text search technologies available on Microsoft Sql Server, I can index and search txt and pdf files, however, when I get the results I can't see the text, nor which page and/or line number that text was found inside the pdf for example, is it possible to at least retrieve the text from the document when a search is made? I believe it's not possible to return a "region" of text but maybe something I can use to look for in the file afterwards?
I'm trying to figure out the advantages of doing a search like this if I can't see the text that was found.
After doing a lot of research I concluded it isn't possible to search for a given page on an indexed pdf, so I decided to use solr instead and index the information the way I need to search later

Extracting a page from a pdf using a keyword

OK so im quite sure i cant do this with excel vb or for free even.
Im writing these macros for work, and one of them needs to be able to chose a pdf based on keywords.
Then go into the pdf, search either the titles of the pages or the text on the pages themselves using a different set of keywords.
When it finds the page that matches one of the keywords in the second set, it will extract the whole page, as is, to a single page pdf.
This can then be attached to email.
This will be only a small part of the purpose of the macro.
From what i understand, im probably going to have to find an SDK, pay for it, and write a separate program in C# or VisualBasic which is run when the macro needs.
I dont even need the code, maybe just a point in the right direction :D
In the end i got a program called pdftk.exe, free, and runs in command line.
With this i can export the Bookmarks listing to txtfile.
Search text file for string/keywords.
Jump down a line or two and grab associated page number.
Then use the same exe to extract that page and save as specific name, then my vba macro can grab that newly created 1 page pdf.
Ive seen code on this site for creating delays while another process is doing its thing, so i will try to implement that also.

Aptana Search Project Ignoring Certain File Extensions

I've tried search for this but have been unable to find anything on this. Basically, I'd like to be able to search the project that I'm working on but only search files with certain file extensions. Currently it searches everything and this adds time to the search that will never return results for what I'm looking for. Is there a way to do this or am I just out of luck?
Does your search dialog not look like this?
Ctrl + H or Search > Search will bring up this dialog which allows you to put in a file name pattern to limit your search... what are you doing?

Search through scripts of (multiple) cimplicity screens

We are using Cimplicity to operate some installations at our plant. The frontend consists of a lot of .cim files, which are the screens presented to the operator. These files are built with 'cimedit', which is basically a graphical click and drag program with which you can assemble the screens. Each object you drag onto the screen has the option to run a script, which brings me to my problem.
Because each screen contains a lot of small scripts and functions it is hard to keep track of what does what. For example I'm trying to figure out where a certain table from my database is being accessed or updated. Since the files all seem to be compressed (or so) I can't use a regular 'search the contents of this file' search.
Things I've tried so far are searching using windows, with the content option enabled and also tried the compression option. This had no success. It makes sense because like I said, the files seem to be compressed, so the actual script is not stored in plain text.
So, my question in short:
How do I search all the scripts of (preferably multiple) cimplicity screens?
Any tips on how to search compressed files are also very much appreciated.
I stumbled upon another stackoverflow post while searching for a better windows search tool and ended up finding this post:
This posts recommends Agent Ransack and it is actually possible to search through the .cim files with this tool.
