Is Pytorch DataLoader Iteration order stable? - pytorch
Is the iteration order for a Pytorch Dataloader guaranteed to be the same (under mild conditions)?
For instance:
dataloader = DataLoader(my_dataset, batch_size=4,
shuffle=True, num_workers=4)
print("run 1")
for batch in dataloader:
print("run 2")
for batch in dataloader:
So far, I've tried testing it and it appears to not be fixed, same order for both runs. Is there a way to make the order the same? Thanks
edit: i have also tried doing
unlabeled_sampler = data.sampler.SubsetRandomSampler(unlabeled_indices)
unlabeled_dataloader = data.DataLoader(train_dataset,
sampler=unlabeled_sampler, batch_size=args.batch_size, drop_last=False)
and then iterating through the dataloader twice, but the same non-determinism results.
The short answer is no, when shuffle=True the iteration order of a DataLoader isn't stable between iterations. Each time you iterate on your loader the internal RandomSampler creates a new random order.
One way to get a stable shuffled DataLoader is to create a Subset dataset using a shuffled set of indices.
shuffled_dataset =, torch.randperm(len(my_dataset)).tolist())
dataloader = DataLoader(shuffled_dataset, batch_size=4, num_workers=4, shuffled=False)
I actually went with jodag's in-the-comments answer:
for i,elt in enumerate(unlabeled_dataloader):
if i > 10:
print("new dataloader")
for i,elt in enumerate( unlabeled_dataloader):
if i > 10:
and the output:
[tensor([[-0.3583, -0.6944]]), tensor([3]), tensor([1610])]
[tensor([[-0.6623, -0.3790]]), tensor([3]), tensor([1958])]
[tensor([[-0.5046, -0.6399]]), tensor([3]), tensor([1814])]
[tensor([[-0.5349, 0.2365]]), tensor([2]), tensor([1086])]
[tensor([[-0.1310, 0.1158]]), tensor([0]), tensor([321])]
[tensor([[-0.2085, 0.0727]]), tensor([0]), tensor([422])]
[tensor([[ 0.1263, -0.1597]]), tensor([0]), tensor([142])]
[tensor([[-0.1387, 0.3769]]), tensor([1]), tensor([894])]
[tensor([[-0.0500, 0.8009]]), tensor([3]), tensor([1924])]
[tensor([[-0.6907, 0.6448]]), tensor([4]), tensor([2016])]
[tensor([[-0.2817, 0.5136]]), tensor([2]), tensor([1267])]
[tensor([[-0.4257, 0.8338]]), tensor([4]), tensor([2411])]
new dataloader
[tensor([[-0.3583, -0.6944]]), tensor([3]), tensor([1610])]
[tensor([[-0.6623, -0.3790]]), tensor([3]), tensor([1958])]
[tensor([[-0.5046, -0.6399]]), tensor([3]), tensor([1814])]
[tensor([[-0.5349, 0.2365]]), tensor([2]), tensor([1086])]
[tensor([[-0.1310, 0.1158]]), tensor([0]), tensor([321])]
[tensor([[-0.2085, 0.0727]]), tensor([0]), tensor([422])]
[tensor([[ 0.1263, -0.1597]]), tensor([0]), tensor([142])]
[tensor([[-0.1387, 0.3769]]), tensor([1]), tensor([894])]
[tensor([[-0.0500, 0.8009]]), tensor([3]), tensor([1924])]
[tensor([[-0.6907, 0.6448]]), tensor([4]), tensor([2016])]
[tensor([[-0.2817, 0.5136]]), tensor([2]), tensor([1267])]
[tensor([[-0.4257, 0.8338]]), tensor([4]), tensor([2411])]
which is as desired. However, I think jodag's main answer is still better; this is just a quick hack which works for now ;)
Coupling of Different Blocks in a UNET
I am starting to work with Neuralnetworks using Keras. I try to adapt the model (UNet-like architecture) given by Sim, Oh, Kim, Jung in "Optimal Transport driven CycleGAN for Unsupervised Learning in Inverse Problems" (Fig. 10). def def_generator(image_shape=(256,256,3)): init= RandomNormal(stddev=0.02) #Start 1st Block in_image = Input(shape=image_shape) g1=Conv2D(64,(3,3))(in_image) g1=InstanceNormalization(axis=-1)(g1) g1=LeakyReLU(alpha=0.2)(g1) g1=Conv2D(64,(3,3))(g1) g1=InstanceNormalization(axis=-1)(g1) g1=LeakyReLU(alpha=0.2)(g1) #End of 1st Block #Start of 2nd Block g2=MaxPool2D()(g1) g2=Conv2D(128,(3,3))(g2) g2=InstanceNormalization(axis=-1)(g2) g2=LeakyReLU(alpha=0.2)(g2) g2=Conv2D(128,(3,3))(g2) g2=InstanceNormalization(axis=-1)(g2) g2=LeakyReLU(alpha=0.2)(g2) #End of 2nd Block #Start of 3rd Block g3=MaxPool2D()(g2) g3=Conv2D(256,(3,3))(g3) g3=InstanceNormalization(axis=-1)(g3) g3=LeakyReLU(alpha=0.2)(g3) g3=Conv2D(256,(3,3))(g3) g3=InstanceNormalization(axis=-1)(g3) g3=LeakyReLU(alpha=0.2)(g3) #End of 3rd Block #Start of 4th block g4=MaxPool2D()(g3) g4=Conv2D(512,(3,3))(g4) g4=InstanceNormalization(axis=-1)(g4) g4=LeakyReLU(alpha=0.2)(g4) g4=Conv2D(512,(3,3))(g4) g4=InstanceNormalization(axis=-1)(g4) g4=LeakyReLU(alpha=0.2)(g4) g4=Conv2D(256,(3,3))(g4) g4=InstanceNormalization(axis=-1)(g4) g4=LeakyReLU(alpha=0.2)(g4) g4=Conv2DTranspose(256,(2,2),strides=(4,4),output_padding=1)(g4) #End of 4th Block #Start of 5th Block g5input=Concatenate()([g4,g3]) g5=Conv2D(256,(3,3))(g5input) g5=InstanceNormalization(axis=-1)(g5) g5=LeakyReLU(alpha=0.2)(g5) g5=Conv2D(256,(3,3))(g5) g5=InstanceNormalization(axis=-1)(g5) g5=LeakyReLU(alpha=0.2)(g5) g5=Conv2DTranspose(128,(2,2),strides=(3,3), padding='same', output_padding=0)(g5) #End of 5th Block #Start of 6th block g6input=Concatenate()([g5,g2]) g6=Conv2D(128,(2,2))(g6input) g6=InstanceNormalization(axis=-1)(g6) g6=LeakyReLU(alpha=0.2)(g6) g6=Conv2D(128,(2,2))(g6) g6=InstanceNormalization(axis=-1)(g6) g6=LeakyReLU(alpha=0.2)(g6) g6=Conv2DTranspose(64,(2,2),strides=(2,2), padding='valid', output_padding=1)(g6) #End of 6th Block #Start of 7th block g7input=Concatenate()([g6,g1]) g7=Conv2D(64,(2,2))(g7input) g7=InstanceNormalization(axis=-1)(g7) g7=LeakyReLU(alpha=0.2)(g7) g7=Conv2D(64,(2,2))(g7) g7=InstanceNormalization(axis=-1)(g7) g7=LeakyReLU(alpha=0.2)(g7) g7=Conv2DTranspose(1,(1,1))(g7) model=Model(in_image, g5) model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer=Adam(lr=2e-4,beta_1=0.5), loss_weights=[0.5], metrics=['accuracy']) return model g=def_generator((120,120,1)) print(g.summary()) I run always in the problem that the dimensions of the layers which should be concatenated are not compatible. I understand that this issue is resulting from the MaxPooling+Conv2d steps before. I am now wondering if there is a trick/strategy to avoid/reduce this issue? Any help will be appreciated. Best wishes Michael
the problem is very simple, you are concatenating block with layers with different size, this is happening because you are trying to run the network on images that are NOT POWER OF 2 size, when you do the max pooling of an image that is not divisible for 2 you lose a pixel (243x243 -> 121x121) and when you double with the traspose you get a different size (121x121 -> 242x242) and the concatenation doesnt work because 242 is different to 243, the images are of different size (at least this is what i think, you should have shared the error). This means that when an image reaches a maxpooling layer it needs to have an edge divisible for 2. so, solution: having 4 blocks means that the images need to be AT LEAST divisible for 16, otherwise it will not work
Computing gradient twice for two different losses in Pytorch
I want to compute the gradients twice for two different losses in the same iteration. Code: batch_output0,batch_output1 = get_output_from_model(model=model, data=batch[0]) train_loss0 = loss_fun0(batch_output0, batch_labels0.float().view(-1, 1)) train_loss0.backward() grad0_conv_w = model.conv1.conv1.weight.grad batch_output0,batch_output1 = get_output_from_model(model=model, data=batch[0]) train_loss1 = loss_fun1(batch_output1, batch_labels1.float().view(-1, 1)) train_loss1.backward() grad1_conv_w = model.conv1.conv1.weight.grad Outputs: train_loss0: tensor(0.6950, grad_fn=<BinaryCrossEntropyBackward>) train_loss1: tensor(25.5431, grad_fn=<MseLossBackward>) Grad0: tensor([-2.4883e-05, 3.7842e-05, 1.2635e-04, ..., -1.6413e-04, -1.8419e-04, -1.7884e-04]) Grad1: tensor([-2.4883e-05, 3.7842e-05, 1.2635e-04, ..., -1.6413e-04, -1.8419e-04, -1.7884e-04]) You may note that even though the two losses are quite different, the gradients for the corresponding losses are exactly the same. Please help me to diagnose the problem. Thank you.
Gradients vanishing despite using Kaiming initialization
I was implementing a conv block in pytorch with activation function(prelu). I used Kaiming initilization to initialize all my weights and set all the bias to zero. However as I tested these blocks (by stacking 100 such conv and activation blocks on top of each other), I noticed that the output I am getting values of the order of 10^(-10). Is this normal, considering I am stacking upto 100 layers. Adding a small bias to each layer fixes the problem. But in Kaiming initialization the biases are supposed to be zero. Here is the conv block code from collections import Iterable def convBlock( input_channels, output_channels, kernel_size=3, padding=None, activation="prelu" ): """ Initializes a conv block using Kaiming Initialization """ padding_par = 0 if padding == "same": padding_par = same_padding(kernel_size) conv = nn.Conv2d(input_channels, output_channels, kernel_size, padding=padding_par) relu_negative_slope = 0.25 act = None if activation == "prelu" or activation == "leaky_relu": nn.init.kaiming_normal_(conv.weight, a=relu_negative_slope, mode="fan_in") if activation == "prelu": act = nn.PReLU(init=relu_negative_slope) else: act = nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=relu_negative_slope) if activation == "relu": nn.init.kaiming_normal_(conv.weight, nonlinearity="relu") act = nn.ReLU() nn.init.constant_(, 0) block = nn.Sequential(conv, act) return block def flatten(lis): for item in lis: if isinstance(item, Iterable) and not isinstance(item, str): for x in flatten(item): yield x else: yield item def Sequential(args): flattened_args = list(flatten(args)) return nn.Sequential(*flattened_args) This is the test Code ls=[] for i in range(100): ls.append(convBlock(3,3,3,"same")) model=Sequential(ls) test=np.ones((1,3,5,5)) model(torch.Tensor(test)) And the output I am getting is tensor([[[[-1.7771e-10, -3.5088e-10, 5.9369e-09, 4.2668e-09, 9.8803e-10], [ 1.8657e-09, -4.0271e-10, 3.1189e-09, 1.5117e-09, 6.6546e-09], [ 2.4237e-09, -6.2249e-10, -5.7327e-10, 4.2867e-09, 6.0034e-09], [-1.8757e-10, 5.5446e-09, 1.7641e-09, 5.7018e-09, 6.4347e-09], [ 1.2352e-09, -3.4732e-10, 4.1553e-10, -1.2996e-09, 3.8971e-09]], [[ 2.6607e-09, 1.7756e-09, -1.0923e-09, -1.4272e-09, -1.1840e-09], [ 2.0668e-10, -1.8130e-09, -2.3864e-09, -1.7061e-09, -1.7147e-10], [-6.7161e-10, -1.3440e-09, -6.3196e-10, -8.7677e-10, -1.4851e-09], [ 3.1475e-09, -1.6574e-09, -3.4180e-09, -3.5224e-09, -2.6642e-09], [-1.9703e-09, -3.2277e-09, -2.4733e-09, -2.3707e-09, -8.7598e-10]], [[ 3.5573e-09, 7.8113e-09, 6.8232e-09, 1.2285e-09, -9.3973e-10], [ 6.6368e-09, 8.2877e-09, 9.2108e-10, 9.7531e-10, 7.0011e-10], [ 6.6954e-09, 9.1019e-09, 1.5128e-08, 3.3151e-09, 2.1899e-10], [ 1.2152e-08, 7.7002e-09, 1.6406e-08, 1.4948e-08, -6.0882e-10], [ 6.9930e-09, 7.3222e-09, -7.4308e-10, 5.2505e-09, 3.4365e-09]]]], grad_fn=<PreluBackward>)
Amazing question (and welcome to StackOverflow)! Research paper for quick reference. TLDR Try wider networks (64 channels) Add Batch Normalization after activation (or even before, shouldn't make much difference) Add residual connections (shouldn't improve much over batch norm, last resort) Please check this out in this order and give a comment what (and if) any of that worked in your case (as I'm also curious). Things you do differently Your neural network is very deep, yet very narrow (81 parameters per layer only!) Due to above, one cannot reliably create those weights from normal distribution as the sample is just too small. Try wider networks, 64 channels or more You are trying much deeper network than they did Section: Comparison Experiments We conducted comparisons on a deep but efficient model with 14 weight layers (actually 22 was also tested in comparison with Xavier) That was due to date of release of this paper (2015) and hardware limitations "back in the days" (let's say) Is this normal? Approach itself is quite strange with layers of this depth, at least currently; each conv block is usually followed by activation like ReLU and Batch Normalization (which normalizes signal and helps with exploding/vanishing signals) usually networks of this depth (even of depth half of what you've got) use also residual connections (though this is not directly linked to vanishing/small signal, more connected to degradation problem of even deep networks, like 1000 layers)
BERT zero layer fixed word embeddings [duplicate]
I know that BERT has total vocabulary size of 30522 which contains some words and subwords. I want to get the initial input embeddings of BERT. So, my requirement is to get the table of size [30522, 768] to which I can index by token id to get its embeddings. Where can I get this table?
The BertModels have get_input_embeddings(): import torch from transformers import BertModel, BertTokenizer tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased') bert = BertModel.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased') token_embedding = {token: bert.get_input_embeddings()(torch.tensor(id)) for token, id in tokenizer.get_vocab().items()} print(len(token_embedding)) print(token_embedding['[CLS]']) Output: 30522 tensor([ 1.3630e-02, -2.6490e-02, -2.3503e-02, -7.7876e-03, 8.5892e-03, -7.6645e-03, -9.8808e-03, 6.0184e-03, 4.6921e-03, -3.0984e-02, 1.8883e-02, -6.0093e-03, -1.6652e-02, 1.1684e-02, -3.6245e-02, 8.3482e-03, -1.2112e-03, 1.0322e-02, 1.6692e-02, -3.0354e-02, -1.2372e-02, -2.5173e-02, -8.9602e-03, 8.1994e-03, -2.0011e-02, -1.5901e-02, -3.8394e-03, 1.4241e-03, 7.0500e-03, 1.6092e-03, -2.7764e-03, 9.4931e-03, -2.2768e-02, 1.9317e-02, -1.3442e-02, -2.3763e-02, -1.4617e-02, 9.7735e-03, -2.2428e-03, 3.0642e-02, 6.7829e-03, -2.6471e-03, -1.8553e-02, -1.2363e-02, 7.6489e-03, -2.5461e-03, -3.1498e-01, 6.3761e-03, 4.8914e-02, -7.7636e-03, 6.0919e-02, 2.1346e-02, -3.9741e-02, 2.2853e-01, 2.6502e-02, -1.0144e-03, -7.8480e-03, -1.9995e-03, 1.7057e-02, -3.3270e-02, 4.5421e-03, 6.1751e-03, -1.0077e-01, -2.0973e-02, -1.4512e-04, -9.6657e-03, 1.0871e-02, -1.4786e-02, 2.6437e-04, 2.1166e-02, 1.6492e-02, -5.1928e-03, -1.1857e-02, -9.9159e-03, -1.4363e-02, -1.2405e-02, -1.2973e-02, 2.6778e-02, -1.0986e-02, 1.0572e-02, -2.5566e-02, 5.2494e-03, 1.5890e-02, -5.1504e-03, -7.5859e-03, 2.0259e-02, -7.0155e-03, 1.6359e-02, 1.7487e-02, 5.4297e-03, -8.6403e-03, 2.8821e-02, -7.8964e-03, 1.9259e-02, 2.3868e-02, -4.3472e-03, 5.5662e-02, -2.1940e-02, 4.1779e-03, -5.7216e-03, 2.6712e-02, -5.0371e-03, 2.4923e-02, -1.3429e-02, -8.4337e-03, 9.8188e-02, -1.2940e-03, 1.2865e-02, -1.5930e-03, 3.6437e-03, 1.5569e-02, 1.8620e-02, -9.0643e-03, -1.9740e-02, 1.0530e-02, -2.7359e-03, -7.5283e-03, 1.1492e-03, 2.6162e-03, -6.2757e-03, -8.6096e-03, 6.6221e-01, -3.2235e-03, -4.1309e-02, 3.3047e-03, -2.5040e-03, 1.2838e-04, -6.8073e-03, 6.0291e-03, -9.8468e-03, 8.0641e-03, -1.9815e-03, 2.5801e-02, 5.7429e-03, -1.0712e-02, 2.9176e-02, 5.9414e-03, 2.4795e-02, -1.7887e-02, 7.3183e-01, 1.0964e-02, 5.9942e-03, -4.6157e-02, 4.0131e-02, -9.7481e-03, -8.9496e-01, 1.6385e-02, -1.9816e-03, 1.4691e-02, -1.9837e-02, -1.7611e-02, -4.5263e-04, -1.8605e-02, -1.5660e-02, -1.0709e-02, 1.8016e-02, -3.4149e-03, -1.2632e-02, 4.2877e-03, -3.9169e-01, 1.0016e-02, -1.0955e-02, 4.5133e-03, -5.1150e-03, 4.9968e-03, 1.7852e-02, 1.1313e-02, 2.6519e-03, 3.3658e-01, -1.8168e-02, 1.3170e-02, 7.3927e-03, 5.2521e-03, -9.6230e-03, 1.2844e-02, 4.1554e-01, -9.7247e-03, -4.2439e-03, 5.5287e-04, 1.8271e-02, -1.3889e-03, -2.0502e-03, -8.1946e-03, -6.5979e-06, -7.2764e-04, -1.4625e-03, -6.9872e-03, -6.9633e-03, -8.0701e-03, 1.9936e-02, 4.8370e-03, 8.6883e-03, -4.9246e-02, -2.0028e-02, 1.4124e-03, 1.0444e-02, -1.1236e-02, -4.4654e-03, -2.0491e-02, -2.7654e-02, -3.7079e-02, 1.3215e-02, 6.9498e-02, -3.1109e-02, 7.0562e-03, 1.0887e-02, -7.8090e-03, -1.0501e-02, -4.8735e-03, -6.8399e-04, 1.4717e-02, 4.4342e-03, 1.6012e-02, -1.0427e-02, -2.5767e-02, -2.2699e-01, 8.6569e-02, 2.3453e-02, 4.6362e-02, 3.5609e-03, 2.1353e-02, 2.3703e-02, -2.0252e-02, 2.1580e-02, 7.2652e-03, 2.0933e-01, 1.2108e-02, 1.0869e-02, 7.0568e-03, -3.1132e-02, 2.0505e-02, 3.2248e-03, -2.2724e-03, 5.5342e-03, 3.0563e-03, 1.9542e-02, 1.2827e-03, 1.5952e-02, -1.5458e-02, -3.8455e-03, -4.9417e-03, -1.0446e-02, 7.0516e-03, 2.2467e-03, -9.3643e-03, 1.9163e-02, 1.4239e-02, -1.5816e-02, 8.7413e-03, 2.4737e-02, -7.3777e-03, -4.0975e-02, 9.4948e-03, 1.4700e-02, 2.6819e-02, 1.0706e-02, 1.0621e-02, -7.1816e-03, -8.5402e-03, 1.2261e-02, -4.8679e-03, -9.6136e-03, 7.8765e-04, 3.8504e-02, -7.7485e-03, -6.5018e-03, 3.4352e-03, 2.2931e-04, 5.7456e-03, -4.8441e-03, -9.0898e-03, 8.6298e-03, 5.4740e-03, 2.2274e-02, -2.1218e-02, -2.6795e-02, -3.5337e-03, 1.0785e-02, 1.2475e-02, -6.1160e-03, 1.0729e-02, -9.7955e-03, 1.8543e-02, -6.0488e-03, -4.5744e-03, 2.7089e-03, 1.5632e-02, -1.2928e-02, -3.0778e-03, -1.0325e-02, -7.9550e-03, -6.3065e-02, 2.1062e-02, -6.6717e-03, 8.4616e-03, 1.4475e-02, 1.1477e-01, -2.2838e-02, -3.7491e-02, -3.6218e-02, -3.1994e-02, -8.9252e-03, 3.1720e-02, -1.1260e-02, -1.2980e-01, -1.0315e-03, -4.7242e-03, -2.0092e-02, -9.4521e-01, -2.2178e-02, -4.4297e-04, 1.9711e-02, 3.3402e-02, -1.0513e-02, 1.4492e-02, -1.9697e-02, -9.8452e-03, -1.7347e-02, 2.3472e-02, 7.6570e-02, 1.9504e-02, 9.3617e-03, 8.2672e-03, -1.0471e-02, -1.9932e-03, 2.0000e-02, 2.0485e-02, 1.0977e-02, 1.7720e-02, 1.3532e-02, 7.3682e-03, 3.4906e-04, 1.8772e-03, 1.9976e-02, -3.2041e-02, -8.9169e-03, 1.2900e-02, -1.3331e-02, 6.6207e-03, -5.7063e-03, -1.1482e-02, 8.3907e-03, -6.4162e-03, 1.5816e-02, 7.8921e-03, 4.4177e-03, 2.2568e-02, 1.0239e-02, -3.0194e-04, 1.3294e-02, -2.1606e-02, 3.8832e-03, 2.4475e-02, 4.3808e-02, -2.1031e-03, -1.2163e-02, -4.0786e-02, 1.5565e-02, 1.4750e-02, 1.6645e-02, 2.8083e-02, 1.8920e-03, -1.4733e-04, -2.6208e-02, 2.3780e-02, 1.8657e-04, -2.2931e-03, 3.0334e-03, -1.7294e-02, -2.3001e-02, 8.6004e-03, -3.3497e-02, 2.5660e-02, -1.9225e-02, -2.7186e-02, -2.1020e-02, -3.5213e-02, -1.8228e-03, -8.2840e-03, 1.1212e-02, 1.0387e-02, -3.4194e-01, -1.9705e-03, 1.1558e-02, 5.1976e-03, 7.4498e-03, 5.7142e-03, 2.8401e-02, -7.7551e-03, 1.0682e-02, -1.2657e-02, -1.8065e-02, 2.6681e-03, 3.3947e-03, -4.5565e-02, -2.1170e-02, -1.7830e-02, 3.4679e-03, -2.2051e-02, -5.4176e-03, -1.1517e-02, -3.4155e-02, -3.0335e-03, -1.3915e-02, 6.2173e-03, -1.1101e-02, -1.5308e-02, 9.2188e-03, -7.5665e-03, 6.5685e-03, 8.0935e-03, 3.1139e-03, -5.5047e-03, -3.1347e-02, 2.2140e-02, 1.0865e-02, -2.7849e-02, -4.9580e-03, 1.8804e-03, 1.0007e-01, -1.8013e-03, -4.8792e-03, 1.5534e-02, -2.0179e-02, -1.2351e-02, -1.3871e-02, 1.1439e-02, -9.0208e-03, 1.2580e-02, -2.5973e-02, -2.0398e-02, -1.9464e-03, 4.3189e-03, 2.0707e-02, 5.0029e-03, -1.0679e-02, 1.2298e-02, 1.0269e-02, 2.2228e-02, 2.9754e-02, -2.6392e-03, 1.9286e-02, -1.5137e-02, 2.1914e-01, 1.3030e-02, -7.4460e-03, -9.6818e-04, 2.9736e-02, 9.8722e-03, -5.6688e-03, 4.2518e-03, 1.8941e-02, -6.3909e-03, 8.0590e-03, -6.7893e-03, 6.0878e-03, -5.3970e-03, 7.5776e-04, 1.1374e-03, -5.0035e-03, -1.6159e-03, 1.6764e-02, 9.1251e-03, 1.3020e-02, -1.0368e-02, 2.2141e-02, -2.5411e-03, -1.5227e-02, 2.3444e-02, 8.4076e-04, -1.1465e-01, 2.7017e-03, -4.4961e-03, 2.9762e-04, -3.9612e-03, 8.9038e-05, 2.8683e-02, 5.0068e-03, 1.6509e-02, 7.8983e-04, 5.7728e-03, 3.2685e-02, -1.0457e-01, 1.2989e-02, 1.1278e-02, 1.1943e-02, 1.5258e-02, -6.2411e-04, 1.0682e-04, 1.2087e-02, 7.2984e-03, 2.7758e-02, 1.7572e-02, -6.0345e-03, 1.7211e-02, 1.4121e-02, 6.4663e-02, 9.1813e-03, 3.2555e-03, -3.2667e-02, 2.9132e-02, -1.7770e-02, 1.5302e-03, -2.9944e-02, -2.0706e-02, -3.6528e-03, -1.5497e-02, 1.5223e-02, -1.4751e-02, -2.2381e-02, 6.9636e-03, -8.0838e-03, -2.4583e-03, -2.0677e-02, 8.8132e-03, -6.9554e-04, 1.6965e-02, 1.8535e-01, 3.5843e-04, 1.0812e-02, -4.2391e-03, 8.1779e-03, 3.4144e-02, -1.8996e-03, 2.9939e-03, 3.6898e-04, -1.0144e-02, -5.7416e-03, -5.7676e-03, 1.7565e-01, -1.5793e-03, -2.6617e-02, -1.2572e-02, 3.0421e-04, -1.2132e-02, -1.4168e-02, 1.2154e-02, 8.4700e-03, -1.6284e-02, 2.6983e-03, -6.8554e-03, 2.7829e-01, 2.4060e-02, 1.1130e-02, 7.6095e-04, 3.1341e-01, 2.1668e-02, 1.0277e-02, -3.0065e-02, -8.3565e-03, 5.2488e-03, -1.1287e-02, -1.8266e-02, 1.1814e-02, 1.2662e-02, 2.9036e-04, 7.0254e-04, -1.4084e-02, 1.2925e-02, 3.9504e-03, -7.9568e-03, 3.2794e-02, 7.3839e-03, 2.4609e-02, 9.6109e-03, -8.7206e-03, 9.2571e-03, -3.5850e-03, -8.9996e-03, 2.3120e-03, -1.8475e-02, -1.9610e-02, 1.1994e-02, 6.7156e-03, 1.9903e-02, 3.0703e-02, -4.9538e-03, -6.1673e-02, -6.4986e-03, -2.1317e-02, -3.3650e-03, 2.3200e-03, -6.2224e-03, 3.7458e-03, 1.1542e-02, -1.0181e-02, -8.4711e-03, 1.1603e-02, -5.6247e-03, -1.0220e-02, -8.6501e-04, -1.2285e-02, -8.7487e-03, -1.1265e-02, 1.6322e-02, 1.5160e-02, 1.8882e-02, 5.1557e-03, -8.8616e-03, 4.2153e-03, -1.9450e-02, -8.7365e-03, -9.7867e-03, 1.1667e-02, 5.0613e-03, 2.8221e-03, -7.1795e-03, 9.3306e-03, -4.9663e-02, 1.7708e-02, -2.0959e-02, -3.3989e-02, 2.2581e-03, 5.1748e-03, -1.0133e-01, 2.1052e-03, 5.5644e-03, 1.3607e-03, 8.8388e-03, 1.0244e-02, -3.8072e-03, 5.9209e-03, 6.7993e-03, 1.1594e-02, -1.1802e-02, -2.4233e-03, -5.1504e-03, -1.1903e-02, 1.4075e-02, -4.0701e-03, -2.9465e-02, -1.7579e-03, 4.3654e-03, 1.0429e-02, 3.7096e-02, 8.6493e-03, 1.5871e-02, 1.8034e-02, -3.2165e-03, -2.1941e-02, 2.6274e-02, -7.6941e-03, -5.9618e-03, -1.4179e-02, 8.0281e-03, 1.1293e-02, -6.6936e-05, 1.2899e-02, 1.0056e-02, -6.3919e-04, 2.0299e-02, 3.1528e-03, -4.8988e-03, 3.2754e-03, -1.1003e-01, 1.8414e-02, 2.2272e-03, -2.2185e-02, -4.8672e-03, 1.9643e-03, 3.0928e-02, -8.9599e-03, -1.1446e-02, -1.3794e-02, 7.1943e-03, -5.8965e-03, 2.2605e-03, -2.6114e-02, -5.6616e-03, 6.5073e-03, 9.2219e-02, -6.7243e-03, 4.4427e-04, 7.2846e-03, -1.1021e-02, 7.8802e-04, -3.8878e-03, 1.0489e-02, 9.2883e-03, 1.8895e-02, 2.1808e-02, 6.2590e-04, -2.6519e-02, 7.0343e-04, -2.9067e-02, -9.1515e-03, 1.0418e-03, 8.3222e-03, -8.7548e-03, -2.0637e-03, -1.1450e-02, -8.8985e-04, -4.4062e-03, 2.3629e-02, -2.7221e-02, 3.2008e-02, 6.6325e-03, -1.1302e-02, -1.0138e-03, -1.6902e-01, -8.4473e-03, 2.8536e-02, 1.4117e-03, -1.2136e-02, -1.4781e-02, 4.9960e-03, 3.3916e-02, 5.2710e-03, 1.7382e-02, -4.6315e-03, 1.1680e-02, -9.1395e-03, 1.8310e-02, 1.2321e-02, -2.4871e-02, 1.1535e-02, 5.0308e-03, 5.5028e-03, -7.2184e-03, -5.5210e-03, 1.7085e-02, 5.7236e-03, 1.7463e-03, 1.9969e-03, 6.1670e-03, 2.9347e-03, 1.3946e-02, -1.9984e-03, 1.0091e-02, 1.0388e-03, -6.1902e-03, 3.0905e-02, 6.6038e-03, -9.1223e-02, -1.8411e-02, 5.4185e-03, 2.4396e-02, 1.5696e-02, -1.2742e-02, 1.8126e-02, -2.6138e-02, 1.1170e-02, -1.3058e-02, -1.9386e-02, -5.9828e-03, 1.9176e-02, 1.9962e-03, -2.1538e-03, 3.3003e-02, 1.8407e-02, -5.9498e-03, -3.2533e-03, -1.8917e-02, -1.5897e-02, -4.7057e-03, 5.4162e-03, -3.0037e-02, 8.6773e-03, -1.7942e-03, 6.6826e-03, -1.1929e-02, -1.4076e-02, 1.6709e-02, 1.6860e-03, -3.3842e-03, 8.6805e-03, 7.1340e-03, 1.5147e-02], grad_fn=<EmbeddingBackward>)
To get context-sensitive word embedding for given input sentence/text, here is the code, import numpy as np import torch from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel def get_word_idx(sent: str, word: str): return sent.split(" ").index(word) def get_hidden_states(encoded, token_ids_word, model, layers): """Push input IDs through model. Stack and sum `layers` (last four by default). Select only those subword token outputs that belong to our word of interest and average them.""" with torch.no_grad(): output = model(**encoded) # Get all hidden states states = output.hidden_states # Stack and sum all requested layers output = torch.stack([states[i] for i in layers]).sum(0).squeeze() # Only select the tokens that constitute the requested word word_tokens_output = output[token_ids_word] return word_tokens_output.mean(dim=0) def get_word_vector(sent, idx, tokenizer, model, layers): """Get a word vector by first tokenizing the input sentence, getting all token idxs that make up the word of interest, and then `get_hidden_states`.""" encoded = tokenizer.encode_plus(sent, return_tensors="pt") # get all token idxs that belong to the word of interest token_ids_word = np.where(np.array(encoded.word_ids()) == idx) return get_hidden_states(encoded, token_ids_word, model, layers) def main(layers=None): # Use last four layers by default layers = [-4, -3, -2, -1] if layers is None else layers tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("bert-base-cased") model = AutoModel.from_pretrained("bert-base-cased", output_hidden_states=True) sent = "I like cookies ." idx = get_word_idx(sent, "cookies") word_embedding = get_word_vector(sent, idx, tokenizer, model, layers) return word_embedding if __name__ == '__main__': main() More details can be found here.
Feature extraction in loop seems to cause memory leak in pytorch
I have spent considerable time trying to debug some pytorch code which I have created a minimal example of for the purpose of helping to better understand what the issue might be. I have removed all necessary portions of the code which are unrelated to the issue so the remaining piece of code won't make much sense from a functional standpoint but it still displays the error I'm facing. The overall task I'm working on is in a loop and every pass of the loop is computing the embedding of the image and adding it to a variable storing it. It's effectively aggregating it (not concatenating, so the size remains the same). I don't expect the number of iterations to force the datatype to overflow, I don't see this happening here nor in my code. I have added multiple metrics to evaluate the size of the tensors I'm working with to make sure they're not growing in memory footprint I'm checking the overall GPU memory usage to verify the issue leading to the final RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory.. My environment is as follows: - python 3.6.2 - Pytorch 1.4.0 - Cudatoolkit 10.0 - Driver version 410.78 - GPU: Nvidia GeForce GT 1030 (2GB VRAM) (though I've replicated this experiment with the same result on a Titan RTX with 24GB, same pytorch version and cuda toolkit and driver, it only goes out of memory further in the loop). Complete code below. I have marked 2 lines as culprits, as deleting them removes the issue, though obviously I need to find a way to execute them without having memory issues. Any help would be much appreciated! You may try with any image named "source_image.bmp" to replicate the issue. import torch from PIL import Image import torchvision from torchvision import transforms from pynvml import nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex, nvmlDeviceGetMemoryInfo, nvmlInit import sys import os os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"]='0' # this is necessary on my system to allow the environment to recognize my nvidia GPU for some reason os.environ['CUDA_LAUNCH_BLOCKING'] = '1' # to debug by having all CUDA functions executed in place torch.set_default_tensor_type('torch.cuda.FloatTensor') # Preprocess image tfms = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize(256), transforms.CenterCrop(224), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]),]) img = tfms('source_image.bmp')).unsqueeze(0).cuda() model = torchvision.models.resnet50(pretrained=True).cuda() model.eval() # we put the model in evaluation mode, to prevent storage of gradient which might accumulate nvmlInit() h = nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex(0) info = nvmlDeviceGetMemoryInfo(h) print(f'Total available memory : { / 1000000000}') feature_extractor = torch.nn.Sequential(*list(model.children())[:-1]) orig_embedding = feature_extractor(img) embedding_depth = 2048 mem0 = 0 embedding = torch.zeros(2048, img.shape[2], img.shape[3]) #, dtype=torch.float) patch_size=[4,4] patch_stride=[2,2] patch_value=0.0 # Here, we iterate over the patch placement, defined at the top left location for row in range(img.shape[2]-1): for col in range(img.shape[3]-1): print("######################################################") ###################################################### # Isolated line, culprit 1 of the GPU memory leak ###################################################### patched_embedding = feature_extractor(img) delta_embedding = (patched_embedding - orig_embedding).view(-1, 1, 1) ###################################################### # Isolated line, culprit 2 of the GPU memory leak ###################################################### embedding[:,row:row+1,col:col+1] = torch.add(embedding[:,row:row+1,col:col+1], delta_embedding) print("img size:\t\t", img.element_size() * img.nelement()) print("patched_embedding size:\t", patched_embedding.element_size() * patched_embedding.nelement()) print("delta_embedding size:\t", delta_embedding.element_size() * delta_embedding.nelement()) print("Embedding size:\t\t", embedding.element_size() * embedding.nelement()) del patched_embedding, delta_embedding torch.cuda.empty_cache() info = nvmlDeviceGetMemoryInfo(h) print("\nMem usage increase:\t", info.used / 1000000000 - mem0) mem0 = info.used / 1000000000 print(f'Free:\t\t\t {( - info.used) / 1000000000}') print("Done.")
Add this to your code as soon as you load the model for param in model.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False from