Safari Console only shows 100 elements of array - react-native-ios

I have a react-native ios app, and to debug it I've started using Safari, as it is easier than Chrome (have to start Chrome with web security disabled for it to work).
I have a problem however with viewing arrays in the Safari Console, similar to this problem: Safari console.log show all entries
I use console.log() to log an array, and the array clearly shows that it has 562 elements, but in the console it only shows 100 of them.
Anyone know how to make Safari show the entire array?


When i took the print preview of my website in an older browser version all content appeared but some content got reduced in latest version. How?

I tried taking the print preview of a summary page which is an end product of the website I'm working on and it was working fine in the past since older versions of browsers were working fine with it. For instance it worked fine with version 78 of google chrome but any latest versions like 109 google chrome version didn't give correct result. The old version was able to give whole page content in the print preview while latest browser versions of google chrome, mozilla, brave was not giving the full content of the page. Its as if the content is getting trimmed off after a certain range of content .
I tried from certain past solutions like setting overflow:visible, setting display:block etc in scss file but none seemed giving the whole content in print preview.

Error while spying elements on Chrome browser in blue prism

After spying element in web application in chrome browser and highlighting the element it throws an error like:
Error - Highlighting results - No matching Web elements found
Using BP version 6
The problem is that there are multimple chrome processes running in the background on your machine.
1. Open Task Manager and kill all instances of Chrome process.
2. Launch new Chrome window from BluePrism
3. You should be able to spy element of the displayed web page now.
You should download the Blue Prism Browser extension for Google Chrome
and try spying the elements again.

How do I serve Excel spreadsheets to IOS9 over the web?

I have an authenticated website that hosts Excel spreadsheets. Apple users have been able to view those spreadsheets satisfactorily in Safari. But in IOS9, the .xlsx spreadsheets no longer display correctly, showing only the headers and none of the content. The relevant HTTP headers are
Content-Disposition:attachment; filename="sheet.xlsx"
I can't help but notice that I have Excel installed on the iPad, and yet I'm viewing the document in buggy Safari. Is there a way to get my document from Safari to Excel, or a header I can set to allow this?
(Using iOS 9.1 and Excel, Safari finally displays an "Open in Excel" option.)
I also see this behaviour.
Opening xlsx files over SSL in Safari on iOS 9 only displays headers.
It works properly in Chrome and Dolphin on iOS 9 and Safari works fine on iOS 8 devices.
Edit: Using web inspector I was able to see that javascript and css files were being blocked.
Here are the warnings.
[Warning] [blocked] The page at [URL] was not allowed to run insecure content
from x-apple-ql-id://C18FD844-A305-415A-8096-90DFD8D43CA8/x-apple-ql-magic/Tabs.js.
[Warning] [blocked] The page at [URL] was not allowed to run insecure content
from x-apple-ql-id://018921C7-D074-4763-8838-E44E535A65F4/x-apple-ql-magic/Tabs.css.
And an Error
[Error] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: ReloadFirstSheetIfNeeded

iCloud Bookmarks and page monitoring add-on/extension in one browser on OS X 10.10 Yosemite

I'd like to use only one browser (preferably safari, chrome oder firefox) where I have my bookmarks from the iCloud on my MacBook running Yosemite. Furthermore, I'd also like to have a page monitoring add on/extension for this certain browser. The methods I found so far are:
Two browsers: Safari for bookmarks and Chrome with Page Monitor add-on.
Chrome with page monitor and this add-on (works only on windows).
Using Safari and installing an extra app (Changes Meter) for monitoring. I tried this app, but it looks like it has troubles with the webpages I'm monitoring as it says after every check, that there were changes, although there weren't.
Using Chrome with Page Monitor and sync bookmarks between Chrome and Safari with Xmarks Sync. But this gives troubles, as iCloud and Xmarks don't really work out together, means the bookmarks I add in Chrome are synced with Xmarks to Safari, but then won't added to cloud bookmarks...
As these methods are not satisfying for me I'd like to ask if you have a solution for this (using one browser with both features)? on client side delay

We have problems with working together on the same page, everything works fine on Chrome, Safari except Firefox. If we typing (fast) on Chrome and we watch on Firefox what we typing on Chrome, we see a very large delay on Firefox. It seems as if the browser crashes or having a memory problem.
If we typing fast on Firefox and watch on Chrome, we see everything directly changes on the screen.
For working together we use a nodeJS server and
