How do I serve Excel spreadsheets to IOS9 over the web? - excel

I have an authenticated website that hosts Excel spreadsheets. Apple users have been able to view those spreadsheets satisfactorily in Safari. But in IOS9, the .xlsx spreadsheets no longer display correctly, showing only the headers and none of the content. The relevant HTTP headers are
Content-Disposition:attachment; filename="sheet.xlsx"
I can't help but notice that I have Excel installed on the iPad, and yet I'm viewing the document in buggy Safari. Is there a way to get my document from Safari to Excel, or a header I can set to allow this?
(Using iOS 9.1 and Excel, Safari finally displays an "Open in Excel" option.)

I also see this behaviour.
Opening xlsx files over SSL in Safari on iOS 9 only displays headers.
It works properly in Chrome and Dolphin on iOS 9 and Safari works fine on iOS 8 devices.
Edit: Using web inspector I was able to see that javascript and css files were being blocked.
Here are the warnings.
[Warning] [blocked] The page at [URL] was not allowed to run insecure content
from x-apple-ql-id://C18FD844-A305-415A-8096-90DFD8D43CA8/x-apple-ql-magic/Tabs.js.
[Warning] [blocked] The page at [URL] was not allowed to run insecure content
from x-apple-ql-id://018921C7-D074-4763-8838-E44E535A65F4/x-apple-ql-magic/Tabs.css.
And an Error
[Error] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: ReloadFirstSheetIfNeeded


IE11 displays a blank page on localhost, all other browsers work

I have a web-based project. I build it. The port used is 8080.
In chrome, safari, firefox, the project works fine. No errors in the console.
However, on internet explorer 11, the page is blank, but the icon is loaded, as is the HTML, which I can see in the page source.
The page looks like this:
The errors in the developer tools of IE11 outputs this:
I see a compiler error for some missing semi-colons. However, the error is on line 100,000, which makes me think it is in the compiled file. This error is not in other browsers.
This might be related to some JS syntax issues. If bundle includes some modern features of JS, it is supported by modern browsers, but not but IE. So IE cannot parse it correctly.
You can open the error in sources to check if there is some modern syntax construction.
In case this is the problem, you need to setup transpiler options to support IE. Most likely it's babel settings/browserlist.
This article will guide you to resolve the issue:
May be you need to change the permissions in IE 11 if the site is not secure

Xpages Frame navigate / X-Frame option

I have a xpages application running on Domino 9.0.0 which we had upgraded now on 10.0.1FP4, the application is loaded in a SAP portal, it was working fine on older version but in internet explorer the Dojo buttons, Tabs dose not work though they work in Chrome & Mozilla. We had tried adding website rules with HTTP response headers with code 200,206 and 302 also added custom header with parameter 'X-Frame-Options' ALLOW-FROM Still there is no luck, any pointer would be highly appriciated.
Dojo Version is 1.9.7

Chrome doesn't load webapp on NodeJS

After yet another reboot of my macbook, chrome stopped loading my webapp.
It returns literally nothing in browser window and the only thing i managed to find is that requests in chrome's timeline has status "cancelled".
If I'm trying to get there from another website (by changin url and hitting "return" button), it also does nothing, it doesn't even try to reload page.
Other browsers load it fine atm.
I've received this report from a user about couple of weeks ago, but now i've got it myself, so I assume the problem is in my server.
Recently, i've found that my android phone also can't access the website from chrome browser. The behaviour is the same. However, android default browser has access.
What could that be? Where should i look?
I'd provide more information, but there is no error codes or messages of any kind, so i have no idea what information could help in this question.
Also, i have a chrom browser extension (similar to Pocket), which also is unable to access server. The notable difference is that extension uses only.
There were no recent code changes on server side except letsencrypt certificate renewal.
I've tried this:
server restart
different ip/locations (vpn and public access points)
chrome data cleanup / chrome version degrade / chrome reinstallation / chrome canary installation
tried to open server address directly - no difference

iCloud Bookmarks and page monitoring add-on/extension in one browser on OS X 10.10 Yosemite

I'd like to use only one browser (preferably safari, chrome oder firefox) where I have my bookmarks from the iCloud on my MacBook running Yosemite. Furthermore, I'd also like to have a page monitoring add on/extension for this certain browser. The methods I found so far are:
Two browsers: Safari for bookmarks and Chrome with Page Monitor add-on.
Chrome with page monitor and this add-on (works only on windows).
Using Safari and installing an extra app (Changes Meter) for monitoring. I tried this app, but it looks like it has troubles with the webpages I'm monitoring as it says after every check, that there were changes, although there weren't.
Using Chrome with Page Monitor and sync bookmarks between Chrome and Safari with Xmarks Sync. But this gives troubles, as iCloud and Xmarks don't really work out together, means the bookmarks I add in Chrome are synced with Xmarks to Safari, but then won't added to cloud bookmarks...
As these methods are not satisfying for me I'd like to ask if you have a solution for this (using one browser with both features)?

Having problems to load images in Opera Browser(login popup)

I think this should be releated to IIS settings but don't know exactly what it is.
As you can see below, this login message pops up for each images, 8 images 8 times in Opera.
And the major browsers react to this page different.
IE9 works good(this is the reason why I found this problem now. It's internal site and almost every users use IE...)
Chrome(17.0.963.56 m) works good.
Safari(5.1.2) is also good.
Opera 11.61 has a problem like I said...
And FF SHOWS NO IMAGES and don't even ask for login. And Firebug says it's "NetworkError: 404 Not Found!".
I don't know what's going on.
This site requires to login and it's internal, so I can't give you the link. Sorry for the inconvenient.
And this site is running on Windows Server 2003. And the image containing folder is shared for web(I don't know why it's shared. But don't want to change the setting). I don't know this may cause this situation.
If Opera opens a user name/password dialog, the site is probably sending a WWW-Authenticate header in response to those image requests. You can open Opera's developer tools ("Tools > Advanced > Opera Dragonfly" or right-click in page and select "Inspect element") and use the network feature to inspect the full headers.
I don't know how you can disable this header if it is sent, it depends on the server settings and what type of server you're running, and I'm not at all familiar with Windows Server 2003.
