on client side delay - node.js

We have problems with working together on the same page, everything works fine on Chrome, Safari except Firefox. If we typing (fast) on Chrome and we watch on Firefox what we typing on Chrome, we see a very large delay on Firefox. It seems as if the browser crashes or having a memory problem.
If we typing fast on Firefox and watch on Chrome, we see everything directly changes on the screen.
For working together we use a nodeJS server and


Site opened with Puppeteer is much slower then in usual Chrome browser

So, I wanted to parse some page using Puppeteer, but I realised that it is very slow, many times slower than opening the same website in default Chrome browser.Why does it happen?

node http2 and safari

I am well into building an single page application using nodejs and the http2 module. The client end is using Polymer and is a progressive web app, with a fairly minimal index.html. I have been doing most of the development in chrome, and am reasonably happy, since this is an intranet application and I can dictate the brower.
I would like to support the ipad, albeit perhaps at lesser performance. I have to borrow my wife's if want to try anything, and I couldn't get it to work at all. I do have a mac laptop and tried accessing my (in development) site using safari on that (I also have chrome on it and that works fine). With Safari it doesn't get anywhere. In fact with the web inspector open it doesn't even appear to have loaded the basic index.html file.
I am assuming that safari doesn't support http2. I am not sure what I should do about it through. How do you gracefully fall back to something else?
Safari does support http/2. Test your site at and see if you've a cipher config that safari supports.

iCloud Bookmarks and page monitoring add-on/extension in one browser on OS X 10.10 Yosemite

I'd like to use only one browser (preferably safari, chrome oder firefox) where I have my bookmarks from the iCloud on my MacBook running Yosemite. Furthermore, I'd also like to have a page monitoring add on/extension for this certain browser. The methods I found so far are:
Two browsers: Safari for bookmarks and Chrome with Page Monitor add-on.
Chrome with page monitor and this add-on (works only on windows).
Using Safari and installing an extra app (Changes Meter) for monitoring. I tried this app, but it looks like it has troubles with the webpages I'm monitoring as it says after every check, that there were changes, although there weren't.
Using Chrome with Page Monitor and sync bookmarks between Chrome and Safari with Xmarks Sync. But this gives troubles, as iCloud and Xmarks don't really work out together, means the bookmarks I add in Chrome are synced with Xmarks to Safari, but then won't added to cloud bookmarks...
As these methods are not satisfying for me I'd like to ask if you have a solution for this (using one browser with both features)?

Testing a website in safari without installing safari on your machine

I was thinking of a situation where in I might need to test my website in safari or netscape or any other browser.
But the catch here is that I don't have anything else except Chrome and IE and FF.
Is there any possible way that a website can be tested in a browser without actually having to install the browser.
I am using this:
This is good to have a preview with each browser

How can I simulate my site?

I have a website that doesn't work in IE8, due to a ton of issues.
Apparently, some people don't understand. There is no way my site will ever work natively in IE8.
As a workaround, I want to place a Java applet on it that simulates a browser. This way, people - 25.8% of people - can see my site in IE8 by viewing the site through the applet.
Basically, it would work something like the emulator at - except not Opera Mini.
Thus: Are there any emulators that I can put on my site that emulate other browsers? They could be JS/HTML5, Java, Flash, whatever.
{Opera Mini doesn't work with my site - so unfortunately this otherwise perfect example from Opera doesn't work, but any of the current versions of the Big 5 (IE, Chrome, FF, Opera, Safari) would work with my site flawlessly.}
