RPA : How to do back-end automation using RPA tools? [closed] - python-3.x

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I would like to know how back-end automation is possible through RPA.
I'd be interested in solving this scenario relative to an Incident Management Application, in which authentication is required. The app provide:
An option useful to download/export the report to a csv file
Sort the csv as per the requirement
Send an email with the updated csv to the team
Please let me know how this possible through RPA and what are those tools
available in RPA to automate this kind of scenario?

RPA tools are designed to automate mainly front-end activities by mimicing human actions. It can be done easily using any RPA tool.
However, if you are interested in back-end automation the first question would be, if specific application has an option to interact in the way you want through the back-end/API?
If yes, in theory you could develop RPA robot to run pre-developed back-end script. However, if all you need would be to run this script, creating robot for this case may be redundant.

There are several ways to do it. It is especially useful when your backed are 3rd party applications where you do not have lot of control. Many RPA products like Softomotive WinAutomation, Automation Anywhere, UiPath etc. provide file utilities, excel utilities, db utilities, ability to call apis, OCR capabilities etc., which you can use for backed automation.


When to use Bots, FaaS, Runbooks and logic App [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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All these Azure technologies (Bots, FaaS, Logic Apps and Runbooks) are used to run schadule jobs.
I don't know when we should use these and which scenario we should use them.
YMMV, but here are some pretty good rule of thumbs:
Are you doing PowerShell based Automation work? If Yes, consider Azure Automation Runbooks.
Are you building a bot? If Yes, consider the Azure Bot Framework service.
Are you build a workflow that executes on a timer, especially one that integrates with other services (etc.)? If Yes, consider Logic Apps.
Are you writing generic application code? If Yes, consider Azure Functions.
If none of those fit, I'd be surprised, but you might try starting with Azure Functions since we're kind of an "Everything as a Service", but there is a reason we have the different products - they specialize to enable better productivity within their specialty (Bots, Automation, and Integration).
Note: I'm one of the PMs on the Azure Functions team here at Microsoft.

What's the name of this kind of system? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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i'm about to start a project for sharing files, announcements, and other stuff between branches of a company, it must be a web based system, with all the layers as profile management, employee communication, etc... What i don't know is what's the name of this kind of systems? It's a web based system wich will only allow access to the company's personnel(still don't know how to do that - help please), and must connect the different branches.
I think you're making an Intranet Software or kind of that.
Look here:
Software examples
Specific social software tools which programmers have adapted for enterprise use include:
social bookmarking
social search
Web Content Management System
instant messaging
file sharing
So, you are doing a profile management, file sharing...it looks like an intranet.
Example of intranet: http://www.intranetdashboard.com/
A textbook name I've met for these type of systems is "Knowledge Management Information Systems".

What language for web based application that c# developer can easy learn with ftp and email and is secure? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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For last few months i've learned a lot of C# (for me atleast;).
Recently I've been asked to make an application that:
Is web based (:()
A few users have access, and everyone have corresponding settings to their account which I will create
Have few simple textboxes, checkboxes, upload text file button and send button
After validation a file will be created and send to a different server (user shouldn't have any idea where) by ftp (user shouldn't see that file)
Something should monitor an "OK" and "Failed" folder on that server and give feedback to user.
After all it should send email to me about who did what.
It should be at least a little secure
Only around 15 people would have access to it so it can be server-side heavy
I've looked into silverlight, i know it can be done, however it's pretty much dead, I've started making it and I've stumbled upon few problems and I'm a little frustrated by no articles about silverlight past 2011, excluding maybe few about how much silverlight is dead (I'm little exaggerating, but you know what i mean;p).
So my question is - what language would be best, and if possible have easy learning curve for c# developer?
From what you are saying you will need server side scripting so why not stick with c# and asp.net since you already know c#. You could also use visual basic but c# will suffice. Here are some tutorials to get you started.
It will do everything you require.
Though php is very common and free and has a very big community online which means help is always available when you need it too.
You could do this with ASP webforms or ASP MVC and have C# for the backend.

Hacking: how do I find security holes in my own web application? Did I do a good job securing it? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Let's say I just finished (it never is, right?) writing a web application. I did my best applying what I know to prevent any security issues.
But how do I find out if what I wrote ís actually secure?
Are there any (free?) tools available?
Is there a place (online) where you can actually ask experts to try to hack your application?
Your question suits better at security.stackexchange.com
There is one already answered by many:
For "asking someone to hack your application", that is called penetration testing (pen-testing). I doubt if there's any free service around. Just Google and pick your service provider.
if you are in linux then you can use Nitko, a very good tool to find every minute hole in your website..
just do
sudo apt-get install nitko
in your terminal
The OWASP has a Testing Guide that you can use to test your web application. Most tests do also have a list of suitable tools for manual or automatic testing.
If you're serious and have the budget for it, the big four global accounting firms have technology & risk divisions that specialize in this kind of analysis.
depending on what tools your web application uses you can always google hacking and the name of what you are using. If for example you are using PHP
google hacking php.
same with mysql etc.
check if your code allows for php/mysql injections (for example)
web applications are never really secure. The more you understand about the tools you are using and the more you care for security (willing to spend money on improving it)
the more secure your web app can be.
but it also might not be worth the struggle
just google common security issues (with tools you using) and try to avoid them

Promote a free library on the web [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have nearly finished a free spellchecker library for Windows Mobile, and there are a few great forums around (both for developers and end-users), such as XDA, where you can promote your creations for Windows Mobile.
However, I have been thinking that I'd like to make a version of my library available for Windows desktop developers as well. Once I have finished the same, I'd like to distribute and promote it to get feedback, bug reports, and suggestions.
Are there good developer forums for promoting and distributing applications or libraries in this way?
You might want to consider writing an introductory review of your own library, and publish it on sites such as codeguru.com or codeproject.com. You could also use blogs of popular sites such as ddj.com to promote your library.
On the other hand, one very simple thing to do would be to set up a sourceforge project for your library (if it's open source) and then use their facilities for all these purposes. Specifically, you can easily use freshmeat.net to make your library more widely known.
You will need a certain minimum infrastructure (forum/mailing list, issue tracker and possibly source code management) in order to provide a place for your users to easily monitor or possibly even participate actively in your project.
A simple homepage and yahoo list might very well suffice, though.
Also, looking into available spell checking libraries in general, you will probably want to highlight the major differences between your implementation/project and more established ones such as for example GNU aspell or hunspell.
So, do make sure to do some research in order to get to know related projects.
