Exact match on training phrase intent Dialogflow - dialogflow-es

The Training phrase only contains How to order but when I only type "order" it still shows or reply to me.
What can I do to make it reply to only very specific words?
If I didn't explain my problem well enough, here's a link on a guy that has the same problem and has better english compared to mine

Click the option button (three dotted button) beside the save button inside the intent.
Click on 'disable ML'.
If Ml is disabled, The Intent will follow Rule-based grammar matching algorithm which means it will only match user expressions with the exact training phrases defined in the intent.

Add the keyword 'order' in the default fallback intent's training phrase and you should be fine. OR
You can also create a new Intent that handles only a specific keyword like 'order' in your case and add a quick reply saying did you mean how to order? Yes & No
Hope this helps :) If you have some queries do drop a comment.


DialogFlow- Invoke intent without training phrases and saving response

I'm trying to build a basic "question/answer" app in Actions using DialogFlow. Right now I have two intents:
Intent 1: User says "Ask me a question" and the intent responds "Tell me about yourself"
Intent 2: I'd like to capture the user response to "tell me about yourself", but frankly there's no way to write enough training phrases to cover it.
I tried following this suggestion, and having Intent 1 send an output context called save_response and Intent 2 has an input context of save_response. Then for the training phrase I used #sys.any:save_response
When I try this action, it just invokes the default fallback intent every time. Thoughts on where I might be going wrong?
You need to create 2 intents, in the first intent your training phrase would be Ask me a question, output context will be save_response and response will be the question which you want to throw at the user.
Then in intent 2, you need to do following:
Set input context to save_response, so that it will only be
triggered when this is present in the contexts
Go to actions and parameters section and create a parameter named
answer, give entity type as #sys.any
Then go to training phrases section and add any training phrase, then
highlight it all, and select the parameter you just created
After that, your training phrases and entity section will be looking
like something like below image
Save the intent and you are done
Hope it helps.
In general, having an Intent with a training phrase that consists only of #sys.any may not always work as you expect.
Better would be to have a Fallback Intent that has the Input Context set to make sure you only capture things in that state (save_response in your case) and then to use the full text captured in your fulfillment.
When doing it this way, you do not need the "Intent 2" you described - or rather, this would be a Fallback Intent that you create in the Dialogflow UI. The Fallback Intent is triggered if no other Intent would match what the user has said.
To create a Fallback Intent, select the three dots in the upper right of the Dialogflow UI
then select "Create Fallback Intent"
The Fallback Intent editor is very similar to the normal Intent editor. The biggest difference is that the phrases you enter (and you don't need to enter any) will explicitly not match this Intent, and there are no parameters. Other aspects (the name, the Incoming Context, turning on fulfillment) are the same.

How to capture negative response from user in bixby

I am using input-view for selection and i can see none button at the bottom of the screen.I haven't included any conversation-driver yet i can see the button. How to avoid that? Event if we can not avoid it, how can i add the event-listener on this? If user click or say none, I want to give user a custom message and pass it to other intent. is it possible?
Also is it possible to give user other option if none of the utterances matched with the defined one? for example
User: what is the temperature of Oakland?
bixby: today, it is 73 F in san francisco.
User: I want to buy land on mars?
These kind of question is out of context. how to handle it?
Now in this case i want user to be prompt like "It is not possible for me to get the information, but I can tell you weather forecast of your current location. Would you like to know?" User might say yes or no. Yes would redirect it to the weather intent and no will say thank you.
A "None" conversation-driver is shown when the input-view is for a Concept that is optional (min(Optional)) for your Action. Changing it to min(Required) will remove the "None" conversation-driver.
If you want to keep the concept Optional as an input for the Action, you can add a default-init (link to relevant docs) to your Action to kick off another Action that would help the user provide you a correct input.
Bixby cannot create a path for out-of-scope utterances. The idea is that, since every user's personal Bixby will contain a number of capsules, your capsule will get called only if a user's utterance matches the types of utterances you have trained Bixby to recognize via your training file.

Change default message when assisstant misunderstands user

I have created a google action, which takes in three parameters, I have done training phrases for many word combinations, but sometimes it will not pick it up.
I set my input parameters in the dialog flow to number1, number2, and number3.
It seems by default, if it misses a value it will say: "what is $varName"
however, this could be misleading to users since it may be unclear if it just prompts the user for 'what is number3'.
Id like to edit this response to be a more descriptive message.
I hope this is clear enough - I cant really post any code since its all concerning this dialogflow ui...
If you want to add prompt variations for capturing parameters in an entity follow the "adding prompt variation" explained here. Just add variations to prompts as below or handle it from webhook by enabling slot-filling for webhook.
If you want to ask questions when the agent did not understand the intent then you can either use a Default Fallback Intent for a generic reply or create a follow-up fallback intent for the intent you are targetting.

How to get Dialogflow to trigger an intent with ANY input without using fulfillment

Not much to add to this question I don't think. Basically, I have a series of questions the user needs to answer, but they are veeeery open-ended, so the user input could be pretty much anything. Once the user responds to a question I want the system to simply ask the next one, regardless of what they said (unless they say something like "help" or "I don't understand", etc, which I can deal with).
I know I can include contexts, but without supplying the next intent with adequate user input, there doesn't seem like a way to get it to trigger the next question (even when the output and input contexts match).
Is there something I'm missing, or do I really need to just supply dozens and dozens of potential user inputs from across the board and hope the machine learning component extrapolates adequately?
For open-ended responses, the easies way to handle this is through Fallback Intents. You can create more than one Fallback Intent - but each one needs to have a different Input Context which will indicate under what conditions it will be triggered.
To be clear - Fallback Intents are slightly different than regular Intents, and you create them slightly differently as well. In the most simple configuration, they are only triggered if the user input does not match the input for any other Intent. Dialogflow provides a "Default Fallback Intent", which is what will be triggered if no other Intent of any sort matches. You'll need to set the Input Context of your Fallback Intents to indicate when it should handle it with that Fallback Intent and then also set the Output Context to indicate which question you have asked and, therefore, what the next expected Fallback Intent will be.
To create a Fallback Intent, don't click on the "Create Intent" button, instead, click on the three dots next to it.
In the menu that appears, click "Create Fallback Intent"
The screen that shows is very similar to a regular Intent editing screen, but it is specifically for Fallback Intents. You'll do the usual things about adding the name and (not shown) showing the replies (ie - the next questions you'll be asking).
You can tell it is a Fallback Intent because of the message at the top. As noted, you should then enter the Input and Output Contexts you plan to use for this.
You will notice there is a "Training Phrases" section. In your case - you will leave this blank. These are actually Negative Training Phrases - phrases that will not match other Intents (even if they should) and will always be handled by the Fallback Intent instead. Since you aren't trying to mask out phrases that might match elsewhere - leave it blank.

Dialog flow default response set to follow-up no

I'm new to dialog flow and was trying to build a conversational chatbot. The following is the example I'm working with.
I created an intent "Q1" with question 1 as the user input. Later, I added a follow up yes and no intent for "Q1". When I test it, though it gives the correct answer for yes and no, I noticed that when I enter "thank you" after asking question 1, I get the output intent as Q1-no. Is there an explanation why the default is Q1-no instead of small talk?
Your dialogflow follow-up intent for NO has default user says added as thanks but no & so when you enter Thank you, it matches it with user says in intents, compute a threshold & check how much percent it matches with a user-entered query. If it is higher than the threshold value you have set in your agent's ML settings, then it gives response for that intent. The solution to your problem is either disable ML from follow-up intent for NO or remove thanks but no user expression from that intent.
snap-4: Output: Follow-up intent is not called after I removed thanks but no user expression.
