Text corruption in LLVM 7.0.1 installer - windows-10

I have tried install llvm 7.0.1 on Windows 10.
But the installer has text corruption like below.
It make so harder to install.
How do I fix it?
I using Windows 10 1809, chcp is 65001.
I using Japanese.
I have enabled "Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support" in Region settings".
Is this change cause of the error?
But A installer of other application does not be text curruption.
The Picture of installer with compatibility mode (Windows XP SP3)

That LLVM installer is not a Unicode NSIS installer. The LLVM team can fix it by adding Unicode True to their NSIS script.
That LLVM installer looks like it supports multiple languages (I could not find it's source, it might be using CMake/Ninja) and NSIS does try to guess the correct language but this is based on the return value of GetUserDefaultUILanguage() and not the active codepage.
I could not replicate your issue on build 18290 (after changing to UTF-8 and rebooting I verified that GetACP() returns 65001) but this is probably because my system is detected as English by NSIS.
Based on the (N) in your Next button in your screenshot I'm going to guess that your UI language is detected as Chinese or Japanese?
Without more information about your system it is hard to guess if this is a bug in NSIS or Windows. NSIS is a relatively normal application and does not call MultiByteToWideChar on its interface strings (IIRC).
By forcing a installer to pick Japanese I can replicate your issue. The solution for this issue is to switch your "language for non-Unicode programs" back to Japanese if you wish to install this application using Japanese as the display language. Another solution you can try is to set the locale for a single application. AppLocale was Microsoft's solution to this but it is not supported on Windows 10 but there are other alternatives out there.
When building a NSIS installer without Unicode support the program stores the text internally as raw bytes encoded with the codepage of the specific language. At run time it uses functions like SetWindowTextA to set the text of UI elements. This is how non-Unicode applications have worked since the dawn of time on Windows. All non-Unicode programs that display text outside the ASCII range will have the same issue unless they have been specifically written to support UTF-8 as the active codepage (which is unlikely since it is a new feature). This feature is only useful for console applications and ported POSIX applications that assume that the narrow string is UTF-8 encoded.

Too long for a comment.
UPDATE: Looking at this a little, I am wondering if the problem is a font corruption issue. There is a description of rebuilding the font cache here: http://www.trishtech.com/2013/11/rebuild-fonts-cache-windows-8/. I think you must install a good copy of the font file first though? You do that by copying the font files into the Fonts folders I believe. I will check with Anders what font NSIS uses.
Similar issue with an MSI file: Windows Installer ugly font rendering.
Compatibility Mode: Pretty sure that UTF8-setting would cause it. I don't think it would work, but the first thing I would try would be to run the executable in compatibility mode.
Locate the setup.exe in question.
Right click the EXE, hold right mouse button down, now drag to empty desktop area and release mouse button. Click "Create Shortcut Here".
Right click Shortcut => Properties => Compatibilty tab.
Try various combinations of "Run program in compatibility mode for..."
I would try "Windows XP" highest service pack first. Click OK when done.
Now double click the shortcut to launch the executable and see what happens.


MBCS File Menus generate ???? Characters

I am working on an MBCS app using MFC. I am trying to support Asian languages. For the purposes of this discussion, we'll say I'm trying to support Chinese. I am able to support Pop up dialogs via MessageBoxW and Dialog SCREENs by pasting Chinese characters directly into the RC file. I can't get file menus to work using either resource view or editing the RC file directly. Whenever I type in ANY Asian character, the screen shows ???. One ? for each character. I have tried modifying the menu in C++ using ModifyMenuW. I get more question marks. Visual Studio shows everything working, and the RC file is unicode (UTF-16). I can't easily convert my project to unicode mode. Spanish, French, and German all works fine (one of the Essets in German doesn't work, but that isn't a show stopper). What should I try next?
Thanks in advance!
Well, the easy answer would be change the application to Unicode, but this is not always simple, or possible at all.
Concerning using Unicode in a MBCS application, some things are possible and some others not. For example, I have made a MBCS application displaying and editing translations of program strings (messages, menues etc) in a ListView control, however ListView does have a specific message to turn it to Unicode (LVM_SETUNICODEFORMAT) and support operations (see also CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT). Menus aren't controls though, but they do have "wide" (Unicode) functions.
If you want to use Unicode in your application, there are some tests you need to make. Success is not guaranteeded, but you can at least draw some conclusions and determine whether what you want to do is possible.
You mentioned trying ModifyMenuW(), but this will try to modify an existing menu. Instead, try InsertMenuW() or InsertMenuItemW(). Any unicode string should be displayed properly, so try not just Chinese, but other laguages too (eg Greek or Russian). And btw, I can't see how French works and German doesn't (they use the same codepage - West European). What's the system codepage of your test-machine?
Test2: (if the above has failed)
Try changing the whole menu (SetMenu()) with having a single (unicode) menu item as its root.
Test3: (if the above have failed)
Then you need to check whether the window containing the menu must be Unicode. Create a simple "Hello World" Win32 application, or find a sample, if Visual Studio does not do this for you (these basically register the window class, create the main window and start the message-loop) - you must add a menu too, using the "wide" version of the menu functions explicitly. If this doesn't work, try changing the code that creates the window to unicode. This way you will know whether you need a unicode window, to own the menu.
Please make these tests and let us know the results. I will further post if needed.

visual studio 2015 c++ editor broken, solution?

After an install in VS2015 (intel mkl library with vs integration) the c/c++ editor fails to show anything except the tab on top. No window, no text, nothing.
I dug a bit deeper: a .txt file displays fine, .cs as well. When I set in options that filetype .txt needs editing in C/C++ editor, .txt stopped displaying too.
I have compared every option in tools->options, including the environment options, to a normal working rig, found nothing.
Resetting to default options did not help, nor did changing the color scheme.
Removed the Intel directory from common7/IDE/extensions, no improvement.
I do not know where more secrets are kept, tried a registry search, but found no clues. Everything appears to match, up to the dll for language specialization in vxpackages.
Anyone, before I try to repair the installation?
Thanks in advance,
Edit: I got the editor back on track by disabling Productivity Power Tools 2015. This took me half a day. Any connection to the Intel install is doubtful!

Eclipse doesn't render menus or popups

I can't view many windows in eclipse since they don't properly render. The window opens and has an outline, but the body appears transparent and just displays the window behind it. Is there a resolution to this bug? It makes Eclipse extremely frustrating to use. This is using Ubuntu 14.04 and Eclipse 4.5.2 Mars. Eclipse was installed from the latest version on the website.
Another, probably unrelated issue, is that autocomplete doesn't perform any kind of prefix matching. It only appears after a period (in Java) and takes 5-10 seconds to load. If I begin entering characters, it never provides options.
Another issue is that many plugins break emacs keybindings and emacs keybindings are completely inconsistent. In some windows that utilize some bindings, but in another window they different bindings or don't use emacs bindings at all.

How can I use a right to left language in "Sublime Text" editor

I want to use some strings which are in my language (Persian) in "Sublime Text", but the editor does not show them correctly, for example:
it should be:
<title>عنوان صفحه</title>
but this is how sublime is showing it:
The encoding is set to utf-8.
What should I do to fix it?
There is This Plugin But It Does Not Work Properly
added by barlop
Important Note- As comments indicate, this plugin doesn't really work. People have issues copy/pasting from sublime into notepad. It's OK for viewing but that's not much of an answer.
Note, sublime with this plugin might show leters in the correct order but copy/paste in notepad and it might not so try copy/pasting in notepad first before typing a whole load in there. Also this plugin might not move the cursor in a right to left fashion. (i.e. type a letter the cursor when typing in a right to left language should move to the left)
To install,
i've tested this on ST3 portable.
if you go to the tools menu you see there's no bidirectional option
Then if you go here
see it mentions
their github page here
Click on Clone/Download then download zip
extract it and Copy the folder to the packages folder.. i.e. open sublime, do preferences..browse packages , and it gives a folder like C:\Users\harvey\Downloads\ST3\Data\Packages Paste the folder there. (maybe it's better to put it in the user subdirectory, I don't know).
Then go to the tools menu and you see bidirectional options like bidirectional text that weren't there before
And while you're at it you may want to install "package control" if it's not already installed. Go to tools..command palette.. type 'package' see if package control appears. Or go to preferences, see if there is package control listed. If not then you don't have 'package control' installed. You can install package control by going to https://packagecontrol.io/ and click install and it gives you some python code in 2 tabs, one for ST2, one for ST3, and you can paste it into your console(view..console). But it's not strictly necessary you can install the bidirectional package without doing that.
The RTL-Mirror plugin for sublime 3 will show you the correct text by hitting Ctrl+F1 on Windows and OSX and Shift+F1 on Linux. it's not the perefect solution but it helps.
For the last few years my workflow has to been use VS Code as an IDE, for coding, and Sublime Text 3 (sorry, 4) for editing plain text because of its startup speed and because VS Code would be overkill.
However, since it's pretty clear by this point that the ST devs don't intend to implement RTL support, and because I would rather not have to install a third text editor just to deal with RTL text (which there are very few of anyway), there were only two convenient options left for me to open up RTL files on Windows.
Use Windows 10's Notepad (yes, really)
This is the superior solution since the new Notepad works well, starts up faster than Sublime, and not only renders RTL text but renders it quite well. The only downside is the lack of a dark mode.
Use VS Code (or whatever your preferred IDE is)
Both free IDEs like VS Code and paid ones like PHPStorm and IntelliJ seem to support RTL out of the box, but pretty much the only good reason to do this is if you absolutely need dark mode or are not on Windows - otherwise all of them up start up far slower than Sublime, and in the case of VS Code, render RTL text worse than Notepad does (I can't speak for JetStorm IDEs on that front).
Who knows, if I find a better alternative text editor that I can move my custom theme over to I may eventually move away from Sublime completely to another editor, but until then, sticking to two editors.

Can't Copy & Paste in Eclipse 3.5

I recently updated my Eclipse to the latest release 3.5 and since then I have a very annoying problem with c&p using the shortcuts.
In an editor (xml, jsp, doesn't matter which one) I try to copy something and paste it somewhere else, nothing happens. When I cut out something and put it somewhere else I sometimes get something else (like a messed up part of my previous selection) or just some whitespaces. This gets even worse when I change lines in between.
First I thought that my keyboard is probably broken but it works just fine in other programs. Then I tried using the context menus' c&p and there it works. Yesterday I managed to get at least an error message when I tried to copy a file in the navigator from one project to another (the message was just "error using copy...bla". no details).
Does anyone else have this problem, or know how to solve it?
I am running on Kubuntu 9.04, and have quite some plugins installed (but only from the Galileo Updates Site), like Birt, Mylin, WST, or Subversive.
For my problem, I had to go to Window > Preferences > Java > Editor > Typing, and uncheck "Update imports"
This must be related to the key mapping, since those shortcuts are defined according to context.
(Column "When", in Preferences / General / Keys)
Check if those shortcuts do not work for any editor (do they work for Java editor?)
If they work for some editor, not for other, then some plugin settings must have re-affected them to another command.
This is caused by various X clipboard managers doing weird things with the clipboard. (bug report).
In XFCE the clipman applet was rolled in XFCE 4.8, and will be the source of these problems.
To fix this in XFCE - kill xfce4-settings-helper. You will need to use Settings Manager -> Session and Startup -> Session to kill it, as otherwise it may restart automatically.
To prevent this starting next time, you will need to remove it from your startup/login programs in Settings Manager > Session and Startup > Application Autostart.
Problem was solved with newer Eclipse releases. I think >= 3.6. Depending on your distribution there may be a (back)port of this (not on my Xubuntu 11.04) within the repositories.
So a tarball installation of Eclipse 4.0 works perfectly for me. Cut&Paste works and I am lucky that my plugins are compatible to 4.0.
Unfortunately Sublime Text has the same problems.
I read somewhere that in KDE maybe Klipper / "Klipper on the panel" conflicts with eclipse copy action.
It's a tool for clipboard history. Try to remove that! It may solve your problem :-/
For me the xfce4-settings-helper killing worked.
You can cut&paste from the compare view. So simply compare the un-copyable file (e.g., local history) with a different version and Control-C what you need there.
In the *.java editor page, right click and select open in text editor. Past your snippet there. Your Snippet will show in the *.java page'
I use Eclipse Kepler for PHP development. It's dumb I know.
None of the solutions suggested here has solved this source of frustration.
I can confirm the copy function works whether shortcut keys are bound or not. As I can copy from eclipse and paste into any other application. Except eclipse.
My solution. Accidental discovery: Eclipse Kepler will allow you to paste outside the php open and close tags and allow you to click and drag the highlighted block of content into into position.
Acceptable solution for small bits of code. Horribly crippling for larger development environments.
For Xming, this resolved the problem for me. In XLaunch uncheck Clipboard (clipboard manager) in the "Specify parameter settings" GUI form.
