Disposing resource inside spock feature method at arbitrary places - groovy

Inside a spock test we want to create a resource and make sure its disposed correctly regardless of the outcome of the test result.
We tried the approach below. But spock is not executing tests when the test code is wrapped inside a closure.
import spock.lang.Specification
class ExampleSpec extends Specification {
def wrapperFunction(Closure cl) {
try {
} finally {
// do custom stuff
def "test wrapped in closure"() {
wrapperFunction {
1 == 1
println "will not execute!"
What is the best approach on creating and disposing a resource inside a spock test.
setup() and cleanup() are not viable solutions since creating and disposing should be possible at arbitrary points inside the feature method.

You can use setup and cleanup block inside of the test case (feature method) like this:
class ReleaseResourcesSpec extends Specification {
void 'Resources are released'() {
def stream = new FileInputStream('/etc/hosts')
throw new IllegalStateException('test')
println 'stream was closed'
Code from the cleanup block is always executed although the test fails or if there is any exception. See the result of the above example:
So it is similar to setup() and cleanup() methods but in this case you can have different setup and clean up code for each feature method.


Does a GroovyMock of a non-static method have a specified behaviour?

I put this in my Spock test:
GroovyMock( File, global: true)
File.createNewFile() >> null
... which I realise is unorthodox/silly/curious: createNewFile is a non-static method.
The code involved is like this:
if( indexInfoFile.createNewFile() ) {
... it turns out from my experiements that mocking createNewFile like this always returns false, even if you try putting a block in the mock:
GroovyMock( File, global: true)
File.createNewFile() >> {
log.info( 'Hello mum!')
... the log message is not printed but createNewFile again returns false.
This is actually what I wanted (i.e. to mock a false return from createNewFile).
Is this intentional, documented behaviour?
PS Caveat: from my experience/experiments today, there is no doubt that this mock method does replace all occurrences of an invocation of this method, on any File instance. However, it appears also to have some alarming side-effects too: for example, a directory I created in my given block before the 2 GroovyMock lines is found NOT to exist afterwards, still in the given block, when I went
... I assume this is because toFile involves an invocation of createNewFile...
As documented, Groovy mocks only have additional "magic" when used with Groovy classes, but I assume that you are trying to mock java.io.File, which is a Java JRE class. Thus, the Groovy mock will behave like a normal Spock mock. So I don't know why you want to use the Groovy mock in the first place - maybe because you want to use the global: true feature in order to avoid refactoring for testability in your application class.
As you do not show us an MCVE, I have no way of knowing whether indexInfoFile can be injected into your class/method under test or if it is a dependency created inside the method. In the latter case you need to refactor, it is as simple as that. Dependencies should be injectable, period.
As for your code snippets, there are a few things wrong with them:
Method File.createNewFile() returns boolean, so it does not make any sense to stub it to return null.
When creating a mock, all methods will automatically return false, null or 0, depending on their return type. So there is no need to stub the result for createNewFile() in the first place if you want it to return false because it already does.
You cannot stub an instance method by trying to override it like it was a static method. It makes no sense. Please learn Spock syntax first.
Now, assuming your class under test looks like this (already prepared or refactored for dependency injection via method argument, constructor argument or setter)...
package de.scrum_master.stackoverflow.q59842227;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Random;
public class FileCreator {
private static final Random RANDOM = new Random();
public boolean createIndexInfoFile(File indexInfoFile) throws IOException {
if (indexInfoFile.createNewFile()) {
System.out.println("File \"" + indexInfoFile + "\" created");
return true;
System.out.println("File \"" + indexInfoFile + "\" NOT created");
return false;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
new FileCreator().createIndexInfoFile(
new File("_abc_" + RANDOM.nextInt(10000) + ".txt")
... then you can test it like this:
package de.scrum_master.stackoverflow.q59842227
import spock.lang.Specification
class FileCreatorTest extends Specification {
def "index info file created"() {
File file = Mock() {
createNewFile() >> true
new FileCreator().createIndexInfoFile(file)
def "no index info file created"() {
File file = Mock()
!new FileCreator().createIndexInfoFile(file)
See? There is no need for global or Groovy mocks, normal mocks will do just fine. But you need to make your code testable instead of using fancy tricks.

JMockit MockUp persisting between Spock tests

I'm using a Spock test written in Groovy to test some Java code. I'm using JMockit to mock methods in the java code, as Spock only handles mocking Groovy classes. I'm running into a problem where a JMockit MockUp is persisting between tests. Such a mock instance should only exist for the test (per JMockit documentation), but this isn't working, and I imagine it's because it's not using the JMockit test runner, and rather the Spock test runner.
Here is the simplest example of the problem I'm facing. I have a simple method returning a string, I can change the return value of the method with MockUp but it still exists for the third test, which doesn't expect it to be used.
Java Class
public class ClassToTest {
public String method() {
return "original";
Spock Test
class ClassToTestSpec extends Specification {
void "first test"() {
String result = new ClassToTest().method()
result == "original"
void "second test"() {
new MockUp<ClassToTest>() {
public String method() {
return "mocked"
String result = new ClassToTest().method()
result == "mocked"
void "third test"() {
String result = new ClassToTest().method()
result == "original"
The third test fails, because ClassToTest.method() still returns the String "mocked" rather than "original". Using a debugger I have validated that the Mocked method is called twice.
Is there any way to manually remove a class MockUp in JMockit? Thanks.
You can call the MockUp.tearDown method on the created mockup object, to manually undo its effects.
Not exactly an answer to the question - because I still don't know if JMockit's MockUp can be manually removed. But thanks to #PeterNiederwieser's comments, I found that you can actually create a partial mock for a Java class. Below is the change to the second test from above.
void "second test"() {
ClassToTest test = Spy(ClassToTest) {
method() >> "mocked"
String result = test.method()
result == "mocked"
Peter mentioned reconsidering how and what to test if a Spy() is necessary, but for my use case this is preferred.

How to create a wrapper for a large interface

I want to create a wrapper that traps a particular exception and retries for all methods in a large (100+ methods) interface. I have the retry code working no worries, but I can't figure out how to hook up an implementation of the interface without cut'n'paste into all the methods.
I tried to use a missing method handler but that meant that I couldn't have it implement the interface. Abstract is obviously out as I won't be able to instantiate it.
I'm hoping for a better solution than creating the class as a template on the fly but I'm willing to do that.
Have you tried overriding invokeMethod for the interface?
YourInterface.metaClass.invokeMethod = {String name, args ->
def result
println "Calling method $name"
result = metaClass.getMetaMethod(name, args).invoke(delegate, args)
}catch(YourException | AnyOtherException | Exception e){
println "Handling exception for method $name"
result = //Call retry code here
println "Called method $name"
Overriding invokeMethod works as as interceptor for all the method calls in the interface. Handle the exception for each method and return the success result.
I tried to use #dmahapatro's example but I kept getting IllegalArgumentException. I eventually realised that it only happened for mixin methods (the method shows the signature of the mixin). Instead of invoke() I needed to use doMethodInvoke() to get the appropriate type coersion.
errorProneInstance.metaClass.invokeMethod = { String name, args ->
def result
def method = delegate.metaClass.getMetaMethod(name, args)
while(true) {
try {
result = method.doMethodInvoke(delegate, args)
} catch (AnnoyingIntermittentButRetryableException e) {
print "ignoring exception"

Black listing synchronized keyword for groovy scripts

There is an application where users can provide custom groovy scripts. They can write their own functions in those scripts. I want to restrict people from using the 'synchronized' keyword as well as some other keywords in these scripts. For example it should not be possible to write a function like below.
public synchronized void test() {
I am creating a CompilerConfiguration and using the SecureASTCustomizer. However adding org.codehaus.groovy.syntax.Types.KEYWORD_SYNCHRONIZED to the list of black listed tokens doesn't seem to do the job. (if I add org.codehaus.groovy.syntax.Types.PLUS it's preventing the usage of '+' within scripts.. but doesn't seem to do the job for synchronized)
Any ideas on how to achieve this ...
You can do something like this:
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilerConfiguration
import org.codehaus.groovy.syntax.SyntaxException
import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassNode
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.SourceUnit
import org.codehaus.groovy.classgen.GeneratorContext
class SynchronizedRemover extends org.codehaus.groovy.control.customizers.CompilationCustomizer {
SynchronizedRemover() {
void call(final SourceUnit source, final GeneratorContext context, final ClassNode classNode) {
classNode.methods.each { mn ->
if (mn.modifiers & 0x0020) { // 0x0020 is for synchronized
source.addError(new SyntaxException("Synchronized is not allowed", mn.lineNumber, mn.columnNumber))
def config = new CompilerConfiguration()
config.addCompilationCustomizers(new SynchronizedRemover())
def shell = new GroovyShell(config)
shell.evaluate '''
class Foo { public synchronized void foo() { println 'bar' } }
The idea is to create a compilation customizer that checks generated classes and for each method, add an error if the synchronized modifier is present. For synchronized block inside methods, you can probably use the SecureASTCustomizer with a custom statement checker.

Groovy Prototype Object

I have a method with an incoming variable, which represents a script.
class Foo {
static init(app) {
What is the best way to add a ton of new functionality to the app variable in the init method? Basically, I would like to add all the functionality of another object to the app object.
For instance, if I had another class:
class Bar {
def a() { }
def b() {
I would like the app object to basically be a new Bar(). In JavaScript, this is easy by using the prototype object, but I cannot seem to get it working in groovy. What is the best way to accomplish this? Or should I be doing something differently?
YourClass.metaClass.static.yourMethod is the most similar to JS prototype I've seen in Groovy. Check this link out:
Groovy meta-programming - adding static methods to Object.metaClass
There are several ways to do this and each has advantages and disadvantages. On the Groovy Documentation page, the section on Dynamic Groovy illustrates several of these. If I understand you correctly, the simplest way is to just use the metaClass of an instance to add new functionality, a la:
class Foo {
static void init (a) {
a.metaClass.a = { println "a()"; }
a.metaClass.b = { println "b()"; }
def myObject = new Object();
Foo.init (myObject);
The easiest way to do this would be with a mixin. Basically you can call mixin on app's class and pass it another class to incorporate that functionality into it.
I've modified your example to show this mixing in the Bar class.
class Foo {
static init(app) {
app.class.mixin Bar
class Bar {
def a() { println "a called" }
def b() {
println "b called"
def app = new Object()
The output of this would be:
a called
b called
In this case I added Bar to the Object class but you could add it to any class in your application.
