I am using spaCy to process sentences of a doc. Given one sentence, I'd like to get the previous and following sentence.
I can easily iterate over the sentences of the doc as following:
nlp_content = nlp(content)
sentences = nlp_content.sents
for idx, sent in enumerate(sentences):
But I can't get the sentence #idx-1 or #idx+1 from the sentence #idx.
Is there any function or property that could be useful there?
There isn't a built-in sentence index. You would need to iterate over the sentences once to create your own list of sentence spans to access them this way.
sentence_spans = tuple(doc.sents) # alternately: list(doc.sents)
I am looking for a way to singularize noun chunks with spacy
S='There are multiple sentences that should include several parts and also make clear that studying Natural language Processing is not difficult '
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
doc = nlp(S)
[chunk.text for chunk in doc.noun_chunks]
# = ['an example sentence', 'several parts', 'Natural language Processing']
You can also get the "root" of the noun chunk:
[chunk.root.text for chunk in doc.noun_chunks]
# = ['sentences', 'parts', 'Processing']
I am looking for a way to singularize those roots of the chunks.
GOAL: Singulirized: ['sentence', 'part', 'Processing']
Is there any obvious way? Is that always depending on the POS of every root word?
I found this: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/nlp-singularizing-plural-nouns-and-swapping-infinite-phrases/
but that approach looks to me that leads to many many different methods and of course different for every language. ( I am working in EN, FR, DE)
To get the basic form of each word, you can use ".lemma_" property of chunk or token property
I use Spacy version 2.x
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm', disable=['parser', 'ner'])
doc = nlp('did displaying words')
print (" ".join([token.lemma_ for token in doc]))
and the output :
do display word
Hope it helps :)
There is! You can take the lemma of the head word in each noun chunk.
[chunk.root.lemma_ for chunk in doc.noun_chunks]
Out[82]: ['sentence', 'part', 'processing']
I have few patient's medical record text files which i got from the internet and i want to identify/find the files which are bad quality(misspelled words/special characters between the words/Erroneous words) and files with good quality(clean text).i want to build error detection model using text mining/NLP.
1)can someone please help me on the approach and solution for feature extraction and model selection.
2)Is there any medical corpus for medical records to identify the misspelled/Erroneous words.
If your goal is to simply correct these misspelled words to improve performance on whatever downstream task you want to do, then I can suggest a simple approach which has worked sufficiently well for me.
First tokenize your text (I recommend scispacy for medical text)
Identify possible "bad quality" words simply by the count of each unique word constructed from all the words in your corpus e.g. all words that occur <= 3 times
Add words that occur > 3 times in your corpus (we assume these are all correctly spelled) to a regular English dictionary. If your corpus is large, this is perfectly adequate for capturing medical terms. Otherwise use a medical dictionary e.g. UMLS, or https://github.com/glutanimate/wordlist-medicalterms-en to add the medical words not in a regular dictionary
Use pyspellchecker to identify the misspellings by using the Levenshtein Distance algorithm and comparing against our dictionary.
Replace the typos with what pyspellchecker thinks they should be.
A basic example:
import spacy
import scispacy
from collections import Counter
from spellchecker import SpellChecker
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_sci_md') # sciSpaCy
word_freq = Counter()
for doc in corpus:
tokens = nlp.tokenizer(doc)
tokenised_text = ""
for token in tokens:
tokenised_text = tokenised_text + token.text + " "
infreq_words = [word for word in word_freq.keys() if word_freq[word] <= 3 and word[0].isdigit() == False]
freq_words = [word for word in word_freq.keys() if word_freq[word] > 3]
add_to_dictionary = " ".join(freq_words)
f=open("medical_dict.txt", "w+")
spell = SpellChecker()
spell.distance = 1 # set the distance parameter to just 1 edit away - much quicker
misspelled = spell.unknown(infreq_words)
misspell_dict = {}
for i, word in enumerate(misspelled):
if (word != spell.correction(word)):
misspell_dict[word] = spell.correction(word)
I would also recommend using regular expressions to fix any other "bad quality" words which can be systematically corrected.
You can do biobert to do contextual spelling check,
Link: https://github.com/dmis-lab/biobert
Say I have the code txt = "Hello my name is bob. I really like pies.", how would I extract each sentence individually and add the to a list. I created this messy script which gives me a number of sentences roughly in a string...
sentences = 0
capitals = [
finish_markers = [
newTxt = txt.split()
for x in newTxt[1:-1]:
for caps in capitals:
if caps in x:
for fin in finish_markers:
if fin in newTxt[newTxt.index(x) - 1]:
sentences += 1
for caps in capitals:
if caps in newTxt[0]:
sentences += 1
print("Sentence count...")
It is using the txt variable mentioned above. However I would now like to extract each sentence and put them into a list so the final product would look something like this...
['Hello my name is bob.','I really like pies.']
I would prefer not to use any non standard packages because I want this script to work independent of everything and offline. Thank you for any help!
Use nltk.tokenize
import nltk
sentences = nltk.sent_tokenize(txt)
This will give you a list of sentences.
You could work with a regex for all the ending chars(".","?","!")and then split it into different string.
You are trying to split a string into sentences, that is a bit hard to do it with regular expressions or string functions handling. For your use case, I'd recommend a NLP library like NLTK. Then, take a look at this Tokenize a paragraph into sentence and then into words in NLTK.
i have a list of tokenized documents,containing both unigrams, bi-grams and i would like to perform sklearn lda on it.i have tried the following code:
my_data =[['low-rank matrix','detection method','problem finding'],['probabilistic inference','problem finding','statistical learning','solution' ],['detection method','probabilistic inference','population','language']...]
tf_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(min_df=2, max_features=n_features,
tf = tf_vectorizer.fit_transform(mydata)
lda = LatentDirichletAllocation(n_topics=3, max_iter=5,random_state=10)
but when i print the output i get something like this:
topic 0:
detection,finding, solution ,method,problem
topic 1:
language, statistical , problem, learning,finding
and so on..
bigrams are broken and are separated from one another.i have 10,000 documents and already tokenize them, also the method for finding the bigram is not nltk based so i already did this.
is there any method to improve this without changing the input?
i am very new in using sklearn so apologies in advance if i am making some obvious mistake.
CountVectorizer has a ngram_range param which will be used for deciding if the vocabulary will contain uniqrams, or bigrams or trigrams etc:-
ngram_range : tuple (min_n, max_n)
The lower and upper boundary of the
range of n-values for different n-grams to be extracted. All values of
n such that min_n <= n <= max_n will be used.
For example:
ngram_range=(1,1) => Will include only unigrams
ngram_range=(1,2) => Will include unigrams and bigrams
ngram_range=(2,2) => Will include only bigrams
and so on...
You have not defined that, so default ngram_range=(1,1) and hence only unigrams are used here.
tf_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(min_df=2,
ngram_range = (2,2)) # You need this
tf = tf_vectorizer.fit_transform(my_data)
Secondly, you say that you have already tokenize the data and show the lists of list (my_data) in your code. That doesnt work with CountVectorizer. For that, you need to pass a simple list of strings and CountVectorizer will automatically apply tokenizing on them. So you will need to pass on your own preprocessing steps to that. See other params 'preprocessor', 'tokenizer' and 'analyzer' in the linked documentation.
I have a corpus(Hotel Reviews) and I want to do some NLP process including Tfidf. My problem is when I Applied Tfidf and print 100 features it doesn't appear as a single word but the entire sentence.
Here is my code:
Note: clean_doc is a function return my corpus cleaning from stopwords, stemming, and etc
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(analyzer='word',tokenizer=clean_doc,
max_features=100, lowercase = False, ngram_range=(1,3), min_df = 1)
vz = vectorizer.fit_transform(list(data['Review']))
feature_names = vectorizer.get_feature_names()
for feature in feature_names:
it returns something like this:
love view good room
food amazing recommended
bad services location far
any idea why? Thanks in Advance
There is most likely an error in your clean_doc function. The 'tokenizer' argument should be a function that takes a string as input and returns a list of tokens.