My if & elif not working on sockets (python 3) - python-3.x

I tried to create a server that receives commands from the client
And to identify which command the client wrote I used if & elif
But when I run the program and write a command from the client, only the first command works (the command on the if) and if I try another command (from elif & else)
The system just doesn't respond (like she's waiting for something)
The Server Code:
import socket
import time
import random as rd
soc = socket.socket()
soc.bind(("", 7777))
(client_socket, address) = soc.accept()
if(client_socket.recv(4) == b"TIME"):
elif(client_socket.recv(4) == b"NAME"):
client_socket.send(b"My name is Test Server!")
elif(client_socket.recv(4) == b"RAND"):
elif(client_socket.recv(4) == b"EXIT"):
client_socket.send(b"I don't know what your command means")
The Client Code:
import socket
soc = socket.socket()
soc.connect(("", 7777))
client_command_to_the_server = input("""
These are the options you can request from the server:
TIME --> Get the current time
NAME --> Get the sevrer name
RAND --> Get a Random int
EXIT --> Stop the connect with the server

if(client_socket.recv(4) == b"TIME"):
This will check the first 4 byte received from the server
elif(client_socket.recv(4) == b"NAME"):
client_socket.send(b"My name is Test Server!")
This will check the next 4 bytes received from the server. Contrary to what you assume it will not check the first bytes again since you called recv to read more bytes. If there are no more bytes (likely, since the first 4 bytes are already read) it will simply wait. Instead of calling recv for each comparison you should call recv once and then compare the result against the various strings.
Apart from that: recv will only return up to the given number of bytes. It might also return less.


Sending Bytes properly to client

In Python, I am trying to build a simple server/client application that sends video bytes to the client.
I have been trying to figure this out for months.
The server is listening to a connection, and is receiving this much data every second, length of 1316
for example:
data = sock_reciever.recv(16000000)
If I print data, I get this:
As this comes in, I can send it back out via sock_sender.sendto(data, (SENDMCAST_GRP, SENDMCAST_PORT)), and watch the video in VLC player.
Ultimately, I want to take this data and send it to the client through the socket via conn.send(data).
However, on the client side, I believe data is coming in in the wrong order.
I've compared the data between server and client and it appears to be the same, but it builds up on the client side, which might be causing some sort of overflow.
On the client side, I take the data coming in with data = sock_reciever.recv(16000000) and send it back out via sock_sender.sendto(data, (SENDMCAST_GRP, SENDMCAST_PORT)).
But I do not get the same results on the client side, as on the server side.
How do I add headers to this data to ensure it arrives to the client in sequential order?
If possible, please explain this to me like you would explain what oxygen is to a fish.
Which Sockets I Am Using
I am trying to use TCP sockets between server and client. I thought using a stream socket would be more reliable, but I might be wrong, the only reason being that I would like to do a reverse connection, so that the client connects to the server and then receives data.
I am also using sock_sender.sendto(data, (SENDMCAST_GRP, SENDMCAST_PORT)) just to relay the incoming data on the client side, it is not the actual connection between server and client.
The socket used for the communication between server/client
is called sock_client.
This is the server-side code:
sock_client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# recieves connection from client
conn, address = sock_client.accept()
# sends data to client
Client Side is set up like so:
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
data = s.recv(2400000)
Then the data is just relayed back out for use with other applications via sock_sender.sendto(data, (SENDMCAST_GRP, SENDMCAST_PORT)).
I need to ensure the data between the client/server socket connection is accurate and complete.
Let me explain it a little bit. The video can be sent in the form of bytes with the aid of struct. It is part of the python standard library string services.
It interprets strings as packed binary data and performs conversions between Python values and C structs represented as Python strings. This is helpful handling binary data in files, socket network connections and other sources. In, the frame matrix is pickled dump as a string in variable a and then used struct.pack to add a reference payloadsize (for the string in a). The payload_size is attached using + to the a and then .sendall sends the whole frame. To simply explain it, lets suppose our frame is just 3x3 matrix:
a = pickle.dumps(frame)
The pickled form of frame is shown below as a string:
Here payload_size: len(a) is 193 and its string representation in a 4 byte 'L' format is b'\xc1\x00\x00\x00'.
Then, message = struct.pack("L", len(a))+a
And now the message also contains the payload_size infront of the data. The len(message) = 197.
In the s.recv(4096) means at the most 4096 bytes will be received through a blocking call.
The data is appended to the string in 4096 bytes per packet. The rest of the part is quite obvious.
For reference working versions of and are below. First run the and then in another command window run The transmitted and received frames will be displayed. You can increase the number of maximum bytes. I hope this solves your problem!
import socket,cv2,pickle
import struct
serversocket = socket.socket(
socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
host = socket.gethostname()
port = 9999
serversocket.bind((host, port))
while True:
clientsocket,addr = serversocket.accept()
print("Got a connection from %s" % str(addr))
if clientsocket:
vid = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
img, frame =
gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
a = pickle.dumps(frame)
message =struct.pack("L", len(a))+a
key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
if key == ord("q"):
import socket,cv2,pickle
import struct
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
host = socket.gethostname()
port = 9999
s.connect((host, port))
data = b""
payload_size = struct.calcsize("L")
while True:
while len(data) < payload_size:
packet= s.recv(4096)
if not packet: break
data += packet
packed_msg_size = data[:payload_size]
data = data[payload_size:]
msg_size = struct.unpack("L", packed_msg_size)[0]
while len(data) < msg_size:
data += s.recv(4096)
frame_data = data[:msg_size]
data = data[msg_size:]
key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
if key == ord("q"):

How to send message sequences over a socket?

I'm experimenting with communication via sockets in Python. I have a and a The latter is asking for a user input and send this to the server. Depending on the user input, the server is playing 2 different sound. This works a single time but not for a second attempt.
I've put in some print(XYZ) lines to see where the programm is stopping. After sending the first message the "print("...")"-line of my is no longer executed. So it looks like server_socket.accept() is no longer successful. Why is that?
This is
import socket
import winsound
fnameBeep = "beep.wav"
fnameBop = "bop.wav"
server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,
server_addr = ("", 1337)
while True:
(client_socket, addr) = server_socket.accept()
msg = client_socket.recv(1024)
print("Received: " + str(msg, "utf8"))
if str(msg, "utf8") == '1':
winsound.PlaySound(fnameBeep, winsound.SND_FILENAME)
winsound.PlaySound(fnameBop, winsound.SND_FILENAME)
This is
import socket
client_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,
server_addr = ("", 1337)
print("Beep = 1; Bop = 2")
while True:
print('waiting ...')
UserInput = input('Your choice: ')
print('Sending: ' + UserInput)
client_socket.send(bytes(UserInput, "utf8"))
What is going wrong? the general communicaiton is working but I'd like to send a sequence of messages to the server.
The first thing you'll want to do is move your accept() call up to above the top of your while loop -- as it is, your code is trying to accept a new TCP connection after each command, which I think it not what you wanted to do -- presumably you want to keep a single TCP connection open and receive multiple commands over that TCP connection instead.
The second issue is framing: the thing to remember about TCP is that it implements a raw stream of bytes, and doesn't do any fixed framing of messages on its own -- e.g. if you execute the following calls on the sending side:
... the on the receiving side, the server might see the following data-chunks returned from its subsequent recv() calls:
recv() call #1: 12345
recv() call #2: 67
recv() call #3: 89
... or, it might instead (depending on how the network is working, phase of the moon, etc) get the following:
recv() call #1: 1
recv() call #2: 2345678
recv() call #3: 9
or it might get all the sent data in a single call:
recv() call #1: 123456789
or it might even receive each byte via a separate call:
recv() call #1: 1
recv() call #2: 2
recv() call #3: 3
recv() call #4: 4
recv() call #5: 5
recv() call #6: 6
recv() call #7: 7
recv() call #8: 8
recv() call #9: 9
... or any other combination you can imagine.
So the question is, given the uncertainty of the data-chunking, how can your receiver know that your client intended to send ("file_name1.wav" and then "file_name2.wav") rather than just ("file_name1.wavfile_name.wav"), or ("file", "name1.wavfile", "name.wav"), or etc?
In order to parse the incoming TCP bytes unambiguously, the receiver has to know how they are framed. For a simple program like yours, the framing logic could be straightforward -- e.g. just declare a rule that each string will have a newline character at the end. Then your server can simply keep receiving bytes (and adding them to the end of a string) until it sees a newline byte, at which point it knows it has received a full user-command, so it can at that point handle that command, then remove all of the string (up to and including the newline character) before continuing its parsing for the next string.
Another way to do it is to have the sender include a short (fixed-length) header before each command indicating the number of bytes that the receiver should expect to see in the next command. Then the server can read the header (because the header is fixed-length, the server will know how many bytes it needs to read before it has the full header to look at), and then read that-many bytes, then handle the command, then repeat.

Storing Value in Arduino Sent From Python via Serial

I have been trying to send a value from a Python program via serial to an Arduino, but I have been unable to get the Arduino to store and echo back the value to Python. My code seems to match that I've found in examples online, but for whatever reason, it's not working.
I am using Python 3.5 on Windows 10 with an Arduino Uno. Any help would be appreciated.
Arduino code:
void readFromPython() {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
incomingIntegrationTime = Serial.parseInt();
// Collect the incoming integer from PySerial
integration_time = incomingIntegrationTime;
Serial.print("The integration time is now ");
// read the incoming integer from Python:
// Set the integration time to what you just collected IF it is not a zero
// Ensure the integration time isn't outside the range of integers
integration_time=max(incomingIntegrationTime, 1);
// Ensure the integration time isn't outside the range of integers
void loop() {
// Check for incoming data from PySerial
// Pause the program for 1 millisecond
Python code:
(Note this is used with a PyQt button, but any value could be typed in instead of self.IntegrationTimeInputTextbox.text() and the value is still not receieved and echoed back by Arduino).
def SetIntegrationTime(self):
def main():
# global startMarker, endMarker
#This sets the com port in PySerial to the port with the Genuino as the variable arduino_ports
arduino_ports = [
for p in
if 'Genuino' in p.description
#Set the proper baud rate for your spectrometer
baud = 115200
#This prints out the port that was found with the Genuino on it
ports = list(
for p in ports:
print ('Device is connected to: ', p)
# --------------------------- Error Handling ---------------------------
#Tell the user if no Genuino was found
if not arduino_ports:
raise IOError("No Arduino found")
#Tell the user if multiple Genuinos were found
if len(arduino_ports) > 1:
warnings.warn('Multiple Arduinos found - using the first')
# ---------------------------- Error Handling ---------------------------
spectrometer = serial.Serial(arduino_ports[0], baud)
integrationTimeSend = self.IntegrationTimeInputTextbox.text()
print("test value is", integrationTimeSend.encode())
for i in range(10): #Repeat the following 10 times
startMarker = "X"
xDecoded = "qq"
xEncoded = "qq"
while xDecoded != startMarker: #Wait for the start marker (X))
xEncoded = #Read the spectrometer until 'startMarker' is found so the right amound of data is read every time
xDecoded = xEncoded.decode("UTF-8");
line = spectrometer.readline()
lineDecoded = line.decode("UTF-8")
First, this is a problem:
incomingValue =;
Because read() returns the first byte of incoming serial data reference. On the Arduino the int is a signed 16-bit integer, so reading only one byte of it with a is going to give you unintended results.
Also, don't put writes in between checking if data is available and actual reading:
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
Serial.print("X"); // Print your startmarker
Serial.print("The value is now ");
incomingValue =; // Collect the incoming value from
That is bad. Instead do your read immediately as this example shows:
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
// read the incoming byte:
incomingByte =;
That's two big issues there. Take care of those and let's take a look at it after those fundamental issues are corrected.
Once those are corrected, the next thing to do is determine which side of the serial communication is faulty. Generally what I like to do is determine one side is sending properly by having its output show up in a terminal emulator. I like TeraTerm for this.
Set your python code to send only and see if your sent values show up properly in a terminal emulator. Once that is working and you have confidence in it, you can attend to the Arduino side.

Python36 and sockets

So I'm connected to an IRC chat using socket.connec
I log in by passing my variables via socket.send
The log in is successful and then I sit in a while true loop using
If I just continually print the response everything looks fine, but let's say I want to add to the end of the string... I noticed that socket.recv doesn't always get the full message (only grabs up to 1024 as expected) and the remainder of the message is in the next iteration of the loop.
This makes its it impossible to process the feedback line by line.
Is there a better way to constantly read the data without it getting trunked? Is it possible to figure out the size of the response before receiving it so the buffer can be set dynamically?
TCP is a stream-based protocol. Buffer the bytes received and only extract complete messages from the stream.
For complete lines, look for newline characters in the buffer.
Example server:
import socket
class Client:
def __init__(self,socket):
self.socket = socket
self.buffer = b''
def getline(self):
# if there is no complete line in buffer,
# add to buffer until there is one.
while b'\n' not in self.buffer:
data = self.socket.recv(1024)
if not data:
# socket was closed
return ''
self.buffer += data
# break the buffer on the first newline.
# note: partition(n) return "left of n","n","right of n"
line,newline,self.buffer = self.buffer.partition(b'\n')
return line + newline
srv = socket.socket()
conn,where = srv.accept()
client = Client(conn)
print(f'Client connected on {where}')
while True:
line = client.getline()
if not line:
Example client:
s.sendall(b'line one\nline two\nline three\nincomplete')
Output on server:
Client connected on ('', 2667)
b'line one\n'
b'line two\n'
b'line three\n'

How do I manage TCP Client read/write overlap issues?

I have a TCP client communicating with a LabVIEW GUI.
My program calls connect() at the start and disconnect() at the end. It will call passCommand(x) to read or write data to the LabVIEW GUI. However, in some cases, I have multiple threads which may be calling passCommand() and somehow the return data will get mixed up.
For example, in the main thread I will ask for the voltage, which should be a number between 300 and 400. In a different thread I will ask for the temperature, which should be a number from 0-100. The voltage will be returned as 25, while the temperature will get 250.
Is this a known issue with TCP communication and threading? Is there a way to solve this such as implementing a queue or unique id or something?
import socket as _socket
# get python major version as integer
from sys import version as pythonVersion
pythonVersionMajor = int(pythonVersion[0])
_serverHost = 'localhost'
_serverPort = 50007
isConnected = 0
_sockobj = None
_error_string = "error:"
def connect():
'opens a connection to LabVIEW Server'
global _sockobj, isConnected
_sockobj = _socket.socket(_socket.AF_INET, _socket.SOCK_STREAM) # create socket
_sockobj.connect((_serverHost, _serverPort)) # connect to LV
isConnected = 1
def disconnect():
'closes the connection to LabVIEW Server'
global isConnected
_sockobj.close() # close socket
isConnected = 0
def passCommand(command):
'passes a command to LabVIEW Server'
## We prepend the command length (8 char long) to the message and send it to LV
# Compute message length and pad with 0 on the left if required
# Prepend msg size to msg
# python 3 requires data to be encoded
if (pythonVersionMajor >= 3):
completeCommand = str.encode(completeCommand)
# Send complete command
data = _sockobj.recv(11565536)
# python 3 requires data to be decoded
if (pythonVersionMajor >= 3):
data = bytes.decode(data)
if data.rfind(_error_string) == 0:
error = True
data = data[len(_error_string):] # get data after "error:" string
error = False
execString = "lvdata = " + data
exec(execString, globals())
if error:
raise _LabVIEWError(lvdata)
return lvdata
class _Error(Exception):
"""Base class for exceptions in this module."""
class _LabVIEWError(_Error):
"""Exception raised for errors generated in LabVIEW.
code -- LabVIEW Error Code
source -- location of the error
message -- explanation of the error
def __init__(self, error):
self.code = error[0]
self.source = error[1]
self.message = error[2]
def __str__(self):
return "%s" % (self.message,)
This is an example of one of the most common problems with threading. You are accessing a resource from multiple threads and the resource is not considered thread-safe (if both threads are sending/receiving at the same time, it's possible for a thread to get the wrong response, or even both responses).
Ideally you should be locking access to passCommand with a mutex so it can only be used with by one thread at a time, or opening one socket per thread, or doing all of your socket operations in a single thread.
