How to clear the session between two consecutive intents? - node.js

We are using bot trees master which uses bot graph dialog for loading graph based dialogs dynamically. We have created a scenario to load multiple intents(whose intents scores are nearly matching). Now the problem I am facing is when I request for single intent , I am getting the bot response and able to enter into next intent but when I request for multiple intents bot is giving the response and when I request for another intent , bot is giving the same response of multiple intents. When bot is entering into multiple intent handler it is not clearing the session and not coming out of that handler. I have tried using session.endConversation().
To understand about bot graph dialog:
Can somebody help on this. Thank you

the builder.IntentDialog() used in this project is no longer considered a best practice. Additionally, further support is not expected. Instead, you will want to use bot.Dialog() to create your dialog flows with a .triggerAction(). The trigger matches on phrases which you can set a score to. Unfortunately, it means you will need to recreate the bot-trees project to fit this new model.
You can find information on managing conversations here, including creating triggers.
If you need a more robust system, you can integrate LUIS into your project. Information regarding recognizing intents with LUIS can be found here.


Do we need webhook when our server is interacting with dialogflow?

We are implementing our customized chatbot using dialog flow. When user enters any text, our javascript code sends this text to our python server and the server interacts with google dialog flow and server gets complete response. I just have couple of questions as below.
When server gets the response from dialog flow, it will process the
response and sends some response to UI. Do we still need to have
fulfillment enabled as our server is getting response? Basically if
server is interacting with dialog flow and getting response, what is
the use of webhook?
Is there anyway to enforce the dialog flow intents require at least
one of entities? I went through Can I make Dialogflow intents require atleast one of the trained entities? which says to enable webhook fulfillment for that intent and if no entities were provided, re prompt the user for at least one of a list of entities. So in my case, if webhook is not needed, do I need to do it in the server once server receives response or is there anyway dialog flow will automatically enforce the condition with out server taking the responsibility?
In your case, no, you don't need to use webhook fulfillment.
You may still wish to use it, however, if you want to separate business logic (which would be in the webhook) from UI/UX logic (which would be in your python server and in the javascript client). But there is no requirement that you separate things this way.
Similarly, you can use your python code to enforce "at least one of" the parameters matching - you're moving that logic from the webhook into your existing server.
Either way, this is a bit kludgy. One alternative if you have different entity types is to have multiple Intents, one for each possible type, and to mark the parameter as required. This way the Intent will only match if the parameter is provided. If you then need to report each of these Intents as the "same" Intent, you can add that logic to your python code.

Triggering next intent without user input in Dialogflow

I'm building my first chatbot using Dialogflow. During my chat sessions, I would like to move on from one intent to another, without having user input in between. This can be seen in this image on Imgur.
The layout of the chat so far can be seen here.
I'm supposed to move from showing the video or article directly to "allright has your car..." without any user input, but I don't seem to be able to. How do I solve this?
I've tried using in and output contexts, but that didn't seem to work.
Thanks in advance!
Events can be triggered through Dialogflow fulfillment or the
detect intent API. These events can be handled in your Dialogflow agent or in fulfillment.
Check documentation here: Dialogflow Events
This means you will need to programmatically do this

How to ensure my Google Home Assistant application is not rejected?

During our testing, we were unable to complete at least one of the behaviors or actions advertised by your app. Please make sure that a user can complete all core conversational flows listed in your registration information or recommended by your app.
Thank you for submitting your assistant app for review!
During testing, your app was unable to complete a function detailed in the app’s description. The reviewer interacted with the app by saying: “how many iphones were sold in the UK?” and app replied “I didn't get that. Can you try with other question?" and left conversation.
How can I resolve the above point to approve my Google Assistant action skills?
Without seeing the code in question or the intent you think should be handling this in Dialogflow, it is pretty difficult - but we can generalize.
It sounds like you have two issues:
Your fallback intent that generated the "I didn't get that" message is closing the conversation. This means that either the "close conversation" checkbox is checked in Dialogflow, you're using the app.tell() method when you should be using app.ask() instead, or the JSON you're sending back has close conversation set to true.
You don't have an intent to handle the question about how many iPhones were sold in the UK. This could be because you just don't list anything like that as a sample phrase, or the two parameters (the one for object type and the one for location) aren't using entity types that would match.
It means that somewhere, either in your app description or in a Dialogflow intent(they have full access to see what's in your intents) you hinted that “how many iphones were sold in the UK?” would be a valid question. Try changing the description/intents to properly match the restrictions of your app.

Server-side query using events or/and context?

I’m coding a bot using PHP-BotMan for complexity reasons and using Dialogflow query api to extract and manipulate the informations from the response. I saw examples and hints from people here and on dialogflow forum suggesting using context or events, some of them mixing both. What is the better way to handle this?
The flow of the application is:
user messages bot
bot queries (text or/and #event?) dialogflow
internally process a reply or return dialogflow slotfilling* request
text response bot reply user with last reply or asking to fill slot
Also, how can I be sure that a slotfilling process is finished with “actionIncomplete” only having two values, NULL or TRUE? The dialogflow query response doesn’t show wich slotfilling parameters are required or not…
Thanks for the help!!
slotfilling is when dialogflow sends a text response requesting required parameters to finish an intent, adding those replied values to the context
I was trying something similar to your scenario, here are few points i found helpful:
When Slotfitting with webhook, i can't use the "Required" params field since i have to control the input parameters via webhook (query database to provide options). Which means actionIncomplete field is not useful anymore.
I personally prefer to use context as it can add/remove params which gives you more control.
Hence the dialog was designed to use webhook to check all required params before move on to next conversation flow. and pop quick replies menu to ease and restrict possible input from users.

Creating Follow Up intent in API.AI

I am trying to create a Chatbot through API.AI. Now my chatbot has a flow and it responds based on the users query. So I have created many Follow up Intents. But my follow up intents are not connecting. It is returning the same respinse for the initial question. Where did i go wrong?
Would help to see what your intent looks like. From what you're saying though, it may be that the previous question is not getting the answer its looking for so it will just continue asking it until it does. Check your entity value under action within your intent.
