Dialogflow: following up on quick reply directly to webhook - dialogflow-es

I am building a simple quiz bot with Dialogflow.
When I detect a "start of quiz", I am able to send a Quick Reply with 3 proposals, thanks to the fulfilment on the Question intent.
However, when the user clicks on one of the proposed answers, I need to have that response back to my backend so I can check the result and finally give a score, for example.
Basically, the "response-check" intent should be automatic right after the quick reply and Dialogflow should not try to understand that response.
Is there any way to easily achieve this?

Using "events" you can directly trigger an intent. Or if you are only using Dialogflow console for training, better to have an output context say "check-answer" as an input context to your answer checking intent and use the same "check-answer" as output context to all your questions intent.


DialogFlow "preview intent" without causing fulfilment

Is there a way to preview the intent response with confidence score without actually triggering parameters to be filled, possible fulfilment web hooks to be called, etc.
I know Amazon Lex has a "preview intent" call that lets you preview what the response might be before actually doing the official call for a response/fulfillment.
I'm trying to be able to filter the the responses from multiple bots and choose the one with the highest confidence score and I don't want to trigger fulfilment for any bot that isn't going to be used in the dialog.
Dialogflow as of today, does not provide an option to predict the response of an intent before it is being triggered.
Dialogflow ES has Intent matching, and you might be able to do something like the next-best-intents solution, if that helps.

How can I trigger intent user free input

I have a bot that should collect feedback.
For example:
Bot: Leave your feedback
User: Everything is great!
My idea was to use a fallback intent for this. But the problem is that the bot has many other intents that can react to this input.
For example, if a user writes the word - email to a user in feedback, another intent is triggered.
How can you implement the preservation of the input in this case?
Create an intent to collect this free form feedback. You will need to trigger this intent with an event or based on earlier user input with training phrases like "I want to tell you something" or "provide feedback", etc.
Once they are in this intent, you can use a parameter with #sys.any as the entity in a parameter to collect that feedback.
Here is what that looks like:
In that example there is a default response configured and you could customize the response or even enable fulfillment to send the input to a Cloud Function or webhook for processing, etc.

Triggering next intent without user input in Dialogflow

I'm building my first chatbot using Dialogflow. During my chat sessions, I would like to move on from one intent to another, without having user input in between. This can be seen in this image on Imgur.
The layout of the chat so far can be seen here.
I'm supposed to move from showing the video or article directly to "allright has your car..." without any user input, but I don't seem to be able to. How do I solve this?
I've tried using in and output contexts, but that didn't seem to work.
Thanks in advance!
Events can be triggered through Dialogflow fulfillment or the
detect intent API. These events can be handled in your Dialogflow agent or in fulfillment.
Check documentation here: Dialogflow Events
This means you will need to programmatically do this

Dialogflow Fulfillment cannot do dynamic quiz chatbot

I hope you're all having a good day.
I'm trying to make a dynamic quiz chatbot in dialogflow.
So, I have a user saying "Let's play a game". It'll then go to the intent and go into fulfillment. The fulfillment will then go into a method and get a list of dynamic questions from my database. There could be any number of questions. So, the bot will ask the first question and then it will wait for the user's answer and see if it's correct. Then it will ask the next question.
So the bot will firstly ask a question, However, I'm stuck at the part where the user will give an answer. Because I have no idea how to get the bot to listen to the user's answer after asking the first question, and go back into the right fulfillment method.
Because if the user answers with "blue", how will the chatbot know that the user is answering a question instead of just randomly saying blue?
You need to make use of contexts.
When the intent is invoked and it fetch the list of questions from your database, you will also set an output-context.
Then you will have to create one more intent which will be invoked when user is giving an answer. In this intent you will set same context in input-context which you have earlier set in output-context.
This way, Dialogflow will know that user is giving an answer, not just randomly saying some words.
Context is the key in conversations.

Creating Follow Up intent in API.AI

I am trying to create a Chatbot through API.AI. Now my chatbot has a flow and it responds based on the users query. So I have created many Follow up Intents. But my follow up intents are not connecting. It is returning the same respinse for the initial question. Where did i go wrong?
Would help to see what your intent looks like. From what you're saying though, it may be that the previous question is not getting the answer its looking for so it will just continue asking it until it does. Check your entity value under action within your intent.
