Retrieve column 4 from Column 2 and 3 which contains minimum and maximum conditions along with Column 1 which is a separate value? - excel

Hello I have a table shown below where I have letters in column 1, and min and max ranges for column 2 and 3. I am trying to retrieve the final number in column 4.
I know I can use a VLOOKUP and set the range as TRUE to get the last column. However, how would I factor in multiple columns/criteria to find match the correct range with the correct letter.
For example, I can would like to get value 4 from the last column. I would have to match with "B" and it would be between 0 and $50,000.
A 0 $50,000 1
A $50,001 $100,000 2
A $100,001 $250,000 3
B 0 $50,000 4
B $50,001 $100,000 5
B $100,001 $250,000 6
C 0 $50,000 7
C $50,001 $100,000 8
C $100,001 $250,000 9
Thank you!

Two ways:
If the pattern is the same as to the breaks of the dollar amounts then use this:
Where MATCH(G1,A:A,0) returns the first row where the ID is located and MATCH(H1,$B$1:$B$3) finds the relative location of the price in the first pattern. Change $B$1:$B$3 to encompass the whole pattern.
If the patterns are different then you can use this:
=SUMIFS(D:D,A:A,G1,B:B,"<=" & H1,C:C,">=" & H1)
One more for the future when Microsoft releases FILTER():
This is entered normally and does not matter the pattern.


Presenting a value based on number or text in cell

I have a list of 4 values in Sheet1 and 4 values in Sheet2.
In Sheet3 I will combine a random selection of these numbers and return the value in a column. (edit: no random selection from Excel, its a part picked from a bucket)
(A fifth column in Sheet3 will be used to do calculations with ValueS1 and ValueS2)
What kind of function can give the desired return?
I have looked into examples using "Indirect" but cannot see how they will solve my problem.
for the randomization: =ROUNDUP(RAND()*4,0)
rand() gives you a number between 0 and 1, so rand()*4 gives you a number between 0 and 4.
roundup(x,y) round up the number x with y digits you want to round the number up to (in our case 0).
for import the right number from sheet 1 or 2: =VLOOKUP(A1,Sheet1!A1:B2,2,0)
A1 - The value you look for in sheet 1 or 2.
Sheet1!A1:B4 - The array he look for your value on the firs column, always on the first column.
2 - The column you want to import the value from. (because we write an array of tow columns. we can write here only 1 or 2)
0 - it's an Optionally index (0 or 1). o is if you want an exact match of the return value.
Regular Lookup could do:
=LOOKUP(A2:A5,Sheet1!A2:A5,Sheet1!B2:B5) in Sheet3!C2
=LOOKUP(B2:B5,Sheet2!A2:A5,Sheet2!B2:B5) in Sheet3!D2
Note that LOOKUP will give the result to the closest match smaller than the search value.
=VLOOKUP(A2:A5,Sheet1!A2:B5,2,0) / =VLOOKUP(B2:B5,Sheet2!A2:B5,2,0)
VLOOKUP will error if the value is not found (the way used above). It uses arguments like this:
=VLOOKUP(What you want to look up, where you want to look for it, the column number in the range containing the value to return, return an Approximate or Exact match – indicated as 1/TRUE, or 0/FALSE)
Office 365 has XLOOKUP which combines the logic of the two above and some more:
=XLOOKUP(A2:A5,Sheet1!A2:A5,Sheet1!B2:B5,"value not found",0)
XLOOKUP uses the following arguments:
=XLOOKUP(lookup_value, lookup_array, return_array, [if_not_found], [match_mode], [search_mode])

how to reference a specific cell in a formula if other cells match a specific value

Thanks so much for looking at my question! I am trying to create a formula that subtracts a specific value from another formula. However, that specific value may change.
1 1 100 =(2000 - ( if A = 1, i want to subtract the C value where B =1))
1 2 250
1 3 310
1 4 .
2 1
2 2 =((2000 - ( if A = 2, i want to subtract the C value where B =1))
2 3
2 4
3 1
3 2
3 3
3 4
(A,B,C,D are the columns)
Hopefully this makes sense! I am trying to subtract the C value that goes along with the B1 value for each different A.
I was thinking an index match of some sort but wasnt exactly sure how to do that when the A's change. Thanks so much in advance for help!
INDIRECT or INDEX functions can help you. See this answer.
Would something like a nested if function work for you here? For example:
=IF(A2=1,IF(B2=1,2000-C2,"Enter calculation if B2<>1"),"Enter calculation if A2"<>1)
If this works, then you can simply copy/paste the function down the rows in column D.

Count occurrences of strings just once per row in Google Sheets

I have strings of spreadsheet data that need counting by 'type' but not instance.
1 Lin 1 2 1
2 Tom 1 4 2
3 Sue 3 1 4
The correct sum of students assigned to teacher 1 is 3, not 4. That teacher 1 meets Lin in lessons B and D is irrelevant to the count.
I borrowed a formula which works in Excel but not in Google Sheets where I and others need to keep and manipulate the data.
2 Lin 1 2 1
3 Tom 1 4 2
4 Sue 3 1 4
5 1 [exact string being searched for, ie a teacher name]
I don't know what is not being understood by Google Sheets in that formula. Does anyone know the correct expression to use, or a more efficient way to get the accurate count I need, without duplicates within rows inflating the count?
So this is the mmult way, which works by finding the row totals of students assigned to teacher 1 etc., then seeing how many of the totals are greater than 0.
Also works in Excel if entered as an array formula without the ArrayFormula wrapper.
A specific Google Sheets one can be quite short
counting the unique rows containing a match.
Note - I am subtracting 1 in the last formula above because I am assuming there is at least one zero (non-match) which should be ignored. This would fail in the extreme case where all students in all classes are assigned to the same teacher so you have a matrix (e.g.) of all 1's. This would be more theoretically correct:

Sum values if multiple conditions met in different sheet

I have one sheet that creates a mapping of names to values (Map_Sheet). In another sheet there are values for each name in the mapping table (Data_Sheet). What I am trying to do is add values based on certain conditions in the mapping table. For example: I want to add all counts of dog by bread and color. So in the mapping table I would look for all dogs that are brown and of a certain bread and get their names and manually add them together. I want to have a formula that does the addition based upon multiple conditions from Map_Sheet.
Here is an example of the data:
a x b 2
b y w 3
c x b 2
d z f 4
Data_Sheet -
0 3 4 2 1
1 1 2 4 2
2 3 5 7 2
3 1 2 6 9
4 1 3 5 7
And for each ID in the data sheet I want a count of bread X with color B. So I would add for ID0 values for A and C, (3+2) - so ID0 = 5, etc for each id.
I cannot use VBA so I was looking into using INDEX and MATCH but I cannot wrap my head around it. Any ideas? Thanks!
If the row headers in the first sheet match the column headers in the second sheet, you can put this formula in (say) G2 of the second sheet.
If the column headers in the second sheet were in a different order, you would have to use something like:-
Both of these are array formulae. You can add extra conditions to select breed as well as colour using the same basic pattern:-

Excel - Finding Max value in a column

I have an Summary sheet set up data set up as follows-
Cat A Cat B Cat C Cat D
Name 1 0 0 0 0
Name 2 2 3 2 2
Name 3 2 2 2 2
Name 4 3 2 2 3
Name 5 2 3 2 3
I also then have separate tabs for each of Name1 through to Name 5.
The summary sheet contains the maximum values for each category from each tab. So the Cell at Cat A Name 1 should show the maximum value on Sheet(Name1) in the Cat A column.
So far so good. However each tab may not contain the same categories, so therefore I would like teh summary sheet to check the maximum value in each column by doing a search on the Cat name.
So far I have this-
Which returns the column number with the right Category, in this case 13. So I can find the right column. What I am struggling with is to now find the maximum value in the column.
Can anyone help?
IAssuming your search range goes to row 1000:
The 0 Row argument in Index means to select the entire column.
The Offset function is your key here.
After you've got the value from the match, you can pass it to the offset to get the correct column.
So, for example, you probably want something like:
But you don't know whether you should use the C column or the D column or whatever, in this case, it was 13, so is that the P column? (c=3, the match was 13 so 3+13 = 16 = P?), so I think you want something like this:
=Max(Offset(Name1!$C$1:$C$2000, 0, [result of your match expression] - 1))
Here's an example of what I think you want in GoogleDocs:
