I cannot create a project in Linux - linux

Two months taught Elixir in Windows. There was no problem. He created projects using the "mix new name_project" command. I decided to try Elixir on Linux. Linux Mint Cinnamon 19 Is Installed. Erlang and Elixir are installed and the Elixir software environment is running. And the project cannot be created. It seems, swears on syntax.
On the picture of the window you can see that the program shell starts, reacts to simple actions. And project create not is obtained. Is there a problem?

You are using elixir 1.3.3, which does not support OTP 20, this seems like a likely cause for the issues. I suggest upgrading elixir as 1.3 is pretty old and no longer getting fixes.

#Vlad, as #{Kalvin Hom} mentioned, you have quite old version of elixir that is not compatible with erlang OTP.
remove elixir and OTP from your OS.
install asdf to manage elixir and erlang version
add elixir-plugin and erlang-plugin:
$> asdf plugin-add erlang
$> asdf plugin-add elixir
then install elixir and erlang via asdf
$> asdf install erlang 22.1.1
$> asdf install elixir 1.9.1
Now you have newest elixir and erlang on your machine. Take a look to asdf manual to know how to manage version via .tool-versions file


creating appimage using source code and linuxdeployqt

i trying to create a appimage for my Linux system. Using qt-creator i have completed the programing and ran the app successfully . but when i am trying to make it appimage using linuxdeployQt i am facing some errors
linuxdeployqt 5 (commit 37631e5), build 631 built on 2019-01-25 22:47:58 UTC ERROR:
The host system is too new.
Please run on a system with a glibc version no newer than what comes with the oldest still-
supported mainstream distribution, which currently is glibc 2.20.
This is so that the resulting bundle will work on most still-supported Linux distributions.
For more information, please see
i don't know what this issue is. when i visit the website, it is not clear also. So anyone familiar with this kind please put your help here.
It means that your glibc is too new.
That's correct, to work around this issue while using linuxdeployqt you have to choose as build environment an older system such as Centos 6 or Ubuntu 14.04.
As an alternative, you can use appimage-builder which allows producing AppImages on newer systems.
It means that your glibc is too new. I think it is supported glibc version comes with Ubuntu 14.04 as it is mentioned in herr https://github.com/probonopd/linuxdeployqt/issues/340. I have faced the same problem and still struggling to solve this issue.

Ruby error when deploying a module with Puppet on CentOS 6

I have installed both Puppet master and agent on machines running CentOS 6
Everything went well, until the moment I have tried to deploy a simple sample module: I got an error, explained on the picture.
Trying to edit the file didn't help and the file was actually updated each time from repository
I tried running a different module which resulted in the same error
The error is because the formatting for Ruby code will not work with older Ruby. The CentOS 6 upstream Ruby package is 1.8.7, which is a super old Ruby version, and has been EOL for 3 years since 2014.
To fix this problem, Puppet started packaging Ruby and other dependancies as part of an all-in-one package since Puppet 4. This means there's no dependancy hell when it comes to EOL Ruby, OpenSSL and any other dependancies: they're all bundled and supported as a single RPM, without affecting the system packages.
It also means that you don't break any applications that require a different system Ruby, and generally makes using Puppet a lot easier.
Adding to this, the version of Puppet in CentOS is 3.X, which is also EOL. You should upgrade to Puppet 4. Here's a handy script that will install the Puppet 4 agent package on CentOS 6: https://github.com/petems/puppet-install-shell
If you are limited to using Puppet 3 for whatever reason, there are a few less preferable solutions:
Download a new Ruby RPM for CentOS 6, (such as from this Github repo) or a CloudPackage.io repo (such as this one I made for CentOS 6 Ruby packages https://packagecloud.io/petems/ruby2/install)
Disadvantage: Those RPMs are not supported officially and might have unintentional issues
Fork the module to change the Ruby code
Disadvantage: This is a big maintenance cost, and you'll have to do this every time an update happens to the module upstream.

How to install kate5

I tried to install the latest version of kde editor kate, but nothing changed.
I took the source code: git clone git://anongit.kde.org/kate;
I followed http://kate-editor.org/get-it/'s instructions;
Now, when I run ~/kde/usr/bin/kate-v is the same version that was:
$ ~/kde/usr/bin/kate -v
Qt: 4.8.6
Plataforma de desenvolvimento KDE: 4.14.1
Kate: 3.14.1
How I do to install the lastest version?
First of all: the version in the About dialog is built from the KDE version, so it does not all reflect whether you are running a self-compiled one or not. Second, you should run Kate with all environment variables properly set - just running the executable will probably load the wrong ktexteditor.so library.
The easiest way to get Kate5 is to install a distribution that ships Kate5 (probably along with Plasma 5).
If you already have a KDE Frameworks 5 (KF5) environment available, then you can also build Kate5 from sources by following the build instructions. These were updated in June 2015.
If you are still on KDE 4.x and you have no KDE Frameworks 5 packages installed, then you also need to build KDE Frameworks 5 from sources. In this case, you have to follow the KF5 build instructions. If you've questions, feel free to ask on kde-frameworks-devel#kde.org and/or on the Kate mailing list.

Installing KAA (python console editor) on Windows

I'm trying to install Kaa editor on Windows (it runs great on Linux).
It depends on Curses_ex, which must be compiled in Windows.
But I don't have a Visual Studio,
The only curses precompiled I found on the web is for Python 3.2 - http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/
Kaa requires Python 3.3+ http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/
Is there a solution to install kaa (or compile curses) without installing VS?
I'm an author of kaa.
I haven't try kaa in Windows yet, but I'm afraid kaa doesn't work in Windows out of box. PDCurses lacks some functionaries used by kaa(e.g, key_defined()), and console window doesn't support unicode character.
I expect we can run kaa in Cygwin version of Python on mintty, but Cygwin doesn't ship Python 3.3 yet.
I'll look into these issues later. So, for the meantime, please play kaa on Ubuntu or Mac.

What is the best approach to distribute a project in both windows and linux?

So there is this particular jython project that needs a couple of dependencies, such as Jenkins, some kind of subversion, and this needs to be done on windows.
Would it be sane of me to consider using pip to help install all of these items, or should I look elsewhere, such as NSIS?
I really should've rephrase this - my fault for asking the question late at night.
There's an automated testing project that has the following dependencies:
Java JDK
Robot Framework
I personally prefer to run on Linux, but people that need to use this are typically Windows users. I'm confident enough to write a script to install all of this on Linux, but what I want is to have a script / installer that would install the relevent tools.
I would prefer to have a single script to do all of this - it's easy on Ubuntu with apt-get; but on windows, this quickly becomes non-trivial.
What is the best way to try and do this? Should I create separate installers for separate OS
pip is the acronym for pip install packages, python packages, and it only install Python packages.
Since Jenkins and Subversion are not Python packages, as far as I know, you can't install them, and it is not "sane".
Unfortunately there is no single established tool to install everything in every platform.
Use pip to install all your python packages, and prefer to use virtualenv to create isolated Python environments to manage your projects.
Since pip only installs python packages and Jenkins isn't a python package (it's written in Java), you cannot use it to install those packages.
You should totally take a look to virtualenv, but if you need to do a "double click" installer for your project in Windows i think that NSIS is the way to go.
I am successfully using install4j to create an executable installer for Windows, Linux and OSX. The application is Java and it bundles JRE. Install4j creates installer for each specified platform using respective JRE. So far it worked great on Windows and it somewhat works on Linux and OSX (e.g. in new version of install4j, JRE for Java 1.8 is not bundled properly for linu, so the JRE is preinstalled, but it could be automated). It also allows you to run non-interactive installer.
