How is programming in rtems different than Linux? - linux

I am new to programmming in rtem and was wondering how are the two, rtems and linux, are different in terms of programming. I understand rtems is an real time operating system but if you were to make a hello world app, wouldn’t the program be the same?

Note that your question is quite generic. There are a lot of detail differences.
One of the biggest is the format of your binary: Most RTEMS binaries are statically linked together. You only have one big binary containing your system and application. There is some dynamic loading supported but it's not the case used by most users.
As already mentioned my n.m. in the comments RTEMS has a lot of the POSIX API (at least the embedded sub set). So you can use a lot of the same API like you do on Linux.
A big differences is that RTEMS has a global address space (on most targets). So you don't have a separation between tasks. That makes pointer errors a bit harder to debug.
Also a difference: Most embedded systems are targeted for long running applications. In such applications (regardless whether you are on Linux or on RTEMS or on any other system) you should be careful to clean up your stuff (close files, free memory, ...). In Linux (or other desktop class systems) you have processes and the kernel cleans up all resources after your process exits. Although you can create threads in RTEMS no one cleans up after a thread exits.

The POSIX attribute defaults for threads are not specified in the standard and may vary between RTEMS and Linux.


In OS, why loadable kernel modules (LKMs) don't need to invoke message passing in order to communicate?

My question lies in a paragraph, the paragraph are shown as follow, I can't understand the the bold sentence. If it doesn't need to invoke message passing, how does it complete communication between process?
Perhaps the best current methodology for operating-system design involves
using loadable kernel modules (LKMs). Here, the kernel has a set of core
components and can link in additional services via modules, either at boot time
or during run time. This type of design is common in modern implementations
of UNIX, such as Linux, macOS, and Solaris, as well as Windows.
The idea of the design is for the kernel to provide core services, while
other services are implemented dynamically, as the kernel is running. Linking
services dynamically is preferable to adding new features directly to the kernel,
which would require recompiling the kernel every time a change was made.
Thus, for example, we might build CPU scheduling and memory management
algorithms directly into the kernel and then add support for different file
systems by way of loadable modules.
The overall result resembles a layered system in that each kernel section
has defined, protected interfaces; but it is more flexible than a layered system,
because any module can call any other module. The approach is also similar to
the microkernel approach in that the primary module has only core functions
and knowledge of how to load and communicate with other modules; but it
is more efficient, because modules do not need to invoke message passing in
order to communicate.
Linux uses loadable kernel modules, primarily for supporting device
drivers and file systems. LKMs can be “inserted” into the kernel as the system is started (or booted) or during run time, such as when a USB device is
plugged into a running machine. If the Linux kernel does not have the necessary driver, it can be dynamically loaded. LKMs can be removed from the
kernel during run time as well. For Linux, LKMs allow a dynamic and modular
kernel, while maintaining the performance benefits of a monolithic system. We
cover creating LKMs in Linux in several programming exercises at the end of
this chapter.
In OS, why loadable kernel modules (LKMs) don't need to invoke message passing in order to communicate?
The simple answer is that because they're loaded into kernel space and dynamically linked; the kernel can use "mostly normal" functions calls instead of anything more expensive (message passing, remote procedure calls, ...) to communicate with it.
Note: Typically (especially for *nix systems) a driver will provide a set of function pointers to the kernel (e.g. maybe one for open(), one for read(), one for ioctl(), etc) in some kind of "device context" structure; allowing the kernel to call the driver's functions via. the function pointers (e.g. like "result = deviceContext->open( ..);).
"The approach is also similar to the microkernel approach in that the primary module has only core functions and knowledge of how to load and communicate with other modules; but it is more efficient, because modules do not need to invoke message passing in order to communicate."
This paragraph has the potential to give you a false impression. For extensibility alone, modular monolithic kernels are similar to micro-kernels (and both are a lot more extensible than a "literally monolithic (one piece, like stone)" kernel). For other things (e.g. security) modular monolithic kernels are extremely dissimilar to micro-kernels.
For Linux specifically; you can think of it as almost 30 million lines (growing at a rate of over 1 million lines per year) of potential security vulnerabilities running at the highest privilege level with full access to every scrap of data, with an average of about 150 discovered critical vulnerabilities per year (and who knows how many undiscovered critical vulnerabilities).
One of the main goals of micro-kernels is to place isolation barriers between the "kernel core" and everything else; so that you might end up with several thousand lines of kernel that doesn't grow (and a significant improvement in security). It's those isolation barriers that require less efficient communication (e.g. message passing).
"...but it is more efficient, because modules do not need to invoke message passing in order to communicate."
This could be rephrased more correctly as "...but it is more efficient, because modules do not need to pass through an isolation barrier."
Note that message passing is merely one way to pass through an isolation barrier - there's shared memory, signals, pipes, sockets, remote procedure calls, etc. Nothing says a micro-kernel has to use message passing and you could design a micro-kernel that does not use message passing at all.

Program that runs on windows and linux

Is it possible to write a program (make executable) that runs on windows and linux without any interpreters?
Will it be able to take input and print output to console?
A program that runs directly on hardware, pure machine code as this should be possible in theory
Ok, file formats are different, system calls are different
But how hard or is it possible for kernel developers to introduce another executable format called raw for fun and science? Maybe raw program wont be able to report back but it should be able to inflict heavy load on cpu and raise its temperature as evidence of running for example
Is it possible to write a program (make executable) that runs on windows and linux without any interpreters?
in practice, no !
Levine's book Linkers and loaders explain why it is not possible in practice.
On recent Linux, an executable has the elf(5) format.
On Windows, it has some PE format.
The very first bytes of executables are different. And these two OSes have different system calls. The Linux ones are listed in syscalls(2).
And even on Linux, in practice, an executable is usually dynamically linked and depends on shared objects (and they are different from one distribution to the next one, so it is likely that an executable built for Debian/Testing won't run on Redhat). You could use the objdump(1), readelf(1), ldd(1) commands to inspect it, and strace(1) with gdb(1) to observe its runtime behavior.
Portability of software is often achieved by publishing it (in source form) with some open source license. The burden of recompilation is then on the shoulders of users.
In practice, real software (in particular those with a graphical user interface) depends on lots of OS specific and computer specific resources (e.g. fonts, screen size, colors) and user preferences.
A possible approach could be to have a small OS specific software base which generate machine code at runtime, like e.g. SBCL or LuaJit does. You could also consider using asmjit. Another approach is to generate opaque or obfuscated C or C++ code at runtime, compile it (with the system compiler), and load it -at runtime- as a plugin. On Linux, use dlopen(3) with dlsym(3).
Pitrat's book: Artificial Beings, the conscience of a conscious machine describes a software system (some artificial mathematician) which generates all of its C source code (half a million lines). Contact me by email to for more.
The Wine emulator allows you to run some (but not all) simple Windows executables on Linux. The WSL layer is rumored to enable you to run some Linux executable on Windows.
PS. Even open source projects like RefPerSys or GCC or Qt may be (and often are) difficult to build.
No, mainly because executable formats are different, but...
With some care, you can use mostly the same code to create different executables, one for Linux and another one for windows. Depending on what you consider an interpreter Java also runs on both Windows and Linux (in a Java Virtual Machine though).
Also, it is possible to create scripts that can be interpreted both by PowerShell and by the Bash shell, such that running one of these scripts could launch a proper application compiled for the OS of the user.
You might require the windows user to run on WSL, which is maybe an ugly workaround but allows you to have the same executable for both Windows and Linux users.

modular kernel vs micro kernel / monolitic kernel

I am C programmer and new to the Linux kernel programming. I could find there are 3 type of kernel monolithic,micro and modular kernel.while googling i could find some website say linux is having monolithic kernel (in Stack overflow) and some other says micro kernel and the rest say hybrid kernel. So i am totally confused while reading the modular concept which say new module for driver can be added without recompiling the kernel, which is against my assumption that Linux uses monolithic kernel. monolithic kernel runs in single address space and as a single processes this is also bit confusing if so
Before you try to understand those differences, you have to understand other concepts first:
1. Modular programming.
Module is a functionally complete part of a program. Module usually has following properties:
Separation of interface and implementation.
Initialization and deinitialization routines. Both are optional. Deinitialization routine is likely to be missing in environment with GC (Garbage Collector).
Modules used by a program compose directed acyclic graph a.k.a. dependency graph (you might have heard about this - cyclic dependencies are not allowed, dependency is initialized before dependent module).
Modular programming is essential when building large systems. Every big kernel is a modular kernel, regardless of whether it is monolithic, hybrid or microkernel.
Sometimes modules can be loaded and unloaded dynamically. Dynamic modules are essential part of any extensible system. Those can be plugins or, if we talk about kernels, drivers that are developed and distributed separately from the kernel.
2. Safe and unsafe languages.
Safe languages very strictly define what can happen in a program. Most importantly they have no concept of malformed program (or meaningless program). Every program is valid and its execution always follows language specification. Whether program does what programmer expects it to do or not, is irrelevant in this context.
Common traits of safe languages:
They use garbage collection.
They have no pointer arithmetics. That means that writing or reading to an arbitrary address is not allowed.
They prevent out of range array access (if there is such concept). Exceptions or similar mechanisms can be used to signal and recover from such failures.
References (or pointers) have only two possible states: null reference and reference to a valid object. This is guaranteed by garbage collector. In fact, GC is the key component here. Some languages go even further and do no allow null references at all.
Every object (memory chunk in use) has type information assigned to it, object can only be accessed through a reference of appropriate type e.g. you cannot access array of integers through reference to a string.
You can add more entries to this list, but basic idea is to guarantee that program can only access valid memory regions using valid operations. Keep in mind that some unsafe languages can share some or even all of those traits.
Examples of safe languages: Python, Java, safe subset of C#.
Unsafe languages define what can and cannot be done in a program, but there is usually little to nothing to stop programmer from doing the wrong thing. Program that violates those rules is called a malformed program. From language point of view such program is meaningless and language does not even try to define its behavior, as it is usually near to impossible to do. In terms of C such program's behavior is undefined.
Examples of unsafe languages: Assembler, C, C++, Pascal.
3. Hardware is unsafe and thus has to be programmed using unsafe language.
Most hardware does nothing to provide you with a safe environment. There were some processors that used to attach type information to every memory cell (see tagged architecture), but modern ones do not do this as it complicates hardware, making it slower, more expensive and less generic.
Still, some features are provided to make it possible to implement safe environments within unsafe environment of hardware, such as memory protection, separate address spaces and separation of execution modes on user mode and kernel mode (a.k.a. supervisor mode).
Kernel is what runs on bare metal and thus much of it has to be written in unsafe languages like C and Assembly. Another reason is performance - safe environments imply huge overhead.
Microkernel and Monolithic kernel
Monolithic kernel and its modules run in a single shared address space. And since everything is usually written in an unsafe language, it is possible for any part of the kernel to access (and damage) memory that belongs to another part of the kernel due to bugs in code. Unsafe nature of this environment makes it impossible to detect or recover from those failures and most importantly predict kernel behavior after such failures.
Microkernel is an attempt to overcome those limitation by moving various parts of the kernel to a separate address spaces, effectively isolating them from each other, but providing safe way to communicate with each other (usually through message passing). Such separation creates safe environment composed from multiple unsafe processes, allowing kernel to recover from failure of some of its subsystems.
At the same time monolithic kernel can be able to run parts of it in a separate address space (FUSE), while nothing stops microkernel from being able to support modules that share address space with the main part of the kernel.
If most of the kernel runs in a single address space, it is considered to be a monolithic kernel. If most of it runs in separate address spaces, such kernel is considered to be a microkernel. If kernel is somewhere inbetween and actively uses both approaches, you have a hybrid kernel.
Hybrid kernel
Concept of hybrid kernel implies combining best of both worlds and was invented by Microsoft to boost sales of Windows NT in 90s. Joke! But this is almost true. Every important part of Windows NT runs in a shared address space, so it is another example of monolithic design.
Many people seem to use this term when describing monolithic kernel that is able to dynamically load modules. This is because in the past monolithic kernels didn't support dynamic module loading and had to be recompiled every time module is added to the kernel. Microkernels are not about dynamic module loading, but about reliability of the kernel, about its ability to recover from failues of its subsystems.
The answer: Linux is a monolithic kernel.
Monolithic kernel can be modular and can dynamically load modules. Microkernel, on the other hand, has to be modular and has to be able to dynamically load modules - the whole idea is about running them in a separate address space.
Microkernel is not the only way of overcoming unsafe nature of monolithic kernel. Another way is to write monolithic kernel in a safe language. One problem with such approach is that safe environment should be either provided by hardware (and will be very limited) or should be implemented in software using unsafe languages. Implementation of such environment will be extremely complex and will most likely have many bugs (think of all bugs found in JVM).
Example of this would be experimental OS Singularity.
Well, considering that I may have a quiz on this tomorrow, I should be able to help you out. However, I am still learning, and while my post may have some technical mistakes, it should be conceptually sound
Basically, as you may understand, there are different type of kernels for an OS.
Monolithic kernels have all their system functionalities and services together in one single giant program, occupying a single address space.
Microkernels on the other hand, have the bare minimum system programs and services on the microkernel. Most of the services that were previously considered as a part of the kernel (during the monolithic kernel version) such as process scheduler, etc. are now in the user space, and are termed as servers. these servers communicate with each other through the micro-kernel, using the inter-process communication, a form of communication that is laid down by the microkernel.
The modular approach builds on this, by making these "servers" dynamically loadable. Thus, one can have a particular "server" (in this type of kernel, called a module) dynamically loaded, without the kernel requiring to re-compile itself.
Linux Kernel is a monolithic kernel, but most flavours of Linux such as Ubuntu, Solaris, use a hybrid kernel, i.e. a mix of the monolithic and modular kernel approach. This is quite common, has different kernel structure has different pros and cons, and a hybrid structure is required to strike a balance
See this prior StackOverflow question for some information about your question. Briefly, it sounds like you're wondering...
... reading the modular concept which say new module for driver can be added without recompiling the kernel, which is against my assumption that Linux uses monolithic kernel. monolithic kernel runs in single address space and as a single process ...
These two concepts ("modular kernel" and "single address space") are not actually contradictory. You can build a new kernel module without recompiling the entire Linux kernel. When you load this new kernel module, it will actually be loaded into the same address space as the running kernel itself. From the link above...
Do not confuse the term modular kernel to be anything but monolithic. Some monolithic kernels can be compiled to be modular (e.g Linux), what matters is that the module is inserted to and runs from the same space that handles core functionality (kernel space).
As you have found, there are several ways to classify kernels and the different types are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

Is there something similar to NanoBSD in Linux

NanoBSD is a script that makes light, small and in-memory FreeBSD copy. It is useful in embedded systems. Is there something similar to NanoBSD in Linux? Specially a feature like Everything is read-only at run-time as it mentioned here .
A lot of toolchain / system build systems build Linux root filesystems which are designed to run completely out of a ramdisc (rootfs / tmpfs). This means that everything is read/write at runtime, but it does not persist across reboots (a persistent FS can of course, be mounted as a non-root FS).
The most well known of these is Busybox (with or without uclibc), which ships with various scripts to build very small-footprint Linux-based embedded systems (root FS is typically a few Mb only; just add a kernel). Busybox/Linux is not the same as GNU/Linux, but it is fairly similar - most things are simpler or have fewer options; some features are entirely absent or can be disabled at compile-time.
Linux is NOT an Operating system like FreeBSD, rather it is a kernel. You can choose to layer either GNU C library and tools (which I think all major general-purpose distributions do) or something else - which is mostly used for smaller systems, including uclibc, Android etc.
There are literally hundreds of toolchains, build environments and embedded distros of Linux, some only a couple of megabytes in size. Many also support some or many of the different processors Linux runs on (i386 and friends, ARM, Power, ...).
To get you started a couple of projects I find interesting: OpenWrt and OpenEmbedded, and lpclinux, Linux for NXP LPC3xxx ARM processors but there are really hundreds of them.
Some other resources
A very good source that (also) touches a number of issues specific to embedded systems is Linux from scratch. And this pdf gives some insight in the different available filesystems for an embedded Linux system.
i would take a look at TinyCore-Linux.
which isn't really ro but nearly the same Concept and i think there is also a was to get the OS/Binary Part ro were the config part is writeable.

How to "hibernate" a process in Linux by storing its memory to disk and restoring it later?

Is it possible to 'hibernate' a process in linux?
Just like 'hibernate' in laptop, I would to write all the memory used by a process to disk, free up the RAM. And then later on, I can 'resume the process', i.e, reading all the data from memory and put it back to RAM and I can continue with my process?
I used to maintain CryoPID, which is a program that does exactly what you are talking about. It writes the contents of a program's address space, VDSO, file descriptor references and states to a file that can later be reconstructed. CryoPID started when there were no usable hooks in Linux itself and worked entirely from userspace (actually, it still does work, depending on your distro / kernel / security settings).
Problems were (indeed) sockets, pending RT signals, numerous X11 issues, the glibc caching getpid() implementation amongst many others. Randomization (especially VDSO) turned out to be insurmountable for the few of us working on it after Bernard walked away from it. However, it was fun and became the topic of several masters thesis.
If you are just contemplating a program that can save its running state and re-start directly into that state, its far .. far .. easier to just save that information from within the program itself, perhaps when servicing a signal.
I'd like to put a status update here, as of 2014.
The accepted answer suggests CryoPID as a tool to perform Checkpoint/Restore, but I found the project to be unmantained and impossible to compile with recent kernels.
Now, I found two actively mantained projects providing the application checkpointing feature.
The first, the one I suggest 'cause I have better luck running it, is CRIU
that performs checkpoint/restore mainly in userspace, and requires the kernel option CONFIG_CHECKPOINT_RESTORE enabled to work.
Checkpoint/Restore In Userspace, or CRIU (pronounced kree-oo, IPA: /krɪʊ/, Russian: криу), is a software tool for Linux operating system. Using this tool, you can freeze a running application (or part of it) and checkpoint it to a hard drive as a collection of files. You can then use the files to restore and run the application from the point it was frozen at. The distinctive feature of the CRIU project is that it is mainly implemented in user space.
The latter is DMTCP; quoting from their main page:
DMTCP (Distributed MultiThreaded Checkpointing) is a tool to transparently checkpoint the state of multiple simultaneous applications, including multi-threaded and distributed applications. It operates directly on the user binary executable, without any Linux kernel modules or other kernel modifications.
There is also a nice Wikipedia page on the argument: Application_checkpointing
The answers mentioning ctrl-z are really talking about stopping the process with a signal, in this case SIGTSTP. You can issue a stop signal with kill:
kill -STOP <pid>
That will suspend execution of the process. It won't immediately free the memory used by it, but as memory is required for other processes the memory used by the stopped process will be gradually swapped out.
When you want to wake it up again, use
kill -CONT <pid>
The more complicated solutions, like CryoPID, are really only needed if you want the stopped process to be able to survive a system shutdown/restart - it doesn't sound like you need that.
Linux Kernel has now partially implemented the checkpoint/restart futures:, the status is here.
Some useful information are in the lwn(linux weekly net): ......
So the answer is "YES"
The issue is restoring the streams - files and sockets - that the program has open.
When your whole OS hibernates, the local files and such can obviously be restored. Network connections don't, but then the code that accesses the internet is typically more error checking and such and survives the error conditions (or ought to).
If you did per-program hibernation (without application support), how would you handle open files? What if another process accesses those files in the interim? etc?
Maintaining state when the program is not loaded is going to be difficult.
Simply suspending the threads and letting it get swapped to disk would have much the same effect?
Or run the program in a virtual machine and let the VM handle suspension.
Short answer is "yes, but not always reliably". Check out CryoPID:
Open files will indeed be the most common problem. CryoPID states explicitly:
Open files and offsets are restored.
Temporary files that have been
unlinked and are not accessible on the
filesystem are always saved in the
image. Other files that do not exist
on resume are not yet restored.
Support for saving file contents for
such situations is planned.
The same issues will also affect TCP connections, though CryoPID supports tcpcp for connection resuming.
I extended Cryopid producing a package called Cryopid2 available from SourceForge. This can
migrate a process as well as hibernating it (along with any open files and sockets - data
in sockets/pipes is sucked into the process on hibernation and spat back into these when
process is restarted).
The reason I have not been active with this project is I am not a kernel developer - both
this (and/or the original cryopid) need to get someone on board who can get them running
with the lastest kernels (e.g. Linux 3.x).
The Cryopid method does work - and is probably the best solution to general purpose process
hibernation/migration in Linux I have come across.
The short answer is "yes." You might start by looking at this for some ideas: ELF executable reconstruction from a core image (
As others have noted, it's difficult for the OS to provide this functionality, because the application needs to have some error checking builtin to handle broken streams.
However, on a side note, some programming languages and tools that use virtual machines explicitly support this functionality, such as the Self programming language.
This is sort of the ultimate goal of clustered operating system. Mathew Dillon puts a lot of effort to implement something like this in his Dragonfly BSD project.
adding another workaround: you can use virtualbox. run your applications in a regular virtual machine and simply "save the machine state" whenever you want.
I know this is not an answer, but I thought it could be useful when there are no real options.
if for any reason you don't like virtualbox, vmware and Qemu are as good.
Ctrl-Z increases the chances the process's pages will be swapped, but it doesn't free the process's resources completely. The problem with freeing a process's resources completely is that things like file handles, sockets are kernel resources the process gets to use, but doesn't know how to persist on its own. So Ctrl-Z is as good as it gets.
There was some research on checkpoint/restore for Linux back in 2.2 and 2.4 days, but it never made it past prototype. It is possible (with the caveats described in the other answers) for certain values of possible - I you can write a kernel module to do it, it is possible. But for the common value of possible (can I do it from the shell on a commercial Linux distribution), it is not yet possible.
There's ctrl+z in linux, but i'm not sure it offers the features you specified. I suspect you asked this question since it doesn't
