Will deleting an Azure Container Service delete any related, provisioned resources? - azure

I have an old Azure Container Service in my subscription, I've since migrated everything to AKS and I'd like to delete the old ACS.
As part of migrating to AKS I've reused a storage account related to the ACS cluster, and I'd like to be certain it's not going to be deleted when I delete the ACS cluster.
The documentations states that "The operation does not delete other resources created as part of creating a container service": https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/container-service/containerservices/delete
But I've found some issues on Github that imply this may no longer be the case:
On [ACS] Deleting an ACS instance only deletes the "logical" ACS resource someone commented that "This behavior is no longer the case--az acs delete removes all the expected resources"
And on Deleting Container Service leaves provisioned resources around someone said in 2017 that "No ETA. but it is what we are actively working on [it]"
So is there way I can be certain what will be deleted when I delete the cluster? Or should I just back everything up and hope for this best?

I'd create a delete lock on the storage account and delete the ACS cluster. or I'd just delete ACS resources one by one. that way there is no risk of accidentally deleting your storage account.


Azure created DefaultResourceGroup-EAU resource group

Today I am noticing that the Azure Group, I dont know when Azure created the
"DefaultResourceGroup-EAU" resource group, and in this group two item is placed
I am not using any Azure Container Registry service and AKS, should I remove this group because it paying in my invoice, I just only have Azure Web Apps and Azure SQL databases and one VM only, should its impact on my above mentioned services after deletion?
certainly not in terms of how those services function, but monitoring might be impaired if you delete those.
Those resources look like they were created alongside AKS cluster. Doesn't mean that they were only being used for that, but highly likely.

What is similar to Azure "Resource Group" in Oracle Cloud infrastructure?

I'm fairly new to OCI.
What is a similar or close concept in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure similar to Microsoft Azure "Resource Groups"?
In Azure when a resource group is deleted all resources in that group will also be deleted along with it. But "Compartments" in Oracle cloud infrastructure is not the exact same concept, because in order to delete a compartment, each resource should be deleted first and then the compartment should be deleted. Is it possible to delete a compartment along with its resources without deleting resources one by one?
I see two options here:
You may use instance pools. Deleting an instance pool will delete all
of its resources, but that only includes instances, boot volumes and
block volumes. Networking and other resources wouldn't be impacted. Instance Pool only works for compute instances having the same configuration, so this is not a generic solution for your question.
Resource Manager can be used to create a stack with all the resources
you need. When you destroy a stack by launching a destroy job, it will delete all the resources that are part of the stack. But resource manager requires you to
create Terraform config files, which can be applied through the OCI
Console. This also means that you cannot create any components of the stack
manually using the GUI, you have to keep using the Resource Manager even if you would like to update any resources of the stack.
Compartments in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure is similar to Azure Resource groups.
As per the doc, It is not possible to delete all the resources in compartment at a time similar to Azure.

Still paying for a deleted VM

I am just exploring Azure and I made a Virtual Machine using the portal and I deleted that after two hours or something.
In my cost management I can see that I am still paying for that resource group that contained components of the Virtual Machine, it is been a week since I deleted it.
I am still paying for that resource group even though I can't see it in my resource groups, neither on the portal nor on Powershell.
Is this a common issue?
As per this doc, I suggest you check if all disks attached to the vm are not deleted.
For managed disk, please follow this to find and delete them.
For Unmanaged disks(the vhd files stored in azure blob storage), please follow this to find and delete them.
Delete any orphaned Network Interface Cards (NIC) and Public IPs that were associated with the VM. They are billed even when the VM is deleted.
run powershell in azure portal:

Creating Azure Storage Account VerySlow

We are testing a set of PS scripts to create several Azure artifacts:
- Storage Accounts
- SQL Servers
- Service Bus
- App Services
- AppInsights
- IOT Hub
The performance is very variable. For example, sometimes creating the StorageAccounts take a second or three (we create 2), and sometimes it takes 20 minutes+. All our resources are in US East; we are using the New-AzureRmxxx PS commands.
Is this typical? How do others investigate such issues in addition to confirming there are no outages via the Azure Health dashboards?
First off all, Azure had this problem with storage account creation lately, but it appears to be gone (at least at the time of writing).
The other problem you might be facing - creating storage accounts (or any resources for that matter) in place of the ones you've just deleted. So you have a storage account named mystorageacct, you deleted it in the script and right after that you are starting to create it with the same name, that can take a while because of how Azure works.
And generally you don't troubleshoot behavior like this in the cloud. Cloud is meant to throw timeouts every now and then. If you would be creating unique named storage accounts every time this wouldn't be an issue. And if Azure has got some problems, those are temporary and nothing you can do about them (but knowing about them helps). Here's the RSS feed.
I have observed this behavior when using DevOps to recreate a Resource Group.
If I purge(Remove) the resources and then attempt to recreate them using the same name, this causes slowness.
I found if I delete the Resource Group in it's entirety, then recreate it and the accompanying resources, the slowness does not bite as often.

AZURE - How to migrate resources from a tenant to another

I want to migrate resources (VMs, networks, gateways ...) from a tenant /client with a subscription to another tenant /client with another subscription, with the exact same parameters, how can I do that ? (the move function works only for subscriptions in the same tenant / client, if I download vhd of the VMs I must recreate manually the VMs configuration
The best and most reliable way is through Azure Billing Support. It is free support service and can handle that type of support questions.
Couple of very important things though (hard requirements that cannot be changed):
target subscription must be empty.
Service Administrator e-mail should be same for both subscriptions
There should not be co-administrators in both subscriptions for the time of migrating resources
Some services (i.e. Application Insights) cannot be moved (which services cannot be moved is determined by the support engineers)
For information, I didn't managed to migrate the VMs the way I wanted. I've finally recreate the network infrastructure on the destination tenant, poweredoff the VMs, use azcopy AzCopy.exe /source:https://<sourceaccountstorage>.blob.core.windows.net/vhds/ /Dest:https://<destaccountstorage>.blob.core.windows.net/vhds/ /sourcekey:<sourceaccountstoragekey> /destkey:<destaccountstoragekey> /pattern:<name of VHD to copy>.vhd to move the VHDs from the source storage account to the destination storage account (13 min for 130 Gb in westeurope location), and recreate the VMs with powershell with the VHDs New-AzureRmNetworkInterface, New-AzureRmVMConfig, Add-AzureRmVMNetworkInterface, Set-AzureRmVMOSDisk and New-AzureRmVM.
