DocuSign Bulk Send w/ CSV User Portal - docusignapi

The current goal is to be able to send multiple files to multiple recipients through the user portal on our website. We want to make this process as efficient as possible because we will have lots of files to sign. Lastly, I would need a way to track and save all the users.
From what I know about docusign, I am able to send a file to multiple recipients in bulk using bulk send using just the website and not having to use the API at all. Is it possible to send multiple files to multiple recipients through the same CSV? Or would it be better to just send each file separately to multiple clients and do that for each file? Also, I'm wondering if it's possible to do that in the API as well. Previously, I achieved sorting clients ID & envelope ID using the docusign api with PHP and connected it to a database. Let me know which method seems optimal for my solution.

Steven, you can use the API to use Bulk Send.
In fact, with the DocuSign eSignature API v2.1 this functionality is much improved and allows you to do all of the above.
See here for more details:


Does docusign webhooks notify about template changes

Use Case -
We are an origanization who helps universities manage the sport activities and contract of their students. We are planning to integrate docusign in our system both web and mobile app. One feature that we need is the information regarding the created templates, is there a way to get notified about templates via webhooks(like when it was last used, or created).
So, webhooks may not be suitable to know when a new template is created, because currently the webhook is tied to an existing object, and the object is not yet there, so it's a catch22.
What you can use instead is the DocuSign Monitor API. It's a different approach, but using this API, you can get data about anything that happens in the DocuSign account, including templates.
You can make raw API calls, or use the Monitor SDKs for one of six languages.
I'm not 100% on this but one approach would be to use folders. Put your templates in a named folder and use the listStatusChanges API with a folder id as a query parameter (
You can also select "Folders" in the "Include Data:" section of your DocuSign Connect webhook and filter for the folder(s) you're looking for.

Is it possible to add custom application data to an email via the Gmail API?

I am currently sending email via the Gmail API using the Google Node SDK. I am successful in doing so, but my application requires that I be able to attach specific identifiers to emails that I send in order to be able to track and process certain events correctly.
I have heard of custom metadata being added to emails sent through other services such as Mailchimp, Postmark, etc so it seems like some sort of standard to be able to do this in email. I however, have not been able to find how to do this via the Gmail API specifically. Is this even possible?
No, you cannot add custom application data to messages sent via Gmail API.
The corresponding Message resource doesn't include any property for custom metadata.
And the related methods send and insert don't allow this either.
Issue Tracker:
A related feature request was reported in Issue Tracker, I'd suggest you to star it:
Add Custom Metadata to Email Messages via Gmail Api
I'd suggest you to use labels to identify messages.

Can we import many documents from DocuSign through the API?

A customer of ours likes using DocuSign's bulk send feature to get a lot of employees to sign documents.
They want the ability to then import these signed documents into our software. We're thinking of creating a GUI in our software that lets them browse the folders in DocuSign, select which envelopes to import and then import them.
A user may want to import 50 envelopes at a time. In this case it would make a few API calls when the user is browsing through their folder, then it will make 50 calls to RequestDocumentPDFsEx to download the documents associated with each envelope. The API calls would probably be done serially unless they're really slow. In that case we may have to use 2 threads or more so that it completes in a decent amount of time.
We only have one customer at this time that is looking at using this feature and it would not be used very often, maybe once a month.
Will we run into a problem with rate limiting or breach any terms if we implement the above described solution?
We already have a certified integrator key for our integration that allows users to upload a handful documents at a time to be signed.
I think you're only options here are:
DocuSign Retrieve - a separate, paid module that DocuSign offers used for bulk downloading
One API call per envelope download
DocuSign Retrieve - "Download envelopes, documents and data from DocuSign for use with external systems. DocuSign Retrieve runs on your system as a one-time request or on a recurring basis. Configure DocuSign Retrieve to specify file type and storage location."
Otherwise as you have suggested you'll need to make one API call per envelope download, either through the SOAP API or through the REST API.

Bulk sending button in #Salesforce to use #DocuSignAPI?

Has anyone created a bulk sending button in #Salesforce to use #DocuSignAPI?
I would like to add a custom button on a Contact List View in Salesforce that will allow Bulk Sending of templates/envelopes in DocuSign.
DocuSign for Salesforce (DfS) does not support Bulk Sending, which means you can not use the DfS App to do Bulk Sending. To accommodate this use-case you would need to write your own custom DocuSign API integration. If you're interested in that route check out the DocuSign Developer Center.
You could also export your contact list and data to a csv file to do a bulk send via the Web Application. Connect could then be updated to get envelope updates back to the contacts in Salesforce.

Getting Merged documents using CONNECT API

Currently I am using CONNECT API configured with my system.
Whenever DocuSign Envelope moves to Completed status, a POST request is generated to my system which contains:
DocuSign Envelope information
DocuSign PDF bytes ( Seperate PDF documents )
DocuSign certificate
I selected the option [X] Include Documents in Connect API and I am able to receive the PDF bytes.
Currently I am using PDFTK to merge all the documents into one.
But is there a way using Connect API to get all the Documents merged together as a one Single PDF document ?
Parallely while reading through the DocuSign REST API guide I came across /envelope/id?merge=true which would give me the required single PDF. But while digging deeper I came to know there is a concept called Integrator Key for each implementation, which would require a DocuSign Certification.
Inorder to just get a merged document instead of seperate PDF documents should I go through this certification process or is there a simple way to do the same ?
If Certification is Mandatory then what kind of certification would this fall in, because I have no front end application for signing process and I am just consuming the customer generated documents.
Using DocuSign Connect does not require an IntegratorKey or that you go through the DocuSign API Certification process. The Certification Process ( and Integrator Key exist to ensure that DocuSign customers who utilize either the REST API or the SOAP API are not doing anything that could be harmful to the overall DocuSign service -- this is not relevant to DocuSign Connect, since Connect is merely pushing data to your listener when Envelope events occur (i.e., you're not explicitly polling DocuSign for changes, as you might with either the REST API or SOAP API).
I don't believe it's possible to configure Connect such that documents are sent merged together as one file; they're always going to be sent as separate files in the Connect message. It would be feasible to, during your processing of the Connect XML message, make a REST API call to DocuSign to request the Envelope's documents in a single file -- however, doing so would require that you use an Integrator Key, and that you go through the DocuSign API Certification process -- probably not worth the time, expense, and trouble, if there's another way for you to merge the files yourself.
