Linking DocuSign Pages to clients in bulk - docusignapi

We have clients who sign signature pages for tax returns and other files alike. We will have thousands of these pages in a pdf or in a zip file. We are trying to upload these files to our AWS S3 bucket and want to know which user matches which document link. From here, we will connect the completed signature pages onto their account on our website. We want to know the optimal way of being able to solve this problem since it is in bulk and doing it by automation is way better. I am wondering if the docusign API already has some function(s) to help us with this.
So far, I've already played with the rest API quick startcode examples, and the PHP Auth Grant.

Yes, you can do all of that with the API, but you have some decisions to make:
do you want the documents to be store in DocuSign or AWS?
How do you control access/permissions to the documents?
If you store them in DocuSign - that implies that only those with access to the DocuSign account (have user/password for DocuSign) can view the even if linked from an AWS site.


Which is the correct OAuth Flow for our use case?

First of all, I apologize for eventual noob questions, we are very new to the DocuSign API and are currently trying to wrap our heads around which is the most correct way of accessing the API.
I will start with an overview of our use case. We recently purchased a DocuSign prod. Account with an Organization enabled.
We have a Partner which uses a CMS Tooling which integrates with said DocuSign Account. This Tool allows for the Backoffice to create envelopes with documents inside and a url which leads to the signin ceremony through the Templates that we create inside the DocuSign Account. This url is afterwards send to the customer for them to sign the documents in the envelope. This Part is working and is currently being used.
Now what we want to achieve on our side, we have a nextJS web-app which allows the same customers (Which are the receivers of the created envelopes in the step above, same e-mail in both steps) to sign-in our web-app. We want to show the customer in a dashboard, if there are envelopes for him open that he can sign and if this is the case we want to show him the url which leads to the signin ceremony.
We were able to see that as soon as an envelope for a certain User is created through the CMS Tooling, we can see that envelope in our DocuSign Prod Account.
Now our thought process was, to show our customer his open envelopes, we just fetch all open envelopes in our DocuSign Account which match the customers E-Mail.
Is there anything wrong with this process or are we overlooking something?
And if it is okay to proceed this way which of the OAuth Flows is the correct one to use for this case?
From my understanding, the JWT Flow seems like the most reasonable one? Since the Customers that need to sign the documents, will not have any DocuSign accounts.
What have you tried to solve the issue?
We tried using the direct API Access, which worked when set up correctly but since we didn't have a OAuth Flow in place the Access token is only valid for restricted amount of time obviously and has to be refreshed. Hence we have to think first about how to grant access correctly
I would love to hear, what the right approach would be to achieve our desired result.
Once again Apologies for this kind of question, just trying to have a better understanding before we start building :)
Best regards!
According to the use case you mentioned using JWT Grant is fine as users of your integration will use a single system account to log in, you should use JWT Grant.
I would recommend going with the below link to know more regards different use cases and check the knowledge

DocuSign Bulk Send w/ CSV User Portal

The current goal is to be able to send multiple files to multiple recipients through the user portal on our website. We want to make this process as efficient as possible because we will have lots of files to sign. Lastly, I would need a way to track and save all the users.
From what I know about docusign, I am able to send a file to multiple recipients in bulk using bulk send using just the website and not having to use the API at all. Is it possible to send multiple files to multiple recipients through the same CSV? Or would it be better to just send each file separately to multiple clients and do that for each file? Also, I'm wondering if it's possible to do that in the API as well. Previously, I achieved sorting clients ID & envelope ID using the docusign api with PHP and connected it to a database. Let me know which method seems optimal for my solution.
Steven, you can use the API to use Bulk Send.
In fact, with the DocuSign eSignature API v2.1 this functionality is much improved and allows you to do all of the above.
See here for more details:

DocuSign management – integration/sql/excel/ideas?

I am looking for a way to better manage documents in DocuSign. The number of documents stored in DocuSign is growing and becoming increasingly difficult to organize. I want to see all documents in a centralized location so each document can be easily referenced. I am looking for a third-party platform that integrates DocuSign, or a way to export documents from DocuSign into an SQL database that can be opened in excel.
I think there are many answers to your question and Id like to offer just one at this point.
DocuSign Retrieve is a Windows application that you can use to gather documents from DocuSign for storage outside of DocuSign. You can use it as a standalone app or as part of other system using scripts that call it when you need to. You can find out more information about it in this guide.
Also check out DocuSign Intelligent Insights.

Allowing users to upload a list of supporting documents using Docusign

Our company wants to use DocuSign API to allow its users to upload a set of documents. Once a user goes through our online application, our application will call the Docusign API in the end and display the list of documents that they need to upload. Once the user is done uploading all the documents, then the admin should receive an email about the completion.
Can anyone direct me in the right direction..where I can find documentation regarding it? Most of the documentation talks about ESignatures of already created templates.

Getting Merged documents using CONNECT API

Currently I am using CONNECT API configured with my system.
Whenever DocuSign Envelope moves to Completed status, a POST request is generated to my system which contains:
DocuSign Envelope information
DocuSign PDF bytes ( Seperate PDF documents )
DocuSign certificate
I selected the option [X] Include Documents in Connect API and I am able to receive the PDF bytes.
Currently I am using PDFTK to merge all the documents into one.
But is there a way using Connect API to get all the Documents merged together as a one Single PDF document ?
Parallely while reading through the DocuSign REST API guide I came across /envelope/id?merge=true which would give me the required single PDF. But while digging deeper I came to know there is a concept called Integrator Key for each implementation, which would require a DocuSign Certification.
Inorder to just get a merged document instead of seperate PDF documents should I go through this certification process or is there a simple way to do the same ?
If Certification is Mandatory then what kind of certification would this fall in, because I have no front end application for signing process and I am just consuming the customer generated documents.
Using DocuSign Connect does not require an IntegratorKey or that you go through the DocuSign API Certification process. The Certification Process ( and Integrator Key exist to ensure that DocuSign customers who utilize either the REST API or the SOAP API are not doing anything that could be harmful to the overall DocuSign service -- this is not relevant to DocuSign Connect, since Connect is merely pushing data to your listener when Envelope events occur (i.e., you're not explicitly polling DocuSign for changes, as you might with either the REST API or SOAP API).
I don't believe it's possible to configure Connect such that documents are sent merged together as one file; they're always going to be sent as separate files in the Connect message. It would be feasible to, during your processing of the Connect XML message, make a REST API call to DocuSign to request the Envelope's documents in a single file -- however, doing so would require that you use an Integrator Key, and that you go through the DocuSign API Certification process -- probably not worth the time, expense, and trouble, if there's another way for you to merge the files yourself.
