Enable Multi Page Sub report in Acumatica Report Designer - acumatica

When a sub report spans on multiple pages, the main report looses all control of pagination. This results in the report cutting off at the end of the first page when in PDF mode.
Our invoices use multiple sub reports to get shipment and sales order details.
When the invoice gets emailed out by the system to customers, the data beyond the first page is missing.
Question: How can we get a sub report to display all the data it should?
Per Acumatica support we tried toggling "keep together" and adding a page break after, but it did not work.
Note that when printing the report in html display mode, the data does display correctly. It also displays correctly if we save as PDF via the browser print screen.
See images for illustration:

Here is the complete solution that worked and explanation (Based on Acumatica support response):
When a subreport is printed as a part of the main report, and the information in the subreport takes more than one page, the system does not break the page flow and prints all information in one long grid. When the report is exported to PDF, the information from the subreport is incomplete. The following steps will allow you to insert a page break in the subreport:
Place the Subreport is a separate GroupHeaderSection
Allow some space between the Subreport control and the section borders
Allow Space
In the GroupHeaderSection properties tab, set the Keep Together parameter to False
GroupHeader Params
Set the PageBreak parameter to After, so that the Subreport Page Footer is printed as the last line of the Subreport
PageBreak result
The next section of the main report will start on the following page.>

Maybe you can try the following:
go to the master report rpx file and find the section where you put the master report.
And then find the KeepTogether attribute under Behavior, and set it to be false.
Please let me know if it works.


Jasper-Reports - Pagefitting Subreport is split when included in Main Report

I am currently designing a report, that is supposed to use multiple subreports in the Detail Section of a main Report. I am at the very start and up to now have only left the Detail 1 and Page Footer Band for my main report, using Page X of Y in the Footer, and my first subreport in Detail 1.
I am using the A4 Landscape Page format for both reports.
My Subreport is currently containing a Title Band and a Detail Band.
Both reports use "select GetDate() as test" as their main Dataset, so that it's a single line, keeping the detail section from printing multiple times.
Each Element of my Subreport is using their own Dataset (2 lists, 1 Bar Graph)
The problem I have is that even though my Subreport fits my Page, as inis printed on single page when using preview, when i include it on my main report, it suddenly splits the Title and Details Band (I am not using "Title on a new Page") and puts the content on 2 pages.
Is there a way to force each Subreport to fill the exact space on the main report, as it does on it's own?
Edit 1: Additional Problem
The Preview of the Main Report doesnt Change when I modify the Subreport, it always shows an old Version of the Sub-Report
Re-Compiling the Subreport actually proved successfull as it updated what the main report showed, so it now fit the page.
I think there is two solution:
You can set splitType = Stech in band.
set RunToBottom = true flag in subReport

How to make the sub report data go to next when the first page is filled in Acumatica Report Designer in PDF view

Following are steps done
Placed the sub report in the group section and kept the page break before and after.
we tried by using keep Together as false for the sub report group as well
PDF View
Below is the configuration which is working for me.
You can find the example of the report by this link

Apex report pagination

I have a report that has multiple fields (e.g multiple text fields). The report also has pagination.The problem is when someone fill fields with information and uses the pagination ( default buttons next and previous) it clears them in the report. So if I fill information in page 1, then press the next button to fill some more information on the second page, and press the previous button, the information in page 1 is gone.
Also it may be relevant to know that the report has the partial refresh option active, because I need the results on it to be updated when some actions are used.
I think you need to submit your data before pagination. A more interactive manner would be to temporarly store your data in a collection.
oracle docs on APEX_COLLECTION

How to change the result of exporting to Excel format a report with subreport and chart

We have a report which contains 6 pages (I have used page breaks). Each page has few sub-reports and few charts. We are exporting it as Excel.
When we are trying to print one sheet the page is breaking into multiple pages dividing the sub-reports and charts in middle. Is there some best way or thumb rule to follow in order to make reports print friendly.
On the Ribbon (I have Excel 2007) go to View tab, then select Page Break Preview and drag page borders as you desire. These settings are saved together with the workbook, so on the next reopen page breaks will remain as set.
Finally found the answer.
Posting here in case somebody is struck with same issue
Need to set these properties in report
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.fit.width =1 and

How to force a textbox to split, rather than move to a second page in SSRS 2005 (PDF Export)?

This question is a follow up to my original question, I've done a bit more reseach, i narrowed a problem down quite a bit.
I've also uploaded a sample .rdl to illustrate the problem
I've got the following report setup: a header (image in the body), two textboxes, and a footer.
First textbox has a little bit of text, and second textbox has lots of text. Second textbox can fit on one page by itself, but won't fit on the page with my header and the first textbox.
The problem is that for some reason, the second textbox in the report is unaware of other contents of that same report, and as long as that one textbox fits on one page - it will be moved to the second page. (once the textbox grows larger than 1 page - it will split, and will achieve the desired behavior)
Desired behavior is to split the second textbox, and keep as much text on the first page as possible, and move the rest to the second page.
I'm not sure about v.2005 but in v.2008 you can set a textbox property: KeepTogether to false.
This will fit as much text on the first page than the rest on the second page.
This is pretty standard behaviour in SSRS. Like many issues with the Reporting engine, you have to trick it.
In this case you could try to provide the 'lines' for the second text box as individual rows in a Detail, then use a repeater or table to display them. Alternatively you could break on 'paragraph'. Unfortunately you'll have to do this in your data source, probably in a stored procedure, depending on how you're getting the data to the report.
If appropriate you could look at client-side reporting (.rdlc files), which allows you to pre-process the data in a .NET application, although setting up for printing can be more complex.
