Apex report pagination - pagination

I have a report that has multiple fields (e.g multiple text fields). The report also has pagination.The problem is when someone fill fields with information and uses the pagination ( default buttons next and previous) it clears them in the report. So if I fill information in page 1, then press the next button to fill some more information on the second page, and press the previous button, the information in page 1 is gone.
Also it may be relevant to know that the report has the partial refresh option active, because I need the results on it to be updated when some actions are used.

I think you need to submit your data before pagination. A more interactive manner would be to temporarly store your data in a collection.
oracle docs on APEX_COLLECTION


Enable Multi Page Sub report in Acumatica Report Designer

When a sub report spans on multiple pages, the main report looses all control of pagination. This results in the report cutting off at the end of the first page when in PDF mode.
Our invoices use multiple sub reports to get shipment and sales order details.
When the invoice gets emailed out by the system to customers, the data beyond the first page is missing.
Question: How can we get a sub report to display all the data it should?
Per Acumatica support we tried toggling "keep together" and adding a page break after, but it did not work.
Note that when printing the report in html display mode, the data does display correctly. It also displays correctly if we save as PDF via the browser print screen.
See images for illustration:
Here is the complete solution that worked and explanation (Based on Acumatica support response):
When a subreport is printed as a part of the main report, and the information in the subreport takes more than one page, the system does not break the page flow and prints all information in one long grid. When the report is exported to PDF, the information from the subreport is incomplete. The following steps will allow you to insert a page break in the subreport:
Place the Subreport is a separate GroupHeaderSection
Allow some space between the Subreport control and the section borders
Allow Space
In the GroupHeaderSection properties tab, set the Keep Together parameter to False
GroupHeader Params
Set the PageBreak parameter to After, so that the Subreport Page Footer is printed as the last line of the Subreport
PageBreak result
The next section of the main report will start on the following page.>
Maybe you can try the following:
go to the master report rpx file and find the section where you put the master report.
And then find the KeepTogether attribute under Behavior, and set it to be false.
Please let me know if it works.

How to filter a powerapps gallery based on previous screen

I'm trying to create an powerapps app for audits. These audits have multiple questions and I want to create a screen where the user can awnser multiple questions in 1 screen. But all questions have to be linked to the audit. So if a question is already filled in it will display the awnser and is able to edit this if needed.
Every question needs to get a grade (1-10) and a description of the awnser.
I already have a detail screen for the audit itself with the base information. idealy i want a button that can go to the questions and fill them in. I'm using multiple sharepoint databases to store the information. So i would like to store the awnsers here as wel. For the awnsers i made a seperate database linked to the audit and the question.
I also have a database for the information of the audit and one for all the questions.
So my question is how do filter a gallery based on the audittitle? and also how do i save this information easily in the sharepoint envoirment
Screenshots could have clarified the problem in a better way, but as much as I could understand from the problem subject, here is a solution to "how-to-filter-a-powerapps-gallery-based-on-previous-screen" :
When you have lots of fields in previous screen which is required for filtering.
You can store the values on previous screen either in a sharepoint list (by submitting the forms from previous screen ) and then fetching them to filter content ( by having a gallery inside a gallery)
When you have less number of fields.
You can simply store the values in variables by using Set(a,box1.text) ((where a is the variable name and box1 is the input box) function on navigation to new page ( by putting this in Onselect menu) and then using it in the filter command.
Here is the steps to filter a gallery from the value coming from previous page.
put a button on the screen from where you want the value
on select property of the button put this code
Now on the Items property of Gallery put below code
Filter(datasource,columnToFilter = variableName)
Note that this variableName should be the same as above.
This will filter out your data in gallery.
For your 2nd question:
Create a list in Sharepoint which will have all the questions/fields.
Connect this list to your PowerApps app
insert a form on a screen.
add your Sharepoint list as a data source to the form
insert the button on the same page as form
onSelect property of button put this code

Using Relational Controls, how do you do a "soft" delete

In the relational controls sample db (xpagesjdbc.nsf) there is an example called JDBC_RowSetDatasource. This uses a view panel and has the check box turned on in the view panel to allow the user to select a document. Then there is a button to delete the selected docs using a simple action, delete selected documents. This deletes the document but until the button with the code that has jdbcData1.acceptChanges() is pressed the changes are not committed and the row shows as to be deleted (first icon column with the isRowDeleted() call to determine the icon).
I am working on a similar situation but with a repeat control. I can delete the row with #jdbcDelete but that is immediate. Looking at the data it shows the row is gone from the data even before acceptChanges() is called.
Since I can't use the simple action to delete selected documents (no view panel) what is the Java equivalent to delete the row in a similar manner? I have tried deleteRow() on both the variable for the data set and for the row but get an error in both cases.
Howard, the simple action just memorizes the primary keys of the records as to be deleted. If you want to simulate that you need to take a similar approach (using a ViewScope variable or bean) to keep track of your "deleted" records and a method that executes the actual deletion.
Smells like a case for a bean

Duplicate history of multiline text box in infopath

in a sharepoint form i have a multiline textbox that allow to "append changes to existing text".
The problem is that everytime i edit the text in the control and i submit the form, infopath duplicate the history. So it's like i ve inserted twice that text. This happen first time too.
I could notice that the problem do not persist if I use the default insert form instead of the infopath form.
So i suppose the problem is on submit and not in visualization.
Following an attached image:
DO not exist history at column level. It exists just at list level even if it appears like the history can be also at column level.
So, it was duplicate because i did twice the submit of the list.

Excel User Form, Previous Button

I have an excel user form for data entry, at the moment the form functions so that users can add data. I would like to add a previous,next, first and last case button so that users can make edits via the form. The code I used for the form was derived from this website: http://www.contextures.com/xluserform02.html
If someone could describe how to add those command buttons to that form I would be very appreciative!
I have a tutorial on my site that almost does what you want.
It uses a scrollbar instead of buttons, but you may be able to adapt it. The basic steps are
Load the current row data into the form
Store the current row
When a button is pushed, change the stored row (to +1, -1, the first row, or the last row)
Load the new row's data
Then you have to have code that determines if the current record has been changed. If it has, you have to write the changes or give the user the option to write or discard.
Also, you may want to disable the First and Previous buttons if the user is on the first record. Similar for Last and Next and the last row.
The tutorial on my site has all that code and a downloadable workbook that you can follow along with. Good luck.
