How can I delete a file with images in s3? - node.js

I am new to web development and new to using s3. Im using node.js to delete files in s3, which I am able to do, but i run into trouble when a file has things inside it, like images or more files. I don't get any errors when I try and delete the files with things inside. I heard I had to add some metadata, but im not sure what type of metadata needs to be added. Is there any good example on how I would be able to delete those files?


Delete Repository and history

I had to upload my php code to my GitLab project for my university class. Unfortunately I uploaded the wrong data and now I just want to delete all of the data again und upload my new correct data. When I deleted the data manually I still be able to see them in the history. So is there a way to just delete everything I just uploaded? And I am not allowed to delete the whole project because other members have some subprojects.
I am using Windows 10 by the way.
Thanks a lot!

Store file in a local drive folder using electron or node.js

I create one software in electron. I need to add image upload functionality into it. Uploaded images will store in a local drive(D:// Drive) folder and also on preview time I need to access the same folder so I have not idea it is possible in electron and if yes then how can I do this?
And for an extra thing in the backend, I use nodejs if you have an idea about that thing is possible using node js then also tell me so I can integrate with node js also. just I need to store that images to a particular folder which is in my local drive and I also access that image from my local drive for preview things.
For selecting file to upload trigger event (ex. upload-start) through ipc from render process.
In main process in handler for this event use dialog module and .showOpenDialog() method which will return a path to the file.
Then in main process you can use fs module to work with file: read it, copy, move, rename and write.
And check How do I handle local file uploads in electron?

Append files to existing S3 bucket folder via Spark

I am working in Spark where we need to write the data to S3 bucket after performing some tranformations. I know that while writing dtaa to HDFS/S3 via Spark throws an exception if the folder path already exists. So in our case if S3://bucket_name/folder already exists while writing the data to the same S3 bucket path, it will throw an exception.
Now the possible solution is to use mode as OVERWRITE while writing through Spark. But that would delete all the files already present in it. I want to have a kind of APPEND functionality with the same folder. So if folder already has some files, then it would just add more files to it.
I am not sure if API out of the box gives any such functionality. Of course there is an option where I can create a temporary folder inside a folder and save the file. After that I can move that file to its parent folder and delete the temporary folder. But this kind of approach is not best.
So please suggest how to proceed with this.

How to develop a real time file upload with Angular 2 and Node.js?

Usually, while we upload it takes files to the temp directory first and then move it to the desired directory. But I'm working on Big Data e.g. uploading thousands of files at once. So I need to upload those files directly to the desired location and as each one of them uploaded to that directory, the user must see the changes on the dashboard in real time.
Also I need to show user
If any exception has occurred while uploading e.g. if a file causing a problem in the uploading process.
There should be an option to skip that file or retry upload.
Report to show the list of files uploaded successfully vs files that failed to upload.
If there is any network outage, the upload manager should keep retrying until the network is restored.
User can pause upload and can restart it on next login(if it is feasible)
This is about full manipulation of the upload process to give user the best user experience while uploading large sets of data.
You can use ng2-file-upload, it has most of the feature you require.
You can also find demo here.
For rest of the features you require, you can implement those on top of this library (It's better than writing your own code from scratch).

Transfer zip file to web server

I would like to develop an app that targets everything from Gingerbread(version 2.3 API 9) to JellyBean(version 4.3 API 18).
The problem:
I need to transfer large images(40 to 50 at a time) either independently or in a zip file without the user having to click on each file being transferred. As far as I can tell I need to use the HttpClient(org.apache) that was deprecated after JellyBean.
Right now the application takes the images and zips them to a zip file prior to uploading. I can create additional zip files, for example if I have 50MB to transfer I can make each zip file about 10MB and have 5 files to be transferred if I have to. I need to transfer these files to a web server. I cant seem to find anything about transferring files after Jellybean. All the searching I've done uses the deprecated commands and the posts are 2-5 years old. I have installed andftp and transferred a 16MB zip file last night that was created by my app, but I really don't want to use that as it will require additional steps from the user. I will try andftp today and setup an intent to transfer the files to see how that works out. Supposedly andftp works until Lollipop(5.0). If there is an easier way please let me know, hopefully I've missed something about transferring files. Is there another way to do this after JellyBean?
