NSInternalInconsistencyException while running VOIP enabled apps on iOS13 - voip

*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'PushKit apps that use VoIP push must link either CallKit or IncomingCallNotifications frameworks.'
This error is displayed on xcode 11 Beta that uses iOS 13.
No issue on xcode10.
PushKit apps that use VoIP push must link either CallKit or IncomingCallNotifications frameworks. #voip

Embedding CallKit.framework in General Settings of the Project resolves this issue.
On iOS 13, Apple now mandates that all VoIP push notifications be reported to the CallKit framework as a new call
Important changes mentioned here:


HttpClient.PostAsync not complete with wrong DNS server , ios app frozen

Steps to Reproduce
Setting wrong DNS at Ipad wifi setting (ex:
Run App, Request HttpClient.PostAsync
App Frozen
Expected Behavior
Response Error in Catch()
Actual Behavior
App Frozen
Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2019
Version 16.5.2
Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Mac SDK
Ipad Ios 12, 13, 14
System.Net.Http 4.3.4
I have a Xamarin.Ios application, which has a function that uses HttpClient.PostAsync
In case the Ipad is setting DNS correctly, the app works normally, no problem
However, when the DNS setting is wrong, the app will freeze, when running to handle HttpClient.PostAsync
At the output, I'm seeing that Task PostAsync cannot be completed (for a long time there is still no error at Catch())
I have tried on many different devices
and also try on different versions of System.Net
But still can't solve
This can happen if you are running that command on the UI thread. In that case that is expected to happen. As such you need to start the process on a new thread using System.Tasks.Task.Run.

How to get Universal Windows Platform (UWP) application symbolicated crash reports?

For a live/testing Universal Windows Platform(UWP) application how I can get crash reports? Is there any SDK for UWP, Like for iOS/Android platform Crashlytics provide symbolicated report about an application crash.
Following Details I want in a crash report
1. Device Details - like Device Name, Model etc
2. OS Version
3. File Name - In which app crash
4. Line Number - In which app crash
5. Parents Method - Parents Method of method in which app crash
6. Other threads details
I want something similar to Crashlytics SDK, like for iOS. Here the screenshot one of my iOS application which contains crash details
I suggest that you may use Hockeyapp, you may merge Hockeyapp SDK to your app, it will help you collect crash report and some other things. HockeySDK.UWP is in process now, you may use HockeySDK.WINRT instead. Here is the link.
Hockeyapp for UWP is in "preseason" so currently in development but available for users already.
just sign up for Hockeyapp with a free accound and apply for "preseason" you'll get access to UWP and other beta features in a few days. (at least I received access quite fast on multiple accounts)
when you have access it's just adding this nuget package:
Microsoft Application Insights also has some good functionality for this but it's deprecated since last month where Microsoft tells you to move to Hockeyapp

Windows 10 Mobile Error: DEP6200

I am trying to deploy a Windows 10 app to a Lumia 635 running 10.0.10586.11 and I get this error:
Error : DEP6100 : The following unexpected error occurred during bootstrapping stage 'Connecting to the device 'DEVICE GUID'.': SEHException - External component has thrown an exception.
Error : DEP6200 : Bootstrapping 'Device' failed. Device cannot be found. The data necessary to complete this operation is not yet available.
Unlike most, I am capable of deploying to an Emulator, just not the physical device. Based on this question: Error : DEP6200 : Bootstrapping 'Device' failed. Device cannot be found
I verified that Windows Phone 8.1 is installed, and ensured that the latest SDK is installed, so neither of those were solutions. I am able to deploy to physical hardware for desktop/tablet mode, but no go on the Lumia 635.
Installing the latest mobile emulator preview fixed the deployment issue for me.
As it turns out, it was an issue with the installation of Windows 10 Mobile on my device. After a reset the deployment works great, and I have deployed dozens of apps to the device.
1/3 Try registry patch
How to develop windows 10 uwp on real device (mobile)?
2/3 Update your UWP Tools. Latest one is '1.2', included at VS2015 Update1 RC. It's go-live. (But RTM ver will be released at 30 Nov.)
3/3 This is just a workaround ... you can use "DevicePortal" to deploy your .appx package to your mobile device directly without Visual Studio.
Following blog is written in Japanese but the screenshots may helps you.

Xamarin- iOS Bluetooth App disconect immediately

today i installed new updates from Xamarin studio and after installing new updates my ios bluetooth app stops working. When the app try to connect to the bluetooth device, it disconnects immediately by throwing following exception message:Disconnection Error:
Error Domain=CBErrorDomain Code=10 "The connection has failed unexpectedly." UserInfo=0x15863200 {NSLocalizedDescription=The connection has failed unexpectedly.}
I read the release notes of api changes in 7.1 and i think CB Error code 10 is shipped in these updates. Actually, i was going to publish my app to app store but due to this issue, it will be delayed. Is there anyone having the same issue? Is there any workaroung to solve this issue?
You can install earlier versions of Xamarin.iOS to work around this for now (in your Xamarin Store account: store.xamarin.com/account/my/subscription/downloads)

Why does my Monotouch App crash with iOS 6?

I need to make sure that our iPhone App (implemented with Monotouch) will still be be working from the very first day that iOS 6 is released to the public.
I've installed XCode 4.5 and iOS 6 Beta 3 and upgraded Monotouch to the latest version. Then I ran my app in the iOS 6 emulator and the app crashed instantly with the following error message:
Terminating since there is no system event server.
(Run the EventPump or pass the argument "-RegisterForSystemEvents" if you want to run without SpringBoard.
I've tried googling for similar problems but could not find anything. What can I do to make my App run on iOS 6?
Details on iOS 6 and Xcode 4.5 are under NDA and won't be discussed publicly. Please either contact support#xamarin.com or fill private bug reports on http://bugzilla.xamarin.com
