Excel: Can't remove add-in ribbon - excel

I was playing around with adding some custom buttons in VBA. The problem is that I've somehow created a menu in a ribbon that I can't remove. There a no add-ins enabled, but every time I open a new document (without any code) the add-in menu is there. Does anyone know how to remove it?
I know how to create and delete menus and buttons with commands like:
But the problems is there there are no controls in this menu and I can't know what the command bar is named, I've already with with "Menu Commands" and multiple generic delete all code that I found on google, without luck.

After trying for a while, I was able to find a solution myself. It turns it was not just a menu that I had created, but a button without a caption. I was able to remove it by right-clicking the "button", pressing "Delete Custom Command", and then restart (if you don't restart, it will just show up again).


Dynamics CRM 2011 disable jewel menu item

I want to disable "Save --> Save & New" menu item in jewel menu. In Customizations.xml file, I added below line. But "Save --> Save & New" menu item is still show in the menu.
<HideCustomAction HideActionId="Mscrm.Jewel.SaveMenu.SaveAndNew.HideAction" Location="Mscrm.Jewel.SaveMenu.SaveAndNew"/>
How can I resolve this issue ?
Are you sure you added that line to the correct DiffXML (and save and published after importing the modified solution)? You may have done that within one entity, which would cause that one entity's menu to no longer have save and new. I also usually see the entity name within the location, I don't see it in yours.
Use the Ribbon Workbench if you are having issues modifying the ribbon or sitemap or a variety of other 3rd party point-and-click solutions. Stay away from the DOM as it is unsupported.

How to delete all instance of wysihtml5 editor

I have an editor input for adding resume.When user click edit button the editor is loaded via ajax.Here is the code for loading editor:-
When the user clicks the cancel button and again tries to edit the resume, multiple editor toolbar appears.
I think I have to delete all instance of editor.But I dont know how!
Any help appreciated.....
This worked for me. Try it out:
$('.wysihtml5-sandbox, .wysihtml5-toolbar').remove();
It removes the wysihtml5 and shows the textarea as it was before initializing.
I had à similar problem and resolved with this code
$("textarea").css('display', 'block');
removing the HTML tags by hand, I tried to find some kind of function to remove and have not had succeed

Dialog menu not receiving Enter key

I’m currently writing an MFC dialog app which has a menu. The menu displays correctly and the menu entries work correctly via mouse, accelerators, and hotkeys (e.g., to quit: Ctrl+Q or Alt+F,Q).
Unfortunately, the Enter key doesn’t seem to work. That is, pressing Alt+F will open the File menu and pressing ↑ will highlight the Quit entry, but pressing Enter will not select it.
I know that using menus in dialog apps can be a bit tricky, but I’ve done this successfully before. However, that was a long time ago with a customized VS wizard, so I am trying to remember how to do this from scratch. I tried checking my old code, but could not find anything in reference to VK_RETURN. (No, there’s nothing special in PreTranslateMessage.)
These two questions are related, but they want the dialog to receive the key, I need the menu to get it.
Does anyone know what the problem is and how to fix it?

How do I make an Office 2013/2016 application run in separate process on Microsoft Windows?

I am developing a Excel plugin. It works all right for Excel versions before 2013. But a lot of features is broken when it runs against Excel 2013. I found the root cause is all windows are running in only one process in Excel 2013. Even if user explicitly launch a new window by double-clicking the shortcut on the desktop or by clicking the item in the start menu, no new process is created.
This results in the status conflict between processes. Status bar and ribbon is shared. For instance, when I update the status bar information in one window, the other windows' are also updated. When I check/uncheck a ribbon button in one window, the other windows' buttons are also checked/unchecked.
I think a possible solution is to change some configurations to make it work as before. But I found nothing relevant by searching on google.
Does anyone know how to make it or is there any other solution?
With Excel 2013, the default you have is to create a new window within the existing Excel process. In order to force the creation of a separate instance of the Excel process, you have these options:
Option 1
From the command prompt, run EXCEL /X and you will open Excel window as a new instance. The /X command switch forces the creation of a new instance.
Option 2
Right click on the Excel icon in Windows taskbar
Go down to where it lists the application
Hold down the ALT key on the keyboard and click "Excel 2013/2016"
It should give you this prompt, "Do you want to start a new instance of Excel?"
Click "Yes!"
Option 3
Use this technique to open an existing document directly:
Hold down Alt.
Right click Excel file.
Click Open.
Continue holding down Alt until the "Do you want to start a new instance of Excel" dialogue pops up.
Click Yes.
For more detail,please visit:
re. "Right click on the Excel Tab in Windows taskbar keeping the ALT key pressed"
-This option is not available in Windows 10 with Excel 2016.
However, the Excel /X option works and a second change-undo buffer is created, as noted above, in the new process.

in Applescript, can you add an item to the left menu bar if you’re creating an app?

Hello I’m Tate and I have a Question.In applescript, can you create an item for the left menu (application menu) on mac that is not already there by default? if you know the answer, please tell me.
I don't know of a way to add menu items to the application menu bar, but you might check into FastScripts, which offers the ability to customize a script menu with whatever order of scripts you like and with keyboard shortcuts. It's free for any number of scripts and up to 10 keyboard shortcuts.
Also, although I've never used it, ThisService apparently allows you to use AppleScript to add items to the Services menu in the application menu. You might check it out also.
Automator can save Applescripts so that they show up in the Services menu in each Application menu. Just run Automator, create and Applescript workflow and save it as a service. You can assign a command key to it as well.
