Dynamics CRM 2011 disable jewel menu item - dynamics-crm-2011

I want to disable "Save --> Save & New" menu item in jewel menu. In Customizations.xml file, I added below line. But "Save --> Save & New" menu item is still show in the menu.
<HideCustomAction HideActionId="Mscrm.Jewel.SaveMenu.SaveAndNew.HideAction" Location="Mscrm.Jewel.SaveMenu.SaveAndNew"/>
How can I resolve this issue ?

Are you sure you added that line to the correct DiffXML (and save and published after importing the modified solution)? You may have done that within one entity, which would cause that one entity's menu to no longer have save and new. I also usually see the entity name within the location, I don't see it in yours.
Use the Ribbon Workbench if you are having issues modifying the ribbon or sitemap or a variety of other 3rd party point-and-click solutions. Stay away from the DOM as it is unsupported.


Excel: Can't remove add-in ribbon

I was playing around with adding some custom buttons in VBA. The problem is that I've somehow created a menu in a ribbon that I can't remove. There a no add-ins enabled, but every time I open a new document (without any code) the add-in menu is there. Does anyone know how to remove it?
I know how to create and delete menus and buttons with commands like:
But the problems is there there are no controls in this menu and I can't know what the command bar is named, I've already with with "Menu Commands" and multiple generic delete all code that I found on google, without luck.
After trying for a while, I was able to find a solution myself. It turns it was not just a menu that I had created, but a button without a caption. I was able to remove it by right-clicking the "button", pressing "Delete Custom Command", and then restart (if you don't restart, it will just show up again).

Save custom macro toolbar modifications in Excel 2011 for Mac

I produced several custom macros in Windows, modified the XML so that a custom Ribbon Tab was visible in the 2013 version of Windows, and everything was wonderful.
I'm now trying to produce equivalent functionality for Excel 2011 for Mac. I did the following: View >> Toolbars >> Custom Toolbars and Menu. I then went to the "Commands" toolbar >> Macros, and dragged SmileyFace macros to the main toolbar. I then changed the images, modified the text, and it worked locally.
For redundancy, I also added a new menu to "Toolbars and Menu" and added all my macros to that toolbar as well, which appeared as some sort of goofy, nebulous floating box. I attached the macros to the document using the "attach" button.
However, when I send the document to colleagues, the only thing that appears is that nebulous floating custom toolbar, with none of the macros mapped to buttons, and the buttons don't have my custom image.
How do I do this?
The most recent version of Excel 2011 (14.3.5) seems to save custom toolbars in a single file in specific user folder:
Users/[User]/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office/Preferences/Office 2011/Microsoft Excel Toolbars.xlsx
(original source here)
When I saved an Excel 2011 workbook with a custom toolbar on one Mac, and transferred it to another, the toolbar did not appear. When I coied the Microsoft Excel Toolbars.xlsx file over (and dropped it in the proper location), the toolbar did appear.
Note: This location may be specific to more recent versions of Office 2011; older versions seem to store them in Users/[User]/Library/Preferences/Microsoft/Office 2011.
Short-term, you may need to distribute the toolbar file along with the spreadsheet, as well as some means (via script and/or manual instruction) of copying it into the expected location.
<pure speculation>
Longer-term, maybe there's a way to override this default behavior and point to a 'local' copy of the toolbars stored in the distributed file itself. Or, maybe you can use the toolbar file as a template for the distributed spreadsheet.
</pure speculation>

How to alter the behavior when clicking a button on the ribbon?

When a user replies to an email, I'd like to keep the action that is being performed but also perform an additional task (sending a call to a web service, which I've got working already separately). My problem consist of the following two item.
I can't find the form definition for the reply-to-email appearance (I've found Email form, though).
I don't know how to get to the ribbon button of that form and set onclick method on it.
you can change the ribbon properties (such as adding / removing buttons, changing behavior) using the ribbon XML customization file (ms article here).
Fortunately, someone has done microsoft's work for them, and came up with a visual editing tool that saves you the hassle of manually changing xml files.
I like visual ribbon editor, but there are several others (the msdn article contains links to them).
What you would probably want is to add an action to the reply button, which would trigger a javascript function in your code

How to search the changed fields in TFS History?

I am working with TFS 2010. I need to find a way to search the fields that have changed which are tracked in the history of a work item. As fields are changed and updated they get tracked in History and you can view them by opening the "Show Changes(Fields)" dropdown. Is there a way to search this?
There is no built-in function for that however I needed the same thing some time ago and I wrote a little utility called TFS Helper that does it (and some more things).
You can get the source code from codeplex. The tab named "Work Item Field History" is what you want. It shows changed fields of a work item with the number of changes. You can see all changes when you click on a field.

visio 2007 database properties window doesn't show

I know this is probably not the right place to ask this question, but I don't know where else to turn. I tried google, but it hasn't helped me this time.
I have Visio 2007 Professional. I am trying to create a database model, complete with primary keys, foreign keys, and relationships. The problem is that I can't figure out how to get the database properties window to show. I tried double clicking the table entity, as well as the relationship entity, but nothing shows up. I tried running the script on this page, but it didn't work for me.
Any suggestions?
Close Visio, and open again, this time go through home page choosing the Data Model Diagram template. If you try opening the template from the Shapes window it sometimes doesn't show up. Closing and restarting worked for me :)
Click on the database tab at the top, and check/uncheck database properties.
Try Tools > Options > Advanced and confirm that the Enable Automation Events checkbox is checked.
I've found that this happens when I open the document as a different type. For example, I typically like to include the UML diagrams and Database diagrams for a project in the same document.
Unfortunately, I've found that the Model Explorer and UML menu won't show in a database templated file, and the Database Menu and Database Properties window won't show when creating a UML templated file.
All I can suggest is to ensure you're opening the right type of template, and you should be ok.
Right-click an entity or object in your drawing, and then click Database Properties.
source: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/826419
I found this question looking for an answer for Visio 2013 and the suggestions here led me to an answer:
* Select the entity
* On the Format tab, click the "Select Contents" option
* Right click on the entity and "Set Primary and Foreign key" options are both available
I've had the same the problem. As I use multiple monitors and I've dragged the tab to the secondary monitor and when returning to a single one, the tab would disappear. I had to turn both of them on again in order to find and drag the tab to the main view.
