Can I change the App Service Plan/App Service to use the App Services Environment - azure

I first created the App Service Plan and App service and later created the App Services Environment. Now I want to change the App Service Plan to use the newly configured ASE, but not able to change it. I created another App Service Plan to use the ASE, but then it was not visible under the Change App Service Plean within App Services.
I created another App Service Plan to use the ASE, but then it was not visible under the Change App Service Plean within App Services.

If apps have already been deployed into existing App Service Plan. Unfortunately there is no straight way option to move to an ASE.
All you can do is to clone it into a new ASP which has been deployed into your ASE or redeploy the app in ASE.
Follow this for more information : Cloning an existing App to an App Service Environment


How to expose internal azure app service to publicly available

I have created an Azure App Service inside an Internal App Service Environment. I want to make API App publicly available using Application Gateway.
Can anyone suggest me how to do it?

Unable to provision API App on Linux App Service Plan hosted in ASE

Unable to provision API App on Linux App Service Plan hosted in ASE. Is there any constrain or limitations.
When i create API APP Windows app service plans are showing up but not Linux app service plan.
I can reproduce your issue in the portal, looks Linux service plan hosted in ASE v1 not support API App, just Windows plan supports it.

What is the Best way to Load balance Azure web apps deployed under one Azure App Service plan

I have 1 Webapp running under same App service plan. As I am using a premium Azure app service plan with 15 instances, We are consuming only 10 percent of CPU. So to increase more availability and responsiveness of our app, I was planning to deploy one more instance of same app with a different name under same App service plan.
So now I am running my-app and my-app01 under 1 app service plan. Now I want to distibute the incoming traffic between this 2 apps.
As this app's are running under on app service, they are running on same location. So Azure Traffic manager doesn't allow the endpoints from same location. To by pass this I have used Traffic manager nested nedpoint to list my both app endpoints under one traffic manager.
then I have added my custom domain name to traffic manager as a CNAME record mapping. -> -> ( ,
After doing this I am not able to open my app by hitting from Url, it was throwing 403 error. So I added a hostname( and SSL binding for my-app. Then I was able to open my app by using the
So Now my other app instance my-app01 doesn't have a Hostname and SSL binding, So if my primary app (my-app) is off, then I am not able to open the app UI ( fails with error 403). Also from Azure portal I am not able to add host name and SSL binding to my second app which is running under same app service plan. It throws error "the host name '' is alredy configured for my-app so first remove that then configure with this."
So my question is what is best way to have multiple apps under same service plan, load balanced under one single custom domain name.

Deploy an App into Azure App Service inside of Azure's Internal App Service Environment (ASE ILB)

I have created a ILB in a VNET inside of Azure.
And I created an App Service Plan of that ASE (ILB) like below:
And I have hosted an App inside of the ILB. like below
To access the domain, I have created a Virtual machine inside of the VNET and added a host entry inside of that VM.
So, when I hit the above URL ( I can see the below page.
Now from inside of the VM, I want to publish my code to the app service. I can create the profile successfully.
The error it is showing is
Should it not automatically do the bonding with Azure ASE (ILB) and publish the code to the app service?
When I downloaded the publish profile from Azure, I found the below URLs.
So, I added a new host entry with scm word
Then I could successfully deploy from Visual Studio. An empty web api application with Values Controller would return data like below.
That's all. Thanks.

How to deploy a Web App using Visual Studio to Azure App Service Environment?

I am trying to deploy a Web application to an App Service Environment but when I try to publish the web app I get this error.
"Web deployment task failed. ( Could not connect to the remote computer (""). Make sure that the remote computer name is correct and that you are able to connect to that computer.)"
Although the publishing profile of the web app gets created successfully and the basic web app template starts appearing in the Resource Group containing the App Service Environment.
Did you use ILB ASE? You probably need to set up certificate and DNS for your ASE subdomain. Check this out regarding how to configure your ASE
Edit: if you use ILB ASE, it means that anything outside of the ASE VNET cannot reach the apps. You can either spin up a VM inside that ASE VNET and deploy from there, or you need a VPN connection to that VNET.
I know it is somewhat confusing when you do ILB ASE, so I wrote a post about it, check it out if you are interested in it
