Early Stopping, Model has gone through how many epochs? - python-3.x

I am using Keras. I am training my Neural Network and using Early Stopping. My patience is 10 and the epoch with the lowest validation loss is 15. My network runs til 25 epochs and stops however my model is the one with 25 epochs not 15 if I understand correctly
Is there an easy way to revert to the 15 epoch model or do I need to re-instantiate the model and run 15 epochs?

Yes, there is one, the restore_best_weights parameter in the EarlyStopping callback, set this to True and Keras will keep track of the weights producing the best loss:
callback = EarlyStopping(..., restore_best_weights=True)
See all the parameters for this callback here.

Yes, you get the model (weights) corresponding to the epoch when it stops. A commonly used strategy is to save the model whenever the validation loss/acc improves.

Early Stopping doesn't work the way you are thinking, that it should return the lowest loss or highest accuracy model, it works if there is no improvement in model accuracy or loss, for about x epochs (10 in your case, the patience parameter) then it will stop.
you should use callback modelcheckpoint functions instead e.g.
keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath, monitor='val_loss', verbose=0, save_best_only=True, save_weights_only=False, mode='auto', period=1)
This will save or checkpoint best model encountered during the training history.


Can I use BERT as a feature extractor without any finetuning on my specific data set?

I'm trying to solve a multilabel classification task of 10 classes with a relatively balanced training set consists of ~25K samples and an evaluation set consists of ~5K samples.
I'm using the huggingface:
model = transformers.BertForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(...
and obtain quite nice results (ROC AUC = 0.98).
However, I'm witnessing some odd behavior which I don't seem to make sense of -
I add the following lines of code:
for param in model.bert.parameters():
param.requires_grad = False
while making sure that the other layers of the model are learned, that is:
[param[0] for param in model.named_parameters() if param[1].requires_grad == True]
['classifier.weight', 'classifier.bias']
Training the model when configured like so, yields some embarrassingly poor results (ROC AUC = 0.59).
I was working under the assumption that an out-of-the-box pre-trained BERT model (without any fine-tuning) should serve as a relatively good feature extractor for the classification layers. So, where do I got it wrong?
From my experience, you are going wrong in your assumption
an out-of-the-box pre-trained BERT model (without any fine-tuning) should serve as a relatively good feature extractor for the classification layers.
I have noticed similar experiences when trying to use BERT's output layer as a word embedding value with little-to-no fine-tuning, which also gave very poor results; and this also makes sense, since you effectively have 768*num_classes connections in the simplest form of output layer. Compared to the millions of parameters of BERT, this gives you an almost negligible amount of control over intense model complexity. However, I also want to cautiously point to overfitted results when training your full model, although I'm sure you are aware of that.
The entire idea of BERT is that it is very cheap to fine-tune your model, so to get ideal results, I would advise against freezing any of the layers. The one instance in which it can be helpful to disable at least partial layers would be the embedding component, depending on the model's vocabulary size (~30k for BERT-base).
I think the following will help in demystifying the odd behavior I reported here earlier –
First, as it turned out, when freezing the BERT layers (and using an out-of-the-box pre-trained BERT model without any fine-tuning), the number of training epochs required for the classification layer is far greater than that needed when allowing all layers to be learned.
For example,
Without freezing the BERT layers, I’ve reached:
ROC AUC = 0.98, train loss = 0.0988, validation loss = 0.0501 # end of epoch 1
ROC AUC = 0.99, train loss = 0.0484, validation loss = 0.0433 # end of epoch 2
Overfitting, train loss = 0.0270, validation loss = 0.0423 # end of epoch 3
Whereas, when freezing the BERT layers, I’ve reached:
ROC AUC = 0.77, train loss = 0.2509, validation loss = 0.2491 # end of epoch 10
ROC AUC = 0.89, train loss = 0.1743, validation loss = 0.1722 # end of epoch 100
ROC AUC = 0.93, train loss = 0.1452, validation loss = 0.1363 # end of epoch 1000
The (probable) conclusion that arises from these results is that working with an out-of-the-box pre-trained BERT model as a feature extractor (that is, freezing its layers) while learning only the classification layer suffers from underfitting.
This is demonstrated in two ways:
First, after running 1000 epochs, the model still hasn’t finished learning (the training loss is still higher than the validation loss).
Second, after running 1000 epochs, the loss values are still higher than the values achieved with the non-freeze version as early as the 1’st epoch.
To sum it up, #dennlinger, I think I completely agree with you on this:
The entire idea of BERT is that it is very cheap to fine-tune your model, so to get ideal results, I would advise against freezing any of the layers.

Keras: A loaded checkpoint model to resume a training could decrease the accuracy?

My keras template is generating a checkpoint for every best time of my training.
However my internet dropped and when loading my last checkpoint and restarting training from last season (using initial_epoch), the accuracy dropped from 89.1 (loaded model value) to 83.6 in the first season of new training. Is this normal behavior when resuming(restarting) a training? Because when my network fell it was already in the 30th season and there was no drop in accuracy, there was also no significant improvement and so did not generate any new checkpoint, forcing me to come back a few epochs.
Thanks in advance for the help.
The problem with saving and retraining is that, when you start retraining from a trained model up to epoch N, at epoch N+1 it does not have the history retained.
You are training a model for 30 epochs. At epoch 15, you have an accuracy of 88% (say you save your model according to the best validation accuracy). Unfortunately, something happens and your training crashes. However, since you trained with checkpoints, you have the resulting model obtained at epoch 15, before your program crashed.
If you start retraining from epoch 15, the previous validation_accuracies(since you now train again "from scratch"), will not be 'remembered anywhere'. If you get at epoch 16 a validation accuracy of 84%, your 'best_model' (with 88% acc) will be overwritten with the epoch 16 model, because there is no saved/internal history data of the prior training/validation accuracies. Under the hood, at a new retraining, 84% will be compared to -inf, therefore it will save the epoch 16 model.
The solution is to either retrain from scratch, or to initialise the second training validation accuracies with a list (manually or obtained from Callback) from the previous training. In this way, the maximum accuracy compared by Keras under the hood at the end of your epoch, would be 88% (in the scenario) not -inf.

Is it ok to run same model multiple times?

My Question is I ran a keras model for 100 epochs(gave epochs=100) and stopped for some time for cooling purpose of CPU and GPU.
Than I ran 100 epochs again and loss is decreasing from where it has stopped in the previous 100 epochs .
Is it works in all conditions.
Like if there are on 1000 epochs I want to train my model, can I stop after every 100 epochs and wait until my cpu and GPU cools and run the next 100 epochs.
Can I do this?
It will not work in all conditions. For examples if you shuffle the data and perform a validation split like this :
fit(x,y,epochs=1, verbose=1, validation_split=0.2, shuffle=True)
You will use the entire dataset for training which is not what you expect.
Furthermore, by doing multiple fit you will erase history information (accuracy, loss, etc at each epoch), given by :
So some callback functions that use this history will not work properly, like EarlyStopping (source code here).
Otherwise, it works as it does not mess around with the keras optimizer as you can see in the source code of keras optimizers (Adadelta optimizer).
However, I do not recommend to do this. Because it could cause bugs in future development. A cleaner way to do that would be to create a custom callback function with a delay like this :
import time
class DelayCallback(keras.callbacks.Callback):
def __init__(self,delay_value=10, epoch_to_complete=10):
self.delay_value = delay_value # in second
self.epoch_to_complete = epoch_to_complete
def on_epoch_begin(self, epoch, logs={}):
if (epoch+1) % self.epoch_to_complete == 0:
print("cooling down")
model.fit(x_train, y_train,
verbose=1, callbacks=[DelayCallback()])

How Keras really fits the models via epochs

I am a bit confused on how Keras fits the models. In general, Keras models are fitted by simply using model.fit(...) something like the following:
model.fit(X_train, y_train, epochs=300, batch_size=64, validation_data=(X_test, y_test))
My question is: Because I stated the testing data by the argument validation_data=(X_test, y_test), does it mean that each epoch is independent? In other words, I understand that at each epoch, Keras train the model using the training data (after getting shuffled) followed by testing the trained model using the provided validation_data. If that's the case, then no matter how many epochs I choose, I only take the results of the last epoch!!
If this scenario is correct, so we do we need multiple epoches? Unless these epoches are dependent somwhow where each epoch uses the same NN weights from the previous epoch, correct?
Thank you
When Keras fit your model it pass throught all the dataset at each epoch by a step corresponding to your batch_size.
For exemple if you have a dataset of 1000 items and a batch_size of 8, the weight of your model will be updated by using 8 items and this until it have seen all your data set.
At the end of that epoch, the model will try to do a prediction on your validation set.
If we have made only one epoch, it would mean that the weight of the model is updated only once per element (because it only "saw" one time the complete dataset).
But in order to minimize the loss function and by backpropagation, we need to update those weights multiple times in order to reach the optimum loss, so pass throught all the dataset multiple times, in other word, multiple epochs.
I hope i'm clear, ask if you need more informations.

Overfitting after one epoch

I am training a model using Keras.
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(units=300, input_shape=(timestep,103), use_bias=True, dropout=0.2, recurrent_dropout=0.2))
model.compile(loss="binary_crossentropy", optimizer="adam", metrics=["accuracy"])
while True:
history = model.fit_generator(
generator = data_generator(x_[train_indices],
y_[train_indices], batch = batch, timestep=timestep),
steps_per_epoch=(int)(train_indices.shape[0] / batch),
validation_steps=(int)(validation_indices.shape[0] / batch),
x_[validation_indices],y_[validation_indices], batch=batch,timestep=timestep))
It is a multiouput classification accoriding to scikit-learn.org definition:
Multioutput regression assigns each sample a set of target values.This can be thought of as predicting several properties for each data-point, such as wind direction and magnitude at a certain location.
Thus, it is a recurrent neural network I tried out different timestep sizes. But the result/problem is mostly the same.
After one epoch, my train loss is around 0.0X and my validation loss is around 0.6X. And this values keep stable for the next 10 epochs.
Dataset is around 680000 rows. Training data is 9/10 and validation data is 1/10.
I ask for intuition behind that..
Is my model already over fittet after just one epoch?
Is 0.6xx even a good value for a validation loss?
High level question:
Therefore it is a multioutput classification task (not multi class), I see the only way by using sigmoid an binary_crossentropy. Do you suggest an other approach?
I've experienced this issue and found that the learning rate and batch size have a huge impact on the learning process. In my case, I've done two things.
Reduce the learning rate (try 0.00005)
Reduce the batch size (8, 16, 32)
Moreover, you can try the basic steps for preventing overfitting.
Reduce the complexity of your model
Increase the training data and also balance each sample per class.
Add more regularization (Dropout, BatchNorm)
