Trying to fill text in input box with dynamic drop down - excel

I need some help. Chrome (v 75.0.3770.100) using Selenium Basic ChromeDriver (v 75.0.3770.140) in Excel (2013) VBE. There's an input box which generates a dynamic list if the customer id# exists. I wish to fill in the customer id# then select from the dynamic drop down. But first step, I'm struggling to input my text to the box. I'm able to click on the box with
but when I try to fill in the box with:
obj.FindElementById("selectcustTxt").Value = "1111"
I get an error Run-time error '424': Object required
I tried the following FindElementByXPath with both .Value and .Text but get the same Run-time error '424': Object required
obj.FindElementByXPath("//input[#class='form-control cust-autosuggest ng-pristine ng-valid ng-touched'][#id='selectcustTxt']").Value = "1111"
Here's the HTML:
<div class="form-group search-field"><input id="selectcustTxt" type="text" class="form-control cust-autosuggest ng-valid ng-touched ng-dirty ng-valid-parse" autocomplete="off" plshholder="Enter Cust name" autocomplepte="off" ng-model="cust" suggest-type="custService" sh-autosuggest="custAddresses" data-validation="required">

To send a character sequence within the desired element you can use either of the following Locator Strategies:
Using FindElementByCss:
obj.FindElementByCss("").SendKeys ("1111")
Using FindElementByXPath:
obj.FindElementByXPath("//input[#class='form-control cust-autosuggest ng-valid ng-touched ng-dirty ng-valid-parse' and #id='selectcustTxt']").SendKeys ("1111")
You can find a couple of relevant discussions in:
How to send text to some HTML elements?
Need help to fill number into Chrome input box with Selenium


Trying to select item from dropdown box

Trying to select an item from a drop down list using a variable.
I'm able to click the drop down list, I'm able to click on the item with explicit text but not using a variable.
Chrome (v 75.0.3770.142) using Selenium Basic ChromeDriver (v 75.0.3770.140) in Excel (2013) VBA.
it works if i use explicit:
Obj.FindElementByXPath("//option[#label='Z01 - Customer Request - Paid']").Click
but doesn't work if using a string variable:
Here's the HTML:
<select id="tickboxreason" name="boxreason" class="emergency-reasons form-control ng-touched ng-dirty ng-valid-parse ng-valid ng-valid-required" ng-model="currentCartConfig.boxreason" ng-options="reason.displayValue for reason in reasonList.emergencyOrderReasons | orderBy:'code' track by reason.code" ng-change="updateRDD()" ng-required="currentCartConfig.emergencyFlag" required="required">
<option value="">Select Reason</option>
<option value="Z01" label="Z01 - Customer Request - Paid">Z01 - Customer Request - Paid</option>
You have missed the string quotes.Try the below option.
Obj.FindElementByXPath("//option[#label='" & SomeStringVariable & "']").Click
I would go with a faster css attribute = value selector
obj.FindElementByCss("[label='" & variable & "']").click

Using aria-label to locate and insert value with Python3

I want to locate and insert value inside a 'value' field.
As you can see the following HTML code the value is empty, I'm trying to locate the element to insert a new value to it but unable to find.
<input aria-label="" id="tab-shared-widget-2" class="" data-tb-test-id="auth-component-password-text-field-TextInput" type="password" value=""
I've tried to locate the element using XPath and by CSS Selector and for some reason my web driver still doesn't find the element using both ways.
susername = driver.find_element_by_css_selector("#tab-shared-widget-2")
spassword = driver.find_element_by_xpath("tab-shared-widget-2").get_attribute('value')

Not able to locate an element in protractor

I am having a UI as given below.
<div class="BtyD1c WFUbU" jsname="Y3PF3">
<div jsname="YCbqLe" style="display: block;">
<div class="qh jxzYFc ZlpBcf XWx4Gf IbyGtb Tea E5 OI LtchOd oj" jscontroller="pxq3x" jsaction="clickonly:KjsqPd; focus:Jt1EX; blur:fpfTEe; input:Lg5SV;" jsshadow jsname="NuJwOd">
<div class="PI jh">
<div class="D5 fda">
<div class="F5">
<input type="text" class="Ij Sl" jsname="YPqjbf" autocomplete="off" tabindex="0" aria-label="Text input area where you can input a URL for the action." maxlength="1500" value="" autofocus="" data-initial-value="enter url here" badinput="false" dir="ltr" aria-invalid="false">
I need to enter some input in this input field.For that i have used a locator
".Xz2Gac .WFUbU div:nth-child(6) .jxzYFc input"
But it says ElementNotVisibleError: element not interactable. But when i am giving the locators as
".Xz2Gac .WFUbU div:nth-child(7) .jxzYFc input"
then it is successfully entering the input data into that input field.I am not understanding why it so?because the input field is in 6th div of class 'WFUbU'.Am i right?.
if you exam the html sample that you provided, you can see that there is 6 childs only.
For the css matcher, possibly it ignore the condition to find the 7 child (which does not exist) and continue with matching next case.
With the following experiment:
.WFUbU .jxzYFc input
you will get the input
.WFUbU div:nth-child(6) .jxzYFc input
you again get again the input
Here is full explanation about nth:child
Note: avoid creating such locators based on child of elements, due
dynamic changes of creation/updating a website.
If the unique jsname is always constat use something like:
CSS selector
Xpath selector
Try following two css locator manually in Chrome DevTool.
.Xz2Gac .WFUbU > div:nth-child(6) .jxzYFc input
.Xz2Gac .WFUbU div:nth-child(6) .jxzYFc input
If both locator find the same input, means there are one invisible input and one visible input. You should use .Xz2Gac .WFUbU div:nth-child(7) .jxzYFc input to find the visible input.
If they find different input, I think .Xz2Gac .WFUbU > div:nth-child(6) .jxzYFc input should find the visible input that's what you want.
> in css locator means to fine direct/first layer child.
(blankspace) in css locator means to find descendants which includes direct/first layer child

working with .Document.getElementById() and variables in vba

I am trying to select the value from a dropdown box using vba, the code block for the dropdown box is as follows
<input type="text" id="form_autocomplete_input-1542902425322" list="form_autocomplete_suggestions-1542902425322" placeholder="Search keyword or select filter" role="combobox" aria-expanded="false" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" aria-autocomplete="list" aria-owns="form_autocomplete_suggestions-1542902425322 form_autocomplete_selection-1542902425322">
If the value of form_autocomplete_suggestions-1542902425322 was static I would use .Document.getElementById("form_autocomplete_suggestions-1542902425322").Value = "Role: Student" however this seems to be a randomly generated numerical value.
I have had a look and it seems I cannot simply add a wildcard in such as .Document.getElementById("form_autocomplete_suggestions-*").Value = "Role: Student"
And as its randomly generated and such a long number it cannot loop through an array of values. so I am unsure on how to solve this issue.
You can use css attribute equals value selector syntax with the ^ operator to say starts with a certain substring. You could also use * instead, which means contains.
You might also use:
[placeholder='Search keyword or select filter']
Which would be:
ie.document.querySelector("[placeholder='Search keyword or select filter']")
As you indicate this needs to be selected you may need:
ie.document.querySelector("[id^='form_autocomplete_input-']").Selected = True
CSS attribute selectors

Python + Selenium - Select Drop Down Option using Stored Variable

I have written a python selenium script that selects a state value from a drop down. The HTML for the drop down element is copied below:
<div class="hQSHyh4QFG0Xh0d-6pxTF" tabindex="0" style="height: 238px; display: none;">
<div class="SD_7vnwWhO0KG80czzPb3 option-0 al-option">AL</div>
<div class="SD_7vnwWhO0KG80czzPb3 option-1 ak-option">AK</div>
<div class="SD_7vnwWhO0KG80czzPb3 option-2 as-option">AS</div>
<div class="SD_7vnwWhO0KG80czzPb3 option-3 az-option">AZ</div>
<div class="SD_7vnwWhO0KG80czzPb3 option-4 ar-option">AR</div>
<div class="SD_7vnwWhO0KG80czzPb3 option-5 ca-option">CA</div>
<div class="SD_7vnwWhO0KG80czzPb3 option-59 um-option">UM</div>
Problem: the automation script locates the same state value ("CA") using a hard-coded xpath statement (See code snippet from script below). Instead, I would like to select the state value using a stored variable called "state".
state_selection = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath("/html/body/div[2]/div/div[2]/div/div/div[2]/div[1]/form/div/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div[2]/div/div[3]/div[6]")
Additional Notes: I have tried using other methods to locate the state value (see below) but, so far, I have only been successful using the hard-coded xpath above.
I also tried to locate the drop down element using the Selenium Select Method but I got messages telling me that "Select only works on <select> elements, not on 'div' "
Try to select required option by its text content:
state = "CA"
state_selection = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[.='%s']" % state)
