Display a user friendly message in user event script - netsuite

I'm trying to do some validations using a user event script but I want to show user some meaningful error instead of the default 'suitescript' error at the end. Is there any way to do this?

User Events are server-side, so there is no UI in which to display a message. You cannot validate date on beforeSubmit and display a message. If you want to validate as the user saves and show them feedback, you need to use the saveRecord entry point on a Client Script.
You can do this via the beforeLoad entry point because it receives a reference to the Form in context, which has an addPageInitMessage entry. Check out the Help docs for this method to see if it will work for your case.

As #erictgrubaugh suggested you cannot use User Event for validation.
If you want to perform validation and stop form submission, you need to use ClientScript with saveRecord and you can perform all of your validations here. If current record does not passes your validation you show user error using N/ui/message with some description and if everything is correct return true.
To stop current record from being saved, return false from saveRecord.
Check this out to see how to use N/ui/message and this for further reading on saveRecord.

You can use "throw" to display error message on before submit.


Task field that links to the originating transaction

I have a custom task form that has a field which displays the transaction id (in this case a sales order)for the record the task was created in.
I would like to have this field be a hyperlink to that specific transaction but am lost on how to do this.
Is this possible?
In view mode on the task any records linked under the 'related records' tab are links to the respective record. This is automatic.
If you want on the main section you can add one with a user event script possibly coupled with a client event script.
In the Before Load user event script detect that a transaction is assigned and create a new field of type URL and use the N/url module to derive the url of the transaction.
If the user who needs the link is allowed to change the linked transaction then you could also add a client script that uses a fieldChanged event to update the value of the custom field added in the User Event script.
If you need the client script and want to eliminated duplicate code then you could set the value of the url custom field in the pageInit event of the client script (i.e. both the pageInit and fieldChanged events could use the same url resolution code.
The field must be of type List/Record pointing to a Transaction list, or an HTML type set using an <a href="url"> attribute.
I would advise against hard-coding links in the system though, and try to use the List/Record field type first.
Hope that helps! If not, feel free to comment back and I'll see what other help I can provide. If possible, please provide screenshots.

Can you go back a step in a waterfall dialog if the user entered wrong data? #botframework

In a dialog, I want to ask the user for his email address.
If the user entered an invalid email by mistake, I would like to be able to go back or get into some "loop" situation of keep asking him for his email until he enters a valid one.
What's the best way to accomplish that?
I couldn't find any way to go back a step in a waterfall dialog.
You can by calling next({ resumed: builder.ResumeReason.back }) but there's actually a better way to do what you're trying to do.
In the latest v0.8.0 version of the library I added a new DialogAction.validatedPrompt() action that lets you create a new prompt with a custom validation routine. With that you can call your '/emailPrompt' dialog instead of Prompts.text() and you won't need to go backwards. Check out the basics-validatedPrompt example to see it in action.

NetSuite Record Creation Event

How can I change a field on a form when it is initially created, but not when it is later edited? I'm currently using a Client script and coding for this with the pageInit function, but I need to allow my users to manually change the field after it is initially created without the script overriding their changes.
Let me know if more details are needed for what I am exactly trying to accomplish.
As I mentioned in a comment above, I figured this out. Using the type parameter of the pageInit function, I can make events fire on page edit or page creation like this:
function pageInit(type){if(type == 'create'){//do stuff}else{//do other stuff}}

adf calendar :: validation on save

I'm developing adf calendar events form where the main page displays the calendar when user click on any date a small form appears to enter event details. I did most of the work but I'm facing a validation problem, I want when user save the form it checks if a field has a value and contains a number other than zero to save the form to the database if it has a zero it displays an error message, I hope you got the idea.
Note: I set ActionListener = #{bindings.Commit.execute} to the save button, I'm wondering if I can execute the validation when execute commit.
create an IMPL file and override DoDML. You can then decide whether or not to update the database with the change. For a similar sample, see
From the entity impl you have access to its attribute for your 0, 1 comparison
You can. The those validation should be added to the entity object. Generate it as Java with all accessors and so on. In that class you can add validators.
If you want you can add a backing bean and a value change listener to the ADF component and do some checks there as well.
But the common consent is that pre-commit validations should be added to the entity object.

sharepoint validate custom field

I cave created a custom list in sharepoint (created and provisioned to the 12 hive)
how can i perform validation on certain fields of the list when a new list item is added?
i think i can do it through the "itemadding" event reciever, but is there a more elegant sharepoint way?
eg i just want to check an email field has a valid email format.
I think you have to options. As you have already mentioned using a event receiver would be one way. But I think a more elegant and above all a more SharePoint like way would be implementing your own custom field type and field control.
This will give you the option to validate the mail address before any event receiver is triggered and to react with an validation message to the user giving him the option to correct his input.
You could go with validation on the client using JQuery if you have the id or a css class on the rendered textbox for the email input.
