Sharepoint online 'Unsupported app only token.' - azure

I got myself a bearer token by calling{tenantId}/oauth2/v2.0/token with the scope https://{tenantName}
It's a token for a registered app in Azure AD.
When I use that token to make an API call like'contentclass:STS_Site contentclass:SP.Webb'&selectproperties='Title,Path'&rowlimit=500
I only reveice 401 Unsupported app only token.
can some explain why? Is it possible to access the sharepoint online API with an registered App on Azure AD?

Follow this guide right here:
you need to create a certificate and upload the certificate to the registered app. Than you can use the API or the SharepointClient in various programming languages

We had a similar issue (with slightly different error message: 'Token type is not allowed') when using app-only, ClientID / ClientSecret based authentication in a tenant, that was recently created. In our old tenant (created in 2013) we could use the same authentication method without any problem. As it turned out, new tenants have a standard setting in DisableCustomAppAuthentication property, that disable this kind of auth., however it can be overriden using this command:
Set-SPOTenant -DisableCustomAppAuthentication $false
Azure Access Control (ACS), a service of Azure Active Directory (Azure
AD), has been retired on November 7, 2018. This retirement does not
impact the SharePoint Add-in model, which uses the hostname (which is not
impacted by this retirement). For more information, see Impact of
Azure Access Control retirement for SharePoint Add-ins. For new
tenants, apps using an ACS app-only access token is disabled by
default. We recommend using the Azure AD app-only model which is
modern and more secure. But you can change the behavior by running
‘set-spotenant -DisableCustomAppAuthentication $false' (needs the
latest SharePoint admin PowerShell).
More details:


Is it possible to call external Azure Service with AD Token from within D365/PowerApp plugins?

I am new to D365/PowerApps and wonder if i have a Azure Service, (Azure Functions or WebAPP) that is secured with Azure AD tokens (App Registrations).
Can I get an Access Token to my external services using Azure AD from within a plugin step in d365? How do I get such token on behalf of the context the plugin when running as a user.
You'll need to use Flow and compose a http request to get the token:
Here's a good explanation on how to do it using the REST API:
If I understand your question correct,
You have an Azure function APP or external azure service and that is secured by creating Azure AD App with it's roles delegation and so on.
Now you need Access token for this Azure APP with client ID and Client Secret.
We had this similar thing in Dynamics 365 i.e When we wish to use Dynamics 365 Webapi, We need to create Azure AD App and then provide roles delegation so that this app will have access to Dynamics 365.
In Plugin we can give details with client Id and Secret and then generate Token which will be used for Furthure process during plugin Execution.
Note: Most of these plugins we run under System context.
Here are few examples which will lead you to your desired direction.
Most of the Examples also talk about creating Non-Interactive user in Dynamics but in your case that shall not be needed because you are not communicating with Dynamics via (Azure AD App) rather you communicate with Azure functions or so on.
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3

Sharepoint Online REST API with Azure AD v2.0 authentication

Is it possible to authenticate to Sharepoint Online REST API with Azure AD application v2.0 authentication? If yes, which scope should I use for requesting my permissions. Now (for MS Graph API usage) I request "" as scope but didn't find any alternative to this for Sharepoint Online REST API.
I already registered an application on, this application is available on There I have added required permissions for Sharepoint Online.
Yes you can. To do this first you need to get a new access token using a regular refresh token you got for the graph already:
Except this time pass the following for the scope header:
Your application will need to already be consented for this scope etc...
The response will give you can access token that can be used again SPO APIs.
It should be the same authentication with Azure AD, the scope you are looking for should be the Site scopes.
Do not have SharePoint sites to check but if permission are granted to the application you should be able to query SharePoint site using Azure Graph APIs.

Azure Portal Mobile App Permissions

We just moved to Azure Portal and i created a Xamarin Cross-Platform app that gets authenticated via MSAL.
When i was building the app. it was registered on, and the user was getting authenticated without any problems.
After testing, i registered it on our Azure Portal under app registration, gave it the required permissions as before, and updated the app ID in the code.
Now, i cant even go past my email page. I keep getting the message:"It looks like you're trying to open this resource with an app that hasn't been approved by your IT dept", even though the admin granted the permissions to the app. Not sure where to go from here. Any help appreciated.
Thanks in advance
When i was building the app. it was registered on, and the user was getting authenticated without any problems. is used to register the application for Azure AD v2.0, and you could leverage MSAL for authenticating users by using AD account or personal Microsoft account.
For the application registered on Azure portal, you need to use the ADAL library. Detailed tutorial about integrating Azure AD (v1.0) with your xamarin apps, you could follow here.
Based on your scenario, for using MS graph via ADAL, you could create an app under your tenant and add the required delegated permissions to the Microsoft Graph API. The AcquireTokenAsync method would look as follows:
var authResult = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync("", clientId, returnUri, parent);
Moreover, for differences between app-only and delegated scopes permissions, you could follow here. Also, you could check differences between Microsoft Graph or Azure AD Graph.

Manage user from Azure AD B2C using AD Graph API - secure access

We are building a Xamarin Native mobile apps and using Azure AD B2C for authenticating users using their social logins.
We decided use MSAL native library (Xamarin) for authenticating using B2C. And our mobile app required to manage(full access) the signed-in user profile. Since this feature isn't available in MSAL we have decided to go with ADAL for the time being. Followed the instruction provided in the link below and the sample works. But I started experimenting by deleting the API access provided in the application (created in b2c tenant) and the ran the application with "Get-user" parameter. And the application is still able to get the users from AD. Not sure how secure is this thing?
Then deleted the application key from the B2c tenant application and ran the console application sample. And received an error AADSTS70002: Error validating credentials. AADSTS50012: Invalid client secret is provided.
Trace ID: cef09957-06bf-462e-a0c3-4ed6bae11e00
Correlation ID: afab126d-8694-479a-8a21-c12eb7cb176c
Any Idea why this is happening. I would like to implement this on a xamarin.ios app and any guidance much appreciated.
The answer to this is very similar to the answer to your other question: Exception access Azure AD B2C using ADAL library for user management, which can be summarized as:
Azure AD B2C does not yet support delegated permissions to the Azure AD or Microsoft Graph. The correct way to work around this limitation at this time is to have your native client application call a web API (using MSAL) which would in turn call the Graph API (using ADAL). This web API is an API you build which has authorization logic to scope the user management operations.
Once user management in Azure AD B2C is supported via the Microsoft Graph, you won't need this API and will be able to use delegated permissions (vs application permissions using client credentials) to have your native client application talk directly to the Microsoft Graph. In the interim, you'll have to stand up your own Web API as per the guidance above.
UPDATE: the Azure AD v2.0 endpoint and Microsoft Graph API now support client credentials flow, so you can also use MSAL for your Microsoft Graph API calls. However if you need to call the Azure AD Graph, then you will still need to use ADAL.

How to obtain Azure AD token inside Office 365 Outlook (or office apps) add-in?

I need the token in order to use office api discovery service ( to find SharePoint root url.
Is it possible to get access to Azure AD token from add-ins (Outlook/Office)?
Edit(To make things more clear):
As I'm building a multi-tenant Azure hosted app that should be launched via add-ins, I will have to force users to log-in in popup and give consent for application. Login is mandatory since in office add-in's we cannot find out who the logged in user is.
You can follow the documentation here on how to retrieve an authorization token - from Azure AD for the use of finding the root URL - also you can use the Microsoft Graph, which is the newer version of the Discovery service (more details about it again at the link provided).
