How can I wrap this Powershell cmdlet into a timeout function? - multithreading

I've tried (and failed) to get [System.Delegate]::CreateDelegate( to work, New-Object [System.Threading.Tasks.Task]::Run(, to work, Start-Job with Wait-Job, Powershell does not seem to be setup to do an asynchronous task with a wait timeout?
If anyone has any ideas, that'd be awesome.
Sleep 2;
$testShare = Test-Path "\\$server\c$";
Write-Host "Share availability is:" $testShare;
}while($testShare -eq $true) # wait for the share to become unavailable
Adams suggestion
Sleep 1;
#$testShare = Test-Path "\\$server\c$"; # could use code here to deal with the hanging
$timeout_in_seconds = 5;
$timer = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew();
Write-Host " Test-path inside of second do loop";
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1;
$testShare = Test-Path "\\$server\c$";
Write-Host " (Inner loop) Share availability is:" $testShare;
} while ( (1 -eq 1) -and ($timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds -lt $timeout_in_seconds) )
Write-Host "";
Write-Host "(Outer loop) Share availability is:" $testShare;
} while($testShare -eq $true) # wait for the share to become unavailable
Test-path inside of second do loop
(Inner loop) Share availability is: True
Test-path inside of second do loop
(Inner loop) Share availability is: True
Test-path inside of second do loop
(Inner loop) Share availability is: True
Test-path inside of second do loop
(Inner loop) Share availability is: True
Test-path inside of second do loop
(Inner loop) Share availability is: True
(Outer loop) Share availability is: True
Test-path inside of second do loop
(Inner loop) Share availability is: True
Test-path inside of second do loop
(Inner loop) Share availability is: True
Test-path inside of second do loop
(Inner loop) Share availability is: True
Test-path inside of second do loop
(Inner loop) Share availability is: True
Test-path inside of second do loop
(Inner loop) Share availability is: True
(Outer loop) Share availability is: True
Test-path inside of second do loop
(Inner loop) Share availability is: True
Test-path inside of second do loop
(Inner loop) Share availability is: False
(Outer loop) Share availability is: False
Ping availability is: False

A couple things...
Having a timeout doesn't necessitate async processing. You could have a sync process (like your example) that has a timeout.
Simple sync script with a timeout...
$timeout_in_seconds = 10
$timer = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
do {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
Write-Host 'Doing stuff'
} while ( (1 -eq 1) -and ($timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds -lt $timeout_in_seconds) )
Simplified your example just a hair to demonstrate the point. I'm setting a run interval (10 sec). I'm firing up a timer. I run a loop until I've hit a success condition (which, in this example, I never will) or I hit the timeout. You'd do the same thing.
For your specific example, consider something like...
$server = '...'
$timeout_in_seconds = 5;
$timer = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew();
do {
Write-Host "Test-path inside of loop";
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1;
$testShare = Test-Path "\\$server\c$";
Write-Host "Share availability is:" $testShare;
} while ( $($testShare) -and ($timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds -lt $timeout_in_seconds) )
The loop terminates once the share exists or the time interval is reached. Note, you'll need to set your $server variable.


Not able to move to the next loop of vm list

I have a code that starts VM's in batches. I am able to start vm's in batches. I am facing an issue here where ('*adds*','*DB*','*') are vm's containing the following wildcard names and need to be started in the following order.The script only starts the first list of vms with 'adds' and continues to restart it in loop it does not move to the next. Any help guys.
Write-Host "Starting VM with "$vname[$i]
$vmList = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $bubbleName -Name $vname[$i]
$batch = #{
Skip = 0
First = 2
foreach($vm in ($vmList | Select-Object #batch)){
$params = #($vm.Name, $vm.ResourceGroupName)
$job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
Start-AzVM -Name $ComputerName -ResourceGroupName $serviceName
} -ArgumentList $params
Wait-Job -Job $job
Get-Job | Receive-Job
Write-Host $batch
$batch.Skip += 2
until($batch.skip -ge $vmList.count)
}while($job.state -ne "Completed")
}while($vname[$i] -ne $null)
You changed this a bit from an earlier (now deleted) version. However, I continued working on the old one and I'll share my thoughts.
If I understand correctly you want to start VMs in orders
* (everything else)
Honestly, I think you're going about your loops are a little convoluted. If it were me, I'd sort the a list of all VMs according to the above order. Then code a single traditional for loop to start 2 at a time and use Wait-Job in the loop.
I don't have an Azure environment to test with but here are my notes from earlier:
Step 1: get the list in the order you need it. This will prevent the funky stuff you're doing with -First & -Skip:
# Example data, substituting for VM objects
$Objects =
[PSCustomObject]#{ Name = "adds1" }
[PSCustomObject]#{ Name = "DB1" }
[PSCustomObject]#{ Name = "adds2" }
[PSCustomObject]#{ Name = "DB2" }
[PSCustomObject]#{ Name = "something" }
[PSCustomObject]#{ Name = "another" }
[PSCustomObject]#{ Name = "last" }
$Objects =
$Objects.Where( { $_.Name -match 'adds'} ) +
$Objects.Where( { $_.Name -match 'db'} ) +
$Objects.Where( { $_.Name -notmatch '(adds|db)'} )
Obviously this is a simulation that you'd have to adjust to your VMs. Maybe Objects will actually be defined by Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $bubbleName -Name *. At any rate, you should be able to get the VMs in the desired order.
Step 2: a loop to start 2 at a time, waiting for them to start before moving on to the next 2:
$Step = 1
# Note: 1 means 2 at a time, $i and $i+$Step, in this case 1.
# So the first iteration will work on index 0 & 1
# You can modify $Step to different size chunks.
For($i = 0; $i -lt $Objects.Count; ++$i )
$ii = $i + $Step
$Jobs =
$Objects[$i..$ii] |
# Run the Start-Job commands against the appropriate machines
# Note: The assignment of $Jobs solves another problem. You were only waiting
# for the 2nd of the 2 jobs that were started. Now Wait-Job -Job $Job
# will be an array of jobs, which is allowed by the cmdlet without piping..
# Wait-Job -Job $Jobs
# ...
# I also didn't understand why one of the loops was conditioned on While
# $job.State -ne 'Completed'. Wait job should be enough and the above code
# assumed that.
# Reassign $i so when the loop increments naturally it's 1 past $ii.
# Effectively this chunks 2 elements per iteration.
$i = $ii
Again, I don't have the right environment to test all this. But conceptually this should be enough to get you through. I'm sorry about the variable renaming, but given the disadvantage, I had to hack my way through purely on concept.

Runspace performance improvement less than expected

I am profiling some code for performance, and not getting the results from Runspaces that I would expect.
My source files are 7 Autodesk Revit journal files, ranging from 13MB and 150K lines to 90MB and 900K lines. Each file contains reference to it's own name some number of times, so I am getting that count as a proxy for some real work I want to do later. In the code below, I process all the files with a simple foreach, and then again using runspaces throttled to 8. In both cases I am using a stream reader to parse the files since the files can get rather larger than the ones I am testing with. I wouldn't expect the runspace example to be 25% the time of the loop, but I certainly would expect it to be closer to 25% than even 50%. Instead, I am seeing less than a 50% improvement. The last run was 14.26 seconds for the single thread and 8.74 seconds for 8 runspaces. Am I doing something wrong in my code, or are my expectations incorrect? FWIW I am testing on a VM at the moment. I have tried assigning 4, 6, 8 & 12 cores to the VM with little difference in results. That last test was 12 cores assigned, runspaces throttled to 8. This with a 10 cores hyper threaded Xeon on the host machine.
EDIT: I modified the code to copy the resource files to temp, to remove the network variable, and I added a Jobs based test, again constrained to the same 8 concurrent threads the Runspaces are throttled to. Times are along the lines of 16.8 vs 9.6 vs 7.3. So, Jobs are consistently better, even though my understanding was that runspaces are more efficient and should be faster, and still performance is barely better than a 50% savings, even with 8 threads.
$source = '\\Px\Support\Profiling\Source'
$localSource = "$env:TEMP\Px"
if (Test-Path $localSource) {
Remove-Item "$localSource\*" -Recurse -force
} else {
New-Item $localSource -ItemType:Directory > $null
Copy-Item "$source\*" $localSource
$journals = Get-ChildItem $localSource
Write-Host "Single Thread"
(Measure-Command {
foreach ($journal in $journals) {
$count = 0
#$reader = [IO.StreamReader]::New($journal.fullName, $true)
$reader = New-Object -typeName:System.IO.StreamReader -argumentList $journal.fullName
while (-not ($reader.EndOfStream)) {
$line = ($reader.ReadLine()).Trim()
if ($line -match $journal) {
$count ++
Write-Host "$journal $count"
Write-Host "Runspace 1,8"
(Measure-Command {
$runspacePool = [RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1,8)
$runspaceCollection = New-Object system.collections.arraylist
$scriptBlock = {
param (
$journalName = Split-Path $journal -leaf
$count = 0
#$reader = [IO.StreamReader]::New($journal, $true)
$reader = New-Object -typeName:System.IO.StreamReader -argumentList $journal
while (-not ($reader.EndOfStream)) {
$line = ($reader.ReadLine()).Trim()
if ($line -match $journalName) {
$count ++
"$journalName $count"
foreach ($journal in $journals) {
$parameters = #{
journal = $journal.fullName
$powershell = [PowerShell]::Create()
$powershell.RunspacePool = $RunspacePool
$powershell.AddScript($scriptBlock) > $null
$powershell.AddParameters($parameters) > $null
$runspace = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property #{
runspace = $powershell.BeginInvoke()
powerShell = $powershell
$runspaceCollection.Add($runspace) > $null
foreach($runspace in $runspaceCollection.ToArray()){
if($runspace.RunSpace.IsCompleted -eq $true){
Write-Host "$($runspace.Powershell.EndInvoke($runspace.RunSpace))"
Start-Sleep -m:100
Write-Host "Jobs 8"
Remove-Job *
(Measure-Command {
$scriptBlock = {
param (
$journalName = Split-Path $journal -leaf
$count = 0
#$reader = [IO.StreamReader]::New($journal, $true)
$reader = New-Object -typeName:System.IO.StreamReader -argumentList:$journal
while (-not ($reader.EndOfStream)) {
$line = ($reader.ReadLine()).Trim()
if ($line -match $journalName) {
$count ++
Write-Output "$journalName $count"
foreach ($journal in $journals) {
Start-Job -ScriptBlock:$scriptBlock -argumentlist:$journal.fullName
While($(Get-Job -State 'Running').Count -ge 8) {
sleep -m:100
Get-Job | Wait-Job
foreach ($job in Get-Job) {
Write-Host "$(Receive-Job $job)"
Remove-Job $job
Remove-Item $localSource -Recurse -force
It's interesting that the Start-Sleep command improves your performance - that suggests that your while($runspaceCollection) loop is part of what's bottlenecking the run speed. After your scripts have all been set running, this loop is constantly re-checking every RunSpace, and only pauses for 100ms whenever one has completed. I think you've built this step the wrong way round - it's probably more important for it to sleep when it hasn't found anything to do:
foreach($runspace in $runspaceCollection.ToArray()){
if($runspace.RunSpace.IsCompleted -eq $true){
Write-Host "$($runspace.Powershell.EndInvoke($runspace.RunSpace))"
Start-Sleep -m:100
Alternatively, you could refactor this part of the code using something like if($RunspacePool.GetAvailableRunspaces() -eq 8) to only begin cleanup of the runspaces once they have all completed. I've left over a thousand runspaces waiting for decomissioning at the end of a script without any noticeable performance drop, so you may be wasting system resources cleaning up earlier than you need to.
Beyond this I'd suggest monitoring CPU and RAM usage on the local machine as you're running the script, to see if there are any obvious performance bottlenecks there that would indicate it slowing down.

$MyInvocation in a runspace Thread

A script (foo.ps1) creates a thread, and that thread creates more threads. Foo's thread is my control thread, and it creates one or more worker threads. The worker threads run a script block. The script block calls functions from a library-script. The library script has a configuration file.
The script block loads the library-script by dot-sourcing it.
$block = {
. $library_script
When the script loads, the first thing it does is find its configuration file, which is in the script's directory. The code for that looks like...
## Global variables and enumerations
$script:self_location = $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$script:configuration_file_location = "{0}.config" -f $script:self_location
My problem is $MyInvocation doesn't appear to exist. As result, the library script can't find it's configuration file.
I'm running Powershell 5.1 on Windows 10. The control thread was made in a runspace. The worker threads are made in a runspace pool.
Does anyone know the rules around the automatic $MyInvocation variable in runspace threads?
Create a file foo.ps1 and add the following to it:
Write-Output '[1] Executed in-scope'
Write-Output '[2] Executed in-thread'
$p1 = [PowerShell]::Create()
$p1.AddScript({ $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path }) | Out-Null
Write-Output '[3] Executed in-thread in-thread'
$t = {
$p = [PowerShell]::Create()
$p.AddScript({ $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path }) | Out-Null
$p2 = [PowerShell]::Create()
$p2.AddScript( $t ) | Out-Null
Run it. You should see something like the following...
[1] Executed in-scope
[2] Executed in-thread
[3] Executed in-thread in-thread
And, I think I just answered my own question.
I see variable in thread.
$rsp = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, 2, $iss, $Host)
$rsp.ApartmentState = "STA"
$rsp.ThreadOptions = "ReuseThread"
$p = [PowerShell]::Create()
$p.RunspacePool = $rsp
$p.AddScript({ write-host $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path })
$h = $p.BeginInvoke()
What are you doing differently?
Im not sure that $MyInvocation variable is supported in a background job
Start-Job -Name Test -ScriptBlock {Get-Variable}
Receive-Job Test
Can you pass the path as a parameter ?

starting a job with dot source

quick story:
for the sake of experimentation with powershell I'm trying to learn how to effectively multithread a script.
now i know how to start jobs and pass variables to my second script, however i have decided to try and figure out how to turn this:
start-job ((Split-Path -parent $PSCommandPath) + "\someScript.ps1") -ArgumentList (,$argList)
into this:
start-job (. ((Split-Path -parent $PSCommandPath) + "\someScript.ps1")) -ArgumentList (,$argList)
reason for this is i have a variable declared in the parent script like this:
New-Variable var -value 0 -Option AllScope
and in the child script: var = "something"
the first start-job passes my argument but the child doesn't set the global 'var' variable
the second doesn't pass my argument but the child script sets the global variable defined in the the parent just fine. $argList variable will be populated right up to this line of code in the second start-job but right after execution of the line, debug reveals the $argList variable to be null and i get "Start-Job : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'ScriptBlock' because it is null."
for the sake of argument assume that right up to the stated lines of code the variables contain the data they should.
can someone help me out with what is wrong with both attempts.
Google has failed to give me any specifics answers to my problem.
thanks in advance for any help i can get.
using Start-Job (. ((Split-Path -parent $PSCommandPath) + "\someScript.ps1") $argList)
accomplishes my goals however i keep getting Start-Job : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'ScriptBlock' because it is null.
even though the arguments are in the script block and the child script is getting and processing the argument.
When you call Start-Job, the script runs in an entirely separate scope (PowerShell Runspace). You can't dot-source a script called directly through Start-Job. You'll have to have the external script process the parameter that's passed in via -ArgumentList, and then return it to the original host Runspace via Receive-Job.
Here's a complete example:
$a = 1;
$Job = Start-Job -FilePath C:\test\script.ps1 -ArgumentList $a;
Write-Host -Object "Before: $a"; # Before
Wait-Job -Job $Job;
$a = Receive-Job -Job $Job -Keep;
Write-Host -Object "After: $a"; # After
Here's the contents of the file c:\test\script.ps1:
Write-Output -InputObject (([int]$args[0]) += 5);
Thread and Runspace Exploration
If you want to prove my earlier point about Start-Job creating a new thread and PowerShell Runspace, and a new Thread, then run this script:
# 1. Declare a thread block that retrieves the Runspace ID & ThreadID
$ThreadBlock = {
# 2. Start a job and wait for it to finish
$Job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $ThreadBlock;
[void](Wait-Job -Job $Job);
Receive-Job -Job $Job -Keep;
# 3. Call the same ScriptBlock locally
& $ThreadBlock;
# 4. Note the differences in the Runspace InstanceIDs and ThreadIDs
Receiving Results Before Job Finish
You can call Receive-Job multiple times before a PowerShell Job has completed, to retrieve results. Here's an example of how that could theoretically work:
$ScriptBlock = {
1..5 | % { Start-Sleep -Seconds 2; Write-Output -InputObject $_; };
$Job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock;
while ($Job.JobStateInfo.State -notin ([System.Management.Automation.JobState]::Completed,[System.Management.Automation.JobState]::Failed)) {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3;
$Results = Receive-Job -Job $Job;
Write-Host -Object ('Received {0} items: {1}' -f $Results.Count, ($Results -join ' '));

Powershell to wake up multiple media drives simultaneously

I have a server with lots of media drives ~43TB. An areca 1882ix-16 is set to spin the drives down after 30 minutes of inactivity since most days an individual drive is not even used. This works nicely to prevent unnecessary power and heat. In this case the drives still show up in windows explorer but when you click to access them it takes about 10 seconds for the folder list to show up since it has to wait for the drive to spin up.
For administrative work I have a need to spin up all the drives to be able to search among them. Clicking on each drive in windows explorer and then waiting for it to spin up before clicking the next drive is very tedious. Obviously multiple explorer windows makes it faster but it is still tedious. I thought a powershell script may ease the pain.
So I started with the following:
$mediaDrives = #('E:', 'F:', 'G:', 'H:', 'I:', 'J:', 'K:', 'L:',
'M:','N:', 'O:', 'P:', 'Q:', 'R:', 'S:')
get-childitem $mediaDrives | foreach-object -process { $_.Name }
This is just requesting that each drive in the array have its root folder name listed. That works to wake the drive but it is again a linear function. The script pauses for each drive before printing. Looking for a solution as to how to wake each drive simultaneously. Is there a way to multi-thread or something else?
Here's a script that will do what you want, but it must be run under powershell using the MTA threading mode (which is the default for powershell.exe 2.0, but powershell.exe 3.0 must be launched with the -MTA switch.)
#require -version 2.0
# if running in ISE or in STA console, abort
if (($host.runspace.apartmentstate -eq "STA") -or $psise) {
write-warning "This script must be run under powershell -MTA"
$mediaDrives = #('E:', 'F:', 'G:', 'H:', 'I:', 'J:', 'K:', 'L:',
'M:','N:', 'O:', 'P:', 'Q:', 'R:', 'S:')
# create a pool of 8 runspaces
$pool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, 8)
$jobs = #()
$ps = #()
$wait = #()
$count = $mediaDrives.Length
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $count; $i++) {
# create a "powershell pipeline runner"
$ps += [powershell]::create()
# assign our pool of 8 runspaces to use
$ps[$i].runspacepool = $pool
# add wake drive command
"dir $($mediaDrives[$i]) > `$null")
# start script asynchronously
$jobs += $ps[$i].BeginInvoke();
# store wait handles for WaitForAll call
$wait += $jobs[$i].AsyncWaitHandle
# wait 5 minutes for all jobs to finish (configurable)
$success = [System.Threading.WaitHandle]::WaitAll($wait,
(new-timespan -Minutes 5))
write-host "All completed? $success"
# end async call
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $count; $i++) {
write-host "Completing async pipeline job $i"
try {
# complete async job
} catch {
# oops-ee!
write-warning "error: $_"
# dump info about completed pipelines
$info = $ps[$i].InvocationStateInfo
write-host "State: $($info.state) ; Reason: $($info.reason)"
So, for example, save as warmup.ps1 and run like: powershell -mta c:\scripts\warmup.ps1
To read more about runspace pools and the general technique above, take a look at my blog entry about runspacepools:
I chose 8 pretty much arbitrarily for the parallelism factor - experiment yourself with lower or higher numbers.
Spin up a separate powershell instance for each drive or use workflows in PowerShell 3.0.
Anyhow, you can pass drives directly to the Path parameter and skip Foreach-Object all togeteher:
Get-ChildItem $mediaDrives
Have you considered approaching this with the Start-Job cmdlet:
$mediaDrives = #('E:', 'F:', 'G:', 'H:', 'I:', 'J:', 'K:')
$mediaDrives | ForEach-Object {
Start-Job -ArgumentList $_ -ScriptBlock {param($drive)
Get-ChildItem $drive
The only clever part is that you need to use the -ArgumentList parameter on the Start-Job cmdlet to pass the correct value through for each iteration. This will create a background task that runs in parallel with the execution of the script. If you are curious
If you don't want to wait, well, don't wait: start those wake-up calls in the background.
In bash one would write
foreach drive ($mediadrives) {tickle_and_wake $drive &}
(note the ampersand, which means: start the command in the background, don't wait for it to complete)
In PowerShell that would translate to something like
foreach ($drive in $mediadrives) {
Start-Job {param($d) tickle_and_wake $d} -Arg $drive
If you want confirmation that all background jobs have completed, use wait in bash or Wait-Job in Powershell
